Chapter 266, she was pregnant

"Hello, is this Ms. Bai Ruyun? " The person was quite polite.

Du Anran walked to her mother's side. She had the same expression as her mother, shocked and curious.

"Yes, I am. "

"Is du Yuanheng your husband? Is Du Anran your daughter? " The person took out a pen and paper, as if writing something.

"Yes, Du Yuanheng is my husband, and Anran is my daughter, " Bai Ruyun said truthfully.

"That's right. Du Yuanheng is the CEO of Shihe Group. After his death, the company was handed over to his daughter, Du Anran, and his younger brother, Du Yuantong. We recently received an old case, which is related to your husband and your daughter. "

"You... are from the court? " Du Anran asked ...

"Yes, we are from the court. This is a subpoena. " One of them took out a work permit and a subpoena.

"someone sued us in the court? " Du Anran was incredulous.

Shihe was already gone. Why would someone pursue them relentlessly and not let them go.

"Yes, pursue them. The problem is not small. I hope you can cooperate well. "

Another staff member said, "the first trial is in ten days. It will be accepted by the District Court. You guys prepare well. After it is accepted, you can retain the power of Administrative Litigation and reconsideration. "

These people quickly wrote something on the paper. Before they left, they threw a document to Bai Ruyun and Du Anran.

"thank you for your understanding. Goodbye. " The people from the court came and left in a hurry.

The Spring Sun Shone on du Anran's face. In an instant, her expression changed countless times. Right now, she had many complicated feelings in her heart. She did not even enter her house. Instead, she flipped through the document at the door.

The light illuminated the paper until it turned white. The words jumped into du Anran's eyes in confusion.

The words that she was familiar with were like little demons, baring their fangs and grimacing at her.

She was a little dizzy, and after reading a few pages, she could not continue reading. The strong feeling of vomiting returned.

When she woke up in the morning, she vomited for a while, and now she wanted to vomit again. She immediately ran into the bathroom.

A few days ago, she thought that she had been stimulated to vomit like this, but today, when she was lying on the pool, she suddenly thought of a terrible question. She... ... pregnant ...

She was frightened by this thought, so frightened that her face turned white.

When she was with Xin Zimo, other than the first time she secretly took medicine, later on... ... Nothing . . Xin Zimo had never taken any safety measures, because he wanted a child so much ...

It was impossible, how could such a coincidence happen, Xin Zimo had never touched her a few times.

It was impossible to be pregnant, she was just stimulated, it was definitely impossible to be pregnant.

Her heart skipped a beat. Before she could think about it, her stomach churned again. She lay on the sink and vomited again.

Her stomach was not good. She had vomited like this before, but she had never vomited like this for so many days.

"ANRAN, anran! " Bai Ruyun saw that Du Anran had gone to the bathroom for a long time. She could not help but worry that she had been stimulated.

Du Anran did not even have the strength to respond to her mother. The possibility of being pregnant lingered in her mind. How could this be... ...

Seeing that Du Anran did not respond, Bai Ruyun pushed open the bathroom door. She was still holding the documents given by the court, but when she saw du Anran, she was shocked.

"Anran, are you okay? " Bai Ruyun hugged Du Anran. Seeing her exhausted face, she was worried.

"Mom, I'm fine... have you read the documents? " Du Anran wiped her face and hands, trying to calm herself down ...

"I don't know any of the plaintiffs. This time, it's a joint appeal. It's about the accident at the construction site twenty years ago and the accident at the construction site last year. "

"Then it seems that these people are all victims. " Du Anran was powerless.

"Logically speaking, your father should have settled the matter twenty years ago. Your father has already sent people to properly handle the pension and funeral matters. As for the incident last year, we have also made compensation. ". "Why are these people still causing trouble? " It was rare for Bai Ruyun to show such anxiety on her face.

She was originally a person who did not care about the affairs of the world, but now that the DU family was only left with her and Anran, she had to ask even if she did not want to.

"These people won't cause trouble for no reason. There are people instigating behind the scenes. " Du Anran finally saw through it.

It had been such a long time. Shihe had also fulfilled his responsibility to these people's arrangements. At that time, they had also said that they would not pursue the matter further. Now, for no reason, they had joined hands to file an appeal. There must be someone instigating them from behind.

