Chapter 255, wearing a cuckold

The size of the shoes was just right, and Du Anran's dress fit her well.

Xie Chenjin was quite satisfied. In his eyes, Du Anran should dress like this, mature and reserved, not simple and silly.

From the first time he brought du Anran out to buy shoes, he found that du Anran's figure and face were not bad. It was not shameful to be the daughter-in-law of the Xie family. Even if the world and harmony no longer existed, Du Anran was at least a daughter of a prestigious family in the past. Her talent and Iq were not inferior to others.

The only thing she lacked was confidence. Of course, the unconditional trust she had towards strangers also needed to be changed.

"not good, try something else. " Du Anran glanced at herself in front of the Mirror. It was not a style that she could control.

"It's good, I'll take it. " Xie Chenjin said as he took the card from his wallet.

"How is it good? It looks like a nightclub girl's dress. " Du Anran said angrily.

"Aren't nightclub girls afraid that they won't be able to attract a customer if they wear these shoes? " Xie Chenjin thought it was funny. Nightclub girls, to think that she could think of such a thing.

"Anyway, it's just not good. " Du Anran had never worn such mature high heels before, so she didn't want to try it.

"Do you still remember what I said? " Xie Chenjin said leisurely, "you can try to become a different version of yourself. "

Du Anran nodded. She still remembered this sentence. It was said by Xie Chenjin when he first accompanied her to buy shoes.

But how could she become a different version of herself? The Leopard can't change its spots, but the nature can't change.

Seeing that she lowered her head and wanted to take off her shoes, Xie Chenjin said again, "Don't feel sorry for yourself, and don't blame the heavens and the people. You have your strengths, and you don't need to depend on anyone like the skyscraping flower. "

"I understand what you're saying. " Who didn't know the truth? However, many times, when the truth met reality, it wasn't that easy.

"Alright, waiter, wrap this pair of shoes. " Xie chenjin still paid generously.

That day, Xie Chenjin spent an entire day shopping with du Anran. He was content, but du Anran felt bad. One had to know that in finance, every second counted. How much money would she lose by dragging him shopping for an entire day!

"If you want the Golden Plate Garden Project, do your best to take it down after three days, " Xie Chenjin said.

"I will try my best. ''DuuAnrann nodded.

"I've Read Your manuscript. It's a good idea, but it's a little childish. " Xie Chenjin mentioned the design proposal that she saw in her bag the other day.

"If I can get this project, I'll try my best to perfect it. "

"Okay, I'll wait and see, " Xie Chenjin said.

Three days later, the auction ceremony of the project.

Xie Chenjin came to the DU residence early in the morning. At that time, Bai Ruyun had not gone out yet, so she was a little surprised when she saw Xie Chenjin.

Du Anran rarely brought unfamiliar friends of the opposite sex back to the villa. Therefore, Bai Ruyun thought about it and guessed that this was the new boyfriend that Du Anran had mentioned!

Bai ruyun looked at Xie Chenjin a few times. Xie Chenjin was a good-looking man, and whenever he saw her, he would call her "Auntie. ". Bai Ruyun was quite satisfied with Xie Chenjin, but Xie Chenjin and Xin Zimo both had a strong aura about them. Standing by your side was enough to make you feel intimidated.

In fact, in Bai Ruyun's heart, she had always wanted du Anran to find an ordinary boyfriend and marry him for the rest of her life. The life of an ordinary person was not that tiring, and she did not need to accompany her husband to socialize.

However, Bai Ruyun could tell that Xie Chenjin was not an ordinary person. Just like Xin Zimo, that kind of noble aura was naturally emitted from the inside out.

Because she had to rush to teach the children, Bai Ruyun did not say a few words to Xie Chenjin and left in a hurry.

Du Anran had already tried on a skirt and shoes. She also put on a very formal makeup. Her hair was tied up on the top of her head, looking elegant and graceful.

Xie Chenjin was very satisfied when he saw Du Anran walking down the stairs. Her entire body was only black and white. She smiled slightly, showing the demeanor of a wealthy family's daughter.

"I'll ask my assistant, Luo Cong, to go with you. He can help you in any situation, " Xie Chenjin said.

"I really have to thank you this time. " Du Anran felt that Xie Chenjin was a good person to her.

"I've already sent people to inquire about it. The stronger opponents this time are Huayuan Group and Pei Group, but it shouldn't be a problem. You should focus. "

"Okay, I'll pay attention. " Du Anran nodded.

"Let's go. I'll send you there. When we arrive at the venue, each family can only have two representatives. I'll ask Luo Cong to go with you. I'll wait for your good news at Xie Group. "

"will... someone from the Xin Group Come? " Du Anran still asked ...

"Yes, the project was sold by them. Naturally, someone will come. In the end, they still have to hand it over and sign it. "

"Oh... " Du Anran lowered her head. Xin zimo would probably come personally.

After leaving the DU residence, Du Anran saw Luo Cong, Xie Chenjin's assistant, sitting in the driver's seat. As soon as they got in the car, Luo Cong drove to the hotel where the auction was going to take place.

Without a doubt, as an important transaction, the address was still chosen to be wanjue.

The entrance of the hotel had long been surrounded by reporters. Some of them had been squatting here the night before in order to get a good seat. The group of reporters immediately surrounded them as soon as they saw people coming.

