Chapter 238, the ugly girl in the House

"You're already wearing it on your ring finger, and it doesn't count as a wedding ring? " Mi Li said with a smile that could topple a nation.

"It's just an act. Miss Mi Li knows this better than I do. " Du Anran sneered.

"An act? " Mi Li chewed on these four words. "Why isn't anyone acting for me and giving me such an expensive ring? "

"Miss Mi Li, are you afraid that no one will give you a ring? You're so beautiful and smart. I heard that you just signed a new film with Hollywood and have a bright future. By then, there will be countless people who will pursue Miss Mi Li. " Du Anran smiled.

"unfortunately, no matter how many people pursue me, I don't like any of them. " Mi Li sighed as if it was a pity. She felt that a beautiful woman would age easily.

"whether you like it or not depends on fate. " Du Anran smiled.

"You really know how to comfort people. " Mi Li shook the red wine in her glass gently.

The red wine and the light reflected on Mi Li's snow-white skin, making her look even more fragile. Her curly hair hung on her shoulders. As her body swayed gently, her hair also moved like waves.

"This isn't consolation, it's the truth, Miss Mi Li. You'll meet this person eventually. You love him, and he loves you. "

At this moment, Du Anran couldn't help but think of Xin Zimo. She loved him, very much... ...

She knew that he loved her too, but unfortunately, they couldn't be together.

Fate loved to play tricks on people. After giving you a piece of honey, it would wake you up with a warning stick. When you opened your eyes, you would only see a daze.

"I don't understand what Miss Du is telling me. " Mi Li would never believe in love. Things that only children would believe in were simply lies.

Besides, in their line of work, how many people could truly reap love?

"actually, not knowing is also a kind of happiness! " Du Anran suddenly laughed as if she was mocking herself. In her current situation, she might as well not know about love.

Being an ignorant little girl was really a kind of happiness.

"only you people talk about 'love' every day. It's really laughable. " Mi Li mocked, "but it seems that President Xin likes this kind of tone! "

"It's not talking about it. It's just that love is one of the most beautiful things in a person. If you really tasted it, you would know. " Du Anran felt that Mi Li and Xie Chenjin were a little similar. It was no wonder that the two of them could come to an agreement.

They were both people who treated reality as a fortress, and there was no way for them to walk out of this well-drawn circle.

"I'm not going to discuss such a profound question with you. Tell me about Anqi. Are you interested in Anqi? " Mi Li took a sip of wine.

Du Anran shook her head without thinking. "not interested. "

She was not a man, so how could she be interested in a woman? Besides, she did not chase after celebrities. If it were not for the collaboration between Anqi and the Xin group, Du Anran probably would not even know who Anqi was.

"You and Anqi's personalities are quite similar. Both are very gentle and belong to the delicate and pure type. That's why I said that President Xin likes this kind of tone. " Mi Li smiled.

"I don't know Anqi. " Du Anran was honest.

"It seems that President Xin's tastes have changed. In the past, I remember that he liked mature and charming women, but now he likes people like you and Anqi. It seems that men's tastes are really hard to understand. " Mi Li smiled "Du Anran, I think you have to be careful. President Xin is so outstanding. If you're not careful, you might be snatched away by a little woman like Anqi. "

"thank you for the reminder, " Du Anran replied politely.

But speaking of the devil, while Du Anran was being pulled by Mi Li to talk, Xin Zimo and Anqi arrived at the restaurant.

Xin Zimo was still wearing the same suit that he was wearing at the press conference. His face did not look tired, and it looked like the press conference had been held successfully.

As the female lead of the collaborator, Anqi held Xin Zimo's arm and smiled elegantly.

When Xin Zimo saw Du Anran, his face was full of surprise. He did not expect Du Anran to be everywhere as if she was air. He actually met her in Wanjue. He really did not know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate move.

Du Anran was also stunned when she saw Xin Zimo. She dodged left and right, but she still could not avoid him. Later, he would scold her for not letting go... ...

In order to avoid the awkwardness when they met, she turned her head and smiled at Mi Li. "Miss Mi Li also has something to do, right? I should leave too. "

"Don't be in a hurry to leave. Since you're here and it's already late, why don't I treat you to a meal? " Mi Li saw the panic in du Anran's eyes. However, compared to Du Anran's panic, Xin Zimo's Fox did not show any emotion No expression could be captured.

As expected of an expert trained in the business world, he could hide his emotions perfectly.

"Thank you, Miss Mi Li. I still have something to do, so I have to leave first. " Of course, Du Anran refused. If she continued to stay here, it would be like seeing a ghost.

Anqi did not understand what was going on. She smiled and said to Du Anran, "Miss Mi Li rarely invites people. If it's not too important, this miss might as well stay for a meal. "

Anqi did not know Du Anran, but she saw that Du Anran was wearing an apricot-colored coat. She was simple and low-key, and did not seem to be from the circle.

Without waiting for Du Anran to speak, Xin zimo glanced at Du Anran indifferently. "I don't like to eat with ugly women. "

As soon as he said that, the three women had different expressions. Du Anran immediately gritted her teeth, wishing that she could kick Xin Zimo a few times. Mi Li held back her laughter and did not say a word. Angie, on the other hand, was kind-hearted and felt a little embarrassed.

"CEO Xin is so direct, but our Miss Du is not ugly, " Mi Li said deliberately.

