Chapter 264, how do you want to sleep

When the wine was finished, the audience cheered. Du Anran retracted her hand and glanced at him. "How did you write the same thing as me? "

Although they had a tacit understanding, how could it be so coincidental.

Xin zimo looked calm. "I peeked. "

He deliberately paused for a few seconds and did not write. Looking at the shape of her pen, he could guess that she had written "radish. ".

"You! " Du Anran was speechless.

Indeed, if one fought with animals and villains, one would definitely lose. Xin zimo gloated while Du Anran gnashed her teeth.

When the engagement ceremony ended, Sun Ping was drunk by a group of friends. Although Liu Wanwan was not drunk, she had drunk a lot. Zhang Cheng treated Sun Ping well. He asked his chauffeur to drive his Maserati and sent Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan home.

It was already one o'clock in the morning after sending Liu Wanwan away. Du Anran stayed in the suite that Liu Wanwan booked for her.

After a busy day, her bones were all broken. However, she was still very happy for Liu Wanwan. Her good friend had finally gotten married.

However, Du Anran did not know if it was because she had drunk some alcohol, but just as she was about to have a good rest, the nausea in her stomach returned.

It had been a few days since she had such a feeling. Du Anran hated it. It was all Xin Zimo's fault for forcing her to drink.

She ran into the bathroom and vomited non-stop. This feeling reminded her of the auction. She did not want this feeling to return to her side.

It was probably because she had not eaten anything for the whole day. After vomiting for a while, du Anran felt better. Compared to the pain of despair last time, it was not as intense this time.

She put down her hair and was about to wash up and go to sleep when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it? " Du Anran asked cautiously.

It was early in the morning, why would there be someone knocking on the door? was she in the wrong room.

"I am, " Xin Zimo, who was outside the door, said lightly.

Hearing Xin Zimo's voice, it was even more impossible for du Anran to open the door.

"I am already asleep, " Du Anran stood behind the door and said nonsense with a serious face.

"Are you sure you don't want to open the door? "

"Yes, I'm tired. " Du Anran continued to talk nonsense.

"Oh. " Xin Zimo was calm and collected. He swiped the room card in his hand, and then he opened the door.

"How did you get in! " Du Anran, who was standing behind the door, was so scared that she quickly pulled a piece of clothing from the hanger and put it on her body.

Xin zimo looked at her calmly and locked the door. "It's not like there's only one room card in a room. "

"impossible, it's impossible for bend to leave you a room card! " Du Anran hurriedly took a few steps back. Her expression was as if a wolf had entered the room.

"I went to get it myself. " Xin zimo looked at her. Seriously, was it so scary to see him?

"How can the hotel be so irresponsible! How can they give you a room card so easily! "

"I'm sorry, President Ma of this hotel and I are business partners. Wouldn't it be a piece of cake to ask for a room card? "

Du Anran cursed him in her heart. This sentence was to tell her that as long as she was in city a, she would not be able to escape from his grasp.

You're so awesome. If you have the ability, don't let anything happen to the Xin Group. If you have the ability, chase away all the banks that are in debt. If you have the ability, do a good job on the acquisition case before the New Year. If you have the ability, don't be unable to even handle the Xie Group.

What kind of ability is it to show off with her... ...

Du Anran pursed her lips and looked at him disdainfully.

Xin Zimo hung his coat on the clothes rack with ease. He was only wearing a white shirt. He looked at the only big bed and said, "do you sleep on the bed or on the floor? "

"I came in first. This room was also booked for me by Wan Wan. Of course, I sleep on the bed. Aren't you friends with President Ma? Wouldn't it be a piece of cake for you to ask him for a presidential suite? "

"You sleep on the bed? " Xin Zimo only picked the main point.

"Of course. " Du Anran did not want to be outdone.

"Oh, then I'll sleep on the bed too. " Xin Zimo immediately took over the nest and directly laid on the bed.

Du Anran glared at him. "You're not going out, right? Then I'll go out! " Since she always lost, she had the confidence to lose.

"Go where? "

"It's none of your business. "

Du Anran was serious. She took her clothes and left immediately. Xin zimo grabbed her and dragged her to the bed.

"You know, as long as I don't let you go, you can't leave, " Xin Zimo said lightly.

"despicable and shameless person. " Du Anran couldn't even scold him anymore.

"It's almost become your catchphrase. " Xin Zimo looked at him, his eyes were as dark as the horizon.

He flipped over and pressed her under his body. He smelled the familiar fragrance on her body again. He looked down at her. "Tell me, how do you plan to sleep tonight? "

"You can sleep with whoever you want. Didn't your friend President Ma tell you that this hotel's service is quite complete? " Du Anran deliberately emphasized the word "service. ".

"Why are your thoughts so impure? I just want to ask, how can two people sleep in the same bed? "

Du Anran knew that he did it on purpose. She immediately said, "can I keep my word? "

"No, " Xin zimo replied.

