Chapter 298, psychological counseling

Du Anran was touched. She did not expect that her promise would be trusted directly by her mother.

When mother Xie put all the torn photos into the envelope, she took the menu from the table again.

"What else do you want to eat? I'm a little hungry. "

Du Anran smiled. "Auntie, you... aren't angry anymore? "

"Why are you angry? You can't fill your stomach if you're angry. Come, eat something with me. " Mother Xie handed another menu to Du Anran and waved at the waiter.

Du Anran was very grateful to mother Xie for her tolerance and generosity. Unfortunately, she and Xie Chenjin could only fake it forever. However, she really hoped that if mother Xie found out about this in the future, she would be able to sit down and eat with her peacefully.

It was already night when they returned from the restaurant. Du Anran finally called Xie Chenjin when she was free.

"How is Uncle Jin's matter going? " Du Anran asked directly.

"Miss Du, President Xie is too tired today. He just fell asleep in the car. Can you call back later? "

Du Anran was slightly disappointed when she heard Luo Cong's voice. However, she was touched when she heard Xie Chenjin fall asleep in the car because he was too tired. He must have put in a lot of effort for Uncle Jin.

"tell him to take good care of himself. Go home and sleep early tonight, " Du Anran instructed.

This was the only thing she could do. She could not contribute to Uncle Jin's matter. She could only place the burden on Xie Chenjin's shoulders.

"I will pass your message to President Xie, " Luo Cong said.

Du Anran hung up the phone. She leaned against the window and looked at the bright lights in the distance.

In the dark night, the bright lights flashed, like the stars in the sky blinking their eyes.

It was a very simple scene, but she was fascinated by it. The evening wind of spring blew in her collar, like willow trees brushing past, making people addicted to it.

The night was no longer cold. Her long hair floated in the dark night, gently sliding across her face. She closed her eyes slightly.

Perhaps it was because the two people who had fallen in love had a telepathic connection. While du Anran enjoyed the warm spring wind in the evening wind, Xin Zimo stood on the rooftop of the villa on the lake heart island and quietly watched the night, sipping a glass of red wine.

The color of the red wine mixed with the night sky. Under the illumination of the lights, it mixed with a special tone.

This kind of long night was really lonely and lonely.

Xin zimo drank a mouthful of red wine and looked at the night in the distance. Unfortunately, the night was too long and his vision was too short. In the end, his gaze could not reach the place he wanted to see.

After standing on the rooftop for a while, Xin zimo felt that the night was lonely and lonely. He needed a lover to accompany him.

The corners of his lips curled up into a wicked smile. He really missed his little lover.

It had been a few days since they last saw each other. It was as if they had not seen each other for a few years. The days felt like years, and he was obsessed with her. It was all occupied by him alone.

Thinking of this, he could not help but take out his phone and prepare to make a call to harass her.

However, when he turned on his phone, he saw a text message from Chi Xue: Brother Zimo, I don't want to marry Cui Hao. I have nothing to do with him. I don't love him!

Xin zimo frowned, and in an instant, all his good mood disappeared without a trace.

The text message was sent a few minutes ago. Xin Zimo looked at the time and saw that it was nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Chi Xue's imagination was running wild again. He felt that Chi Xue was the one who should be traveling the most. Every time she was alone in the middle of the night, she liked to let her imagination run wild.

There was also her paranoia. In the past, it was only occasional and very mild, but ever since that incident, it had become very frequent.

Xin zimo shook his head slightly. In the end, the Xin family still had to bear the most important responsibility.

He Changed Du Anran's number to Chi Xue's number and dialed it. A few seconds later, the other side picked up.

"Brother Zimo... I'm so scared. There's no one here. What do you think Cui Hao is going to do? I don't want to marry him! "

Xin zimo listened to Chi Xue's nonsense for a while and mostly repeated, "I don't want to marry him. I don't love him. ".

Xin Zimo was helpless. "where are you now? "

"Cui Hao's place... do you think he wants to do something to me? Why did he lock me in the room and not let me out... " Chi Xue said with a sobbing tone ...

"He won't. Sleep well. When you wake up, you won't have any worries. "

Xin Zimo knew Cui Hao well. He was a thief with no guts. He wouldn't do anything to hurt Chi Xue. If Chi Xue was really locked up, it was probably because Cui Hao was worried.

"I don't dare to sleep. I'm afraid that once I fall asleep, I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow and I won't be able to see you! " Chi Xue said nervously, "brother Zimo, come and see if I'm okay. It's very dark here and it's very dark outside. I really want to see you... "

"If it's dark in the room, turn on the lights. Don't think too much. Nothing will happen. I'm still in City A, " Xin zimo said.

"No, brother Zimo, come and see me. I'm really scared... " Chi Xue's voice sounded like she was crying.

