Chapter 222, slowly torture

"There's no necessary relationship between being fat or thin and having a son, " Du Anran mumbled softly.

"Then what do you mean by there's a relationship between having a son? " Xin Zimo asked.

"How would I know? " Du anran quickly lowered her head and ate. This topic could not be discussed anymore.

However, Xin Zimo refused to let him get closer to her. He smiled shamelessly. "Let me tell you, it has to do with how hard you work... "

Du Anran felt like there was a hungry wolf sitting beside her. She turned her elbow and hit Xin Zimo in the stomach. "Eat your food! "

Xin zimo sucked in a breath of cold air. He really could do it. He shook his head, smiled, and ate helplessly.

Although he ate as usual and was teased by Xin Zimo, Du Anran's mood could not recover from today. It was as if there was a stone in her heart, and the more it blocked, the heavier it became.

It was still raining in the sky, and through the window of the restaurant, she could see the rain falling from the sky to the ground.

She also picked food for Xin Zimo from time to time, and every time she saw his face pretending to be relaxed, she could not help but feel slightly uncomfortable.

How could Xin Zimo not know what she was thinking? However, he was relieved now. He remembered that when he was in London, Guo Zi had repeatedly asked him, "if you were asked to choose between the Xin Corporation and Du Anran one day, what would you choose? "

He used his actions to come up with the answer to this multiple choice question. This would be the only answer.

During the meal, Xin Zimo received a few calls. Du Anran knew that he had disappeared for so long. He must be extremely busy now, so she said to him, "you go and do your work. I'll eat alone. "

"I'll accompany you to finish the meal. "

His tone was still so domineering that she could not refuse. He quietly accompanied her to finish the meal. It was obviously a very delicious meal, but Du Anran was somewhat unwilling to eat it.

"I'll send you to your room to sleep. " After du Anran finished eating, Xin zimo looked at her and said.

There was an indescribable care and affection in his eyes when he looked at her, but she avoided it and lowered her head.

He carried her to the lounge, just like that sunny afternoon when he carried her.

However, today was a cloudy and drizzling day. The entire sky was dark and gloomy, and Du Anran could not find a trace of joy.

The lounge was warm and spacious as usual. Xin zimo carried du Anran onto the big bed and covered her with the blanket. He knew that sleeping was a good way to sleep. Many times, he would forget everything after sleeping.

"have a good sleep. I'll come and see you when I'm done. " Xin zimo tucked her into the corner of the blanket and leaned over to plant a light kiss on her forehead.

She liked the faint scent on his body, which gave her a great sense of security. She suddenly had an impulse and reached out to hug him.

She was afraid. Once she let go, he would disappear. She was also afraid that once she fell asleep, she would never see him again after she woke up.

"Don't go... " she was greedy for every second that he was by her side. She had never had such an attachment.

Xin zimo smiled. He rarely saw du Anran like this, but he still let go of her hand. "I'll come up when I'm done. I'll definitely come. "

Du Anran nodded and watched him leave the lounge.

When his figure disappeared in front of her eyes, she couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. Everything that had happened today kept changing in front of her eyes.

She kept blaming herself in her heart. She really didn't know who had kidnapped her and who wanted that information... ...

She went through all the people she knew in her mind. There were countless people who hated her and Xin Zimo.

Just as she was staring at the ceiling in a daze, a phone call pulled her back to reality.

So it was Sun Ping... ... The hand that she picked up the phone trembled slightly. She had already predicted what Sun Ping was going to say ...

As expected, when she picked up the phone, there was a few seconds of silence on the other end before she said in a deep voice, "Du Anran, do you know how important that information is to the Xin Corporation? "

"I know... I'm sorry... " How could she not know? She was a witness in London, she knew it better than Sun Ping ...

"You don't have to say sorry to me. You're the one who's sorry to CEO Xin, " Sun Ping said, "think about what I said to you a few days ago. This time, someone used you to threaten CEO Xin to get the information. Next time, what if it's to the Xin Corporation? What if it's to take CEO Xin's life? "

Du Anran knew that Sun Ping was not trying to scare her. Her hand that was holding the phone gradually turned cold.

"I can tell you clearly that you're President Xin's weak spot. A long time ago, someone threatened President Xin with you at the board meeting. "although those people didn't succeed, I just want to tell you, has President Xin ever been threatened by anyone? " Sun Ping said "So, if you want to see President Xin's sincerity, you've seen it. If you love him, then leave him. "

A tear fell from the corner of Du Anran's eyes and fell on the back of her hand.

"I watched the Xin Group build a firm foothold in city a from the start. I don't want to talk about the bitterness in it. You've also experienced the pain of a company closing down. I think you definitely don't want the Xin Group to fall. I don't need to tell you how important a career is to a man. As for women... ... ..."

"I understand. " Du Anran interrupted him. She knew what Sun Ping wanted to say.

