Chapter 236, happiness and nothingness

"He liked me on a whim. Now that his interest has passed, he naturally doesn't like me anymore, " Du Anran continued to lie.

"I really don't know what you guys are thinking. Go ahead, I won't interfere in the matters between you and Xin Zimo. I'm just speaking from the bottom of my heart. Since you love Xin Zimo, don't let go so easily. Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. "

Du Anran's heart beat painfully. Regret for the rest of her life... ... No, she won't regret it. As long as he was fine in the future and the Xin family was safe and sound, she definitely won't regret it ...

"Mom, I know, I'm serious. " Du Anran endured the heartache and squeezed out a smile to let her mother rest assured.

"You're fooling around, I really don't know why Xin Zimo is fooling around with you... " Bai Ruyun shook her head. She did not believe that Xin Zimo would agree to break up with Du Anran.

Du Anran was like a child, but Xin Zimo was very steady. How could he not love her just because he said so. She still felt that Du Anran was lying to her, but she really did not want to get involved in the matter between Du Anran and Xin Zimo. She felt that Du Anran would know what to do.

"Mom, look, this monkey is so funny... " Du Anran pointed at the television and changed the topic. She was really afraid that she would accidentally let the cat out of the bag.

Bai Ruyun did not press her anymore and watched television with her.

After watching for a while, it was time for the advertisement. Du Anran casually changed a channel.

"Next, please take a look at an entertainment news: Recently, the person-in-charge of Guanghua media announced that Miss Mi Li has signed a contract with a Foreign Hollywood film and Television Company. Her value has doubled, and she is worthy of being the most popular actress in City A. "

Du Anran was slightly stunned when she saw Mi Li on the television. Mi Li was really beautiful and indescribably charming. However, she was even more beautiful in person than on television. After seeing Mi Li the last time, du Anran had always felt that Mi Li had special potential.

Unfortunately, the Xin family's promotional film could not work with Mi Li. Now that Mi Li's value had doubled, he did not know if the people of the Xin family would be upset.

He really did not know what Xin Zimo was thinking. Why didn't he work with Mi Li? Didn't they sit side by side in the same car the last time Did the collaboration fail?

Du Anran also never asked Xin Zimo this question. She had never been interested in these business collaborations.

However, after the entertainment news, there were reporters who asked about the collaboration between Mi Li and the Xie Group.

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. Mi Li did not work with the Xin Group, but in the end, she signed a contract with the XIE group. After the last press conference, she did not know how the filming of the promotional video was going... ...

There was no news from the Xin Group, and there seemed to be no news from the Xie Group.

Mi Li smiled brightly. "The collaboration has been ongoing. I think this must be a very pleasant collaboration. "

It seemed that the direct collaboration between Mi Li and the Xie family was going well. Du Anran knew that this would definitely bring a big blow to the Xin family.

The Xin family had chosen to work with a newcomer. No matter how much potential the newcomer had, he could not compare to Mi Li, who had debuted for a few years.

Du Anran did not know how such a smart and astute person like Xin Zimo could make such a wrong move.

When du Anran was focused on the news, she did not expect Bai Ruyun to be watching her.

"You care so much about Mi Li? You're her fan too? " Bai Ruyun had never known that Du Anran had a hobby of chasing celebrities.

"Oh... no, I just see that she's pretty. " Du Anran also realized that she was too engrossed, so she quickly switched to another channel ...

After watching for an hour, Du Anran felt that it was no longer interesting. She did not have much interest in watching TV, she just wanted to spend more time with her mother.

"Mom, go to bed early. You have to get up early for work tomorrow! " Du Anran was ready to turn off the TV.

"okay, you go to bed early too. Staying up late is not good for your health. " Bai Ruyun stood up and planned to walk to her room.

Du Anran turned off the TV, turned off the light, and went back to her room.

She did not need to go to work anymore, nor did she need to get up early. She took the Golden Plate Garden Project proposal on the table. The proposal was not perfect and detailed enough. She still needed to continue to revise it.

However, she did not have much thought today. Her mind was always thinking about the scene when she saw Xin Zimo in the evening.

If he really made a move against the DU family, he would definitely be ruthless.

Du Anran did not know what her mother was waiting for her at school tomorrow. Xin Zimo, once he became despicable, no one could compare to him... ...

Her mind was a mess. Du Anran could not continue reading the proposal and wanted to give Xin Zimo a call.

Once she picked up the phone, she did not know what to say or how to speak. After thinking for a few minutes, she finally dialed that familiar number and said whatever she needed to say.

However, this time, Xin Zimo directly hung up on her and did not even pick up the call.

In fact, if it was not for the chance encounter today, Du Anran thought that Xin zimo probably would not have wanted to see her.

Forget it, I'll just treat it as a less entanglement. At worst, I'll just look for Xie Chenjin. I'm afraid that Xin Zimo won't be able to touch the Xie family for the time being... ...

When Xin Zimo received the call from Du Anran, he had already finished drinking and the matter had been discussed. He had already boarded the car and had plenty of time. However, when he saw that it was du Anran's call, he calmed down a little. He did not want to see her. He did not even want to see her name.

He immediately hung up and blacklisted Du Anran.

He sneered. Didn't she have something to ask him again Wasn't she already in the Xie Family? Why would she care about her mother's small job?

What a joke... When Xin zimo thought of this, he could not help but laugh out loud ...

"Mr. Xin, where are we going? " The driver asked.

