Chapter 272, stingy man

"It's already good enough to have a sofa for him to sleep on. "

Du Anran was very angry when she thought about how he had left her on the road last night. She knew that she was very afraid of an empty night.

"personal grudges are personal grudges. Yesterday's matter is yesterday's matter. Actually, I don't know if I should tell you this again. He cares about you very much. He doesn't care about you perfunctorily. A person's eyes can't deceive others. "

"Mom, you don't understand. A person who has lied for years can also pretend to look at others. "

"since when has zimo been lying for so many years? " Bai Ruyun felt that Du Anran was becoming more and more prejudiced.

"Why are you speaking up for him again? is He your biological son or am I your biological son? I even suspect that I'm giving him a phone bill. "

"If you can give him a phone bill, I won't give birth to you. Just go and fill up the phone bill a few more times. "

"Mom, you're getting worse and worse! " Du Anran said angrily, "I'm ignoring you. Go make breakfast. "

"The sun has risen from the West. Do you know how to make breakfast? " Bai Ruyun was in a good mood this morning.

"You should get used to the feeling of the Sun rising from the West in the future. " Du Anran made a face and ran away.

When Xin Zimo got up, Bai Ruyun had already gone to work. Du Anran leaned on the table alone and read the documents sent by the court. She fell asleep after reading them.

There was still breakfast on the table, and it was still slightly hot.

Xin Zimo walked to her side and looked at her with a helpless smile. She was really tired. She probably only slept for three or four hours yesterday, but unfortunately, he snatched it away when she went to bed in the morning.

Just as she was about to find a piece of clothing to put on, Xin Zimo saw the documents on the table.

Xin Zimo remembered what she had said last night. Someone had jointly filed a lawsuit against the DU family.

He flipped through the documents curiously. There was nothing special about it. When he saw the statement of the accident twenty years ago, Xin Zimo's hand paused slightly.

It had been twenty years. He had never thought of pursuing the DU family's responsibility again. However, he did not expect that there would still be people in this world who would not forget this.

There was also the accident last year. Because Shihe and the construction site manager had made a mistake, it was actually partly because of him. He had sent people to pour wine into the person in charge of Shihe. He had wanted to take the opportunity to take away one of Shihe's plans, but he had not expected the person in charge to be drunk. When he went back, he accidentally activated the brake, causing more than a dozen workers who were working to have an accident.

He was not clear about what had happened twenty years ago, but he remembered that Shihe had made compensation and subsequent mediation for last year's accident. Why were these people still unwilling to let it go.

They were all just ordinary workers. Logically speaking, it was impossible for them to cause trouble again. Even if they were not well-informed, they should have known that Shihe was long gone.

Someone instigated them?

Xin zimo suddenly realized this problem. He flipped through the documents in detail.

Du Anran slept for a while before she woke up. When she woke up, she happened to see Xin Zimo flipping through the documents. She snatched the documents away.

"Why are you touching my things? " Du Anran said angrily.

"What's yours is mine. " Xin zimo glanced at her.

"This is not something good. "

"I know. It's an appeal. Do you want me to help you solve it? "

"No need. " Du Anran rejected him without thinking.

Whenever Xin Zimo took the initiative to help her, her first reaction would be that he had bad motives. Moreover, Xie Chenjin had already promised to help her. She could not look for Xin zimo anymore. Xin Zimo could not even clean up the mess in his hands. Now that Sun Ping was no longer helping him, she could not give him any more trouble.

"It's fine if you don't need it. I'm not a glutton. I can't be bothered with such a small matter. When you're asked for compensation, you can just look for Xie Chenjin, " Xin Zimo said plainly. It was obvious that he was jealous.

"Shihe has already made the compensation and cleaned up the aftermath. I believe that the court will give us a fair judgment. "

"Fair? Hmm, then just wait for the punishment! Let me think. How much is appropriate for such a matter that concerns the life of a person? 500,000 yuan per person? Oh, it's only about 10 million yuan. Looking for the Xie family is not a big deal. "

"Don't curse the DU family. How can we lose such a case! Do you wish for the DU family to lose? It just so happens that you've avenged the Xin family 20 years ago. Killing two birds with one stone. Don't you need to do it yourself? " Du Anran said angrily.

Not to mention ten million, the DU family couldn't even afford a lawyer now. Xin Zimo's words clearly carried a strong personal feeling.

"I want to avenge my father. There are thousands of ways. There's no need to choose the one that works the slowest! Moreover, the two lives of my Xin family are not something that the DU family can calculate with money. " Xin Zimo's face was filled with anger.

Du Anran was still looking at him with such eyes. Did she not believe that he would let go of his hatred... ...

Yes, it was difficult to completely forget, but he was trying hard not to think about it and let time dilute it.

"If you can't use money to calculate, what do you want to use to calculate? " Du Anran suddenly added.

