Chapter 324, a married woman

"Zimo, let me tell you something, " Du Anran said as they walked side by side to the car.

"Huh? What is it? "

"When I went to your father's cemetery, my mother told me that your mother came to look for my mother. She thought it was about the DU family and got into a fight with my mother. That time, she almost killed me from upstairs! " Du Anran said.

"There's such a thing? I haven't heard my mother talk about it. She almost killed my wife, " Xin Zimo said seriously.

"It would be great if she really didn't have me. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to accept the storm that followed. " Du Anran sighed.

"What storm? Didn't you see a rainbow at all? "

Du Anran looked up. Rainbow She smiled. If there was a rainbow, it would be... ... She fell in love with him, and coincidentally, he also loved her ...

But a rainbow was ultimately a flash in the PAN... ...

"Zimo, your mother's second child was because the DU family didn't have it. Are you really going to let it go? " Du Anran thought of that matter again.

"I was still young at that time. I only knew that the father was the most important. I didn't have much feelings for my mother's child. " Xin Zimo was lost in his memories.

"But to your mother, it was very important. "

The current Du Anran especially understood this feeling. As a mother, as long as the child was already in her body, she would protect him with all her might.

Therefore, she could now empathize with her mother's jealousy and hatred.

"In the future, won't you make it up to her by giving birth to a grandson? " Xin zimo smiled and held her waist.

"Let Miss Tang do it. I won't do such a thing. " Du Anran pursed her lips.

In fact, she did not dare to tell Xin Zimo that she... ... was pregnant with his child ! !

Unfortunately, Xin Zimo would not accept her child. She had already seen through her attitude when she pretended to be pregnant. She did not want her child.

"What Miss Tang? Between the two of us, don't mention anyone else. " Xin zimo frowned.

"stop pretending, " Du Anran said, "alright, if you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it. Do you think I'm willing to talk about it? "

Du Anran's mood was inexplicably better that night. Perhaps it was because she had heard Xiao Lanzhen's words?

When she walked to Xin Zimo's car, Xin zimo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Anran, can I leave you here? " He joked with Du Anran again.

"Don't you dare... " Du Anran grabbed his hand tightly. These two words came out of her mouth without any imposing manner.

"Why wouldn't I dare? I'll leave you here and see how you'll explain the words 'married woman' to me in the future. " Xin zimo looked at her calmly.

"How can you be so stingy? As a man, how can you be calculative with a girl... " Du Anran looked at him eagerly.

This man was indeed extremely stingy. Every word she said would become his leverage.

"If you're not calculative, then explain it to me. What do you mean by 'married woman' ? " Xin Zimo deliberately looked at her, waiting for her answer.

"A married woman... is... is a woman with a husband... " Du Anran bit her lip.

"Look at you, you still have no memory. How did I explain it to you just now? "

"You have to force me! " Du Anran was angry. How could she say such mushy words.

Xin Zimo let go of Du Anran's hand, opened the car door, and sat in the driver's seat. He started the car, and with that posture, he really wanted to leave du Anran here alone.

"Hey, you really want to leave me here alone? Open the door, open the door! " Du Anran slapped the car window.

She really wanted to cry, but no tears came out. This man, was it necessary... ...

Xin Zimo was really the most ungentlemanly man she had ever seen. As she cursed him, she had no choice but to rub herself against him.

"You chose it yourself. I didn't force you. " Xin zimo shrugged.

Seeing that Xin Zimo really did not have any intention of opening the door, du Anran gritted her teeth. Wasn't it just a very disgusting sentence? If she said it, it would be... ...

If even he could say it without changing his expression, she would definitely say it.

"I... A married woman is... I'm Xin Zimo's woman. No one... can take it away from me! " Du Anran finished speaking in one breath, and her body broke out in cold sweat ...

She felt goosebumps all over her body. It was so disgusting that her mother had opened the door for him. It was so disgusting.

"It's good that you are aware of this. " Xin Zimo was smiling with a bright smile on his face. He did not feel disgusted at all.

The next moment, he opened the car door as expected. Du Anran was afraid that he would go back on his word and do something bad, so she quickly jumped into the car.

On the way, Du Anran did not say anything. She was afraid that she would offend him, and then she would be the one who would suffer.

Du Anran closed her eyes to rest. She suddenly thought of Uncle Jin's matter. Uncle Jin's matter was also caused by Xin Zimo's silence. However, Xie Chenjin had told her not to look for Xin Zimo.

Therefore, she would not tell Xin Zimo now. However, she still kept praying that Uncle Jin would come back safely and Shaonan would fully recover... ...

The car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant. Du Anran knew that it was because she said that she had not eaten dinner.

However, she did not want to stay with this beast anymore. If he sold her out, she would help count the money!

"Aren't you hungry? COME DOWN! " Xin Zimo jumped out of the car first.

"I'm not hungry anymore. I want to go home and sleep, " Du Anran said.