"Keep driving... to my villa... " although Xin Zimo was not drunk, he had drunk quite a lot, so he was a little confused ...

The driver did not know where Xin Zimo's villa was, but he could only listen to him and keep driving.

After driving for a while, Xin Zimo told the driver the exact location. Only then did the driver realize that Xin Zimo's villa was in a good environment.

The car stopped outside the villa. The driver wanted to send Xin Zimo in, but Xin zimo refused.

He stood on the long bridge outside the villa. The light from the Lotus Street lamp shone in the water. The light was sparkling, and it was as bright as the stars.

The driver drove away, leaving Xin Zimo alone outside the villa. Although spring was almost here, the cold wind blew on Xin Zimo's face, and it was still as painful as a knife.

He held the railing of the long bridge. He sobered up a lot, but his consciousness became clearer, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

It was better to be drunk. When he woke up, it would be painful.

He just stood outside and looked at the villa that belonged to them. There were many beautiful memories here, but in the end, they were all gone. He tried his best to seize the happiness, but when he stretched out his hand, it was all empty air... ...

Du Anran also did not call Xin Zimo anymore. She silently looked at the proposal on the table. She did not know if Xin zimo still wanted this project. It was best if he did not want it. This way, the Xin family would not be too deeply involved.

She looked in the direction of her father's study and slowly lowered her head... ...

Sorry, Dad, your daughter will not be able to fulfill your wish. However, your daughter will definitely make the final effort. No matter who ends up with this project, as long as your daughter is still in city a, you will definitely try your best to make it the way you want it to be... ...

She could only try her best, but no one knew the result.

She used her fingertips to flip through the proposal and the design draft. Each page carried all of her hopes. After some time, she would like to consult an expert in this area to see if she could make the proposal even more perfect.

However, one thing after another came at her, making du Anran unable to withstand it.

Two days later, her mother returned home with all her things. She said that she had been asked to leave by the school and could only leave the school. The principal did not give a convincing reason. He only said that there were too many people and the school could not afford to pay the salaries of the teachers.

However, everyone could tell that this was just an excuse. Bai Ruyun did not sigh too much. She just continued to practice the piano in her free time and planned to find another job after some time.

Du Anran felt that she was very useless. She actually could not give her mother a stable life.

She did not dare to tell her mother that it was because of Xin Zimo that she lost her job. It was better for her and Xin Zimo to resolve the matter between them.

"Anran, spring is coming. I plan to buy some saplings and flower seeds and plant new plants on this land. I haven't been back for more than half a year, and these trees are all withered... " Bai Ruyun's eyes were filled with regret.

Ever since she didn't go to work, she had been tending to the flowers and plants all day, as if she had returned to her previous life. However, things were not the same as before. The current her would no longer have the luxurious clothes and fine food of the past, and she would have to rely on herself for everything.

"leave a piece of land for me to Plant Beauty Yu... " Du anran still remembered what she had said before.

Beauty Yu was very beautiful, especially when the ground was full of flowers. The warm wind blew, and the flower paper swayed.

Before Bai Ruyun could answer her, Du Anran's phone rang. She looked down and saw that it was Liu Wanwan.

"Wanwan, you're looking for me? "

"Sister Anran, where are you? Xin Zimo is holding a press conference at the WANJUE International Hotel. Do you know? " Liu Wanwan's voice was filled with anxiety She did not know about this kind of thing, but because the entertainment reporter from the news agency was sick, she took over and witnessed the whole process.

"Doesn't the Xin Corporation often hold press conferences? " Du Anran did not think much of it.

"No, it's not a normal press conference, and it's not right either. Most of it is because of the promotional film with Phantom Entertainment, but there's still a small part... ... Aiya, I really can't explain it. Come quickly, the press conference isn't over yet. Come quickly, the 29th floor!"Liu Wanwan was incoherent "You must come! I'll wait for you! "

Liu Wanwan immediately hung up the phone. Du Anran didn't know what was going on, and what did it have to do with her... ...

But she was afraid that it was an important matter, so she could only wave to her mother and take a taxi to wanjue.

Du Anran didn't know if Xin zimo would be there, but she was afraid that if she really ran into him, she wouldn't be able to say anything. Besides, there were so many entertainment reporters present. If someone recognized her, she wouldn't be able to leave the stage.

Therefore, she wrapped herself in a thick dark red scarf and covered half of her face. It was expected that no one would be able to recognize her.

Wan Jue was really a place where rich people frequented. It was the most famous five-star hotel in City A. When du Anran went over, she saw luxury cars parked at the entrance one after another.

She had been to this place before. Although she did not come here often, she could still recognize the road.

Twenty-ninth floor... ... twenty-ninth floor.. ...

Fortunately, there was no one in the elevator. Du Anran let out a sigh of relief first.

She called Liu Wanwan in a low voice. "I'm almost at the 29th floor. Are you still there? "

"Yes, come quickly, it's almost time to call it a day! " Liu Wanwan lowered her voice, but her phone was full of noise.

The elevator stopped at the 29th floor. The moment she got off the elevator, she saw a dense crowd of people on the first floor. There were people in all kinds of states, and their faces were full of anticipation. There were Xin Corporation's employees maintaining order at the scene, and the flashes kept flashing.

There were promotional posters outside the conference hall. Most of them were portraits of Phantom Corporation's rookies. Du Anran looked at them and found that they were quite beautiful, completely different from Mi Li's temperament. One was pure, one was charming, one was like a hibiscus flower emerging from the water, and the other was like a seductive peony.