"You're being unreasonable again! "

Xin zimo threw the document on the table. She was obviously doing it on purpose How many times had he said it? Since he had already chosen to put it down, why did she still bring it up!

He took the suit and walked out. He was in a good mood after a nap, but he did not expect her to make him angry early in the morning.

"Xin Zimo, you're a very petty man! " Du Anran said secretly.

However, she quickly discovered his sensitive spot. The past between the DU and Xin families was a thorn in his heart.

She didn't mean to touch his wound, but if this could make him leave her far away, it could be considered a success!

Not long after, Du Anran saw him drive out of the villa without looking back.

Forget it, this stingy man, I guess I can have some peace and quiet for a while.

Xin Zimo was angry alone for a while. When he drove to the Xin Corporation, Tang nuanyan called.

As usual, she asked him when he was free. Xin Zimo replied that he was not free for the next few days. Tang Nuanyan was not the kind of girl who was ignorant. She immediately nodded her head and told him to focus on his work. She would visit him.

Xin Zimo and Tang Nuanyan had been getting along for a while, but he still did not feel anything. He cared about Chi Xue as an older brother and Xiao Qingqing as a partner. However, to Tang Nuanyan, it was like drinking water He could not taste anything.

Perhaps this kind of plain girl was more suitable for marriage, but he could not imagine how a marriage that had been plain water from the start could go further in the future... ...

It was not entirely true. Wouldn't he still have du Anran as his little lover in the future.

He thought of the words that she had said just now that made him feel bad and the messy lawsuit.

Only someone with no taste like him would find trouble with a lover.

On the way to the Xin Corporation, he called the little secretary. "How's the progress of the promotional film? "

"Director Xin, it's already being filmed. It won't be long before I give you a satisfactory answer. ". "Also, the project to donate to the various universities in city a has been very successful. The newspapers have carried out large-scale reports, and the Xin Corporation's popularity and image have risen to a whole new level. ". "As for the charity gala and the last auction, they were also very successful. The stock market is optimistic. "

"That's right. What did the presidents of those banks have to say to me? "

"They didn't say much. "

Xin ZIMO's face darkened. He didn't say much?

Sure enough, they were a few old foxes. Pretending to be able to deceive others, but not them. They could see that the Xin family was thriving on the outside, but inside, they were losing a lot!

However, he, Xin Zimo, would make these old foxes regret it.

"okay, I got it. Continue to follow up on the promotional video, " Xin Zimo said.

"CEO Xin, I've received news that Miss Mi Li is also shooting a promotional video for the Xie family. Do you think... we should hurry up and produce it in advance, or... " the little secretary probably meant.. To avoid being suppressed by the Xie Corporation's promotional video. After all, how could a Newbie like Anqi compare to Mi Li.

"What I need is quality, not perfunctory. I want a brand new promotional video that can explain the Xin Corporation. Moreover, we don't need to do it in advance. Once Mi Li's promotional video is released, what we need to do is to surpass it, not to sigh in admiration. "

"President Xin, I understand. "

"Okay. "

Xin Zimo hung up the phone. This kind of little secretary indeed did not have much tacit understanding with him. If Sun Ping was still around, he would definitely be able to see through his thoughts and would not ask him these stupid questions.

Unfortunately... Xin Zimo sighed silently in his heart ...

After making the call, Xin Zimo did not go to the Xin Corporation anymore. He turned around and went to the court.

If Sun Ping was still in the Xin Corporation, he would not have to do this personally. However, he was still worried about handing it over to someone else.

When he arrived at the court, Xin Zimo went straight to the president's office. A few judges, the presiding judge, and a few clerks were there. A group of people sat together as if they were discussing a case. When they saw Xin Zimo, they remained silent.

Among them, only the Dean recognized Xin Zimo. The Dean immediately went up to him.

"President Xin, why are you free to come to the court today? It's really rare... "

"Dean Jin, I want to know about a lawsuit, " Xin Zimo said.

"Sure, sure. I'll ask Xiao Feng to go with you. If you want to know anything, just tell him. He will definitely tell you everything. " The Dean was quite polite to Xin Zimo. After all, Xin Zimo's former Secretary Sun often invited him to dinner!

"The DU family's lawsuit, also known as Shihe's lawsuit, was just filed. "

The president obviously did not know. He immediately said to a judge, "Oh, it's okay. Have Xiaofeng transfer all the files to you. "

The judge gave the president a look, but the president did not notice.

After leaving the president's office, Xin Zimo said lightly, "there's no difficulty, right? The case was just filed a few days ago. Logically speaking, you should still remember it clearly. If not, answer a few questions. "

"This... " the judge looked troubled. "Ask. If it doesn't involve privacy, I will tell you everything. "

"If it involves privacy, I must tell you everything I know. " Xin zimo glanced at him with a cold smile on his lips.