"It's not up to you. Come down and have dinner. I'll send you back after dinner! I'm hungry too. "

Xin Zimo opened her car door and kept looking at her.

"Then it's settled. After dinner, you'll send me back? "

"Yes. "

Du Anran reluctantly got out of the CAR. When she got out, she realized that this was the frighteningly expensive restaurant, Westin restaurant. It even had a small villa in the backyard... ...

When she thought of the last time she was called here in the middle of the night, Du Anran couldn't help but have a headache.

But she also remembered the card Xin Zimo wrote when she left in the morning. There were three words on it: "sorry. ".

"The last time I asked the waiter to bring you breakfast, but you refused to eat it. " Xin Zimo pulled her over.

"I just didn't want to eat breakfast that day, " Du Anran explained.

"Don't lie to me. It's not the first time I've known you, " Xin Zimo whispered into her ear.

After entering Westin restaurant, Xin zimo asked for a separate room. It was the same one from last time. Xin Zimo seemed to like it there, but in fact, Du Anran also liked it.

The Cherry Blossoms in the courtyard had long since withered, leaving only green leaves on the trees. However, the Cherry blossoms were still in full bloom after they had withered, so there was no lack of beauty here.

It was only then that Du Anran realized that there were trees planted in the courtyard all year round. In this way, flowers would bloom in spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Sitting cross-legged at the table, Xin Zimo ordered some desserts for Du Anran. He knew that she loved to eat these, so he specially ordered non-fat ones for her so that she would not gain weight. There were also nutrients.

"Try this milk Tofu, " Xin Zimo said to Du Anran.

When the waiter brought Xin Zimo's order up, she saw that it was all her favorite food!

"How much is this table? " Du Anran blinked.

She was scared away the last time she came. She did not expect to have the chance to come again. Xin Zimo was such a stingy man. What if she provoked him later and he asked her to pay the bill... ...

She had to make preparations beforehand.

"Du Anran, you're not ordinary. You're talking about money in such a nice place, " Xin Zimo said disdainfully.

"then... should we go Dutch later or... " Du Anran had to leave herself a way out ...

"If you can afford it, you can buy it. " Xin Zimo poured a glass of red wine and said lightly.

"..."Du Anran was helpless.

However, she looked at the red wine in his hand and said, "aren't you going to send me home later? Why are you drinking... "

"If you're drunk, I won't send you back. There's everything here. Sleeping with me for a night won't eat you up. " Xin Zimo smiled with evil intentions.

"If you're drunk, you can stay here alone. I think the manager here already knows you. There's no need for me to come here in the middle of the night. " Du Anran curled her lips.

"staying alone is a waste of a good time. Look at the crabapple flower outside. "

"What's good about it? It's almost gone. "

Du Anran actually knew that the crabapple flower was blooming well, but after Xin Zimo said that, it became bad.

"You only know how to spoil the mood. Why do you think I fell for you? "

"Are you blaming me? " Du Anran said unhappily.

She lowered her head and poked a few Red Cherries in the fruit platter. The cherries were red and sweet at the moment.

Xin zimo smiled. Du Anran was really cute at this time.

The two of them talked as they ate dinner. The hourglass in the room kept counting the time. The evening wind blew gently, and the fragrance of the flowers filled the air. This scene was perfect for this person.

Xin Zimo only drank a few mouthfuls of wine. After du Anran was full, he sent her home.

Today, his mood suddenly brightened. It turned out that he was only happy when he saw her. Every minute and every second with her was called happiness.

As a result, he could not leave her.

In fact, Du Anran was also quite happy. It seemed to be a long time ago that she had a peaceful meal with Xin Zimo.

However, she did not know that while she was having dinner, Jin Shaonan had already flown to London... ...

Early the next morning, Du Anran ran went to the hospital to see Jin Shaonan, but she saw an empty bed.

She called Xie Chenjin anxiously, and Xie Chenjin explained to her that he had sent Shaonan to a quiet place to recuperate.

Du Anran did not doubt Xie Chenjin at all. Instead, she heaved a sigh of relief. Going to recuperate was a good thing. When one was sick, the most important thing was to recuperate. She also hoped that Shaonan would be able to come back healthy after recuperating for a period of time.

Moreover, Uncle Jin's matters had not been settled, and Shaonan would only be more worried if he stayed in City A.

It was just that she felt a little regretful that she could not send Shaonan off.

She counted the days and did not visit Uncle Jin for a long time. With this thought in mind, she made a trip to the Ministry of Public Security.

Xie Chenjin's friends were there, and no one stopped her, so she was allowed to enter.

It had only been a short period of time since she last saw Uncle Jin, but unexpectedly, Uncle Jin had also lost a lot of weight. When she went, Uncle Jin happened to be resting with his eyes closed. He leaned against the wall of the room as if he was asleep, but also seemed to be thinking about something.