Chapter 201, International Stadium

Watching his mercedes-benz leave, Du Anran went to the garden to help her mother trim the flowers.

Every winter, her mother would personally trim the flowers so that the flowers would grow more luxuriously in the coming year. It was a little late to trim this year, but fortunately, it was not too late.

"Mom, let's plant some beauty Yu and roses in the garden in spring. We haven't had these two kinds of flowers in our garden, " Du Anran said.

"Sure, they are all very beautiful flowers. I like them very much, " Bai Ruyun smiled as she trimmed the flowers.

"when the flowers bloom and the wind blows, they'll be as beautiful as they can be! "

Du Anran fell into a fantasy, and there was a hint of happiness on her face. The sunlight poured on her body, as if she herself was a rose, delicate but not gorgeous, quiet and fragrant.

"Then I'll leave these two kinds of flowers to you. You'll take care of them. "

"Okay, I'll do it! When the time comes, I'll definitely decorate the garden beautifully, just like the imperial garden. It'll be colorful and full of fragrance, " du Anran said with a smile.

The early morning leaves were still covered with round dewdrops. When the sun shone on them, it reflected a colorful light. The air was full of a fresh smell. Du Anran liked this kind of early morning.

However, when she was immersed in this kind of silence, Liu Wanwan's phone call pulled her back to reality.

"Wanwan, it's rare that you get up so early on Saturday, " Du Anran teased.

"Sister Anran, the president is missing... " Liu Wanwan did not joke with Du Anran and said anxiously.

"Shaonan? Isn't it Saturday? Will he be at home? " Du Anran asked.

"No, he didn't come to the news agency yesterday. I had to rush an important article today, so I called him, but no one picked up. " Liu Wanwan's tone was a little anxious.

"could it be that the phone is out of battery? I'll help you ask Uncle Jin. " Hearing Liu Wanwan's words, du Anran's heart skipped a beat. She knew that Jin Shaonan was not the kind of person who did things carelessly.

"Well, sister Anran, you can ask him. I'm worried too. "

Du Anran immediately gave Jin Haiguo a call. Ever since she moved out of the Jin family, she had less contact with Jin Haiguo. In the past, Jin Haiguo treated her like a daughter, but Xin Zimo always said, how many officials would treat a stranger who had nothing to do with them sincerely.

She did not believe Xin Zimo's words. She felt that Uncle Jin was not that kind of person. Uncle Jin was very kind and took good care of her. During that period of time, it was thanks to the Jin family that she and her mother were able to walk out of the sadness and despair.

"Uncle Jin, is Shaonan at home? "

Jin Haiguo was a little surprised when he received a call from Du Anran. He said Amiably, "He has been living in his own apartment and hasn't come back recently. "

"He hasn't called you either? " Du Anran couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, he rarely calls me. He always says that I interfere with his freedom. " Jin Haiguo couldn't help but smile. "What's wrong? Can't you get in touch with him? "

Du Anran was afraid that Uncle Jin would be worried, so she quickly said, "No, I just want to invite him out for dinner. His cell phone seems to be out of battery. "

"Oh! " Jin Haiguo still maintained his amiability. "You can look for him again. Maybe he's at a friend's place. "

"okay, uncle, take care of yourself. "

Du Anran hung up the phone and stood in the garden, pacing back and forth. His friend He had not been in city a for long. He was just a colleague... ... If he was a good friend, who knew if Xie Chenjin counted ...

However, Du Anran did not want to call Xie Chenjin. Between them, she always felt that it was better to have fewer entanglements. Although she had once relied on him, after that dependence, she felt that Xie Chenjin was also a dangerous existence.

She braced herself and dialed Xie Chenjin's cell phone. She went straight to the point and asked, "Xie Chenjin, is Shaonan at your place? "

Xie Chenjin was very free today. His mood had been getting better and better recently. At this moment, he was playing golf on the golf course. Seeing that his friends had brought beautiful female partners, he was a little jealous.

When Xie Chenjin received Du Anran's call, he was slightly surprised. She rarely took the initiative to call him, but the first thing she said was to ask someone else.

"Why are you looking for Shaonan? " He sat in the lounge, wiped the sweat off his head, and drank a cup of black tea.

"I'm looking for him. Is He with you? " Du Anran continued to ask.

Xie Chenjin did not see Jin Shaonan. He had not seen Jin Shaonan for a few days. He said unhappily, "yes, he's playing golf with me on the golf course. "

"Let him answer the phone. "

Xie Chenjin said with a faint smile, "why don't you come over and see him? "

"I don't have time to joke with you. Let Shaonan answer the phone. "

"Why wouldn't I? " Xie Chenjin took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Good! Xie Chenjin, you're good! Tell me which golf course you're at. " Du Anran gnashed her teeth.

"Imperial International Golf. "

"You'd better not lie to me. " Du Anran hung up the phone angrily.

