Chapter 270, sleep in your room

"I know. " Xin zimo sighed.

This matter was caused by his mother. He had to keep this secret to himself and couldn't tell anyone. The debt the Xin family owed to the Chi family had increased.

"The women who like you are all quite pitiful. " Du Anran suddenly felt something.

Xiao Qingqing was like this, and so was Chi Xue. This was something she had never expected.

She didn't know if she would be like this in the future. The pain in this world was nothing more than dancing on the edge of a knife and singing in the raging flames. Her face suddenly looked sad, and her eyes were a little * * * * * .

"It's not that the woman who likes me is pitiful, it's that obsession is too scary, " Xin zimo sighed.

Obsession was too scary. It was so scary that she gave up all her habits and tried hard to correct her many personalities. It was so scary that she went into the dust, just to win a smile from a beauty, just to stay with her in Chang 'an.

"Obsession... " Du Anran mumbled this word.

If Xin Zimo was her obsession, then why did she let go of her unhappiness? Could it be that she could not let go or that she was unhappy. Was it because her obsession was too deep?

After a long silence, he said, "who did you say was looking for the DU family to file a lawsuit? "

"A joint appeal. The construction site incident 20 years ago and the construction site incident last year were all victims. " Du Anran's voice was a little choked up.

She thought that these matters had long passed. The Du family had handled it very well. The parties involved had also expressed that they would not pursue the matter further, but now they were suing again. They even dug up the old scores from 20 years ago.

At the mention of 20 years ago, Xin Zimo felt a weight weighing down on his heart. It was impossible to say that he had truly let go. His father was still alive and had an accident. His Mother's second child had also died in the rain.

Afterward, the family had not given any explanation to the Xin family. Du Anran's father had never seen the mother and son.

Now, twenty years had passed. Du Yuanheng had passed away. The Xin family was no longer the Xin family of the past. The family had also belonged to the Xin family.

He was only willing to forget the past for the sake of DU anran. He buried all of this in the bottom of his heart and never brought it up again.

"I know you don't want to hear this. " Du Anran saw the change in his expression and knew that it had opened up his scar, making him sink into his memories.

"So you think this matter has something to do with me? " Xin Zimo was not angry that she mentioned the past twenty years ago, but that she still did not believe him.

"No... It's just that I can't find anyone else. " Du Anran lowered her head ...

"How ridiculous. " Xin zimo scoffed.

Did he pursue the matter from twenty years ago If he wanted to pursue the matter, would he have waited until today It was true that he hated the DU family and hated Du Anran, but he said that he would let it go and not pick it up again.

This woman's mind was really a mess.

"I'm sorry, " Du Anran apologized.

But she still couldn't think of anyone who wanted to sue the DU family. If it wasn't him, then it must be his mother.

After driving for a long time, Xin zimo finally drove to the entrance of the DU residence.

However, a white Bentley could be seen parked at the entrance from a distance. The Du residence was brightly lit. Xie Chenjin paced back and forth in the courtyard and called from time to time.

"Stop the car! " Du Anran saw it from afar. She quickly asked Xin Zimo to stop the car. She did not want Xin Zimo to go to the DU residence.

However, Xin Zimo refused to let her go. He turned his head and said, "why, are you abandoning me after using me? Why didn't you stop the car on the road just now? "

Du Anran knew that it was a waste of words. Xin Zimo was arrogant again.

However, she would be the one to suffer later... ...

Sure enough, Xin Zimo deliberately parked the car next to Xie Chenjin's Bentley. He even honked the horn. Bai Ruyun, who was worried in the courtyard, quickly ran over.

When Xin Zimo asked someone to send her back, it didn't take long. Why did it take so long for him to save Du Anran.

She thought that she had encountered an accident, but when she saw Du Anran in the passenger seat, she was completely relieved.

Du Anran unfastened her seatbelt, but Xin Zimo didn't open the car door. Du Anran said anxiously, "open the door, my mother is worried to death. "

Xie Chenjin also walked over. When he saw that it was Xin Zimo who sent Du Anran back, he felt a faint sense of loss. This feeling had appeared many times, but this time, it was still straight to the bottom of his heart.

"I slept well in the middle of the night and was woken up. I won't leave later. Give me your room, " Xin Zimo said seriously.

"No, you're not allowed to sleep in my house. What is this? We broke up! " Du Anran said.

"okay, then you can stay in my car for one night, " Xin Zimo said slowly. She was obviously afraid that others would misunderstand.

Anyway, he had long lost his sleepiness, so he did not mind playing with her for a while longer.

"OPEN THE DOOR! " Du Anran saw her mother knocking on the car door. Her whole face turned red. She really couldn't afford to offend Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo didn't say anything. He looked at the night view outside the car with a serious expression. Oh, if he wasn't careful, he would see a certain man's face. He really appreciated the expression on Xie Chenjin's face. If du Anran wasn't so noisy.