She suddenly remembered what Xin Zimo had said a few days ago: of course, it's none of my business. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see in a few days. As long as you don't give me a sufficient reason to break up, you won't be able to escape from my grasp.

Wait and see in a few days?

Was this what he meant by wait and see Didn't he promise her that he would never mention the past again That he would never care about the feud between the Xin and DU families again?

"Ever since the world peace ended, the two of us have been living a peaceful life. Who would frame us like this... " Bai Ruyun said.

Bai Ruyun couldn't imagine that she had never been sensitive to these things.

"other than Xin Zimo and his mother, who else would be so jealous of the DU family? " Du Anran sneered.

She couldn't escape from him, but he couldn't be so despicable either. Was it not good to part on good terms?

"It hasn't been long since you two broke up. He wouldn't be so despicable. " Bai Ruyun did not quite believe it.

"Why wouldn't he be? Wasn't he the one who lost your job the last time? " Du Anran told her everything.

"This... " Bai Ruyun was a little surprised. She did not think that Xin zimo would do such a thing. "maybe it's a misunderstanding. Don't not believe him. "

"I want to believe him too, " Du Anran said.

She only knew that when she was nice to him, he had been wholeheartedly treating her. Now that she was not nice to him, he should be jealous again... ...

He could sue her however he wanted. The DU family had already fallen to their current state. She did not believe that they could continue to fall.

When she thought of this, her eyes turned red again.

"Anran, it's alright. I will hire a lawyer. We have already dealt with these incidents properly. The contract was written in black and white. Don't worry, it's alright. " Bai Ruyun comforted Du Anran.

Du Anran took the document from her mother's hands and flipped through it page by page.

"Mom, it better not be him. If it were him, we wouldn't even need to hire a lawyer. We could just go to jail. "

Du Anran felt very uncomfortable. She did not expect her mother to live a life of worry and fear after so long.

Suddenly, she flipped through the page of the joint signature. She felt that it was somewhat familiar.

After being stunned for a few minutes, Du Anran hurriedly took out her phone. Yes, those anonymous messages.

Fortunately, she forgot to delete them. She checked the message records. When she flipped through a page of the MMS, the content on it was exactly the same as this page. No, it was exactly the same.

"Anran, what's wrong? " Bai Ruyun felt a little strange.

"maybe I can find the person who framed us. " Du Anran closed the document and put the phone away.

She immediately ran out of the DU residence. Bai Ruyun was so anxious that she shouted from behind, "Anran, where are you going? "

"Mom, don't worry about me. I'LL BE RIGHT BACK! "

She hailed a taxi and headed to the XIE's. Xie Chenjin helped her settle the matter later, and the anonymous text message never came again. Then, Xie Chenjin must know who sent it.

"Master, drive faster! " Du Anran said to the driver.

"Okay, I'll try my best. "

When they arrived at the Xie Corporation, Du Anran went straight to Xie Chenjin's office, forgetting to call him in advance.

When she ran to his office in one breath, Du Anran threw the documents and the summons in front of Xie Chenjin.

Xie Chenjin, who was analyzing the stock market on the screen, stopped what he was doing. He looked at Du Anran, who did not knock on the door, and asked, "what's this? "

"Open it and take a look. " Du Anran was out of breath.

Xie Chenjin hesitantly opened the documents and subpoenas. After looking at them for a few minutes, he returned them to Du Anran.

"Tell me, who did the anonymous text message that I asked you to check? " Du Anran asked.

"You trusted me so much and showed me these at the first moment. Aren't you afraid that I did it? " Xie Chenjin looked at her calmly.

"You and the DU family have no enmity or relationship. Of course, it wasn't you who did it. " Du Anran still had the ability to reason.

"Then why don't you go find someone who has grudges or connections with you? Wouldn't that be enough? " Of course, Xie Chenjin wouldn't directly tell her that it was Chi Xue who sent the anonymous text message.

He and Chi Xue were also business partners. If du Anran knew that he was helping Chi Xue marry Xin Zimo, she would definitely kill him with a knife.

Although it seemed like Xin Zimo had a new lover, Du Anran loved Xin Zimo so much... ...

Thinking of this, Xie Chenjin's heart flashed with an uncomfortable feeling. His mind couldn't help but replay the scene of Du Anran Kissing Xin Zimo that day when it was raining.

He was a little upset and could not help but turn on his computer to continue looking at his stocks.