"Then why are you asking me! " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him.

"I just want to listen to the public's opinion, so that you won't scold me for being a dictator again. "

Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo's ability to reason was first-rate. It would be a pity if he did not give a speech. He had a handsome face. If he was matched with this eloquence, the venue would definitely be packed.

However, she did not see how eloquent he was usually. He was cold to everyone, and even to her, he was indifferent.

Why was it that every time she was alone with him, he seemed to have changed into a different person.

"then you can sleep on the bed. You're good, I'll sleep on the floor. "

"You're as tight-lipped as a jade and won't let me touch you? " Xin zimo leaned over and looked at her. "When do you plan to marry into the Xie Family? Have you slept with Xie Chenjin? HMM? "

Du Anran looked at his darkened face. When she heard his words, she really wanted to slap him.

"Xin Zimo, your thoughts are so dirty. Do you think that everyone is like you, sleeping with every woman you see? "

"Your thoughts are not pure, and my thoughts are dirty. They're quite compatible, " Xin Zimo said. "But I've corrected you many times. I'm a Germaphobe. I don't like to sleep with other people casually. You'd better not cheat on me either. "

"What do you care? "

"Of course I care. If you don't believe me, we'll see in a few days. As long as you don't give me a good enough reason to break up, you won't be able to escape from me. "

"When did you learn to Pester me? " "I've already told you that Xie Chenjin is younger than you and has more potential than you. ". "Look at the Xin family. Do you think you can give me a future? " "I don't want to be forced into a debt the moment I marry you. Besides, your mother's attitude is so bad, and the DU family and the Xin family have a feud. Why should I still be with you? "

"The reason is too far-fetched. I don't believe it. "

"You're so narcissistic. " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him. "How can you only believe it? "

"I only believe in marriage certificates. How can Xie Chenjin marry you? " Xin zimo sneered.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten to tell you. He and I are planning to get married in a few days. The wedding ceremony won't be far away, " Du Anran said. "seeing that you and Miss Tang are getting along well, make good use of it. "

"You really dare to get married? " This time, Xin Zimo was no longer as nonchalant as before. His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Didn't you say that we'll see? Then we'll see, " Du Anran said. "Oh right, I met Chi Xue a few days ago. I don't know what kind of stimulation she received, but she's in a trance. You'd better keep an eye on her. "

At the mention of Chi Xue, Xin Zimo's face was filled with helplessness. The person he had let down the most was Chi Xue. He had never thought that her mother would be so ruthless to Chi Xue. She even claimed that she had found a good home for her. After all, the Chi family was a benefactor to the Xin family.

Du Anran was right. His mother's attitude was so bad, and she especially did not like Du Anran. Du Anran had tasted his mother's tricks when she was with him. She would definitely not let du Anran marry him.

Thinking of this, Xin Zimo's hand loosened.

Du Anran took the opportunity to run into the bathroom and did not look back.

When he thought of these troublesome things, Xin Zimo was helpless. No matter how much pride he had, it disappeared without a trace.

His letting go of Du Anran was also a form of fulfillment, but how could he just watch her marry and be with someone else.

He lay on the bed distractedly and closed his eyes. He missed the days in London. He was free and unrestrained, and no one could disturb him. At that time, du Anran was not like this... ...

It turned out that everyone would miss the good times.

After du Anran washed up, it was already past two in the morning. She saw that Xin Zimo had already fallen asleep.

She lowered her head and happened to see his very tired face. She stared at him for a long time, but in the end, she moved her eyes away.

There were two blankets on the bed, so she covered one for Xin Zimo and kept one for herself.

Seeing that he was so tired, she guessed that he wouldn't do anything bad. She didn't think too much about it, because she was too lazy to think about it. She was also very tired... ...

Xin Zimo woke up after being dazed for nearly two hours. When he woke up, he saw that Du Anran was sleeping soundly.

As expected, she was still so careless in her sleep. More than half of the quilt had fallen to the ground. Fortunately, there was a heater, or else she would have caught a cold again.

He covered her with the quilt again and looked at her face with the faint night light at the bedside. Slowly, his fingers brushed against her side face. It was very gentle and affectionate.

She was not willing to marry him, but he still loved her so much and wanted to be with her every second... ...

When did he become so useless? If he was useless, so be it. He did not know if he would not even have the chance to be useless in the future.

Seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, he smiled gently and finally reached out to gently wrap his arms around her waist.

The next morning, when Du Anran woke up, she rubbed her eyes. The clock on the wall was pointing to nine o'clock.

It turned out that she had slept for a long time. Du Anran felt that sleeping peacefully when she was tired was the most enjoyable thing in life.

When she looked at the other side of the bed, Xin Zimo had already left. She did not know when he left. For a busy person like him, he probably woke up at five or six in the morning.