Xin Zimo said helplessly, "it's alright. Why don't I make a call and ask mother Xu to accompany you? "

"I don't want to. Brother Zimo, come and see if I'm alright... " Chi Xue cried. "It's so dark in the room. I can't sleep. I keep seeing people trying to hurt me. The Room is pitch-black and I can't see anything. Come over, alright? Come over... "

In the end, Chi Xue's voice became softer and softer, leaving only tears.

Xin Zimo was really helpless. He put down his glass and comforted her, "wait a moment. "

He hung up the phone and immediately called Cui Hao. Cui Hao seemed to be in a bad mood. He roared the moment he got on the phone. He only calmed down slightly when he heard that it was Xin Zimo's voice.

"Are you throwing a Tantrum with Chi Xue? " Xin Zimo's voice was cold and his eyes were slightly cold.

He really regarded Chi Xue as his younger sister and didn't want to see her suffer a little. Although many times she did things that were too excessive, he still hoped from the bottom of his heart that she could walk on his path of happiness.

"Chi Xue called you, didn't she? I say, President Xin, seeing is believing. When did you see me and Chi Xue throwing a Tantrum? " Cui Hao's attitude wasn't good either.

Although they were both in city a and were in the same upper circle, Cui Hao and Xin zimo hardly interacted with each other. Their personalities and ideas were worlds apart. If it weren't for Chi Xue, they wouldn't have even made a phone call.

"She's with you. Besides you, who else would bully her? "

"President Xin, if it were you, would you be able to tolerate a woman who has other people in her heart and talks about other people's names all day long? " Cui Hao roared, "Chi Xue talks about your name in front of me all day long. If I'm not angry, would I still be a man? "

Xin Zimo was slightly silent. In fact, he could understand Cui Hao's meaning.

Every time du Anran mentioned someone else's name in front of him, wasn't he the same? He wanted to crush her into pieces.

"Chi Xue is my sister. She's just not recovering yet. Give her some time and treat her well, " Xin Zimo said.

"What's wrong with how I treat her? I treat her a hundred times better than you do, but she just likes you! " Cui Hao almost cursed.

"I'll persuade her properly. " Xin Zimo knew that this kind of thing would not be good for anyone, and he could understand Cui Hao's feelings.

"She still wants to go out to look for you in the middle of the night, how would I dare to let her go? I can only lock her up at home. " Cui Hao sighed "You say that I, young master Cui, have been treated as a joke by those scoundrels. At this time, I am at home with my girlfriend. In the past, at this time, I was either in a bar or in a club. How could I be so cowardly? "

"Chi Xue is only throwing a tantrum occasionally. After the incident last time, she was a little agitated. Don't be too extreme. After a while, she will go along with you. "

In fact, Xin Zimo did not expect that the incident would cause such great harm to Chi Xue. He somewhat hated his mother's unscrupulous methods.

"Let's hope so! Oh, right, Chi Xue is pregnant, " Cui Hao said plainly.

Xin zimo frowned. "When did this happen? "

"I just found out some time ago that she kept trying to abort the child. I was adamant about it and even brought her home to meet her parents. My parents also agreed to our marriage, but she refused to get a marriage certificate. "I've brought her to the civil affairs bureau several times. Every time, she refused to get out of the car. As soon as I touched her, she threatened to jump off the building. "Tell me, I... ... What can I do!"

Cui Hao was really angry, anxious, and angry. Speaking of which, he had really put a lot of effort into Chi Xue.

"If she doesn't agree, don't force her anymore. Later, when she's in a good mood, take her to the psychological consultation room. "

"It's not a big deal, but she's so fragile! " Cui Hao didn't think much of it.

"Not everyone is like you. "

"Forget it, I got it. I'll take her to have a look some other day. If it really doesn't work, I have no choice. " Cui Hao was quite helpless.

"You have so many tricks to coax girls. I don't think I need to teach you. "

Xin Zimo felt that his eq was far inferior to Cui Hao's. Asking him to talk about these things was just empty talk.

In fact, it was always easier said than done by the bystanders. When things really happened to him, there was nothing he could do.

Just like him and Du Anran. Until now, he could not let her return to his side.

His gaze was fixed on the red wine on the table. The clear red color scattered the lights on the rooftop like rubies.

After the phone call with Cui Hao, Xin Zimo indeed did not receive any more calls from Chi Xue. However, he did not have the mood to call Du Anran anymore. He could only straighten his clothes and return to his room.

Du Anran, on the other hand, had been standing by the window the whole time. She was a little intoxicated by the warm wind.

Early the next morning, the sky was still dark. There was still a thin layer of water vapor on the window.

A series of ringtones woke du Anran up from her sleep. She reached for her phone but could not open her eyes. She only said "hello" softly.

"Anran, go downstairs. Shaonan has returned to China. "

It was Xie Chenjin's voice. Even though Du Anran was very confused, she could hear the seriousness and urgency in Xie Chenjin's tone.

"You're downstairs? " Du Anran quickly sat up and walked to the window.

"Yes, I'm downstairs at your house. I'll take you to the airport, " Xie Chenjin said.