Chapter 253, an overbearing kiss

Du Anran hung up on Xin Zimo and did not listen to a single word Xin Zimo said. She was really afraid that once she heard him speak again, she could not help but feel sad.

What was wrong with him He had clearly threatened her in the afternoon, but now he had turned from a wolf into a sheep... ...

Du Anran hung up on Xin Zimo, and Xin Zimo held his phone with great disappointment. A sense of betrayal that he had never felt before surrounded him... ...

It turned out that even if he owned the Xin Corporation and became the youngest, richest, and most famous bachelor in city a, so what? What he wanted, in the end, was still air... ...

The night gradually deepened, but Xin zimo still did not know where to go. When the cigarette in his hand burned out one by one, he sat back in the car.

He did not go to the villa on Huxin Island, nor did he return to the Xin residence. Instead, he went to Du Anran's home.

Even if he stood outside and waited for her the whole night, it was better than going to those lifeless houses alone.

After du Anran hung up on Xin Zimo, she felt uneasy. She did not know what was wrong with him. His voice sounded unusually Pale and powerless.

She could resist not caring about him, but she could not resist not thinking about him.

She still called Sun Ping. She wanted to know what was wrong with him and if something had happened to Xin Zimo... ...

"Sun Ping, are you asleep? Did you see Xin Zimo tonight? "

"Yes, " Sun Ping replied.

"Who was he with today? Why does he seem to be in a very low mood... "

"CEO Xin has been with Miss Tang today. " Sun Ping did not tell her about his resignation. He was afraid that Du Anran would scold him.

"Miss Tang? Which Miss Tang? Do I know her? " Du Anran was a little puzzled.

"The daughter of the commander of the military region, " Sun Ping said calmly.

"The commander of the military region? " Du Anran did not understand, but she knew that the commander's surname was indeed Tang.

Hearing this news, Du Anran was actually unable to express her feelings. It should be a good thing for him to be together with the daughter of the commander. At least, it was better than being together with her.

However, it was a lie to say that she did not feel uncomfortable. She still did not know how she would feel if one day she saw him and another woman holding hands and walking into the palace of marriage... ...

She had been forcing herself to be mentally prepared early so that she would not be at a loss when this day arrived.

"Okay, " Sun Ping replied indifferently.

"Oh... " Du Anran saw that Sun Ping seemed to be a little depressed, so she did not bother him anymore. Instead, she hung up the phone.

Du Anran lay on the bed and tossed and turned. Why would he be unhappy when he was with the daughter of the military region commander? At least, he would always maintain the elegance of a gentleman and the modesty of a gentleman in front of women.

Perhaps, she should not worry about his matters anymore. If she left him, it would be the best for him.

However, when the faint moonlight shone through the window, her heart was not as calm as she had imagined.

When Xin Zimo drove the car to the outside of the DU residence, the Du residence had already sunk into darkness. It was quiet everywhere. The entire villa was like a baby in a cradle, falling asleep.

Du Anran should also be asleep. Xin Zimo looked up at her room. Although he could not see anything, he could imagine how she would look like when she was sleeping soundly.

It was probably because she was hugging a bear and making the quilt messy. She was so insecure when she slept... ...

The corners of his lips were suffused with a faint bitterness. He looked out of the car window. He missed her very much... ...

However, the two people who had telepathy could probably sense each other's existence. When du Anran tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter how hard she tried, she put on her coat and stood by the window. She saw the familiar black Mercedes.

At first, she thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her, but when she calmed down and looked again, it was not wrong. It was Xin Zimo's car.

He, uh... ... Why he's here It's so late. How long has he been here ? ?

Du Anran left the window and went back to bed. She was afraid of being seen by him.

But Xin Zimo had seen her, his eyes flashed with surprise, but after a while was replaced by disappointment.

He dialed her number, and the vibration buzzed in Du Anran's ear.

Du Anran pressed to hang up, Xin Zimo then dial back again and again.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. He was in a delicate and complicated mood, but his desire to see her had not changed.

Du Anran knew that he was guarding downstairs, so she had no choice but to put on her clothes and come downstairs. She was afraid that if she did not go down, he would call her name downstairs. It would not be good if her mother found out.

Xin Zimo saw her walk out of the villa and into the stone corridor, and he also came out of the car.

However, Du Anran did not open the iron door. She stood at the door and looked at Xin Zimo.

"It's so late, what do you want to see me about? "

The cold moonlight shone on Du Anran's face, and her thin little face looked more elegant.

"Open the door. " Xin Zimo took a few steps forward, and there was only an iron door between them.

He wanted to touch her, but she took a big step back and didn't let him get close.

"A man and a woman... If you have anything to say, just say it. I'll listen. "

Xin zimo smiled sheepishly. A man and a woman, how could they be considered a man and a woman Xin zimo lowered his arms, but he couldn't touch her face. He was a little disappointed.

"I'll count to three. If you don't open the door, I'll call Auntie to open it. " When Xin Zimo saw Du Anran, his mood finally calmed down a lot.

