Chapter 275, troublemakers

Chi Xue glanced at Xin Zimo, her face showing her disbelief that there would never be such a day She wanted to see if there would ever be such a day... ...

Xin zimo ignored the expression on Chi Xue's face. He came to find Chi Xue today for two reasons. One was to look at her, and the other was to warn her.

He heard that Chi Xue had been behaving abnormally recently. Sometimes, she would even spout nonsense. Just as Du Anran said, she seemed to be suffering from paranoia.

But now that he looked at her, she seemed to be normal. He knew that she was upset, but a lot of things had already happened, and there was no way to go back.

He only tried his best to protect her, but it was only within his bottom line.

Du Anran was his principle and bottom line.

"brother Zimo, don't blame me for being ruthless. I don't wish you and Du Anran the best, " Chi Xue sneered.

"That's your business. I can't change it, but it has nothing to do with me, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

"brother Zimo, you have a good attitude. "

"You don't have to worry about my business. However, if you instigate Cui Hao to kidnap anran and get someone to sue the DU family in the future, don't blame me for being merciless, " Xin zimo said rudely.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from you, brother Zimo. " Chi Xue smiled calmly as if it had nothing to do with her "I just casually told Cui Hao that he went to look for Du Anran. How can you blame me? Brother Zimo, you don't have to push everything on me like this. "

"Xiao Xue, you weren't like this in the past. " Xin zimo's tone was a little pained.

This was unlike the Chi Xue he knew, that innocent little girl.

However, he and his mother were also responsible for her reaching this stage. He couldn't completely blame her.

"I have no one to care for me and no one to love me. I'm an orphan. Isn't it normal for me to become like this? "

"Don't give up on yourself like this. There are still many people who care about you in city A. If you give up on yourself, you'll never come back. "

Xin Zimo could never be as ruthless to Chi Xue as he was to Xiao Qingqing. The Chi family was indebted to the Xin family, and his mother was ashamed of Chi Xue. No matter what, he could not let Chi Xue give up on herself.

"Brother Zimo, are you concerned about me? I didn't expect you to care about me. I thought you only had du Anran in your heart... " Chi Xue sneered.

"I have always cared about you. I also hope that you can return to the pure and beautiful Chi Xue of the past. "

"Pure and beautiful? Ha, no matter how beautiful you are, you won't even look at me. Moreover, the current me, you will only despise and look down on me, right? "

"You take care of yourself. The words I said will not change. I will take care of you as usual. However, if you dare to touch du Anran, don't blame me for not recognizing you. " Xin Zimo warned again.

"Take Care of me? Who wants you to take care of me? I don't need it! I don't need your pity! " Chi Xue yelled hysterically.

The wind blew her long hair. Her messy hair brushed past her eyes and cheeks, accentuating the paleness on her face. There was not a trace of blood on her face.

"You better calm down. "

Xin Zimo said this and started the car. He turned the steering wheel and was about to leave.

How could Chi Xue remain calm? She covered her head and did not want to hear another word from Xin Zimo. He kept talking about Du Anran. She did not know what was so good about that woman... ...

When Xin Zimo drove the car to her Ferrari, his eyes were sharp. "where did you learn about the things in the appeal letter? If I'm not wrong, you should know nothing about the world and the DU family. "

Chi Xue did not dare to look into Xin Zimo's eyes. She only said indifferently, "I've been in city a for so long. Besides, it's not Cui Hao. What don't I know? "

"The things in the appeal letter are not something that you can get with your ability, " Xin Zimo said indifferently.

"brother Zimo, you don't have to use such a tone to question me. You're so powerful. Logically speaking, there's nothing that you don't know, is there? " Chi Xue asked in return.

The corners of Xin Zimo's lips curled into a sneer. He stepped on the accelerator and only threw a sentence to Chi Xue. "Take care of yourself. "

The sound of the wind and the sound of Xin Zimo's car driving away could be heard. Chi Xue stared at the empty space in front of her for a long time.

All she could see was desolation. The bare trees had not yet sprouted, and the vast land was still devoid of green grass. Everything was lifeless.

Although it was already spring, it was even more bleak than midwinter.

Xin ZIMO's car had already driven to an unknown place. Chi Xue suddenly leaned on the steering wheel of the car. At first, she only sobbed faintly. Then, she burst into tears.

Why was there so much sadness on the road of life? Why did the heavens always leave her with an unfair fate.

She was so pitiful. No one pitied her.

After du Anran left the Xie Corporation, she did not expect to be surrounded by a large group of reporters on the road.

