Chapter 368, who will lower their head first

Du Anran bit her lip. Yes, director Yu was right.

At such a critical moment, there was no need to care about personal interests.

She would go in the afternoon. It was not like she had never been to the Xin Corporation.

However, she really suspected that Xin Zimo had done this on purpose. It must be known that when she ignored him in the past, he always used this method to force her to meet him.

This kind of despicable person would do anything.

However, Du Anran still tried to calm herself down. It was just that today's quarrel with Feng Jing made her extremely unhappy.

After lunch, director Yu pulled du Anran into his car.

Director Yu asked Du Anran to bring the original design department proposal over. They hoped that they could redeem their reputation.

In the end, when it was time for the Xin Group, the person-in-charge of the Xin group Ate, took a lunch break, had meetings, and discussed the project. No one was free.

Du Anran and director Yu could only continue to wait in the waiting room. Du Anran waited until she was in a bad mood.

However, she did not expect that the person-in-charge did not arrive. Instead, Chi Xue came.

Du Anran did not know what fate she had with Chi Xue. They would always bump into each other from time to time. Perhaps they were destined to be enemies. They would always bump into each other at the wrong time, at the wrong place, and in the wrong way.

Therefore, when they bumped into each other, sparks would inevitably fly.

Du Anran really wanted to bury the past in the bottom of her heart and never think about it again. However, subjective thoughts could not control objective existence. Therefore, her efforts were like falling flowers that flowed with water... ...

"What a coincidence, Miss Du. We are always so fated. I didn't expect to meet you again. " Chi Xue was still the same.

Du Anran did not want the Zhongye people to know about her relationship with Xin Zimo, but now, it was too late for her to hide.

"The more you don't want something to happen, the more likely it is to happen. The more you don't want to meet someone, the easier it is to meet them. I think that's the reason. " Du Anran smiled.

In front of Director Yu, she would not go so far as to shed all pretense of cordiality with Chi Xue. However, Chi Xue's protruding belly still stung her eyes.

If it was not for that incident, her child would have already been born. Or perhaps, it had already been born.

However, why did the person who laughed until the end always hurt her? Was Fate too unfair to her?

She still felt uncomfortable in her heart. She cared very much about that child.

She shifted her gaze away. She did not want to see Chi Xue again.

"Anran, is she someone you know? " Director Yu asked. However, he still understood the meaning of Du Anran's words. She was most likely not a good friend.

"We used to be very close, " Du Anran said plainly.

"Miss Du, you make it sound like we don't know each other anymore. " Chi Xue walked forward. "Oh, this is... "

She looked at Director Yu, and director Yu introduced himself. "I'm a colleague of Anran's. "

"colleague? Oh... Miss Du is so capable. There's never a lack of elite men around her. " Chi Xue saw that director Yu was not an ordinary person ...

"I'm a colleague of Anran's. Miss, I don't think there's any ambiguity in my words, right? " Director Yu also frowned.

Before Chi Xue could say anything more, Du Anran spoke first, "Chi Xue, you'd better pretend that you don't know me. Let's go our separate ways. Otherwise, I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, something bad will happen if I make a mistake. "

Speaking of this, Du Anran glanced at her stomach.

If she remembered correctly, Chi Xue was already eight months pregnant Time passed so quickly. She clearly remembered the first time she saw Chi Xue. She didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, she would become a mother.

"I'm here today to look for brother Zimo. Miss Tang's birthday is tomorrow, " Chi Xue said.

Chi Xue did not know that Tang Nuanyan and Xin Zimo were no longer related. Similarly, Du Anran did not know either.

"then you can go look for him, " Du Anran said unhappily.

"I'm just telling you. I haven't seen you for half a year. Where have you been? Why do you still have colleagues? Where do you work? " Chi Xue pretended to be very curious. "I'm quite concerned about you. "

After that incident, Chi Xue did not dare to provoke Xin Zimo again. At the same time, she was warned by Xin Zimo.

"Why are you asking so many questions! " Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind Chi Xue. It was obvious that it was filled with great dissatisfaction.

Du Anran looked up and saw Xin zimo walking over.

Du Anran was really afraid that director Yu would know something. She tugged at Director Yu's sleeve and said, "director Yu, let's talk outside. "

Director Yu did not like Chi Xue very much. This girl was beautiful and charming. Why did she sound so sarcastic when she spoke!

Du Anran brought director Yu to another lounge. Director Yu said, "she spoke rudely. Did you two have a grudge in the past? "

"It's nothing, it's all in the past, " Du Anran said lightly.

Director Yu did not ask much, so he sat beside Du Anran and waited for Xin Zimo.

Since the person-in-charge of the Xin Corporation was not free, then Xin Zimo was free. Apologizing to Xin zimo would be more direct and sincere!

"Brother Zimo, tomorrow is Miss Tang's birthday. I have a good relationship with her, so I came to invite you, " Chi Xue said to Xin Zimo.

