Chapter 284, beautiful scenery

The first time Du Anran knew about this city was when she was very, very young. In her father's study, she flipped through a book of lyrics. On the first page, there was a Dunhuang tune.

"I made a thousand wishes in front of my pillow. I want to rest until the mountains are rotten. On the surface of the water, the weights are floating. I want to wait until the Yellow River has completely dried up.

The Sun is shining brightly, and the big dipper is returning to the south. I can't rest until the sun is shining in the third watch."

When she was young, she could not understand the sentences in the lyrics. She could not understand the sweetness and fear of love that penetrated her bones.

Now that he had tasted all of this, he could only stand on the Dunhuang land alone.

Han Yuan was dressed in a very eye-catching, bright yellow Tuxedo coat. He stood in the crowd of people who were waiting to pick him up.

Du Anran saw him at a glance. She walked towards him.

"cousin-in-law, you are really a man of action. You came just like that. I have not prepared well. " Han Yuan smiled and helped du Anran carry her luggage.

"What is there to prepare? You are not going on a blind date with me. Do you have to pay attention to your image? " Du Anran laughed.

"Cough, cousin-in-law, I don't need to pay attention to my image. I'm also extremely handsome, okay? "

"I know. Your family's genes are good. " Du Anran followed behind him and walked out of the airport.

"The best genes are all with cousin. I won't snatch them. I'm the most practical person, " Han Yuan probed.

Sure enough, Du Anran's gaze was a little erratic, but after a moment, it settled down again.

"since you're so practical, shouldn't I give you a Little Red Flower? " Du Anran smiled.

Han Yuan saw that there was indeed something going on between Du Anran and his cousin, but he did not point it out. He just continued to observe quietly.

The last time he left city a, the two of them were clearly very good. Why did they quarrel again after such a short time.

Love was indeed a very troublesome thing.

With his cousin's pitiful Eq and poor love skills, he definitely would not be able to deal with his angry cousin-in-law.

"I don't want the red flower. Why don't you treat me to a meal, cousin-in-law? " Han Yuan chuckled.

"I came to Dunhuang to look for you, and you want me to treat you to a meal? No Way, I'll give you all my clothes, food, shelter, and travel for the next few days. You have to be responsible. Let me come over happily and go back happily. "

"It sounds so troublesome... " Han Yuan facepalmed.

"What's so troublesome? It seems that you were able to take care of Xiao Tao easily last time. How can you take care of me? Are you not willing? " Du Anran teased.

"No, no, no, I'm very happy. As long as cousin-in-law is having a good time, I'll be happy. I'll definitely serve cousin-in-law as well as serving the empress dowager, so that cousin-in-law will be satisfied and return, " Han Yuan said.

"bring me from tonight onwards. Where do you want to bring me first? "

"follow me, there will be countless surprises! " Han Yuan said mysteriously.

"Just don't lose me! " Du Anran laughed.

Han Yuan had long booked an Antique Inn for Du Anran. This inn matched the atmosphere of Dunhuang very well, and Du Anran fell in love with it at a glance.

The Sky was getting dark, and there were red lanterns hanging outside the INN. As they walked up the stairs, du Anran counted a total of twelve steps. The night wind blew, bringing with it a heavy feeling of sand and dust. It was as if a Qiang flute was playing beside du Anran's ears.

"The 12th century is a cycle of reincarnation. Chou Yin, Mao Chen, Wu Shen, Wu Xu Hai. Look at this row of lanterns, there are also twelve. In a while, I will bring you to the backyard. There are even more beautiful palace lanterns there. " Han Yuan was very familiar with the place.

Du Anran followed behind Han Yuan. It was like a dream.

"Han Yuan, I feel like my 20 years of life have been wasted. No one has ever brought me out to play like this. My father is very busy with work, and my mother has always lived in seclusion. She rarely comes out. When I was young, I always played with the chauffeur at home. Sometimes, I played alone."Du Anran sighed.

"cousin-in-law, you're still young. You'll have many days to play in the future, " Han Yuan said.

"I hope that in the future, there will be no worries and peace of mind. " Du Anran looked at the scenery here.

Han Yuan brought du Anran into the backyard. He was very familiar with it, as if he had come here often.

Du Anran looked at Han Yuan and suddenly burst into laughter. "Han Yuan, this coat of yours is really a strong contrast to the scenery. Bunusky, HAHA... "

Han Yuan lowered his head and laughed. His clothes were really two Bunusky with different expressions. The expressions were strange, especially when he walked. Bunusky looked like it was jumping.

"cousin-in-law, I'll bring you to buy one tomorrow. I haven't seen you wear such a cartoon before. It will be very cute when you wear it! " Han Yuan said.

"Why are you acting cute? You're not a child. If you wear it, people will laugh at you. "

"No one here knows you except for me. Don't worry, sister-in-law, you'll definitely look ten years younger in it. "

"You talk as if I'm very old now. I'm about the same age as you. "

"Yes, yes, yes. sister-in-law will always be eighteen and as young as a flower! " Han Yuan laughed.

