Chapter 294, agree to get married

The Cui family was a small house. After all, it was the deputy commander's house. It looked very tasteful. The flowers and trees in the garden had all turned green. The Sky was already dark, and the small house had sunk into a warm, dusky yellow.

The sound of flowing water could be heard everywhere. When the surroundings had quieted down, it could be heard even more clearly.

"Come, come, come. Follow me in. My parents are definitely at home right now! " Cui Hao carefully held Chi Xue's hand.

Chi Xue paused and looked at the surrounding scenery.

Everything here was a little similar to the Chi family's old-fashioned Villa. However, after the Chi family moved abroad, that villa was sold.

Perhaps the scenery here made Chi Xue like it, but she couldn't help but follow Cui Hao inside.

Perhaps the environment had changed, and the personality of a person had also changed.

Chi Xue didn't have the changeable mood during the day. When she quieted down, she was no longer the same as before. Whether it was from her expression or her behavior, she had the demeanor of a lady from all walks of life.

Seeing that Chi Xue had stopped causing trouble, Cui Hao also forgot about the words that Chi Xue had scolded him. He brought Chi Xue home as if she was a treasure.

Cui Hao was used to being carefree. This time, for the first time, he knocked on the door when he entered the house.

The two elders of the Cui family, who were sitting on the Sofa and chatting, thought that their guests had arrived. When they looked up, it was Cui Hao. They could not help but be stunned.

"Dad, MOM, I'm back! " Cui Hao called out and lowered his head to get Chi Xue slippers to change.

He took care of Chi Xue everywhere, and Chi Xue had always respected her elders. Although she was still a little unhappy, she temporarily suppressed it.

"Jing An, did the sun set from the East today? " The commander asked his wife.

"Dad, you're the only one who's always insulting me! " Cui Hao laughed.

It was mother Cui who noticed Chi Xue first. She smiled and said, "this is... "

"Let me introduce you, my dear. This is my wise and Mighty Dad, and this is my dignified and beautiful mom. Dad, mom, this is Chi Xue, my girlfriend. I brought her back today for you to meet. "

"Hello, uncle and Auntie, " Chi Xue greeted. Although she was reluctant, she didn't show it on her face.

"Hey, Miss Chi, sit down. " Cui Hao's mother pulled Chi Xue to sit beside her.

Cui Hao's parents had probably heard about Chi xue from Cui Hao a long time ago, so they weren't too surprised. They just didn't expect Cui Hao to really bring Chi Xue home.

In the past, Cui Hao changed his girlfriend like changing clothes. They were used to it and never saw him being serious.

They were also very angry with Cui Hao and did not want to care about Cui Hao's marriage. They did not expect Cui Hao to bring his girlfriend home this time. He seemed to care about her very much.

"where is Miss Chi from? " Mother Cui asked Chi Xue.

Chi Xue had no intention of marrying Cui Hao in the first place. When she heard mother Cui's question, it was as if she was checking her household registration. She could not help but feel a little unhappy. However, seeing that mother Cui was still polite, she said patiently, "I grew up in city A. Later, I went to England with my parents. "

"then I'm a local. That's good. I wonder what my father and mother do? "

Mother Cui and Chi Xue met for the first time, and their original intention was to chat casually. Therefore, she didn't see that Chi Xue was unhappy. She just felt that she was a little nervous. However, on second thought, it was inevitable for her to meet her parents for the first time!

"My parents passed away in an accident last year... " Chi Xue was a little unhappy.

Cui Hao brought a plate of fruits over. "Come, come, don't just talk. Eat more fruits. MOM, eat some mangosteen to nourish your face. Xiaoxue, eat some strawberries. It's sweet and sweet! "

"You child, you're still the same. YOU WON'T GROW UP! " Cui Hao's mother said with a smile.

Cui Hao's father didn't say much. Occasionally, he would interject a few words, but most of the time, he was reading the newspaper.

"Mom, save some face for me. My girlfriend is still here! " Cui Hao said.

Every time Cui Hao listened to Chi Xue's words, he always had his heart in his chest. He was afraid that this little aunt would leave when she was unhappy and cause a scene.

Fortunately, although Chi Xue didn't look particularly happy, she didn't look particularly unhappy either.

After chatting for a while, the Butler served dinner.

Chi Xue naturally had to stay at the Cui family for dinner. She regretted entering the Cui family. Now that she was riding a tiger, she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

The Deputy Commander was basically silent and didn't say much. During dinner, mother Cui was rather polite and kept serving Chi Xue with food.

Mother Cui liked Chi Xue the first time she met her. She felt that this girl had a quiet temperament and was like a lady from a noble family.

However, she didn't know much about Chi Xue and wanted to inquire about her family background. Although she didn't have much hope for her only son, the Cui family business would definitely belong to Cui Hao in the future. She also hoped that she could have a girl who could control Cui Hao and develop the Cui family better in the future.

Even if she wouldn't become rich and powerful in the future, at least she couldn't just sit around and eat everything. She also needed to be able to block the flowers and plants outside of Cui Hao's house. She needed to be able to live up to the occasion and teach her husband at home.

