Chapter 359, she also cried

Alu had been taught a lesson a few times before, so she only dared to listen to Xin Zimo's words, especially when it came to Du Anran.

"Then forget it, " Du Anran said.

"Miss Du, we haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have a chat. I Miss You, " Alu said.

Du Anran smiled. "Am I still in city a? However, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you too. "

"after you left, Miss Du, Mr. Xin basically lived here. Every time I see Mr. Xin come back alone, I would think, how nice it would be if you came back with Mr. Xin one day, " Alu said "Half a year has passed. Only yesterday did I see you two come and go together again. "

"This is not my place. If I stay here, people will gossip about me. " Du Anran smiled faintly.

"No way. No one else will come here. We all treat you as the mistress of this place, " Alu said.

"Thank you, Alu. " Du Anran knew that Alu and the others were very innocent, and she did not want to tell them too many bad things.

"Miss Du, let me tell you something. When I was cleaning Mr. Xin's room, I saw that there was always sleeping pills by his bed. This was something that had never happened before, and I did not dare to tell others... " Alu whispered.

Du Anran frowned. Sleeping pills?

In the past, when she was with him, she had never seen him take such things.

"I don't dare to persuade Mr. Xin, even though I know that taking this for a long time is not good for the body, " Alu said. "find a chance to talk to Mr. Xin. I know he listens to you. "

"How would he listen to me? " Du Anran smiled bitterly.

However, Du Anran immediately turned around and left the garden. She went to Xin Zimo's room.

As expected, she found a bottle of sleeping pills by Xin zimo's bedside. The pills in the bottle had already been taken by more than half. She opened the other drawers in his room. Fortunately, there was nothing unusual.

Except for the diary that was lying quietly in the drawer by his bedside.

She was driven by curiosity and took his diary. Although she knew that it was not good, at least she could find some traces of him taking sleeping pills!

The date on the first page of the diary was the day her child died. She clearly remembered that day.

On this page, he wrote: Enron, I'm sorry. I did not fulfill my responsibilities as a husband and a father.

His diary was very simple. There was only one sentence on each page.

For example: "Anran, this is already the 35th day since you left. I miss you very much. ".

"Anran, it's late at night. I still can't sleep. Can you hear what I want to say to you? "?

"Anran, I went to your place and looked at you from afar. I don't know if I'll be like this forever. ". "I want to hold you and see you the moment I open my eyes. ".

"Anran, do you know? " "I love you very much. ".


Du anran cried. Her tears fell on his diary. She never thought that after she left, this man would miss her so much.

She thought that in the eyes of a man, women were just clothes. Clothes were not as good as new. He would soon get used to life without her. He would soon be able to marry another woman and have children.

But he did not... ...

He guarded her day by day. He was waiting for her to come back.

Finally, he wrote in his diary half a month ago, "forgive me for breaking my promise. I really can't be a stranger to you for the rest of my life. ".

Du Anran's hand holding the diary trembled slightly. Her tears wet his diary. At first, she only sobbed faintly. Then, she squatted down and began to wail loudly.

She covered her face with her fingers, and tears flowed out from between her fingers. In the quiet room, she was the only one who looked like a lonely swan with a broken wing.

A pair of people for a lifetime, competing to teach two ecstasy.

She had never known how much this man loved her until now.

Her eyes were already red from crying. When she no longer had the strength to cry, she understood that she should smile.

She put his diary back in its original place, but she took away the sleeping pills in his drawer. He really, she had not reached the point of taking sleeping pills in the past four months, but he could not control himself first.

Probably, it was difficult to forget a person, only after experiencing it would one know.

When du Anran went downstairs again, she had already tidied herself up. She washed her face, and there were no traces of tears on her face. She found a coat in the closet and put it on. Although the weather was fine, the temperature was still very low.

When she handed the sleeping pills to Alu, ALU's face was filled with excitement. "I knew Miss Du would not ignore it. "

Du Anran smiled. "If you see them again in the future, throw them all away. "

"okay, but I don't think there will be any more in the future! " Alu blinked. Although she was young, she was not ignorant.

Du Anran smiled and did not speak again.

She went to the river outside the villa to feed the carp for a while. The clouds were light and the mountains were green. The fragrance of autumn chrysanthemums filled the air. The water surface was sparkling.

The river was no longer as shallow as before. Sometimes, when Du Anran threw a stone down, she could see that the surface of the water was rippling. Du Anran did not know if it was because of the incident when she was looking for the brooch, but when she thought of that incident, she laughed out loud.

If the river had been as deep as it was now, she definitely would not have been able to find the brooch.