When they entered the backyard, as Han Yuan had said, the scene here was even more beautiful than the outside. A row of palace lights were different, with different patterns drawn on them.

There were beauties admiring flowers, carriages and horses, and small bridges and flowing water... ...

Du Anran looked over one by one, her eyes fixed on them, and she was amazed.

"cousin-in-law, I'll take a few photos for you. Stand properly. " Han Yuan took out his slr camera.

Du Anran nodded and stood at the end of the corridor. "Take the photos here! Take them beautifully. Don't make me complain about your photography skills. "

"Don't worry, I've won a gold award in photography. I don't take photos of ordinary people! I only take photos of beauties! " Han Yuan raised his camera.

In the evening wind, the wind blew and the tassels swayed. The palace lights set off the glazed tiles. Du Anran stood in the corridor as if she was standing in a painting.

Under the last glimmer of light in the evening, Han Yuan pressed the shutter and froze du Anran's beauty and scenery in the photos.

"It's too beautiful. Do you want me to send a few photos to my cousin? " Han Yuan said deliberately.

"No, just send them to me alone, " Du Anran said.

"It's boring to be lonely and self-admiring. Beautiful photos are meant to be appreciated by everyone. Only then will they be valuable. "

"Stop It. If you dare to spread rumors, I'll throw your camera into the water! " Du Anran threatened.

"No, no, no, my camera costs hundreds of thousands! I'll be heartbroken. "

"It's good that you know. Just be a good follower for the next few days. I'll leave my schedule to you. "

"Tomorrow, take cousin-in-law to Mogao Grottoes, Mingsha Mountain, and crescent spring... "

Du Anran slept soundly the first night she came to Dunhuang. It turned out that leaving a city could temporarily forget everything related to that city.

It felt good to leave everything behind. She had been too tired for the past year.

Han Yuan went to his room after settling Du Anran down. He called Xin Zimo as soon as he returned to his room.

Although he felt that it was not good to be a spy and a villain, he decided to be a villain for the sake of his cousin's future happiness.

"cousin, did you and cousin-in-law have a fight? " Han Yuan asked directly.

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? "

Xin Zimo was still very surprised when he received a call from Han Yuan. Even he could not figure out his cousin's whereabouts.

"Tell me the truth. If you confess, I'll let you go. If you resist, I'll make you suffer! "

"No, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

"You don't want to admit it? It's fine if you don't want to admit it. I was going to tell you some secrets, but it seems like you're not sincere. "

"What Secrets? What are you hiding from me? Why are you suddenly asking me about Du Anran? "

"Forget it, forget it. It's tiring to talk to you. cousin-in-law is kind and approachable. I'm going to find cousin-in-law to eat raisins, " Han Yuan said on purpose.

It had been a long time since they last met. His cousin was still like this. He could not do it without someone to teach him.

His cousin-in-law was not strong enough either. This time, he was probably angered by the beauties around his cousin, right These two people, why didn't they get married yet.

Han Yuan was worried about nothing. He suddenly thought that he did not even have a girlfriend, so why was he worried.

"Du Anran is at your place? " Xin zimo sensed that something was wrong.

Ever since the rainstorm that night, he had not gone to look for her. He did not expect that she went to look for Han Yuan?

"It has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with me. Alright, I'm hanging up now. The moonlight is so good, we can't let the good times go to waste. We can't learn from some people. All you know is finance, stocks, projects... it's a headache. "

"WAIT! " Xin Zimo stopped him. "where are you? "

"Why should I tell you? You didn't even tell me the truth. Cousin, you're so sly. You only know how to trick me. " Han Yuan was very proud.

"I didn't quarrel with her. She broke up with me on her own accord. She's already married and living with someone else. " Xin zimo's tone was very calm, but when he mentioned these things, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

That night at the villa, when she broke up with him on her own accord, he repeatedly asked her if she had any difficulties. Later, he also checked and found that no one threatened her. It was all voluntary.

Therefore, he had nothing to say.

"Ah? " Han Yuan jumped down from the chair. How could it be... ...

These two people must be his cousin cheating on her. Du Anran... ... How could she be living with someone else ? ?

"You don't believe it, I don't believe it either. But that's the truth, " Xin Zimo said indifferently.

"cousin... I sympathize with you... you really fell into the hands of a woman all your life. I sympathize, I deeply sympathize... " Han yuan clicked his tongue.

"where are you? " Xin Zimo asked.

"Dunhuang... Cousin said that she wanted to go on a trip, and I happened to be in Dunhuang, so I asked her to come along. But cousin, don't worry. With me here, I won't let cousin suffer. "

Dunhuang... Xin Zimo did not expect that Du Anran would come to Dunhuang without a word, and he actually did not know ...

He was really afraid. If one day, she quietly disappeared into the sea of people, and he searched every corner of the world but could not find her, what would he do... ...

This kind of fear appeared again. She did not care about his feelings, but he cared about her!

"Hello, hello, cousin, why aren't you talking... " Han Yuan called a few times on the other end of the phone.

"It's okay. Take good care of her. Send me her schedule. "

Xin Zimo put his fist against his forehead and sat in the empty office, surrounded by a huge sense of loneliness.