"I wonder where Miss Chi lives now? " Mother Cui asked.

Without waiting for Chi Xue to answer, Cui Hao beat her to it. "She's staying at my place now! Dad, mom, actually, I didn't just bring Chi Xue back this time to introduce her to you. I'm still begging you to agree to let us get married. "

"Isn't it too rushed? Cui Hao, are you serious? " Cui Hao's mother asked.

She was very familiar with her son. She didn't want to Ruin Chi Xue's life just because of her son's whim.

"Of course I'm serious. MOM, don't look at people with old eyes. Your son has already grown up. Let me tell you, I made a small profit when I went out to do business with my friends last month! " Cui Hao said with a smile.

"Do Business? You really change your mind every day. " The commander, who had been silent for a long time, said, "a while ago, you wanted to join a government agency. Now, you're going to do business again. You just can't be down-to-earth and behave yourself! "

Every time the old man opened his mouth, he would teach Cui Hao a lesson. Cui Hao curled his lips and immediately deflated.

He criticized in his heart, "wait until I earn money, then you'll look down on me again! "

Of course, he didn't dare to say this out loud. At this stage, he still had to rely on the old man to support himself.

"Xiaoxue, do you agree to marry my son? I hope he didn't use any means to force you. I want to hear the truth from you, " mother Cui said to Chi Xue.

Chi Xue was originally indifferent. She only cared about eating the food in her bowl. When mother Cui was talking to her, she was still absent-minded.

"Ah? Oh, he said he was serious, " Chi Xue said lightly.

She really gave Cui Hao's parents enough face. If it weren't for the fact that they were elders and Father Cui was the deputy commander, she would have thrown her bowl and chopsticks and left the house.

"Dad, mom, I plan to get a marriage certificate with Xiao Xue tomorrow. Can you guys give me the household register... " Cui Hao said.

Cui Hao's mother saw that Cui Hao was serious this time and asked for the household register from her.

"Are you ready to get married? Can you stop being so playful? You're already an adult and you still need me to remind you from time to time. Tell me, how long has it been since you've been back to this house? Have you gotten a girlfriend, bought a ring, and proposed? "

Cui Hao was speechless after hearing what Cui Hao's mother said. Indeed... ... He hadn't promised Chi Xue anything yet ...

He felt a little guilty when he saw that Chi Xue's hands were clean and clean without any jewelry.

"I'll make up for it. I'll treat Xiaoxue well. MOM, don't worry! Besides... Besides, I have another piece of good news to tell you... " Cui Hao said mysteriously ...

Cui Hao's mother asked casually, "what good news? "

"Xiaoxue... XIAOXUE IS PREGNANT! " Cui Hao couldn't help but dance. "I'm going to be a father, and you and dad are going to be grandparents too. Are you happy? "

This news shocked Father Cui, who had been lowering his head, and mother Cui was stunned for a few seconds.

Chi Xue's hand that was holding the chopsticks trembled. Cui Hao... ... He really dared to say it ! !

Ha, it didn't matter if the Cui family was happy for nothing. She would abort this child tomorrow.

"Cui Hao, what do you want me to say about you? ". "since this matter has been done to this extent, I will agree on behalf of your father. You will go to collect the marriage certificate with Miss Chi Tomorrow. As for the engagement and marriage, we will handle it. " Mother Cui didn't look too happy She obviously did not agree with Cui Hao's method of first executing before reporting.

Moreover, she knew nothing about Chi Xue. She did not even ask anyone to investigate.

She did not have many requirements for the daughter-in-law of the Cui family, but at least she had to have a clean family background and conduct herself according to the rules.

However, now that Chi Xue was pregnant, she had nothing more to say. If she still did not agree, if someone made an issue out of this, her father's official position would have to be preserved.

Chi Xue still did not have any expression on her face, but in her heart, she felt that it was laughable.

This Cui family was really interesting. Did they really treat her as their future daughter-in-law?

"Mom is wise. Long live mom! I knew that you loved your son the most. After I get married, I won't forget about you, mom. I will definitely show filial piety to you and dad. Then, I will bring my grandson back to visit you often! " Cui Hao laughed.

"It's all because of you! " The commander was not as happy as Cui Hao's mother. He was really a person who had led the army before. No matter what, he would always remain calm.

"It's been a long time since our Cui family had any good news. Look at old Tang's family. Last time, they even held a big celebration for their wedding anniversary. WE CAN'T FALL BEHIND! " Cui Hao's mother said.

"Mom, look at me now. I've helped you stand up for yourself. Don't go on blind dates for me in the future. I picked my own girlfriend. She's many times better than the ones you picked. " Cui Hao was proud of himself.

"I've always wanted to set you up with old Tang's daughter Nuanyan, but Nuanyan has a boyfriend now. Even if she doesn't, I guess Nuanyan won't like you, " Cui Hao's mother said.

"How can you be so arrogant? How can your son be inferior to her? " You have to have intelligence, looks, ability, and ability. What's the name of the old Tang family's daughter... ... What .. Tang Nuanyan, I don't like her She looks like a young student, I don't like her."Cui Hao shook his head.