Chapter 257, she had lost again

The venue instantly fell silent.

All eyes were focused on du Anran's face. Some people even started to ask who this woman was.

When Hua Yuan's director Zhang heard the price, he had wanted Sun Ping to stop for a long time. However, when Sun Ping told him that the benefits of this project would be far more than this, Zhang Cheng hesitated again.

Zhang Cheng was very happy that Sun Ping had been poached over. He had wanted to Poach Sun Ping for a long time. It could be said that he had painstakingly persuaded Sun Ping. This time, Sun Ping was finally persuaded by him.

With the principle of never doubting a person when using him, Zhang Cheng trusted Sun Ping very much. Moreover, with Sun Ping's achievements in the Xin Corporation, he felt that he could completely trust Sun Ping to manage Hua Yuan.

"12 billion going once... "

Du Anran's heart was in turmoil. She had been praying that Sun Ping would not fight with her... ...

However, a few seconds later, a deep male voice sounded, and Du Anran's heart was broken.

"13 billion. "

A calm and calm voice sounded in the venue, and the surroundings were completely silent.

Du Anran sat weakly on the chair and held the handle tightly. Her eyes were dazed as she looked ahead.

Slowly, she lowered her eyelids. She missed this project once again, and it might be lost forever... ...

"13 billion going once... "

"Miss Du, RAISE THE PRICE! " Luo Cong also saw the pity in Du Anran's eyes. Although he did not know how important this project was to du Anran, he still tried his best to help her.

Du Anran finally shook her head. Her voice was tired. "No need... "

"13 billion going twice... "

The venue was silent. No one raised the bid anymore.

"13 billion going three times! Sold! Congratulations to Huayuan Group for winning the Golden Plate Garden Project! "

Thunderous applause erupted in the venue. Du Anran was like a rag doll that had been emptied. She held her forehead weakly.

"Let's welcome the president of Huayuan Group, Mr. Zhang Cheng, to give a speech. "

Although Zhang Cheng's heart ached for the money, he had already won the project. He could only smile as he went up to the stage to give a speech.

Du Anran could not hear what the people in the venue said next. There was only a buzzing sound in her ears. She suddenly felt nauseous. She was physically and mentally exhausted and very uncomfortable.

Later, it was Xin Zimo who gave a speech. When Xin Zimo's cold and calm voice rang in her ears, she could not hear what he was saying at all. She only knew that Xin Zimo had obtained such a large amount of income, and it was completely enough to fill in the other loopholes in the Xin Group.

Du Anran no longer wanted to think about everything related to this project. She had already lost it, and it was impossible for her to get it again in the future... ...

She had let down her father and herself. How could she face her father... ...

She held back her tears and swallowed the bitterness in her stomach. No one could understand her. At this moment, she felt that the whole world had abandoned her... ...

Suddenly, her stomach churned, and a fishy smell rushed to her throat.

"Oh... " Du anran covered her mouth with a tissue and ran out of the venue quickly.

"Miss Du! Miss Du! " Luo Cong also ran out.

Du Anran's stomach felt terrible. The sudden nausea caught her off guard.

She ran into the bathroom and vomited non-stop as soon as she entered. She turned the tap to the maximum, and her whole body was almost buried under the water.

The loss of the Golden Plate Garden Project made her heart ache, and the pain was worse than the pain in her stomach.

She cried, lying under the water and crying very sadly. The entire bathroom could only hear the sound of the water flowing and her wailing.

She did not dare to cry in front of everyone. Only when she was alone did she dare to cry so recklessly.

Her stomach was still churning with acid water. After crying for a while, Du Anran lay on the sink and vomited non-stop.

Luo Cong was worried outside the bathroom, but he couldn't go in to take a look. He had to call his CEO Xie and tell him that Miss Du didn't get the Golden Plate Garden Project.

Water was dripping from Du Anran's hair. She was so useless. She was really useless... ...

She couldn't protect the world and the DU family. Even her father's last wish couldn't be fulfilled. Why was she so useless... ...

When Tang Nuanyan entered the bathroom, du Anran was still lying on the sink and vomiting non-stop. The water from the faucet flowed out, covering the sound of Du Anran crying.

"Miss Du? " Tang Nuanyan and Du Anran had met a few times and finally knew that her name was Du Anran.

However, according to others, Du Anran seemed to be Xin Zimo's ex-girlfriend, but the two had broken off their relationship last year.

Tang Nuanyan did not probe further. She was not the kind of person who gossiped. She was not interested in Xin zimo's past. Besides, who had not been in a few relationships? There were not many exes.

When du Anran heard Tang Nuanyan's voice, she did not raise her head. She just turned off the Faucet subconsciously.

She lay weakly on the sink. Her stomach was still very uncomfortable. It was as if she had been stabbed by a knife, and there was a bitter and astringent taste coming from time to time.

"Miss Du, are you alright? Do you need help to rest? " Tang nuanyan passed a tissue to Du Anran and helped her wipe off the water droplets on her face.

