Chapter 220, test your sincerity

Without waiting for the man to speak, Chi Xue could no longer sit still. She threw a stack of newspapers onto Xie Chenjin.

"Xie Chenjin, what trick are you playing? "

"Didn't I tell you to watch carefully? Also, are you willing to bet with me on the result? " Xie Chenjin was not angry. He just put all the newspapers back on the table.

"I'm not playing with you anymore! " Chi Xue was very angry. She turned around and left.

Just as she was about to leave the monitoring room, Xie Chenjin pressed a button. The door of the monitoring room was immediately locked.

"It's easy to start the game, but it's not so easy to end it, " Xie Chenjin leaned against the chair and said lightly.

Chi Xue knocked on the door a few times, but it was useless. The door was high-tech and did not budge at all.

She walked back to Xie Chenjin's side dejectedly. "You're ruthless, but you promised me that you wouldn't let Zimo know about our relationship. "

"That's right. Watch the game obediently and then prepare to be the young Madam of the Xin family, " Xie Chenjin coaxed.

Women were naturally gullible. As expected, Chi Xue stopped talking.

The man in the church lowered his voice and said to Xin Zimo on the other end of the phone, "bring the financial information that you retrieved in London. "

Xin Zimo's face darkened. It was indeed not simple. The target was the information that he had obtained with his life.

Du Anran also heard it. She shook her head desperately and made a scratching sound on the ground. No, those top-secret information was related to the survival of the entire Xin family. He could not hand it over to others.

Seeing that Xin Zimo was silent, the man in the church had a smug look on his face. He smiled sinisterly and said, "either bring your things over, or wait to collect your woman's corpse! From now on, you have one hour to consider. "

"Give me the address! " Xin Zimo did not hesitate at all. There was nothing to hesitate about. Du Anran was all he had. He had said before that he was willing to give up the entire Xin family.

The man was a little surprised. He was stunned for a few seconds before he stammered, "ghost building in the south of the city, abandoned church. Someone will pick you up when you arrive! "

Xin Zimo turned off his phone and drove the car out of the garage.

The rain outside was still falling. It was not heavy, but it was still cold in the winter.

Chi Xue looked at the screen. Her face was Pale. She suddenly realized that she had done something wrong.

"Xie Chenjin, you tricked me! " Chi Xue threw everything she could throw at Xie Chenjin. She lost her composure.

She immediately regretted it. That important piece of information was exchanged with Xin Zimo's life. If Xin Zimo exchanged them for Du Anran, the Xin family would definitely suffer a heavy blow.

She did not know how important the information was, but since it was exchanged with Xin Zimo's life, it must be extraordinary!

"What are you so anxious for! " Xie Chenjin frowned and avoided Chi Xue.

When women went crazy, they were even crazier than mental patients. Xie Chenjin finally witnessed it. Chi Xue, who was quite ladylike a moment ago, was now like a lunatic.

He was a little envious of Xin Zimo. There was a woman who loved him so much.

"You harmed me, harmed Zimo, harmed the Xin clan! " Chi Xue did not care about her image. She threw everything she could at Xie Chenjin.

"I said, let's make a bet. Let's bet on whether Xin Zimo will use the Xin Corporation in exchange for DU ANRAN! "

Other people did not know the importance of that information, but as a professional financial talent, Xie Chenjin was very clear about it. That information was absolutely unique. If it fell into his hands, he could help the Xie Corporation rise to a higher level. At the same time, the last bargaining chip in the hands of the Xin Corporation would disappear.

At that time, it was still uncertain who would annex who.

Chi Xue was obviously guilty. At this moment, she actually did not know how to answer Xie Chenjin. In her heart, there was a voice telling her that Xin Zimo would save du Anran.

However, she would not admit it. She shook her head desperately to cover up the panic in her heart. "No, zimo would definitely not sacrifice such an important document for DU ANRAN! "

"I don't think so either. " Xie Chenjin smiled leisurely. There was no sign of panic on his entire face. He was still as calm and composed as ever. "Look, since we both think that it won't happen, doesn't that mean that there won't be any problems? "

However, Chi Xue wanted to say, what if Xin Zimo did this... ...

However, she knew that saying this was to boost the morale of others and destroy her own prestige, so she shut her mouth.

Xie Chenjin tidied up his suit and tidied up the floor quietly. Actually, regardless of whether Xin Zimo came or not, he would still be the winner.

If Xin Zimo came, that document would be his. From then on, the Xie family would have a firm foothold, and the Xin family would be in decline, or even perish.

If Xin Zimo did not come, Du Anran would definitely be heartbroken. Even if she could understand, she also knew that she was not as important as the Xin family in his heart. As time went by, she would definitely leave Xin Zimo.

Xie Chenjin felt that his game of chess was very interesting.

The man in the church removed the cloth from Du Anran's mouth again and said with a ruffian smile, "Miss, today we helped you test Xin Zimo's sincerity. Shouldn't you be thanking us? "

"Who told you to do this? Who is your employer? " Du Anran's emotions were very complicated at this moment. She would rather not wait for this answer. This was worse than being tied up and imprisoned.

If he came, she would be harming the Xin Zimo. If he did not come, she would definitely be disappointed.

This was a difficult choice. If it was her, what would she choose?

"You will know the answer to this question. " The man threw an ambiguous answer to Du Anran.

"Is it his business rival? " Du Anran asked, trying to get information out of him.

