Chapter 330, be good

"I just thought, what else can I do at my age? I've made all the mistakes in the past, and now I'm giving you all of my things as a way to make up for some of my mistakes. Otherwise, I won't be able to live with my conscience, " the old man said lightly.

"there are thousands of ways to make up for my mistakes, and leaving it to me is the most meaningless one. "

"I heard that something happened to the Xin family in London. Although you kept it a secret, you understand that all the markets and crises in the country can't hide from my eyes, " the old man said.

"So? "

"So, I don't know if this family business can help you get through some difficult times. If you are persistent and unwilling to accept it, then you can return it to me after this crisis is over. How about it? "

"The so-called crises usually only need to clear one part of the chain, and the rest will be solved easily. " Xin zimo curved his lips and smiled confidently.

"Then it seems that you are determined not to accept it. "

"If you really feel sorry, you can go and see grandma. "

"I'm not planning to leave this time. I've already arranged everything in London. I think I should return the remaining years to Luoluo. " The old man's eyes were filled with sorrow.

"Yes, you should spend some time with grandma. She was still thinking about you when she was alive, and even during her last days. "We put away all your photos, and she went crazy looking for them everywhere. "You were clearly the one who betrayed her, but she always understood you. "

Xin Zimo's voice was full of sobs when he said this.

"Luoluo... " the old man suddenly cried out, "I've let you down. The person who has let you down the most in my life is you... "

Du Anran, who was playing with little fish, was shocked. When she turned around, she saw the white-haired old man crying like a child... ...

Her tears couldn't help but roll in her eyes. What kind of infatuation did that woman have for the old man? She would never change her mind until death.

In comparison, Xin Zimo was much calmer. After all, she was his grandmother, and she had passed away early. Xin Zimo did not have any stronger feelings than the old man.

He just sighed in his heart and handed the old man a tissue.

He had only heard about what had happened in the past. No matter how much he heard, no one would be able to tell the truth.

"It has been so many years. Just forget what you should have forgotten, " Xin Zimo said to the old man. "If you can watch over her in her later years, I think grandma will be pleased. "

The old man wiped his tears away. "At my age, it would be childish to say anything about moving on. "although I can't forget what I should forget, I just want to catch up with Luo Luo and talk to her for a few years. "I'll take it as slowly making up for what I owe her, even though I know that I'll never be able to make up for it in my entire life. "

"That's good too... " Xin zimo nodded. "I can accompany you to grandma's place. "

Xin Zimo also understood that since they were a family, the kinship in their blood would never be broken. Besides, no matter how much hatred there was, wouldn't it have long disappeared?

For so many years, the word 'grandfather' had been nothing in his mind. In fact, Xin Que was only a photo in his mind.

Many years later, because of Du Anran, he gave up his hatred and tried to accept this kinship. Although he would no longer have the beauty of his youth, at least, he made up for the regret in his life.

"I have already let go of all the foreign groups, and London has nothing to do with me anymore. When the leaves fall, they return to their roots. In the end, I still came back, " Mr. Xin sighed.

Du Anran heard the old man's words and sighed. She was clearly past her pretentious age, but her eyes still had tears in them.

"There's something I'd like to ask of you, " Xin Zimo said, lowering his voice slightly.

"Zimo, tell me. " The old man nodded.

"When I was in danger in London, I knew who did it. After I returned to China, because I lacked evidence, and because the Xin family's affairs were more important, I was stranded. Now, I need you to help me find evidence. "

Xin Zimo knew that in London, old master Xin's power was not to be underestimated. Guo Zi was inexperienced, so he was not as decisive and ruthless as old master Xin. Old Master Xin had to find the evidence.

"There's no problem, I can do it. " Old Master Xin said, "when you were in trouble, I had already helped you to collect some evidence. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to tell you. "

"If... I mean, if there's anything that involves du Anran, erase it. "

Old Master Xin understood what he meant. He really loved Anran.

Du Anran just felt that they were talking nonsense again. She did not know what they were talking about.

She could not hear them, so she could only play with her fish. After playing for a while, the fish were full. She had nothing to do, so she sat on the chair next to the fish tank and fell asleep.

In her deep sleep, she actually dreamed of New Year's Eve. She slept on the Rattan chair in the old mister's garden and basked in the Sun. At night, fireworks filled the entire sky. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. When the wind blew, they dispersed... ...

The fish in the fish tank slowly swam around. Occasionally, they would play with the water, making a "coo-coo" sound.

Xin zimo talked to the old man for a long time. He had his back to Du Anran, so he did not notice that she had fallen asleep.

