Chapter 334: the Child is gone

By the time Du Anran came out of the surgery, she was already in so much pain that she could not feel anything. Throughout the entire process, she only heard the cold sound of machinery colliding. Then, when she woke up, the child was gone... ...

Her tears also flowed down at that moment. When she was pushed out of the operating theater, she seemed to have heard Xin Zimo's voice and Xie Chenjin's roar.

Her mind was completely blank. The person that she tried her best to protect still left her in the end.

The door to the ward was closed. She didn't want to see anyone. In the empty ward, there was only the faint sound of her breathing and the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Everything felt like a dream.

Xin Zimo and Xie Chenjin sat on the long bench in the corridor, and the other leaned against the window, looking into the distance with a dazed gaze.

These two handsome and powerful men were silent at this moment.

Xin zimo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had already smoked a few cigarettes in the smoking room. This was his only way to relieve his worries. He didn't know that after this incident, would du Anran still be able to forgive him?

If the love he gave her was destined to be such a useless injury, then when she came out of the hospital, he would choose to let her go.

He would never pester her again. He would never surround her at her door to let her come down. After that, letting her go was equivalent to fulfilling her wish.

Du Anran stayed in the hospital bed for an entire night. She didn't eat anything and couldn't fall asleep. She looked at the ceiling and tried her best to recall some happy things.

However, what was happy about. No matter how happy she was, at this moment, she felt even more sorrowful.

That night, Xin Zimo and Xie Chenjin's phones rang many times. They were already very busy, but both of them chose to hang up at the same time.

"You can go back! " Xie Chenjin said to Xin Zimo when it was almost midnight.

"I want to see her. " Xin Zimo's tone was no longer as domineering and domineering as usual.

"Do you think she will see you? "

Although Xie Chenjin still did not know what had happened, if Xin Zimo was very good to Du Anran, so good that he did not have to worry about anything in the outside world, then Du Anran would not not even tell him that she was pregnant.

"We don't interfere with each other's business. I will wait here too. " Xin Zimo stood at the window and said calmly.

"If you want to stand here, then stand here. " Xie Chenjin could not be bothered with him anymore.

At night, Du Anran wanted to change the infusion bottle. The young nurse walked in. Xin Zimo did not dare to disturb du Anran, so he stood at the door and took a look.

Du Anran's face was Pale on the hospital bed, and her pair of big eyes had become dull.

She lay on the bed and seemed to have seen him, but she did not have any reaction. She only looked at the infusion bottle that was slowly dripping with the medicine.

Xin Zimo's heart tightened bit by bit, and at that moment, he was overwhelmed with helplessness.

That night, no one slept. They watched the stars change into the day, and the sun and moon became the blazing Sun.

Early in the morning, Xie Chenjin specially went to buy porridge for Du Anran, while Xin Zimo stood guard outside the ward. Although he knew that it was useless, at least his heart was at ease.

He knew that Du Anran would not see him, so he let Xie Chenjin bring her porridge and fruits.

When du Anran woke up in the morning, her hair was disheveled as she lay on the bed. At dawn, she had just fallen asleep when she was awakened by a nightmare. She did not dare to sleep anymore. She was afraid of that feeling, and she could not escape even if she wanted to.

"Anran, I brought porridge. Eat some. " Xie Chenjin helped du Anran up.

"I don't want to eat yet... "

"Then drink some water? I know you feel bad, but let it go. "

Du Anran nodded. "I understand. At least for now, I really don't have any worries. I don't want to cry anymore. My tears are all gone. I will live well in the future. "

"It's for the best if you think that way. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to get over it. " Xie Chenjin was relieved to hear Du Anran's words.

"thank you. Now, I probably don't need to go abroad. As for getting married... "

"It's okay. No one knows about this. I'll suppress it. Just say that you're in the hospital because of an upset stomach. The wedding will also be canceled. I don't mind. My parents will definitely understand. "

Du Anran was really grateful for Xie Chenjin's magnanimity. Sometimes, she thought that if the person she met in the beginning was not Xin Zimo but Xie Chenjin... ...

"Watch TV with me for a while. It's boring, " Du Anran said.

"Okay, I'll accompany you. "

Xie Chenjin was afraid that Du anran would feel uncomfortable, so he was slightly relieved. He turned on the TV in the ward. It was the first time he was sitting with Du Anran and watching TV.

When he had a fever, she had been taking care of him meticulously. Now it was time for him to put in some effort.

"What do you like to watch? " Xie Chenjin asked.

"WATCH CARTOONS! " Du Anran smiled.

"Okay, I just made a few cartoons. Take a look. I like to watch Big Bear II. Which one do you like? " Xie Chenjin said seriously.


"then watch little grayish. " Xie Chenjin switched to a certain channel.

