Chapter 362, having a boyfriend

When it was time to get off work, Xin Zimo called Du Anran on time.

"I'll take you out for dinner tonight. "

"No need, I'll work overtime tonight, " Du Anran said.

She did not dare to say that she was going to discuss business with international trade. Xin Zimo was so familiar with the business circle in city a, so he definitely knew that people from international trade were not to be trifled with. Then, she definitely would not be able to go.

"should I give you a clear order not to work overtime? " Xin Zimo said.

"Don't you interfere with me! " Du anran almost shouted at him. She hated it the most when he meddled in everything and interfered with her freedom.

She had been living a free life for the past four months. She did not want to return to her previous state.

"Don't be agitated... I'll listen to you. I won't interfere. If you agree, I'll do it. If you don't agree, I won't do it. I'll never interfere again. " Xin Zimo had also changed. He also did not want to return to his previous state ...

In the past, he had forced her to do many things. This was not what he wanted. He wanted her to be willing.

"Well, you can hang up now, " Du Anran said.

Xin Zimo was stunned. "I'm not done... "

"HANG UP! " Du Anran deliberately did not hang up.

"..."Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines. He had no choice but to hang up first.

After he hung up, Du Anran threw her phone on the table and burst into laughter.

She felt that it was really fun to bully Xin Zimo. Unfortunately, there were too few opportunities to bully him. Most of the time, he had more opportunities to make fun of her.

"Anran, we're ready to go. " Xiao Zhou knocked on Du Anran's office door when Du Anran was laughing so hard that her stomach hurt.

Zhou was the director of the Marketing Department of Zhongye. Du Anran had gone out with him to discuss many business deals, and she knew that he was also very good. So, tonight, when they finished the international trade deal, they were waiting for Feng Jing to continue to increase the bonus.

Thinking of this, Du Anran was very happy.

"Okay, I'm coming! " Du Anran packed up the documents, carried her bag, and followed Zhou.

"Anran, what were you laughing at just now? It's rare to see you so happy. " Zhou also smiled.

"I was thinking, when we return triumphantly tonight, won't we get another bonus? "

"Of course, director Feng is generous. Besides, it's such a difficult deal to negotiate with international trade, so the bonus won't be small for us, " Xiao Zhou said.

"Right, then we have to perform well tonight. " Du Anran was determined to win.

She sat on Xiao Zhou's Land Rover and went to the restaurant. The people from international trade were indeed acting like big shots. Only a secretary who was not in charge came. This female secretary was very beautiful and dressed in a very flirtatious manner.

Du Anran did not know how many people from international trade would come today, but Xiao Zhou alone was equivalent to five people. The two of them would definitely be able to win this deal.

Du Anran had already prepared the contract and information. Once it was settled, she would sign it and leave immediately.

In the end, she and Xiao Zhou waited for half an hour before the group of people slowly came over.

This was the first time Du Anran was discussing a collaboration with someone from the National Trade Association. From the looks of it, all of them were in suits. However, Feng Jing had given her a warning. These perverts could not just look at the surface.

Including the female secretary, there were a total of five people from the National Trade Association. Du Anran snickered. Xiao Zhou alone was equal to five people. Therefore, their chances of winning were higher.

"This is President Feng's secretary, Miss Du? " A man asked.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Du Anran, President Feng's secretary. President Feng is not feeling well today, so he can't come. I apologize on his behalf. I hope that we can work well together tonight. "

Xiao Zhou whispered into her ear, "this is President Diao, the most lecherous person in China International Trade. Be careful. "

"It's okay, you're sitting next to me! " Du Anran said.

Sure enough, this group of people talked about business by drinking. China international trade relied on their numbers to keep du Anran and Xiao Zhou drunk, and they even came up with a series of tricks.

The female secretary was the same. She kept drinking and chatting with Du Anran.

Although du Anran's alcohol tolerance was much better than before, she was still not good enough to face this kind of situation.

"Miss Du, who do you think is the most handsome boss in China International Trade? " The female secretary secretly laughed.

"All of them are impressionists... " Du Anran said seriously.

"I heard that your CEO Feng is very handsome. I thought we could meet today, but in the end, I'm so disappointed... " the female secretary had a regretful expression.

"You can see it in magazines too. When the cooperation is successful, President Feng will definitely invite everyone from international trade to have a meal together, " Du Anran said.

"Miss Du, you're single? " The female secretary smiled.

"I'm... obviously single? " Du Anran didn't know yet ...

"I think so! What do you think of the bosses of our International Trade? They have looks, status, and status. Let me introduce you to one of them? "

Du Anran finally understood the meaning of the female secretary. She was trying to help their bosses warm their beds at night What did she mean by introducing a rich boss to her?