A few more bosses came into the lounge. One of them saw Xie Chenjin drinking tea alone and couldn't help but tease him, "President Xie, is it boring to drink tea alone? Are you going to play later? "

"President Luo, you only know how to bully President Xie. " A beautiful woman beside the man said coquettishly, "President Xie, this is called recuperating. Later, you'll have to admit defeat. "

"How can you turn your back on others? " The man who was called President Luo pinched the woman's small face. "If I lose, I won't take you out to buy clothes. "

Everyone laughed. "Old Luo, after this game, you still have to accompany a beauty to buy clothes? "

The other women said enviously, "President Zhang has never accompanied me to buy clothes. "

"Our president Yang is the same. He's a busy man. How can he have time to accompany me to buy clothes? "

President Luo laughed. "Our President Xie is still free and unfettered. "

CEO Luo's woman laughed and said, "CEO Luo, then you should introduce her to CEO Xie. Oh right, I have a good sister. She's beautiful and has a good personality. She's tall and slender. It's definitely not embarrassing to bring her out. CEO Xie, do you want to meet her? "

Xie Chenjin laughed and said, "I like beautiful ones, but I prefer those with bad personalities. "

Everyone was surprised. CEO Luo Patted Xie Chenjin's shoulder and said, "it seems like CEO Xie likes spicy ones. They're more flavorful, right? They can create a sense of conquest, right? CEO Xie, your taste is not ordinary... "

The woman covered her mouth and laughed. "I understand, I understand. I have a good sister. That character... No one has been able to subdue her yet. President Xie, do you want to try? ''

Xie Chenjin stood up and glanced at his watch. "Do you want to play a few more rounds? "

"since President Xie is in such a high mood today, of course we have to risk our lives to accompany the gentleman! " The few of them echoed.

"I have to win back what I lost to President Xie just now, " director Luo said.

Everyone walked towards the golf course again. Xie Chenjin was a little upset. At first, he was not in a good mood and could not perform well no matter what.

When du Anran came to the Imperial International Golf Course, Xie Chenjin lost another goal.

"Miss, please show me your membership card. " Someone stopped Du Anran at the door.

"I'm here to look for someone, " Du Anran said truthfully. In fact, someone had given her the membership card of this club before, but she did not love golf very much, so she put it away.

There were probably countless people who came to look for the presidents in this kind of place every day, so the waiter smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Miss, we can't let you in. "

"Is Xie Chenjin in there? " Du Anran was afraid that she had made a wasted trip.

"I'm sorry, we can't disclose this. " The waiters in this kind of place had excellent manners. Even if they refused, they still had a charming smile on their faces.

Du Anran knew that it was useless to ask, so she had to call Xie Chenjin.

"I'm here. Are you coming out or am I going in? " Du Anran said in a bad mood.

Xie Chenjin handed the club to the waiter at the side and picked up du Anran's phone. "Can you come in? "

" ... " Du Anran admitted that she could not come in. "Then, are you going to come out personally to pick me up? "

Xie Chenjin took off his gloves and walked out. "Wait for me for three minutes. "

He hung up the phone and Du Anran stood at the door waiting for him.

Sure enough, Xie Chenjin walked out of the door in less than three minutes. He was dressed casually today and was very energetic. However, looking at his unhappy face, he was afraid that he had lost again.

"President Xie. " The waiters at the door bowed at the same time.

He glanced at her. "What are you waiting for? Follow me in. "

"where's Shaonan? " Du Anran did not follow him in. She looked at him vigilantly.

"You're looking at me like I'm a tiger. I won't do anything to you. " Xie Chenjin pulled her arm and walked in.

He pulled her and no one stopped her. However, Du Anran knew that it was not good to be too ostentatious in such a place, so she suppressed her temper and followed him.

It was a good time to play basketball when they arrived at the stadium. The weather was good, so there were quite a lot of people today.

Du Anran came in and squinted her eyes as she looked around. Jin Shaonan was nowhere to be seen.

"What are you looking at? Play a few balls with me. " Xie Chenjin put on his gloves again and took the cue.

"Oh, I was wondering why President Xie disappeared in the blink of an eye. So he went to pick up a beauty. " A woman laughed.

"sister he, you're the best at teasing me. " Xie Chenjin looked at the woman called sister he and laughed.

"Where's Jin Shaonan? Didn't you say that he was by your side? ''DuuAnrann looked a little angry and couldn't help but glare atXieeChenjinn.

"You believe me just because I said so? What a silly woman. " Xie Chenjin shook his head. Du Anran was indeed too gullible.

"Xie Chenjin, I only believed you because I thought you were a friend! " Du Anran scolded angrily, but she still lowered her voice in such an occasion. "since you like to lie so much, I won't believe you no matter what you say next time! "

"Are you angry? " Xie Chenjin smiled. His smile was elegant and Sunny, so no one could find any fault with it. It made it seem like du Anran was making trouble without reason.

"There's no need for that! " Du Anran replied him.

"It seems that I don't even have the right to make you angry. " Xie Chenjin laughed self-deprecatingly.

"since Shaonan isn't here, you can enjoy yourself! " Du Anran was not interested in accompanying him.