Chapter 357, the heart of a man

Ouyang Pei shook her head vigorously. "I'm fine. I'm really fine. Actually... "

She wanted to say that she was just joking with him. However, she swallowed the words that were on the tip of her tongue. Would he scold her?

She still remembered that when he scolded her back then, he scolded her until she could not raise her head. Although she was careless, she was not a girl who did not know shame and did not care about her face. If he scolded her again, she would really want to die... ...

Feng Jing jumped on a tree and sat on the edge of the cliff. He was so tired that he was panting, but he still carefully looked at Ouyang Pei when he came up. "Are you really okay? Why are your clothes all wet? "

"I'm really okay... about the clothes, I'll explain it to you slowly when I get back... actually... "

Ouyang Pei lowered her head. She did not want to say it, but she was really afraid that Feng Jing would scold her.

"actually what? It's good that you're okay. I'm really afraid that they will kill you. But fortunately, they only want money. Who took you away, did you see clearly? " Feng Jing let out a sigh of relief.

"actually, it was that guy named Geng who took me away. But, let me tell you something. You have to promise me that you won't scold me after listening to me... " Ouyang Pei bit her lips, feeling uneasy.

"Geng? Where is he? "

Feng Jing subconsciously looked at the Osmanthus tree just now. He thought that the robbers would take the safe when he climbed up, but... ... No, the safe was still standing under the Osmanthus tree without moving at all ...

"that... listen to me slowly... oh, your hand is bleeding, I'll help you wrap it up! "

Ouyang Pei quickly tore a piece of cloth from her clothes. The conditions were simple and her hand was quite clumsy, so she could only help him bandage it up a little.

Feng Jing did not mind these things. He was just curious, why did no one touch the safe?

"What do you want to tell me? " Feng Jing asked.

"Let's go down, let's go down and talk slowly. " Ouyang took his hand and brought him to the cave entrance.

Feng Jing frowned. There was actually a cave entrance here, did Ouyang Pei know?

There was a ladder in the cave entrance, Ouyang Pei went down first. She waved at him, "come down quickly, I'll tell you slowly if there's anything, just don't be angry. "

"What happened? Ouyang Pei, are you lying to me? " Feng Jing was still angry. He said loudly to her.

"No... I really didn't lie to you... no, actually, I lied to you too... " Ouyang Pei was incoherent. "Aiya, I don't know where to start. Come Down with me. I'll explain it to you slowly. "

Feng Jing seemed to be angry. Ouyang Pei was really afraid of the consequences.

Feng Jing let her go for the time being and followed her out of the ladder.

He had climbed for nothing, and his blood had also flowed for nothing. It turned out that there was a hole and a ladder here.

When she went down, Ouyang Pei saw it clearly with the help of the car lights. Feng Jing's face was dark. Her heart jumped, she was really angry... ...

The safe under the Osmanthus tree was still there. Feng Jing could not see any robbers at all. He took the safe and threw it into the trunk, then called Ouyang Pei's cell phone.

"Who exactly are you? Are you working with Ouyang Pei to lie to me? "

Feng Jing's voice was too loud, and Du Anran, who was sitting at the back, heard it. So that was how her boss was angry. She had learned that she could not easily provoke her boss in the future.

Xin Zimo knew that the scam had been exposed. He shrugged. "Of course I'm a good person. "

Du Anran burst out laughing. "I can't take it anymore. My stomach hurts from laughing... Feng Jing is also a fool... "

"You women don't understand the thoughts of men. " Xin Zimo hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Feng Jing only knew that he had been fooled when he heard such a brainless sentence. Unfortunately, he really went to withdraw the cash.

Therefore, he turned his head to Ouyang Pei. "What's going on? "

Ouyang Pei lowered her head and bit her lips, unable to say a word for a long time. Was She playing too big?

"I asked you what's going on? " Feng Jing raised his voice.

Ouyang Pei was fearless, but she was so scared by his roar that she trembled.

"Are you really angry? I didn't do it on purpose... " Ouyang Pei apologized to him.

After that, she told him everything from the beginning to the end, from Geng Kai kidnapping her to Xin zimo coming up with such a bad trick to deceive her. She told him everything.

However, she did not mention the names of Xin Zimo and Du Anran. She only said that they were two friends.

She stood in the wind and finished her story in one breath. It was unknown whether she was frightened by Feng Jing's sharp eyes or by the night wind. In short, she kept shivering.

After listening to her, Feng Jing did not speak for a long time. He just looked at her.

Ouyang Pei knew that things were not good. She lowered her head and said timidly, "actually, I almost lost my life. Geng Kai is really crazy... "

Feng Jing sighed with a straight face and opened the car door. "Get in! "

Ouyang Pei did not dare to sit in the passenger seat. She sat in the back. Feng Jing did not care about her. She could sit wherever she wanted.