Last time, she could not work with Xin Zimo, and she was even taught a lesson by Xin Zimo. She was still holding this resentment in her heart!

She had just chatted with Du Anran for a while and saw that the ring on her hand was gone. In fact, Mi Li had already guessed what was going on. However, Xin Zimo was really stingy. He was tired of playing with women, but he still wanted the ring back.

He still felt sorry for this measly 99 million... ...

"The kind that can be brought home to guard the house. " Xin zimo sneered.

Du Anran gnashed her teeth in hatred. He did not give her a way out in front of everyone. It was clear that he wanted her to be embarrassed.

"President Xin, you have seen many beautiful women. Then, I won't stay here to Taint President Xin's bright eyes. I don't want President Xin to become someone who can ward off evil. " Du Anran replied.

Anqi had never seen a strange woman who dared to speak to President Xin like that. However, if someone said that she was ugly to her face, this Miss Du would definitely not be able to bear it.

Xin Zimo felt that Du anran still dared to speak to him like that. Did she really think that he doted on her?

"Then leave early. Don't affect your appetite here. " Xin Zimo did not continue to speak to her. He walked straight to the wine rack and took a bottle of dry red.

Du Anran gritted her teeth and glared at Xin Zimo's back. Without bidding farewell to Mi Li, she left the restaurant.

Mi Li had a smile on her face. Anqi was still a little embarrassed.

However, after walking for a few minutes, Du Anran turned back without any backbone. She still could not find the elevator She could only ask the waiter. The waiter was very enthusiastic. Not only did he help du Anran to find the way, but he also wanted to take her there.

This kind of five-star hotel service was really good. Unfortunately, Du Anran could not feel this kind of good. She felt that the entire restaurant was full of Xin Zimo's malice.

Especially when he saw that she did not know the way back, the corner of Xin Zimo's mouth was full of ridicule.

However, whether it was ridicule or ridicule, it was right that he didn't think she was good.

When she went downstairs, the sky was already dark. A cool breeze blew, and the hotel was brightly lit. Luxury cars came one after another, one after another.

Du Anran stood at the intersection, intending to take a taxi back. She didn't know if Liu Wanwan had returned to the news agency. She looked at her phone, but there was no missed call.

Just as she was hugging her scarf and standing in the cold wind, trembling slightly, a Bentley honked its horn, making a "Du du" sound.

Du Anran thought that she was blocking the road. When she looked up, she saw Xie Chenjin in the car.

Under the headlight, Du Anran saw Xie Chenjin in the car with a smile on his face. She nodded, but she did not move her feet. She stood where she was.

Seeing that Du Anran did not react, Xie Chenjin drove a few steps forward and opened the car window.

"where are you going? " He smiled as if he had forgotten how he left without saying goodbye outside the city of Loulan.

"Home. "

"Get in the car! I'll send you home! " Xie Chenjin said.

"No need, I'll just take a taxi home. " Du Anran did not want to trouble him.

"Are you afraid of troubling me, or are you unwilling to get close to me? "

"No need to trouble me, my home isn't far from here. "

Xie Chenjin felt that this woman was really slow-witted. She was just giving him a ride on the way, as if she owed him a favor.

"Do you really need me to get out of the car to invite you? " Xie Chenjin looked at her, but this time, his tone was not one that could be resisted.

"..."Du Anran was speechless and could only obediently get into Xie Chenjin's car.

Sitting in Xie Chenjin's car was different from sitting in Xin Zimo's car. At the very least, she still felt safe. Xie Chenjin was a modest gentleman. He would not do anything out of the ordinary, nor would he do something crazy like racing.

Therefore, he did not have much scruples sitting in Xie Chenjin's car.

"Today, the Xin Corporation is holding a press conference in Wanjue. Are you here to support them? " Xie Chenjin said deliberately.

In fact, he already knew what the Xin Corporation's press conference was about. Xin Zimo had mercilessly abandoned the Golden Plate Garden Project. In the eyes of the outside world, it was a wise move. However, in his eyes, it only meant one thing. At the same time, Xin Zimo had also abandoned Du Anran.

"Xie Chenjin, you're mocking me! " Du Anran said indifferently.

Xie Chenjin was sometimes quite annoying. He always seized the opportunity to "take revenge" on her.

"I'm not mocking you. Last time in the city of Loulan, didn't you tell me that you're Xin Zimo's woman... "

"You have a good memory. " When du Anran heard these words again, she couldn't help but feel that time had passed.

It had only been a dozen days, but things had changed.

"where's the ring? " Xie Chenjin saw that there was nothing on her smooth fingers.

Why did everyone notice her ring? It was really... ...

"It's returned to the original owner, " Du Anran said casually, looking relaxed.

"It's worth it to keep it and sell it for a good price. Why return it to the original owner? " Xie Chenjin looked at the road ahead and said Lazily.

"Xie Chenjin, you're really good at doing business. You want to exchange everything for money. "

"This is called investment, income, and return. "

"then according to your logic, sending me home right now is a waste of capital! " Du Anran glanced at him.

"How is it a waste? Sending a beautiful woman home is a pleasure. " Xie Chenjin was smart and discerning.

Du Anran found it funny. Just a moment ago, she was ridiculed as an ugly woman in Wanjue. Now, she was called a beautiful woman by another man.

Then, was she beautiful or ugly... ...