But these things were like the clouds and smoke of the past, floating and scattering... ...

She stood on the railing and fed the carp. A group of red carps rushed forward to snatch the food, and the water surface formed circles and circles of ripples.

Xin Zimo only returned at noon. When he saw that Du Anran did not leave, he was stunned at first, then he smiled.

"I thought you left. " He asked the driver to drive the car into the garage and got off first.

"You're in such a hurry to let me go, so I'll leave. I'll let your driver give me a ride, " Du Anran said as she stood by the railing.

"I didn't chase you away. I thought you were going to throw a Tantrum with me. "

He walked to her side. He saw that she was still quite gentle today. was she in a good mood?

"I should throw a Tantrum with you. Why didn't you bring me to the ball game this morning? " Du Anran looked up and asked.

Xin Zimo smiled when he heard her question. "I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't have the heart to wake you up. I'll make it up to you next time. "

"What about the afternoon? What are your plans in the afternoon? "

"Well... there aren't any plans, it's up to you. " Xin zimo felt a little uncomfortable when he saw that Du Anran was like this today. Ouyang Pei should have been the one who was agitated yesterday, not her ...

"The weather is so good today, why don't we fish here later? I see that the fish in your pond have become much fatter. " Du Anran held onto the railing and looked down.

"Sure! I haven't fished for a long time, but no matter how long it has been since I last fished, I'm definitely better than you. " Xin zimo smiled.

"How can you be better than me in everything? I don't believe that I can't do it without you. " Du Anran pursed her lips.

"Of course there are things that I can't do. For example... giving birth. " Xin zimo lowered her head and whispered in her ear ...

Du Anran knew that this man would be brilliant if he gave her a little sunshine. She elbowed him. "If you take advantage of me again, I won't talk to you anymore. "

In fact, Xin Zimo regretted saying it, but du Anran was probably in a good mood today. She did not expect that she would lose the child.

Xin Zimo did not mention it again. He said, "then we can compete in the afternoon. The winner can make any request. How about it? "

"Okay, LET'S COMPETE FAIRLY! " Du Anran said.

Du Anran did not believe that she could not beat Xin Zimo in anything. When she was young, she learned a lot of fishing skills from her uncle.

Her father was very busy and did not play with her much. Therefore, she learned a lot of things from her uncle.

Thinking of her uncle, she could not help but sigh in her heart. He had passed away... ... almost a year ago ...

After a year of settling down, the past had slowly fallen to the bottom, and all the past had become the past.

In the afternoon, the autumn day was sunny and warm. Du Anran changed a Cape and wore a hat. The Sun shone on her body, giving her a warm feeling that she wanted to sleep.

She liked such days, very, very slow.

There was no boredom of doing reports in the office, nor was there the worry of writing documents. She did not need to use her brain, she just needed to enjoy it.

The air around her was like the fragrance of tea, carrying the fragrance of chrysanthemum and hibiscus. It was refreshing.

Du Anran and Xin Zimo sat side by side. Xin Zimo had everything. He prepared a fishing rod and various things for her.

However, just as she put the fishing rod into the water and saw that a fish was about to take the bait, her phone rang. Du Anran had no choice but to throw the fishing rod to answer the phone. It was Liu Wanwan.

"Sister Anran, are you used to living there? "

Liu Wanwan knew that she had moved to another city district, but du Anran had never told her the exact location. At first, Liu Wanwan did not understand the reason. It was not until a month later that she found out that Anran was pregnant and the child was gone... ...

"I'm living quite well. Do you have any good news to tell me? " Du Anran asked.

Later, they were afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, so they usually only told her happy things. Moreover, they knew that she was busy with work, so they usually would not disturb her.

"I... Sister Anran... I plan to get married next month. "

Actually, Liu Wanwan was still very hesitant. She did not know if this matter would affect Du Anran. However, when she discussed it with Sun Ping yesterday, Sun Ping still encouraged her to call du Anran.

In fact, she was already more than a month pregnant. However, she was afraid that mentioning her pregnancy would make du Anran feel uncomfortable, so she temporarily hid it.

"really? I thought that you would only get married after the New Year. It's a little sudden. I have to prepare a big red packet. " Du Anran was really happy for Liu Wanwan.

She had said that we all had to be happy. Now that she had met her happiness, Du Anran sincerely wished her the best.

"Thank you, sister Anran, sister Anran... actually, I really want you to be my maid of honor... "

Liu Wanwan's best friend in city a was Du Anran, but after she miscarried, she left the city center. She did not even know where she lived now. She was really afraid that her relationship with her would slowly fade away... ...