"I promise you! " Du Anran compromised.

Even if he didn't compromise, he had to compromise. He was such a bastard!

Xin zimo pressed a button. Only then did du Anran open the car door and threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Mom, I'm fine. You don't have to worry. "

"Anran, are you really fine? Did they do anything to you? Why did you only come back? " Bai Ruyun was still worried.

"I'm really fine. You left not long ago, and he... came, " Du Anran said ...

"I was too anxious. Fortunately, you stuffed your phone into my hand when I left. I didn't know who to call either, so... ... But you should say thank you to him. In City A, I don't know who to look for either ... He didn't waste a second to look for me. He was kind enough."Bai Ruyun was still in shock Her words were a little incoherent.

However, she could not understand the relationship between Xin Zimo and Du Anran. Logically speaking, they had broken up and each had a new lover. Why would Xin Zimo care about Du Anran's business... ...

"If you need anything in the future, look for Chen Jin. He's my boyfriend. He's also very capable. " Du Anran looked at Xie Chenjin who was beside her.

Xie Chenjin had his hands in his pockets and did not approach Du Anran.

He looked at her from afar. In fact, he had never approached her.

"I only found out that you called him when he came to the DU residence. He rushed here in a hurry. "

"Oh... " Du Anran nodded. "He cares about me very much. "

Bai Ruyun was not stupid. She only rarely asked about troublesome matters. From the tone of Du Anran, she did not seem like a couple with Xie Chenjin.

Xie Chenjin was very concerned about Du Anran. When they arrived at the Du residence, Bai Ruyun saw that he was travel-worn. She was so anxious that beads of sweat broke out on her head.

However, she still believed that Du Anran had her own ideas. She should not have asked.

"Chenjin, thank you for coming. I really appreciate you. " Du Anran walked forward and thanked him sincerely.

"You don't have to thank me. It's only right and proper. "

Xie Chenjin was still very gentlemanly. When he saw Xin Zimo, he put away the worry on his face. That kind of worry seemed to be unnecessary.

"since both of you are fine, go to bed early. I'll get someone to help you renovate the villa another day. At the same time, I'll transfer a few servants from the Xie family, " Xie Chenjin said.

"It's so late and I still want you to come over. I'm really sorry. There's no need for the servants. Our family... can't afford to hire them. " Du Anran lowered her voice ...

"It's not safe for you and your daughter to live here. Moreover, such a big house is too deserted. "

"It's okay. I'm planning to make a few rooms available for rent. That way, I won't have to worry about being deserted when I get the rent. "

"I'm just afraid that the villa is too far away from the downtown area and difficult to rent out, " Xie Chenjin said. "Besides, are you really willing to rent it out to others? "

Actually, Du Anran couldn't bear to rent it out, but she had no choice. Firstly, she was living in a tight financial situation. The villa alone had a lot of monthly maintenance and maintenance fees. Secondly, just as Xie Chenjin said, the villa was too big and deserted.

If something like what happened tonight happened again, she really could not bear it.

She was young and could still bear the shock. However, as for her mother, she could not let her mother suffer along with her.

"I'll think about it again. I'll make a careful choice, " Du Anran said to Xie Chenjin.

Xin Zimo, who was in the car, was already impatient. Was He reluctant to part Was it so difficult to part?

He honked the Horn, and Du Anran turned back to look at Xin Zimo. Xie Chenjin met Xin Zimo's eyes. Both of their faces remained expressionless, but their eyes were emitting different degrees of coldness.

Du Anran knew that she had just promised Xin Zimo, so it was impossible for him to leave now.

She could only say to Xie Chenjin, "it's so late, and I still asked you to come here. I don't know if tomorrow will affect your work. "

"No, " Xie Chenjin said, "you have a good rest and take care of Auntie. I'll leave first. "

"Goodbye. " Du Anran waved at him.

Xie Chenjin smiled slightly, but he was not Jin Shaonan. He could not treat du Anran unconditionally and without principles under uncomfortable conditions.

When he started the car, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.

He was a gentleman, but he could not be a gentleman at all times.

It was just like the time when he invited her to the press conference, but she rejected him decisively. He was angry and angry.

After Xie Chenjin's car left, Xin Zimo rolled down the car window and said to Du Anran, "open the door and let my car in. "

Seeing her mother's suspicious expression, Du Anran had to explain to her mother, "he just said that he was too tired and did not want to drive back, so... he wanted to stay here for the night. "

Bai Ruyun responded with an "Oh" . When she looked at Xin Zimo, she noticed a faint but gentle smile on his face.

Du Anran had to open the door. Xin zimo smiled approvingly at her and drove into the villa.

"Zimo, thank you so much for tonight. If you feel tired, you can sleep in the DU residence. I feel really bad for dragging you out in the middle of the night, " Bai Ruyun said.

"Aunty, how could that be? I would help even strangers, not to mention not! " Xin zimo curved his lips.