Du Anran liked little grayish. Little Grayish was so cute. Xie Chenjin initially thought that she was thinking about her child, but when he saw that she was so engrossed in watching, he was relieved.

Du Anran used to think that cartoons were so childish that only children would watch them. Now, she felt that cartoons were really good. It was simple and did not need to use her brain.

She watched and laughed foolishly. She did not need to think about anything.

It was noon when Du Anran was hungry. However, the porridge was already cold, so Xie Chenjin personally went out to buy another serving.

However, when he saw that Xin Zimo had not left yet, he only warned her fiercely, "don't go in and disturb anran. Her mood will be better. "

"If she doesn't take the initiative to see me, I won't go in, " Xin Zimo said.

He stood guard just to feel better.

After Xie Chenjin left, Xin Zimo continued to stand at the window and wander around. What if she never wanted to see him?

When Xie Chenjin brought back the food, Xin Zimo was still standing there motionlessly. He was such a busy man, and it seemed like he didn't have any work today.

The moment she opened the door to the ward, Du Anran saw Xin Zimo's back view. He looked very lonely. He lowered his head, like a defeated lion.

Du Anran rarely saw Xin Zimo like this. He was such a proud person. In City A, who was he afraid of... ...

But du Anran remembered that he said that he was most afraid of her... ...

Xie Chenjin closed the door after he looked away. He put everything on the table and gave du Anran a glass of fresh milk.

"I'm holding up your work. " Du Anran looked at Xie Chenjin.

"My work can be handed over to Luo Cong. It's not a big deal, " Xie Chenjin said.

Du Anran knew that he was comforting her. Xie Chenjin was really good to her. If they did not get involved with Xin Zimo, they should be able to become a good partner or friend.

"Xie Chenjin, you are really loyal to your friends. You are like this to me and also to Shaonan. In fact, it would be a blessing to be able to know a friend like you in your lifetime. " Du Anran smiled.

"Then I am also glad that I got to know you. You have added countless colors to my life. " Xie Chenjin smiled bitterly.

When she entered his life, his world became chaotic. He took the initiative to get to know her. Even though he helped her clean up countless messes later, he did not regret it at all.

Of course, he had also caused her countless troubles.

"Do you still remember that you splashed red wine all over me? You are really ruthless. You can even lay your hands on such a handsome and handsome man like me. " Xie Chenjin smiled.

"You're lucky. you only splashed red wine, NOT PAINT! " Du Anran also laughed.

"It's just paint. Anran, you're so kind. I thought it was acid or something! "

"I'm not jealous of your beauty. If I splashed acid on you, I'd go to jail. "

"drink the milk. It'll be cold later, " Xie Chenjin said. "I'll talk to the doctor later and ask him which ones are edible and which ones are not. I'll give you a list when the time comes. Don't eat recklessly. "

"I'm too lazy to get out of bed now. How can I eat recklessly? If you don't come, I'll probably starve to death. "

"Do you want me to feed you? " Xie Chenjin took the milk and red bean cake for Du Anran. "Don't move around. I'm not an outsider. You won't get pimples if I feed you. "

"You're also so annoying, " Du Anran said angrily. "I can do it myself. "

Du Anran took the milk and slightly raised her body.

"Does my mother know? " Du Anran asked.

"She called me. I said I'll take you out to play for a few days. I don't know when this lie will be exposed. You can explain yourself when the time comes, " Xie Chenjin said.

"I know. I'll tell my mother when I get out of the hospital. I don't want her to worry. I've been keeping it from her for the past few months. " Du Anran lowered her head.

In the past, she would always be the first to tell her mother about any problems. Now that she was older, she was unwilling to tell her mother. She was afraid that her mother would always worry about her.

"Anran, he... is still outside. Do you want to talk to him? " Xie Chenjin actually understood what Du Anran was thinking ...

She had never agreed to get a marriage certificate with him, no matter how good he was to her. Moreover, she would rather leave her hometown alone to give birth to this child than abort it. This was enough to prove that she still loved Xin Zimo.

Xie Chenjin's heart was filled with bitterness. Her Love was too painful.

Du Anran lowered her eyes and quietly drank the milk in the cup. After a few minutes of silence, she nodded. "Let him in. "

Xie Chenjin glanced at Du Anran and sighed in his heart. He stood up and walked out.

He probably went out to say a few words to Xin Zimo. After a while, Du Anran saw Xin Zimo come in.

It had only been a night, and he looked much more haggard. His face was still injured, and the corners of his mouth were bruised. He was in a sorry state.

But when Du Anran saw his sorry state, she felt relieved. His injury should have been caused by Xie Chenjin. He must not have dodged it. Otherwise, with his skills, Xie chenjin would definitely not be his opponent.

Du Anran only glanced at him and lowered her head. She did not take the initiative to speak, and only ate her food.

She had thought it through. Life was her own, and she still had a long way to go in the future.