Chapter 268, why is it you

"GUESS! " One of the men shouted at Du Anran.

"Big... " Du Anran braced herself and chose one. She was so scared that her eyes were closed and her face was Pale.

"I was actually fooled by this girl! " When the answer was revealed, Du Anran heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

She was scared half to death. If she played a few more rounds, she wouldn't lose half her life before she lost.

"Look at you guys. You're not as lucky as the others, right? HURRY UP AND DRINK! " The man said to his underlings.

The men were still having fun and drinking happily. They were all drinking good wine with their boss. How could they not be happy?

After a round of drinking, there were still men who wanted to let du Anran drink. Du Anran immediately thought of the child in her stomach and shook her head repeatedly.

The men did not force her. It was fine as long as she drank happily. However, after a round of drinking, the second round soon began.

The dice made a "crash" sound. The sound was particularly ear-piercing.

"GUESS! " A rough male voice.

Du Anran could only say "Amitabha" and close her eyes to pray that she would be able to guess correctly.

"guess your second uncle! " Suddenly, a loud but rude voice sounded from the door.

This voice was too familiar to Du Anran, Xin Zimo Why was he here Was it his mother who called him?

There was someone guarding the door, but Xin zimo was skilled and easily dealt with that person. At this moment, he grabbed his arm and came in.

"Xin zimo! " Du Anran shouted.

She was almost scared to death. How did someone come to save her... ...

Xin zimo looked at her with disdain. His face was cold. "Do you remember my name now? "

"Oh, why is President Xin here... " the man put out his cigarette and walked to Xin Zimo.

"Cui Hao, how dare you touch my woman? " Xin Zimo said rudely.

He looked at Cui Hao's face, and his eyes were cold.

"President Xin, it's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. She... How can she be your woman? " Cui Hao looked completely innocent. "President Xin, isn't your woman Miss Tang? "

He was indeed quite wronged. He knew nothing about Du Anran. Chi Xue told him to capture her, but he didn't expect to offend Xin Zimo. It was said that Xin Zimo had many women. Thinking about it, this Du Anran could really be Xin Zimo's woman.

"She's my lover. " Xin Zimo rolled his eyes at Du Anran and said leisurely, "do you still need me to explain it to you? "

Du Anran's face turned from white to black. At this time, he still didn't forget to take revenge on her. He really wanted revenge for the smallest grievance.

"Oh! So she's President Xin's lover. I understand, I understand. In the future, I definitely won't touch President Xin's woman. " Cui Hao nodded.

"It's good that you understand. I will pretend that what happened tonight never happened. However, if you dare to spread the word about lovers to Nuan Yan's ears... "

"OF COURSE NOT! You still have to rest assured about my character, Cui Hao. I told you, CEO Xin's women are all so beautiful. " Cui Hao giggled and said, "they are all men. Don't worry, don't worry. I will not say anything. I understand. "

Du Anran gritted her teeth. He was really thoughtful at this time. He did not forget that his current girlfriend was Tang Nuanyan, commander Tang's daughter.

The other underlings were also stunned. Their boss was still quite polite to this Xin... would they be unlucky?

Xin zimo walked to Du Anran. Seeing that Du Anran was still sitting on the ground, he pulled her up.

"FOLLOW ME! " Xin Zimo glanced at her, turned around and left.

"Oh... " she had no choice but to leave. She did not want to play any dice games anymore. It was too scary.

It was already late at night. It was pitch-black outside and one could not see their fingers. There were still faint stars in the sky, accompanied by a crescent moon. The clouds were faintly discernible, and the fog was also erratic.

It turned out to be a desolate place where there were no signs of human habitation.

Du Anran followed behind Xin Zimo in fear, constantly rubbing her hands. She did not dare to take a step down, afraid that Xin zimo would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Xin zimo probably also realized her fear, so he deliberately quickened his pace.

As soon as he walked fast, Du Anran could not keep up, so she could only trot. She couldn't bring herself to ask him to wait... ...

After walking more than ten steps, Xin Zimo suddenly stopped. Du Anran accidentally bumped into him and bumped into his back. Her forehead also hurt a lot.

"Hiss... " Du Anran rubbed her head in pain. This man was really annoying.

Xin Zimo didn't turn back. He walked a few more steps and arrived in front of his car.

He opened his car door and sat in the driver's seat. He was dragged here in the middle of the night to save such a stupid woman. He was really drunk.

He started the car. Seeing that he was about to leave, Du Anran ran to the front of the car and knocked on the car door.

"Don't leave me behind! I don't want to stay here alone! "

She didn't even know where she was in the Wilderness. What if a wolf and a wild dog ran out. What about the whole House of people? She wouldn't be captured again, right!