Of course, Xin Zimo, that idiot, was an exception.

"Then I'm really sorry, I have a boyfriend! Otherwise, if you really introduce me to these bosses, I would be more than happy! " Du Anran laughed.

"really? Then it's not bad to get to know our boss. It's better to have more friends. Moreover, the bosses of our national trade are all influential in City A. Are you sure you don't want to consider it? " The female secretary urged her.

"My boyfriend will be unhappy. " Du anran still had a decent smile on her face.

"I see. " The female secretary stopped talking and drank a few more glasses of wine with du Anran.

After a while, she stood up and walked to her boss. She whispered something in his ear, but du Anran obviously couldn't hear it, so she drank alone.

Zhou was pulled by others and couldn't get away for a while.

Du Anran wondered if it was time to sign the contract after drinking a lot of wine.

Just as she was about to discuss with Zhou, the female secretary walked over in her ten-inch high heels. She held two glasses of wine in her hands, and one of them was handed to Du Anran.

"Miss Du, this is a treat from our president. Do me a favor. "

She handed the tall glass to Du Anran, but du Anran could not refuse. She could only smile at her and finish the wine in the glass.

"Miss Du is really straightforward, unlike the female secretary we worked with before. She's shy and uncomfortable to look at. International Trade hates working with companies that are indecisive, " the female secretary said.

Du Anran heard a strong warning in her tone She pretended not to know. "Our Zhongye doesn't like to work with companies that are indecisive. Although the so-called business needs to be compared, sometimes cutting the Gordian knot can show sincerity. "

The female secretary heard the meaning in Du Anran's words and smiled. "Of course. It seems that China International Trade and Zhongye really hit it off. "

"I think Xiao Zhou and your director Diao are almost done talking. Why don't we talk about the details of the contract? " Du Anran said.

"There's no rush. We've only drunk a few rounds, and it's still early! Didn't we agree? We won't go home until WE'RE DRUNK! " The female secretary patted her hand.

"But I'm afraid that my boyfriend will be unhappy if I go back late, " Du Anran lied.

"What's there to be unhappy about? If your boyfriend is so stingy, then kick him out! I'll tell you a secret. Except for the one on the left who's married, the rest of US ARE UNMARRIED! " The female secretary whispered into Du Anran's ear.

Du Anran's eyes were filled with disdain. At their age, if they said that they were unmarried, they would treat her as a three-year-old child!

Besides, she was not a female student who had just graduated from university. She had been in city a for so long, would she still be interested in money and status?

At least her values were still positive. She knew that money was what she earned the most. The so-called Youth and beauty were also ephemeral.

"I think Secretary Tong is also single, so I won't compete with you! " Du anran slightly curved her lips.

"No way, my child has already been born. I just saw that we hit it off, and I happen to know our boss very well, so I introduced you. " The female secretary smiled and said, "if it was someone else, I wouldn't have introduced you! "

"If I dare to date outside, my boyfriend will eat me up! " Du Anran opened her hand.

"But I say, you work beside such a handsome man like President Feng, and you're not tempted at all? or... are you and President Feng already... " The female secretary revealed an ambiguous smile and touched du Anran's shoulder with ill intentions ...

"Secretary Tong, the main responsibility of a secretary is to help the boss deal with related matters and do your own job well. People in middle school are more conservative. Besides, our President Feng doesn't like me! " Du Anran laughed.

"Even Miss Du doesn't like me. Your President Feng really has high standards. "

"That's right. He likes young students who are older than twenty years old. Even if they are old, he won't even look at them. " Du Anran arranged Feng Jing.

"really? Your President Feng's taste is really unique. " After hearing Du Anran's words, the female secretary put away her curiosity about Feng Jing.

Du Anran thought that she had also saved Feng Jing along the way. She would have to ask for more bonuses another day.

"Yeah, our CEO Feng's taste is really strange. He likes little Loli and little princess. "

Sure enough, the female secretary's face was immediately filled with black lines. Soon, she changed the topic. "Miss Du, to be honest, what does your boyfriend do? "

What does your boyfriend do How could du Anran have a boyfriend... ...

Therefore, she casually said, "he works for someone else. He works as a salesman in a real estate company. "

"Sales? It's not easy to do real estate now. The price of the House has fallen sharply. Can he sell one set in a month? "

"I haven't asked. I GUESS HE CAN'T! " Du Anran said casually.

"Does that mean you can only earn a base salary every month? " The female secretary smiled. "I guess it's not as much as you earn in a month, right? What's the use of having this man? Could it be that his skills are so good that you can't forget him? "

The female secretary snickered and Du Anran rolled her eyes. Although they were both adults, was it really good to talk about such a topic so frankly Was it good?

"He was very good to me, " Du Anran continued.