Chapter 328, old Mister Xin

Du Anran stopped in her tracks. "despicable! It's not enough for you to touch the Jin family, but you still want to touch the Xie family? "

"If you want to touch my woman, you have to pay a price, right? "

"Do you know what the Jin family has become? Are You satisfied? "

Du Anran's heart ached again. Xin Zimo's personal grudge had brought a devastating blow to the Jin family. Xin Zimo was really shameless... ...

"What the Jin family has become has nothing to do with me. I just threw a brick. They were the ones who threw the stone at their own feet, " Xin Zimo said "If the embezzlement of public funds is just a fabrication, then no matter what I do, it won't have any effect on the Jin family, right? "

"You're twisting words and logic. Don't make your despicable actions sound so lofty. "

"Then let's just say that I'm twisting words and logic. Now, as you've seen, the Jin family has come to an end. Do you wish for the Xie family to become like this too? "

"You only have the ability to threaten me. " Du Anran looked at him. "If I don't marry Xie Chenjin, I won't marry you either. "

Xin zimo's imposing manner suddenly disappeared. His eyes revealed disappointment. "Anran, if you don't marry me, I really can't do anything about it. "

He couldn't do anything to her. He could attack others, but he couldn't touch her at all.

"Then why are you delaying me? " Du Anran asked in return.

"You clearly love me so much. Why are you so determined to marry someone else now? " Xin Zimo was heartbroken.

"Love is only a phase. Once you love someone, you won't love them anymore. That's all. "

"No matter what, I won't let you marry someone else. Even if it's just a delay! " He also said harshly.

She had her back to him and was unwilling to turn back. In the end, she walked into the house step by step.

Xin Zimo watched her leave and smoked a cigarette in the dark.

He still liked the gentle du Anran. When she was gentle, he would also become as gentle as water. But once she became a Hedgehog, he couldn't help but get angry with her.

He remembered that a few days ago, when he went to Xiao Lanzhen's place with her, she held his hand in fear. He really could not convince himself that this woman had no feelings for him anymore.

The night wind blew past his face. He leaned against a tree, smoked, and looked at the DU family's house.

He saw the lights in Du Anran's room turn on. He saw the moon slowly rise in the sky, and he saw the lights in Du Anran's room turn off slowly.

Everything was changing. It seemed that he was the only one still standing by the tree, and there was a floor full of cigarette butts under the tree.

So many days of haze, so many unhappy things, but early the next morning, Du Anran received an unfamiliar call.

Recently, she had received very few calls, and there were almost no unfamiliar calls. Could it be Xin Zimo? He knew that she would not pick up his number, so he changed to an unfamiliar number.

Suspicious, she still picked up.

"Hello. "

"Is it Anran? "

The Voice of an elder came from the other end of the phone. Du Anran was stunned, and immediately began to search in her mind. She did not know many people, and even fewer elderly people. So, she quickly searched in her mind and found that it was... Old Mr. Xin ! !

"It's me, I'm anran. Are you old Mr. Xin? " Du Anran was happy.

The matter between her and Xin Zimo wouldn't affect the relationship between her and old Mr. Xin, but she didn't expect that old Mr. Xin would return to the country.

"Yes, yes, my plane just arrived today. I only told you about it. " Old Mr. Xin's voice was still so kind.

"Old Mr. Xin, where are you? I'll pick you up. "

"I'm near the airport. If you come, you can take me for a walk. City a has changed so much that I can't recognize you at all. "

Du Anran knew that the old man had not returned to the country for many years. In his heart, city a was a place full of guilt. That year, he had heartlessly abandoned his wife and children and followed another woman to London.

Moreover, he had brought all the large corporations and family assets of city a to London.

"Okay, wait for me. I'll take a taxi and go there immediately. "

It had been a long time since she had seen the old man. Du Anran was still very happy in her heart. She thought of chatting with the old man, basking in the Sun and looking at photo albums together. The happy days always passed quickly.

However, this was the only news worth being happy about in so many days!

Since the old man was willing to return to the country, it meant that he was willing to let go of everything in the past. Of course, the most important thing was that Xin Zimo was no longer jealous.

She quickly took her bag and went out. She had rested at home for so many days, and the occasional trip should not have too much of an impact on the children.

When she arrived at the airport, as expected, the old man was standing outside a restaurant at the airport. He only brought an attendant with him.

Du Anran saw the old man at a glance. The old man was really domineering. His aura instantly killed the people who came and went. Xin Zimo had inherited all of this domineering aura.