Seeing that she had slapped the car so hard that "Bang Bang" sounds could be heard, Xin zimo looked at her indifferently. "Do you know how much the car door costs? Do you want to accompany me after the paint is scratched? "

She had to slap the car door no matter how much it cost. She didn't want to be left here alone.

"You're not going to leave me here alone, are you? " Du Anran was so anxious that she was about to cry. He wouldn't be so heartless, right?

"I think it's good to leave you here alone. The night scenery here is so beautiful. I see that you're having a lot of fun with that group of people. At worst, you can just go back and play. Anyway, I've already warned them for you. " Xin Zimo turned his head and looked at her.

"Why are you so heartless? "

"In terms of ruthlessness, I can't compare to you. " Xin Zimo thought of her determination when she left him.

"Hey, let me get in the car. There are wild dogs and wild cats outside! " Du Anran was about to cry. Xin Zimo was really taking advantage of the situation.

Why did her mother call him out? But thinking about it, her mother didn't know anyone. It was probably the best that she could call Xin Zimo over.

"Beg me. " Xin zimo looked at her calmly. His eyes were sparkling with starlight.

"I don't beg you! " Du Anran said stubbornly. She really didn't believe that Xin Zimo was so ruthless. He clearly knew that she was most afraid of wild cats and wild dogs.

"then you can play by yourself slowly. " Xin Zimo's good temper had been used up. He gave her a chance, but she did not want it.

He stepped on the accelerator and left.

"Xin Zimo! You really left! COME BACK! Are you still a man? ! " Du anran shouted as she chased after him. However, she could not catch up with the mercedes-benz with her two legs. She could only watch as Xin Zimo's car disappeared into the night and fog.

At that moment, she really cried. She looked at her surroundings. It was pitch black. She could not see anything.

She could not even find her way, let alone a human figure.

The wind was strong at night. A Gust of Wind Blew, making the reeds by the roadside rustle. A Large Patch of reeds moved, as if someone would come out at any time.

"Ah! " When another gust of wind blew, Du Anran was so scared that she hugged her arms.

It was late at night. She did not dare to move. She did not dare to squat down. What if a frog jumped out and a snake ran out... ...

She thought of the last time she was bitten by a snake in the London ranch and almost lost her life. It was clear that the gods wanted to play games with her, to keep her from seeing the sun every day.

But what worried her more was the child in her belly, and she knew that it was not good for her to be upset like this, and she had to try to calm down, at least until she decided whether she wanted the child or not.

She walked alone through the night with her arms crossed. She had been in slippers when the group had brought her out, and it was cold.

She did not know where to go, but just walked along the road.

After walking for nearly a hundred steps, a blinding light flashed in front of her eyes.

She instinctively raised her arms to block the light, but she still saw the familiar license plate. She pouted. He had not completely lost his conscience.

She deliberately slowed down her footsteps. It seemed that with him around, she was not afraid of anything.

Xin Zimo was impatient. This woman was constantly challenging his patience. Did she really think that he pampered her?

Well, he was indeed pampering her, pampering her to the point that she was out of control.

When she walked to the car, she did not get into the car, nor did she slam the car door. She just stared at him.

"Get in the car! " Xin Zimo said unhappily.

It was him who compromised again. It would have been better if he had left her outside for a night. He would have punished her properly.

Why did he turn back USELESS... ...

Du Anran quickly opened the car door and sat in the front passenger seat. She buckled her seatbelt obediently. This time, Xin Zimo was not worried at all.

It was still warmer in his car, much warmer than outside. The fragrance in the car was much better than the smog outside. It was the first time she had felt so full of warmth.

Seeing that she was finally seated, he started the car and turned around to drive along the road.

The two of them did not speak and Xin Zimo did not sing. It was quiet in the car and they could hear each other's breathing.

After driving for a while, Xin Zimo had no choice but to compromise. He only turned to look at her and said fiercely, "next time... "

"Next time, I won't give you any trouble. " Du Anran finished his words in one breath.

In fact, what she wanted to say in her heart was that she couldn't be blamed for what happened today. Could she and her mother fight against a few burly men?

Fortunately, this group of people seemed to be even dumber than her, and they even dared to let her mother out midway.

She didn't expect that the People Xin Zimo knew weren't good people either. It was said that birds of a feather flock together. From this, it could be deduced that he wasn't a good person in the first place.

His Gaze and tone were no different from those of the underworld. He almost ate her up.

"Little Lover, I saved you today. How do you plan to repay me? " A trace of an evil smile appeared on the corner of Xin zimo's mouth. His smile was malicious and sinister.

"I didn't ask you to save me, " Du Anran whispered.

The night was as dark as water. The car passed through the dark and narrow road. There was nothing on the side of the road, only rows of Tall Reeds.

"really? Then get out of the car! " Xin zimo deliberately slowed down.

"No! " Du Anran grabbed the seatbelt tightly. She didn't want to get out of the car again. It was so dark and scary outside.