In ancient times, she was an out-and-out Demon Concubine, bringing disaster to the country and the people.

"Give me a little more time, I will definitely take care of everything. " Du Anran's heart calmed down.

Her gaze fell on the diamond ring on her hand. The diamond shone with a quiet luster. It was still so beautiful that she could not take her eyes off it.

"I hope it will be thorough and neat, " Sun Ping said plainly.

Sun Ping hung up the phone, and Du Anran also threw her phone to the side. She hugged the quilt and slowly cried out loud.

Meeting the right person at the right time was a kind of happiness; meeting the wrong person at the right time was a kind of sadness; meeting the wrong person at the wrong time was a kind of helplessness.

Then, meeting the right person at the wrong time... ...

What kind of unprecedented sorrow should it be... ...

After Chi Xue came out of the surveillance room, she seemed to have lost her soul. She bumped into others several times on the road.

"Don't you have eyes when you walk? " A car brushed past her and braked urgently. The driver stretched out his head and cursed.

Chi Xue sneered and continued to walk forward without looking up.

"What an idiot! " The driver couldn't help but curse when he saw Chi Xue's disdainful look.

Chi Xue felt that she was like a lonely rabbit who had lost her group. Anyone would dare to bully her. However, anyone could bully her, except for Du Anran!

The drizzle fell on her face. Soon, her clothes and hair were wet, and her whole body was trembling.

Without realizing it, she walked to the door of her shop. When the shop assistant saw Chi Xue like this, she quickly took out an umbrella and walked out.

"Miss Chi, what's wrong with you? COME IN QUICKLY! " The shop assistant pulled Chi Xue's arm.

Chi Xue was in a sorry state now. Her wet hair hung half on her face, and her light purple coat was dark purple from the rain.

The salesgirl pulled Chi Xue into the shop and took a dry towel to dry her hair.

After a long time, Chi Xue finally came to her senses. She suddenly grabbed the salesgirl's hand.

"If you really, really hate a woman, what would you do? " She suddenly opened her mouth, giving the salesgirl a fright.

The salesgirl's hand trembled, and she continued, "i. . . I usually say bad things about her behind her back and do some small things. At worst, I just ignore her. "

Chi Xue shook her head. How childish.

She thought of the documents that she had gotten from Xin Zimo's mother's room. She opened her phone and flipped through them one by one.

Since Xin Zimo was hesitant and did not dare to do anything to Du Anran, these were her bargaining chips. Yes, Xin Zimo did not love her, so what? As long as he married her, she did not believe that she would never be able to make him turn back.

"Miss Chi, what is this? " The salesgirl could not help but ask curiously when she saw the photos of the documents in Chi Xue's phone.

"good stuff... " Chi Xue's lips curved into a smile.

She didn't know if it was because the heater in the shop was sufficient, but Chi Xue's heart finally recovered. She no longer felt the heartache and sadness. She slowly forced herself to forget everything she saw in the surveillance room. Yes, she, Chi Xue, couldn't just admit defeat.

She had cried, and the pain was over. She stood up and walked forward.

Xin Zimo was the only person she could rely on in City A. She couldn't let go.

"Get me a cup of coffee and the milk and Tofu that I like. Bring me one too. " Chi Xue's mood was finally relieved as she blew on the heater.

"okay, I'll go now. " The salesperson turned around and left.

In a short while, the salesperson finished grinding the coffee. It was steaming hot and smelled very fragrant.

Chi Xue looked at the "good stuff" in her hand as she stirred the coffee. Instantly, she felt refreshed.

She picked and picked and finally picked the most core content of a page. It was the important case of the construction site that had an accident twenty years ago and several lives had been lost, including Xin Zimo's father, Xin Yonghang.

This matter was never resolved and seemed to have been suppressed. However, in this document, mother Xin found the family members of the victims from that year and signed it together.

If the old matter was brought up again twenty years later, with the status of the Xin family, the lawsuit would definitely be won. Du Anran and Bai Ruyun would definitely go to jail.

Chi Xue did not understand why mother Xin did not immediately sue the DU family in court. It would be so satisfying.

She did not care what mother Xin's motive was, but she could not tolerate it. She wanted to send this document to Du Anran to Let du Anran know that she, Chi Xue, was not someone to be trifled with. There was a price to pay for stealing her man.

She thought of an idea. Since this document was so thick, she would send a few pages to Du Anran every day. Wouldn't that be even more torturous for her.

Chi Xue felt that she was really smart and could not help but smile smugly.

The air was emitting the warm fragrance of coffee. Chi Xue started from the first page and anonymously sent a text message to Du Anran.

She was already trying to figure out du Anran's expression and mood. Chi Xue felt that it was really venting her anger. If she were to send her a few pages from time to time, in a few days, Du Anran's heart would definitely not be able to take it.