When he realized it, he looked at his watch. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

The office was quite cool. He saw that she was sleeping soundly, so he did not wake her up. He just put his clothes on her body.

He looked down at her sleeping appearance and smiled. She was really a little pig. She could fall asleep wherever she went.

Therefore, the task of taking the old man around fell on him.

When du Anran woke up, she saw that the lights in the office were on, but she was nowhere to be seen. When she looked outside again, it was almost dark.

Where's Xin Zimo Where's the old man Why did he leave her here alone... ...

Du Anran sat on the SOFA dejectedly. She was still wearing Xin Zimo's suit.

There was a nice fragrance on his clothes, which was the same as the smell on his body. It always gave people a very clean and peaceful feeling.

She Sat on the Sofa with her Chin in her hands and counted the sheep, waiting for them to come back.

It was not known if Xin Zimo had heard her thoughts, but it did not take long for him to arrive at the office.

Seeing her head lowered and looking bored, he could not help but laugh.

"Let's go, follow me to eat with GRANDPA. " He stood in front of her.

"I have already eaten with the old man at noon, so I won't go at night. " Du Anran rejected decisively. If she went, what status would she have?

"If you don't go, then I won't go either. " Xin Zimo simply sat beside her.

He took a step closer, and she took a step to the side. When she couldn't move anymore, Du Anran glared at him and said, "If you're not going, then so be it. Anyway, I've already had dinner with the old man. "

"Okay, then I'll order takeout. We'll eat here. " Xin zimo pretended to call the secretary.

"okay, okay, okay. You're good. If you're going, then go... " wasn't he just bullying her because she was soft-hearted She wasn't him, so how could she be so ruthless.

Even if Xin Zimo had coaxed du Anran over obediently, he didn't forget about the invitation. He would let her off today and settle the account for the invitation.

Tonight, Du Anran did not plan to argue too much with Xin Zimo. After all, she was very happy that the old man was here. Therefore, she was more cooperative with Xin Zimo on many issues.

For example, she did not reject him when he served her food.

For example, he did not mention Xie Chenjin or Tang Nuanyan.

For example, when he insisted on sending her home, she did not reject him for the sake of the old man.

However, a beast was still a beast. In less than a minute, his true colors were revealed. Halfway through the car, when they encountered a red light, a certain animal began to make a move.

Du Anran endured it, thinking that she would be relieved when she reached home. She did not expect that a certain someone had no intention of opening the car door. He Untied The seatbelt on his body and leaned over to bully her.

The kiss he gave her was passionate and deep, like the blazing sun in summer, burning like fire.

He kissed her so hard that she could not resist.

When a certain someone was finally willing to let du Anran go, he smiled as if he had succeeded.

"You have to be so obedient in the future. " Xin Zimo patted her face. "You're not allowed to flirt with other men. "

Du Anran understood the principle that a wise man would not be at a disadvantage in front of him. She nodded, but in her heart, she could not help but shout, "who cares about me! "

"Yes, very obedient. GO UPSTAIRS! Sleep early and remember to cover yourself with the quilt. Don't catch a cold. "

"I know, I know. " Du Anran ran ran away from his car as fast as she could and walked towards her own villa.

When she returned home, Du Anran heaved a sigh of relief, as if she had passed another hurdle. She looked at the child in her belly. She was really sorry for taking him on so many trips today.

She would start to take good care of the fetus tomorrow and wait for the "marriage" to be over before she could successfully leave the country.

She lay in bed and began to calculate the days after she left the country. She would first give birth to the child and then find a job. She would hide in a place that no one knew about and live her life in peace.

Perhaps she was selfish. In order to not let herself die alone, she stubbornly gave birth to this child so that this child would be born without the care of its father.

If she was selfish, then so be it. Let her be selfish for once... ...

She really could not bear to part with this child... ...

The next day, Xin Zimo accompanied the old man to his grandmother's grave. The grave was very simple. It was just a lonely grave, desolate and lonely in the wind.

There were some common plants planted beside the grave, but according to his grandmother's wishes before she died, a willow tree had been specially planted.

A willow meant "to stay" . She had hoped that the man would stay even until her death.

But this hope had been delayed for so many years.

The man had finally arrived. On this summer afternoon, the willow had long grown branches and leaves, and the man had long had a head full of black hair.

Old Mister Xin had thought that after experiencing so many things, he had long developed a heart of stone, but once again, he cried in front of Yin Luoluo's grave. Like a child... ...

The wind blew against the willow, and the Sun did not burn people. There were four or five white clouds in the sky, slowly drifting.