"You're not helping me at all, " Du Anran said.

"How can you be so stupid? I've already said so much, " Xie Chenjin said deliberately.

"Are you talking about Xin Zimo? Or Xin ZIMO'S MOTHER? "

"Is there a difference between the two? " Xie Chenjin said leisurely.

He suddenly felt a sense of jealousy. Since he did not say anything, he would just let du Anran hate Xin Zimo.

"In short, you mean the Xin family, right? "

Xie Chenjin clearly knew that it was Chi Xue. However, since Chi Xue wanted to be the young Madam of the Xin family so much, he would just treat her as a member of the Xin family. Hence, Xie Chenjin nodded. "Okay. "

"Xie Chenjin, then I'll wait to go to jail, " Du Anran said in despair.

"What a joke! " Xie Chenjin laughed. Wasn't there still the Xie family His mother liked this daughter-in-law so much, would she just watch her go to jail?

"How can I play with Xin Zimo and his mother? "

"Xin Zimo is now a paper tiger. It's already good enough that he can clean up the mess of the Xin family, " Xie Chenjin said "Sun Ping has already left him. He Yuguang has also betrayed him. All those debts and loose ends, including the funds and manpower used to purchase the Xie family, have all gone down the drain. How would he have the time to care about you? "

"then I would be even more afraid if it was his mother. " Du Anran did not like mother Xin, just like how mother Xin did not like her.

It was not that she had not witnessed his mother's methods. That time, she almost died at the hands of Mother Xin.

She was ruthless and merciless.

"I will find a lawyer to help you, " Xie Chenjin said.

"You're the only one who can help me. " When du Anran heard this, she felt warm. Xie Chenjin was sometimes sinister and cunning, but at least he was good to her.

He was probably so patient with her because of his mother and Shaonan.

After leaving the Xie family, that terrible question returned to her mind.

She reached out to hail a taxi. "Sir, go to the city hospital. "

"Okay. "

Along the way, she had been clutching her handbag, and her heart was pounding. She was sure that she was not pregnant. Why would the heavens play such a joke on her.

When the car was approaching the city hospital, Du Anran asked herself what she would do if she was pregnant... ...

In this situation, even if she could hide it for a while, could she hide it for half a year?

"Miss, we're here. "

Du Anran had never felt that the road to the hospital was so short. She was not ready yet.

She got out of the car in a daze, and the white sunlight shone on her body. The Spring Sun was very warm, but at this moment, she felt a chill.

It was the second time she had gone to the obstetrics and gynecology department for a check-up. The last time was a lie, but this time, she hoped that it was not true.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the results, she did not even bother to buy a test paper. What she wanted was an accurate answer.

The doctor in a white coat looked at the film in his hand and then looked at Du Anran He smiled and said, "congratulations, you are seven weeks pregnant. There are no problems for the time being. Remember to have a pregnancy check-up regularly. You must stay away from alcohol and tobacco. Oh, next time, let your husband accompany you. Let him take a look at the baby too. "

Du Anran felt that this news was like a bolt from the blue. Pregnant... ... Seven weeks ...

Was she really pregnant, or was it Xin Zimo's child... ...

Looking at Du Anran's shocked face without any joy, the doctor was probably used to it. 80% of the children would not be able to stay in this kind of situation. Moreover, this girl did not have a husband to accompany her, so the doctor could guess what was going on.

Young girls nowadays were really open-minded and did not know how to cherish themselves at all.

However, the doctor did not show it on his face. He just smiled and said, "go back and rest well. Don't be too tired. Take care of yourself more. You have to maintain a happy mood at all times. Only when your body is well-nourished will the baby be healthy. "

Du Anran's mind was only filled with buzzing sounds. She did not listen to a single word the doctor said.

"It's your first pregnancy, right? Don't be nervous and relax. When you have nothing to do, let your family accompany you more. In the future, reduce the number of times you come out alone. Treat yourself better. It's also better for the baby. "

"Doctor... " Du Anran muttered, "am I really pregnant? "

She did not want to believe that the heavens had played such a big joke on her. She had finally made up her mind to leave Xin Zimo and leave him a beautiful future, but she did not expect to be left with a cruel one.

"Yes, it can't be wrong, " the doctor said. "Many young ladies who are pregnant for the first time have this expression on their faces. It's okay, remember to take care of your body. The baby will definitely grow up healthily. "