"No need, I'm fine. " Du Anran forced herself to stand up straight.

However, before she could take a step, the discomfort in her stomach returned. She had no choice but to lie on the sink and vomit again.

She was about to collapse from vomiting. She weakly supported herself on the pool.

"Miss Du, let me accompany you to rest. You must be too tired, " Tang Nuanyan said nervously.

It was not that Tang Nuanyan did not see the whole process. She admired du Anran's courage and persistence. She could understand the sadness du Anran felt when she lost the project, but she did not expect du Anran to be so upset.

Tang Nuanyan had never been involved in a shopping mall. She did not understand what the project meant, so she could not empathize with Du Anran. However, as a girl, she could understand du Anran's feelings.

"Go and do your work. I'm fine. I can take care of myself. " Du Anran still rejected Tang Nuanyan.

"Are you really fine? Don't force yourself. Why don't I ask your assistant to send you back? " Tang Nuanyan said.

Du Anran did not expect Tang Nuanyan to be so kind. She forced a smile and said, "I'm really fine. "

However, Tang Nuanyan was still worried. She stayed by Du Anran's side the whole time. Du Anran probably finished vomiting. She calmed down a little and slowly stood up.

She looked up and saw herself in the mirror. Her face was pale and without any color. Her makeup was also ruined. She looked like a clown. There were tears at the corners of her eyes, and her eyes were red.

"ANRAN! Anran, are you in there? "

When du Anran looked at herself in the mirror, Xie Chenjin's voice suddenly sounded from outside the door. Xie Chenjin was here... ...

She wiped her face and roughly wiped off the ruined makeup. If the reporters saw her like this later, it would be a disgrace to the Xie family.

Xie Chenjin was the only person who supported her. She could not let him lose face.

Tang nuanyan saw through her thoughts. She took out a set of makeup tools from her small bag. "Let me help you. "

She helped Du Anran reapply the foundation, eyebrows, and makeup. Du Anran was very grateful to her. She did not expect that the person who accompanied her at her most helpless moment would be Xin Zimo's current girlfriend, Tang Nuanyan.

"Anran, are you there? Answer me! " Xie Chenjin, who was outside the door, could not get a response. He was very anxious.

Du Anran was already choked with sobs and could not speak. The moment she opened her mouth, she wanted to cry. She was afraid that her makeup would be ruined if she cried again, so she held back her tears.

Tang nuanyan replied on her behalf, "Miss Du is inside. Please wait a moment! "

Xie Chenjin, who was outside the door, was slightly relieved. He did not expect that he would fail this time. He knew that this would be a fatal blow to Du Anran. He was really afraid that something would happen to her if she was not careful. At this moment, what appeared in his heart was actually concern... ...

He had never cared so much about a person before. This person was Du Anran, who had almost no relationship with him.

Tang Nuanyan helped du Anran touch up her make-up and also helped her trim her hair. Du Anran looked at herself in the mirror. Although her eyes were still a little red, it was not that obvious. No one would notice her if she walked out.

"Let's go. It's okay. Everyone's life has failed a few times. " Tang nuanyan comforted du Anran.

Although she could not put herself in Du Anran's shoes, at least she was standing on Du Anran's side.

"thank you, Miss Tang. " Du Anran smiled.

"No need to thank me. I didn't do anything. Let's go out quickly. Otherwise, they will be waiting anxiously. " Tang nuanyan smiled.

Du Anran leaned against the wall and nodded.

When she walked out of the bathroom, Du Anran saw Xie Chenjin and Luo cong waiting at the door.

Xie Chenjin had traveled a long way to come to the hotel. Du Anran actually saw a trace of anxiety and worry in his eyes. She did not expect Xie Chenjin to be worried about her, so she smiled at him.

Even though Du Anran had touched up her makeup, Xie Chenjin still saw red blood vessels in her eyes.

Seeing that this woman was still holding on, he pulled her hand.


"Hey! " Du Anran sprained her ankle due to his sudden pull. She was not used to wearing high heels.

Du Anran almost fell down. Fortunately, Xie Chenjin helped her in time. Du Anran fell into Xie Chenjin's arms. She quickly lowered her head.

"I'm fine. " She stood up and wanted to walk on her own.

However, her foot was indeed sprained. Every step she took looked like she was limping. She was very tired from wearing the shoes. Her whole body seemed to be falling apart. She just wanted to go home and have a good sleep... ...

Someone had told her that when she encountered unhappy things, she would cover herself with the blanket and sleep. After a good sleep, she would forget everything. The next day, the sun would still rise, and the Earth would still be spinning non-stop.

She had only taken a few steps when she saw Xin Zimo walking over. He was here to look for Tang Nuanyan.

Xin Zimo saw Du Anran leaning against the wall, but his gaze was light. After a moment, he looked away.

He walked straight from her side to Tang Nuanyan, who was behind her. When he walked past her, she could still smell the familiar smell on his body.

"Mr. Xin. " Tang Nuanyan also walked to Xin Zimo's side.

Du Anran bit her lip and walked forward with her sprained feet.