All the ceos had sent a few bodyguards to follow them. It must be known that these reporters were very crazy in order to snatch the headlines.

Xie Chenjin's car had not even gotten close to wanjue when he saw this crazy scene. At this time, a rolls-royce just happened to stop at the entrance of Wanjue. The shadow of the black car stopped steadily in front of the door, followed closely by a Maserati.

The person in the back seat of the rolls-royce got out of the car. From Afar, one could only see a man and a woman. The person in the Maserati also got out of the car. It was a few bodyguards, but there was a very familiar figure standing in the middle of the bodyguards.

"This Hua Yuan really mobilized a lot of people, " Xie chenjin sneered.

"He even brought his wife. This Zhang Cheng is quite afraid of his wife, " Luo Cong said.

"His wife is afraid that he will come to the hotel to seduce a little girl, right? " Xie Chenjin laughed. The president of Hua Yuan Group, Zhang Cheng, was famous for his fear of his wife. It could not be helped. After all, he made his fortune by relying on his mother-in-law.

However, Du Anran's gaze was not on the president and his wife of Huayuan Group. Instead, it was on the person in the middle of the Maserati behind them.

"drive faster! " Du Anran looked out the window and said to Luo Cong.

"What's wrong? " Xie Chenjin asked.

When the car was almost at the entrance of Wan Jue, Du Anran saw clearly that the person was none other than Sun Ping!

Why was Sun Ping with the people of Huayuan Group Shouldn't he be by Xin Zimo's side Moreover, why did Sun Ping and Zhang Cheng look so close Had they confirmed their partnership?

However, before Du Anran could see clearly again, the media reporters had already swarmed over and surrounded everyone from Huayuan Group.

The group of bodyguards tried their best to stop them before they sent their CEO into the hotel.

However, some sharp-eyed reporters immediately noticed Xie Chenjin's White Bentley. Before Luo Cong could stop the car, someone ran over.

Luo Cong was afraid that he would bump into someone, so he had no choice but to brake and stop.

The reporters slapped the car window and clamored for an interview with Xie Chenjin.

"President Xie, the road is blocked, " Luo Cong said helplessly.

Xie Chenjin looked at his watch. "We can't delay any longer. Get someone to chase the reporters away. "

"Yes. "

Luo Cong took out his phone and made a few calls. During that time, the flash kept flashing. The reporters actually found a beautiful woman in Xie Chenjin's car. This was a big surprise.

So, they took photos at home. The flash was too dazzling, so du Anran had to use her hands to block the light.

Xie Chenjin also helped block the flash for her camera and urged Luo Cong to hurry up.

Not long after, the People Luo Cong called arrived at Wan Jue. They shooed away the reporters one after another. Only then did the reporters retreat in embarrassment.

The car was finally able to drive. Luo Cong directly drove the car into the underground parking lot.

Luo Cong brought du Anran up the elevator to the auction venue. Xie Chenjin waved his hand and said to Du Anran, "go for it. ".

Du Anran smiled. Her face had already shed the embarrassment she had when she first met the reporters. At this moment, she was calm and determined to win.

Du Anran held Luo Cong's arm and entered the venue. Her ten-inch high heels made her stand out. Even when she stood beside Luo cong, who was quite tall, she did not appear short.

"Miss Du, let's go sign and get the number plate, " Luo Cong said softly to Du Anran.

The official auction venue was still very quiet. The reporters were all blocked downstairs. Only the representatives of various groups were discussing the situation that they would encounter next in a low voice.

Because the Golden Plate Garden project was not favored by many people, and the price was very high, there were not many groups that came. However, those with discerning eyes knew that this piece of land was good land. If it was auctioned off and used as a commercial building, they would definitely make a huge profit.

Du Anran signed her name in the blank space of the Xie Bank, took the number plate, and walked in with Luo Cong.

Xin Zimo and Tang Nuanyan arrived behind Du Anran. When he signed, he had already seen Du Anran's name.

As expected, part of the reason why this woman climbed up to the Xie family was for this project!

Xie Chenjin had asked Du Anran to publicly represent the Xie family to participate in this project auction. It was very obvious that it was equivalent to announcing to the world that Du Anran was a member of the Xie family.

Xin zimo clenched his fists. The development was really fast... ...

These two people had probably cuckolded him a long time ago.

"Mr. Xin, you don't look too well. Are you too tired? " Tang nuanyan asked with concern.

Tang Nuanyan and Xin Zimo had not known each other for long. She did not expect Xin Zimo to bring her to such an important ceremony. When she thought of how the reporters had stopped her and asked if she was Xin Zimo's girlfriend, she shyly lowered her head and said, "No. ".

However, the media had always made groundless accusations. The more she said no, the more it was equivalent to admitting it.

After Xin Zimo signed his name, he brought Tang Nuanyan into the venue. His expression was serious and he did not smile. His facial features were handsome and firm, and his brows were slightly furrowed. His hand-cut black suit perfectly outlined his slender figure. Every step he took was firm and steady.

He allowed Tang Nuanyan to hold his arm. The reason he brought Tang Nuanyan here was actually to stabilize the people's hearts.

Just like the last time he went to various universities in city a to make a donation, he needed to eliminate all the negative images of the Xin Corporation during this period of time.