However, the old man did not put on airs at all. He stood there with a kind look on his face and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Old man, did I make you wait for a long time? " Du Anran ran ran over to the old man.

She did not expect to meet him again in city a, but seeing that the old man was still so energetic, she was relieved.

Although she was not happy with Xin Zimo, she still wished the old man a long life and happiness.

"I happened to walk around the airport and did not wait for long. " The old man looked at Du Anran, whom he had not seen for a long time. "Anran, long time no see. You are still the same, so beautiful. "

"You are joking with me again. " Du Anran smiled.

"I did not expect that city a has changed so much over the years. I really do not recognize it at all. Back then, this place was still a depression, but now it has become an international airport. " The old man was amazed.

Du Anran could see that the old man was quite happy.

"Then I'll accompany you for a walk today. Tell me where you want to go. I know city a like the back of my hand! " Du Anran said.

"I think I met your father a few times back then. I didn't expect his daughter to be so old now. I still remember your father's appearance. He left a deep impression on me. Do you know why Because your father is really handsome. There's a word for it: Shen Waist Pan Bian. Even I can't help but take a few more glances, Haha."The old man laughed loudly.

Du Anran also laughed. "I haven't seen you for a few months, and you're getting better at making me happy. "

Old Mr. Xin's assistant quickly called for someone to drive over. Du Anran and the old man sat in the back.

As the car drove, Du Anran pointed to the buildings and beautiful scenery that passed by the window and explained to the old man. Where was it built in recent years, where was it about to be built.

When he passed by a large shopping mall, the old man suddenly felt a myriad of emotions.

He stopped the car and pointed to this place. "Anran, do you know what this used to be? "

Du Anran thought for a moment. "It was an abandoned building at the beginning, and then it became this shopping mall. "

"When you're sensible, you'll probably see an abandoned building, but before you were born, it was all I had. " Old Mr. Xin sighed.

"You're saying that this... used to be your group? " Du Anran knew that ever since the old man left the country with miss he, he had taken away his own large group ...

"Yes, more than 20 years have passed. Things have changed a long time ago. "

Du Anran looked at the old man's gray hair and even she was filled with endless emotions.

After walking for a long time in this area, the old man kept pointing in some directions and said, "this used to be a garden. There's a phone booth here, and there's a singing hall here... "

Du Anran could very well understand the feelings of the old man at this moment. At this age, people would think of the past. Even a flower and a tree were good.

Du Anran took the old man to eat in the square here. They sat in the elevator and went up to the 75th floor. The entire city a was in their sights.

This high-rise building was a landmark building in City A. The style of construction was also very unique. It was not far from here. In fact, it was Xin Zimo's Xin Group.

Sitting in the restaurant on the 75th floor, Du Anran saw the Xin group at a glance.

The electronic screen on the Xin Group building was still playing the promotional video that had been built with a huge investment last time. In the video, Anqi was fresh and natural, elegant and refined.

Seeing Angie, du Anran could not help but think of Mi Li. The three of them had met once before.

However, Mi Li was far away from city a, and Angie had become the new leading actress. The world was unpredictable, and that was roughly what was said.

"Is that the Xin Group? " The old man clearly saw the XIN building as well, and he pointed to that area.

Du Anran could only nod. "Yes, it's the Xin Group. "

"Then come with me to take a look later. Since Zimo's Xin group was built, I haven't contributed a single bit. It's a bit of a pity. "

Du Anran had no way to refuse, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod.

The old man seemed to have seen through Du Anran's difficulties. He smiled and said, "what's wrong? Did the two of them get into a fight again? "

"We... " Du Anran lowered her head and hesitated whether she should say it.

The old man patiently waited for her to continue. Du Anran could only say softly, "we... broke up. "

"BROKE UP? " The old man was obviously unwilling to believe it. "He has a new lover? "

"No, I'm the one who brought it up. We're both fine now. " Du anran quickly said, "old man, try these few dishes. You haven't tried city a's specialty dishes in London for a long time, right? "

The Old Sir knew that Du Anran was changing the topic, so he did not continue to ask.

After dinner, Du Anran accompanied the old sir to walk around the square for a long time. She was reluctant to go to the Xin family. She had not been there for a long time!

But she had promised to accompany the old sir for a walk, so she could not go back on her word. So, she braced herself and went to the Xin family from the square.

Old Sir Xin did not inform anyone and just went to the Xin family building with Du Anran.

Du Anran was afraid to come to the Xin family. Although there were very few people who knew her, what if someone who knew her came... ...