Along the way, Ouyang Pei looked up at Feng Jing from time to time. He still had a straight face, but he was focused on driving. It seemed that he did not want to talk.

Ouyang Pei thought that she had gone too far. Now, Feng Jing would ignore her for the rest of his life.

The car drove for an hour. Feng Jing did not speak, and Ouyang Pei did not dare to speak.

The car drove for another half an hour. Seeing that the atmosphere was very cold, Ouyang Pei said softly, "are you angry? "

Feng Jing pretended not to hear her and continued to not speak. He just drove.

Ouyang Pei blinked her eyes. was she angry or was her anger gone However, Feng Jing ignored her, so she could only shut her mouth.

The car drove out of the Wilderness and slowly reached the city center. It was already 11 o'clock at night, and the city center was still brightly lit. It did not know fatigue.

The car was quiet. Ouyang Pei didn't dare to breathe. She had never been so nervous before. Whether he was alive or dead, Feng Jing had to say something.

But she was still cowardly and didn't say anything. She continued to lower her head and count her fingers.

When they drove from the city center to Ouyang Pei's hotel, Feng Jing finally opened the CD in the car. The music played, and the atmosphere was not so awkward.

Back then, Ouyang Pei had collected many of Feng Jing's hobbies, such as what clothes he liked to wear, what books he liked to read, and what songs he liked to listen to.

Unexpectedly, after all these years, his hobbies had not changed at all. He still liked to listen to such sentimental, light music.

When the music started, Ouyang Pei's heart calmed down a lot. She looked up from behind and looked at Feng Jing's side profile.

He was still the same, handsome and handsome. However, he had a lot more mature charm than when he was in school. From a boy to a man, the youth on his face had long faded away.

Ouyang Pei was an extremely sunny person. She had never liked listening to these kinds of music. However, in order to keep up with his rhythm in university, she had listened to many of these cds. For example, the songs he played now were all familiar to her.

Later on, she had even researched some music, all so that she would not be speechless when she was with him.

"You still like listening to these songs... " Ouyang Pei said.

Feng Jing did not speak. He was just deep in thought. His eyes had been looking at the traffic lights, Zebra crossing, and the driveway outside... ...

He ignored her, so Ouyang Pei had no choice but to give up completely and shut her mouth obediently.

She only hated that her phone had been taken away by Xin Zimo. Now, she could only sit in the car, as if she was sitting on pins and needles.

The car drove for another half an hour. Finally, Feng Jing made a turn and parked the car at the entrance of a magnificent hotel.

The hotel was very luxurious. The Fountain at the entrance was still open, and there were bright lights everywhere.

Ouyang Pei knew that she should get out of the car when she arrived at the hotel. However, she did not understand Feng Jing's thoughts all the way. was He very angry... ...

"I'm here, " Ouyang Pei said.

"Okay. " Feng Jing had no intention of getting out of the car.

"Oh, then I'll go in first. You drive slowly on the road, " Ouyang Pei reminded.

"I know. "

Ouyang Pei saw that his face was still livid, and she was a little depressed. He didn't even send her off. Although she had lied to him today, she had really been kidnapped by Geng Kai. She really had a narrow escape.

"Go back and treat the injury on your hand. Don't get infected. " Ouyang Pei saw that his clothes were actually damaged by the tree branches, and she felt bad.

"I know. "

He only replied with these two words. He sounded a little impatient.

Only then did Ouyang Pei open the car door and look at him reluctantly. "I'm really sorry. I won't lie to you again. I promise, there won't be a next time! "

She said this with confidence. She had made up her mind and would not pester him from now on.

If he had feelings for her, he would not be unmoved at all. There was only one answer. He had no feelings for her at all.

He felt that this kind of thing could not be forced. Two people who had no feelings were destined not to be together. After all, it was not sweet to force things.

When Ouyang Pei closed the car door, she did not hear any response from Feng Jing. Just as she waved goodbye to him, he drove away.

"Sigh... " Ouyang Pei wanted to hear him say goodbye, but he just drove away without looking back.

Ouyang Pei stood there for a long time without coming back to her senses. She was dirty now, but she did not want to go back to the hotel. She just stood there. Feng Jing's car had long disappeared.

There were still many people coming and going at this time of the hotel. A cold wind blew, and Ouyang Pei woke up. He had left a long time ago.

So, she lowered her head, her heart had been blocked. Now, she could not even be friends anymore.

She stomped her feet, but what was the use of stomping? Her prince charming would never speak to her again.

She slowly walked into the hotel, and a few bodyguards were looking for her like crazy. Ouyang Pei saw that there were a few more people. After asking, she found out that her father was worried and had asked an acquaintance from city a to come over.

"I'm fine. I'm back now, right? It's fine, it's fine. Everyone can go back to your own work! " Ouyang Pei comforted them.

These people all had sad faces. They really thought that something big had happened to Ouyang Pei.