At that time, she had just left the Xie Corporation's Bank building. She was thinking of how to find out who issued the appeal. There would definitely be a second time after the first threat. She did not want to be so unclear.

However, before she could think of a reason, a young female reporter ran to her.

"Hello, Miss Du. I am a reporter from Xinmin Evening News. I am very happy to interview you. May I ask if you have just walked out of the Xie Bank's building to look for President Xie? " The female reporter had a gossipy look on her face.

"I am sorry, this is my personal matter. It is not convenient for me to disclose it. " Du Anran avoided it. She did not want to provoke the media.

"Miss Du, it is said that you and President Xie have an open relationship. Is this true? " Another reporter took the opportunity to surround her.

Du Anran was surprised. What kind of strange news was this? Why did it have to come at this time. She was just about to catch her breath when she was forced into another corner.

Was the road of life always filled with difficulties in order to find her own happiness?

"Miss Du, was it you who sat in President Xie's car at the last auction? If so, under what name did you participate in that auction? "

Questions were thrown at Du Anran one after another, and Du Anran was forced into a corner.

"Miss Du, last year, the mayor's son proposed to you. May I ask why you broke up so quickly? "

A reporter actually mentioned Jin Shaonan. Du Anran's heart trembled. They still remembered such a long time ago. Entertainment reporters were indeed entertainment reporters.

However, her heart was filled with endless sadness. She had come to this point. Whether it was her break-up with Jin Shaonan or her fake act with Xie Chenjin, she had always loved that one person, right?

That person had protected herself very well. There were almost no scandals between him and her in the country. Even the last cocktail party in London had not aroused any speculation from the domestic media.

One after another, reporters swarmed toward Du Anran. She hated this feeling of oppression. It reminded her of the world and the scene when she had just gone bankrupt. At that time, the reporters were fighting to surround her. Later, she had even met Mother Xin and Chi Xue.

The only difference was that at that time, she was pretending to be pregnant. Now, she was really pregnant... ...

"May I ask Miss Du... "


The questions that had been bothering her surged toward her like a flood. Du Anran's mind suddenly went blank. What should she say?

This familiar scene made her inexplicably think of those sad and embarrassing things. Although everything was in the past, the heart-wrenching feeling came back.

This made her more and more think of what Xin Zimo's mother had said. If she and Xin Zimo were not compatible, it was impossible for her to marry Xin Zimo.

The reporters surrounded her and forced her to the wall.

"Miss Du, it has been revealed that President Xie's mother, Madam Xie, has already acknowledged you as her daughter-in-law. When do you plan to hold the wedding? "

The reporters'eyes were shining, as if they had caught another big piece of news.

Although this kind of news that happened in the business world was not as eye-catching as the news in the entertainment circle, Xie Chenjin and Xin Zimo were the same. They were both rich bachelors in City A, so every time their news caused a strong reaction.

"I'm sorry, the rumors are just rumors. Time will clarify it. " Du Anran's face showed a calm expression.

This time, she could not be as embarrassed as before. She steadied her emotions and tried her best not to think about everything related to the world and the unhappy things.

"Then, Miss Du, do you have a boyfriend now? " A reporter changed the way he asked, but it was still very straightforward.

"I don't want to answer questions that involve privacy. Please give me some space, " Du Anran said.

"Miss Du, is the incident at the golf course true? "

Du Anran really admired the memory and imagination of this group of reporters. She had almost forgotten about the incident at the golf course. She remembered that Xin Zimo was very angry at that time... ...

She smiled embarrassedly. Why did she think of Xin Zimo again.

"If it's fake, then it's real. " Du Anran smiled indifferently at the reporters.

"Then Miss Du, can you ask what type of husband you will have in the future? Will he be a modest gentleman like the mayor's son, or an elegant gentleman like President Xie? "

The reporters were still unwilling to let du Anran go, even though Du Anran's answer was useless to them.

"If you like someone, you will find that no type matters. " Du Anran smiled.

She couldn't help but think of Xin Zimo again. He was neither a gentleman nor a gentleman. He was also narcissistic, petty, and Hooligan. However, every time she thought of him, she felt that his shortcomings had become his strengths. If she liked him.. Then it was purely because she liked him.

Just like him, he would care about her, take risks for her, and give up everything for her.

However, she couldn't let him give up anymore. Love couldn't be selfish, and Love wasn't just a matter between the two of them.

"Miss Du... "

A reporter put the microphone in front of Du Anran. Du Anran did not want to be surrounded by a group of people like this. She pushed the microphone away and smiled. "I'm sorry, I hope I can have my own space. "