"Xin Zimo, I hate it when you act like this. Isn't it fun to threaten me? You're so overbearing. Aren't you afraid that no one will pay attention to you in the future? " Du Anran was angry. Just a moment ago, she had sympathized with him, but now, in a second, it had turned into hatred.

"three... "

These words made Xin Zimo feel bitter in his heart. In the future, no one would pay attention to him... ... Now, no one would pay attention to him anymore. He was like an abandoned orphan, abandoned by his family and left with nothing ...

Du Anran threw the key in her hand on the ground and threw it out of the door. "Xin Zimo, when have you ever cared about other people's feelings? ! "

Du Anran turned around and left. Xin Zimo was stunned for a few seconds. He bent down to pick up the key and skillfully opened the door.

Before du Anran walked far away, he took a few steps forward and hugged du Anran from behind.

Why did he make her angry again? But he had no choice. She did not want to see him, but he really wanted to see her. He did not want to see her close to him, but he could not hug her. He did not want to see her walk away just like that... ...

The warmth of his body and the scent of the perfume that made it easy for the rain suddenly floated up to Du Anran's nose. She almost cried.

"Anran, let me hug you... "

The moment he opened his mouth, his voice was choked with sobs. Du Anran did not dare to look back.

She did not want him to be unable to forget her. They should not be in the same world.

"Xin Zimo, let go. Why are you still looking for me? " Du Anran lowered her voice. She was also afraid of alerting her mother upstairs.

She was sure that he was not drinking, but why would he do such an irrational thing when he was not drinking.

"You don't know how much I miss you... " Xin Zimo hugged her tightly.

"But I don't miss you! " Du Anran said, "don't come to me after you've been bullied by other women. I'm not your lover! "

"Anran... come back to me, okay? Don't break up with me... "

"Don't come and interfere with my life again. I'm about to get married. What do you want to do with me by acting like this? "

Xin Zimo's hands turned cold when he heard this. He turned her body and looked at her under the weak moonlight. He saw a messy face and a pair of helpless eyes.

"What if I don't allow you to get married? "

"Why shouldn't you Don't think that the world will stop spinning just because it leaves you I heard from others that you get along very well with Commander Tang's daughter, right Isn't that just right? The Tang family can have whatever they want. Aren't you short of money With the Tang family protecting you, which bank will come looking for the Xin family to ask for debts again?"

Xin Zimo cupped her face and kissed her insolently.

What was she saying? Did she know what she was saying? !

Xin Zimo bit her lips and kissed her fiercely.

"Oh... " Du Anran was shocked by this sudden kiss. Ever since that night in the villa, he had never kissed her again.

She did not expect that after such a period of time, his kiss would still be so violent, violent, and overbearing.

He was angry again... ...

Xin Zimo absorbed her fragrance and reached into her mouth, wanting to kiss her deeply. The spirit tongue entangled together, and the kiss turned from rough to gentle.

This gentleness was like the bright moon in the sky, shallow but gentle.

He hugged her waist. Du Anran could feel the coldness in his hands, but she still tried her best to avoid Xin Zimo. She wanted him to forget her, to forget her forever and completely.

He waited until he had kissed enough before finally letting go of her, but he was unwilling to let go. He still wanted to hug her.

Last night, he still thought that since Du Anran had abandoned him first, then he did not need to pester her anymore. He would fall in love with whoever he should fall in love with, marry whoever he should marry, but at this moment, he had completely forgotten... ...

When he was lonely and in pain, the only thing he thought of was her... ...

"I still have to go to bed. You should go back earlier too. We don't have any relationship anymore. Look, the ring on my hand, you have to go back too. " Du Anran raised her hand She smiled slightly. "When you finally meet the right person, you will realize that our relationship is quite laughable. I believe that since my fate has already been met, your fate will also be very soon. "

Du Anran smiled lightly, like the clear moonlight, as clear as a painting.

Du Anran turned around and left, ignoring the gradually stiffening lines on Xin Zimo's face.

"remember to lock the door and throw the key in. "

Du Anran said this and went upstairs without looking back, as if she did not have any lingering memories.

Yes, the fate between her and him was destined to be fruitless from the beginning. Because, twenty years ago, when his father had an accident at the construction site of the world peace, the fate between them was destined to be a bad fate.

Twenty years later, he stood at the top of city a, but she was getting further and further away.

They were no longer a good match. His brilliance could not hide her inferiority. They were just not worthy... ...

When there were still three days before the auction for the Jin Pan Garden Project, Xie Chenjin once again visited the DU family.

Ever since Du Anran left the Xin Corporation, she would occasionally go to the city evening news to take a look. Sometimes, even if Liu Wanwan was too busy, she would help out.

Liu Wanwan once asked her to return to the news agency, but du Anran shook her head and refused. She had made sufficient preparations to welcome the Jin Pan Garden Project. If Xie Chenjin was assured, she could personally take charge of this project.

She would definitely not let this project die in her hands again. She would prove to everyone that she was not completely useless.

When Xie Chenjin came, Du Anran was about to go out to visit an old expert. When Xie Chenjin saw that she had come out, he winked at her.

Du Anran smiled. "Why are you here? "

"I'm taking you to buy clothes. "