"Didn't Nuan Yan tell you that I haven't interacted with her for a long time? " Xin Zimo was quite dissatisfied.

He had warned Chi Xue many times, but now it seemed that she was still unrepentant. Coincidentally, she bumped into Du Anran when she came over today.

"You... don't plan to get married? " Chi Xue was a little surprised ...

"Get married? " Xin zimo sneered, "you don't have to pretend to be confused with me. "

"brother Zimo, Nuan Yan is such a good girl, how can you let her down? "

"I'm warning you again, don't go and instigate Nuan Yan. Just give birth to your child at home. If something like that happens again, you won't be able to return to city a for the rest of your life! "

Xin Zimo warned her and left without looking back, leaving Chi Xue in a daze.

When director Yu saw Xin Zimo come out, he chased after her. "Director Xin, regarding Zhongye's mistake this time, please let me explain... "

"You want to explain that you didn't intentionally use that kind of thing to mess with us, but it was unintentional, right? " Xin Zimo said.

"Director Xin, no, we didn't expect such a mistake to happen. "

"Alright, I know. " Xin Zimo wasn't that stupid.

Zhongye valued this cooperation very much. Why would they use such a lousy plan to deal with the Xin Corporation.

"You know... " director Yu wiped his sweat "The people in charge of the Xin Corporation are very dissatisfied with this. Today, Enron and I specially came to apologize on behalf of Zhongye. I promise that this kind of mistake will not happen again in the following work. "Also, I asked Enron to bring our original plan here. You can take a look at it yourself. "

"bring it here? Then I'll have to trouble secretary Du to show it to me. " Xin zimo glanced at Du Anran.

She still looked quite unconvinced, as if she was very reluctant to see him.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. This is my duty, CEO Xin is too polite, " Du Anran said perfunctorily.

"Let's go! " Director Yu said.

Thus, in the large conference room, Du Anran told Xin Zimo the entire plan. Xin Zimo listened attentively and did not have any impatience.

From the beginning to the end, he listened to Du Anran's explanation carefully, not just looking at her.

Of course, he admitted that he would occasionally take a break to look at her. Who asked her to look so good!

"Director Xin, this is Zhongye's initial plan, " Du Anran finished her introduction.

"Not bad, not bad. As for the details, director Zhang will discuss them with you. Please wait, I have something to tell you, " Xin Zimo said to Du Anran.

"Okay, then director Xin, let's talk here. Director Yu is also very professional. If there are any problems, he can solve them one by one, " Du Anran said with a smile.

"No, it's related to my sister just now, so I want to talk to you alone. " Xin Zimo did not expose their relationship.

Director Yu stood up sensibly. "Then I won't bother you anymore. Anran, I'll wait for you in the parking lot. "

"Director Yu... "

Du Anran wanted to say something else, but director Yu had already walked out.

"What do you want to say? " Du Anran looked down at the plan in her hand and asked casually.

"What's with the wrong plan? " Xin Zimo asked.

The reason why he let du Anran follow up on the collaboration between the two parties was to give her a chance to grow quickly and learn the necessary means to communicate with others, not to make such a low-level mistake.

"What do you mean? It's just a miscommunication, " Du Anran said indifferently.

"Is this your work attitude? " Xin Zimo said angrily, "the Xin Group's list was not made for Zhongye for free. I told you, we are not a charity organization! "

"Who am I to ask if you ask me! " Du Anran also said to him, "I clearly gave you a new plan. Who would have known that it would become a common thing here? I even suspect that you did it yourself! "

"Du Anran, you're becoming more and more unreasonable, aren't you? " Xin Zimo said bluntly, "do you usually talk to party a like this? Or are you only targeting me? "

Du Anran pursed her lips. She admitted that she did not dare to talk to party a like this. She was indeed targeting Xin Zimo.

"You don't have the right to lecture me. I'm not an employee of the Xin Group! " Du Anran said, "it better not be your doing. "

"Du Anran, you've already said it to this extent. Do you still want me to analyze it for you? Have your brain grown for nothing? " Xin Zimo was really merciless.

"Can you not be attacked by others? ! " There were so many advertising companies in city a, yet you just had to find a very remote middle-class company in the start-up stage. Do you have any good intentions I said, don't bother me again. Do you know how annoying you are?"Du Anran also shouted.

"Good intentions don't come back to you. I really don't want to care about you! " Xin Zimo said.

"You think you're being overly affectionate and caring about me, yet you're blaming me? "

"You! "

Xin Zimo gnashed his teeth. If he didn't care about her, would he care about her He didn't have so much free time!

"Don't come to Zhongye to look for me in the future, and don't give me anything else! " Du Anran said.

Xin zimo looked at her fixedly. After gnashing his teeth for a long time, he finally admitted defeat. "You're amazing. "

April 9th, 10 am, 30,000 words. My dear ones, you have to support me more. Recommendation tickets, tips, and comments! The 10th continued to be updated at 9 am