The man smiled and said, "don't ask. I said that you will know the answer. It's just a question of time. Oh, right, I forgot to remind Xin Zimo. "

Du Anran did not know what he was going to do. After a while, the man dialed Xin Zimo's number again.

"Xin Zimo, I forgot to remind you. Don't try to fool us with fake information. That way... your woman will only die faster! " The man warned ...

"Then I'll also remind you. As long as you dare to touch her, none of you will be able to leave the church alive! "

"Xin Zimo, don't come over. I don't want you to come over! " Du Anran shouted.

The man immediately hung up the phone. When Xin Zimo heard Du Anran's voice, his heart felt like it was being pricked by needles. He was not going over How could he not go over... ...

He hated himself for being useless. Why didn't he protect her properly? She had suffered a lot following him, especially during this period of time. She had brushed past the grim reaper several times.

"Miss, we're just trying. We won't do anything to you. If he doesn't come, we'll still let you go. "

"enough. If I find out who did all this, I won't let him go. " Du Anran gritted her teeth.

At this moment, her heart was filled with mixed feelings. This was the first time she had such conflicting feelings. She hated the person behind the scenes for being so ruthless and accurate in capturing her weakness.

"Why don't we have a chat? Miss, do you want him to come or not? " Although this group of people did not know the inside story, it seemed like there was a good show to watch.

"I don't want him to come, I don't want him to come! " Du Anran shook her head. She would rather Xin Zimo not love her so much and she would rather Xin Zimo be more selfish.

Although she would be disappointed, it was better than letting him down and suffering. She did not want to see him work so hard for the Xin family for so long and lose everything.

Therefore, after weighing the two sides, she had an answer.

If you love someone, you should not make him suffer and make him cry.

The Xin family was his blood and sweat. She remembered that he almost gave up his life for the Xin family and almost died in the sea for the sake of this information. Therefore, she did not want him to come over.

She would rather be disappointed than hide in the dark and hurt herself.

After Xin Zimo took out the information and cash, he rushed to the church without stopping.

He would definitely go over, but he would not allow himself to be butchered. If du Anran wanted to be saved, the information could not be lost. As for the rest, it was all up to luck.

Xiao Yu rolled down the car window. Xin Zimo focused his attention on the road ahead. His eyes were as sharp as knives.

He had almost never been to the church in the south of the city. He was very unfamiliar with the place. He remembered that the last time Sun Ping saved Liu Wanwan, it happened to be in this church. With this thought, he immediately called Sun Ping and told him to bring people to surround the church.

Although Xin Zimo knew that this time it was not an ordinary kidnapper, he did not expect that this "kidnapper" had long been determined to get it.

When Sun Ping was still some distance away from the church, a threatening phone call came.

Xie Chenjin had already seen all the movements around the church from the powerful surveillance screen. He had chosen this church because it was very remote and no one would normally come. Moreover, it was raining today, so there must be something wrong if there were cars around.

"Xin Zimo, I've told you not to bring anyone here, " the man in the Church said according to Xie Chenjin's instructions. "Du Anran has a time bomb beside her. It's a long-range surveillance. As long as you don't follow the rules, it will be detonated immediately. I'm not afraid to die with you. "

Xin Zimo did not expect the other party to be so meticulous, monitoring from afar... ... No wonder they noticed that someone was coming to the church ...

This opponent was very powerful. Xin zimo vaguely guessed who it was.

When he parked the car outside the Church and was about to enter with the safe, the rain was still falling. It hit his face one by one, and soon, his hair was wet.

Not long after, someone walked to the front of the church and brought him to an empty place where there was no rain.

"where's Anran? " Xin Zimo observed the situation around him.

"We need to check your things first. "

"Let me see Enran first. " Xin Zimo did not compromise.

The man did not insist. He used the walkie-talkie to say a few words to the Bell Tower. Sure enough, a few minutes later, a man pulled du Anran to the window of the Bell Tower.

Du Anran's eyes and mouth were covered with black strips of cloth. When she stood at the window, the rain fell on her face. It was cold.

She heard Xin Zimo's voice, but she could not do anything. She did not even have the chance to speak to him.

"You've seen her. It's our turn now. "

Xin Zimo opened the suitcase. In front of everyone was a stack of brand new RMB notes and a very thick stack of documents.

The man had headphones in his ears. The other end of the headphones was connected to Xie Chenjin's orders.

Xin Zimo did not leave the suitcase. Xie Chenjin instructed them to let him open the documents.

Xin zimo sneered. He was indeed a cunning Fox. He did not let go of such details. This made him even more sure of who this person was.

"The documents are secrets. How about this, you guys bring Enran down, I'll turn a page, and you guys let her take a step toward me, how about that? " Xin Zimo knew that since it was a remote surveillance, it had a camera function. Once the documents were exposed.. The cameras on the other side could record everything.

If the documents were exposed and Enran could not be saved, he would really fail.

Xie Chenjin had no intention of hurting du Anran, so he quickly agreed to Xin Zimo's request.

However, the moment Chi Xue saw Xin Zimo, she lost her composure. She did not expect him to really bring the documents. This was his life... ...

Chi Xue desperately wanted to leave this room. She wanted to tell Xin Zimo that he could not give them the documents. She wanted to tell Xin Zimo that she had let him down. It was all Xie Chenjin's doing!

However, Xie Chenjin was a Fox. How could he let Chi Xue go at this time.

Chi Xue saw that Xie Chenjin had no intention of opening the door, so she went to snatch the controller from Xie Chenjin's hands.