In the end

"No matter what, you still have to look forward. "You don't know that I once fell into a desperate situation. At that time, I really wanted to jump into the river and end it once and for all. But later on, I thought that people should look forward. "The past is in the past and can not be changed. Why should I lose my life "from then on, I tried to live a happier life every day. Just like that, I slowly got through it. "after getting through that period of time, when I look back, I will find that I am sometimes very silly. "

Du Anran recalled the scene of the world and the family being forced into a corner after they had just gone bankrupt. She had once been in a sorry state when she had braved the heavy rain to return home. She had also been surrounded by reporters and had no way to escape. However, in the end, she still walked over... ...

Feng Jing's face was a little stunned. He probably never thought that a young girl like du Anran would have such a painful experience.

"Anran, I always feel that you have something on your mind. Actually, you might as well treat me as a friend. If you say it out loud, I'll share it with you, " Feng Jing said.

"No, my worries have all dispersed. I'm very optimistic now and keep moving forward. Work hard for yourself and let your work enrich you, " du Anran said with a smile "You have to do the same. Ever since I came to your company, I've found that you've been trying your best to avoid this relationship. Today, I've said it all. In the future, I'll try my best to forget it. "

"I came to the seaside today because I want to say goodbye to the past. Although I know that it will take a long time to forget Shen Zhan, at least I can move on. "

"Yes, that's the way it should be. Let the past be the past... look, you still have many friends. Zhongye has just started not long ago, and there is still a lot of room for development. Your career is thriving. There is a bright future ahead, right? " Du Anran said "I will always stay in Zhongye. If you have anything on your mind, you can look for me. "

"Anran, you are really considerate. From now on, you can be my confidante! " Feng Jing joked.

"I'm just being understanding once in a while... " Du Anran blinked.

She knew that if Feng Jing's words were heard by Xin Zimo, he would probably be jealous again.

"Anran, you know so much about relationships. Did you also experience a lot of emotional ups and downs in the past? " Feng Jing was in a much better mood, so he asked curiously.

Du Anran must be hiding something in her heart. Otherwise, she would definitely not be like him, working hard all day and not giving herself any time to catch her breath.

"In the past... " Du Anran paused. Her and Xin Zimo's past was too long, so long that she did not know where to start.

When the seagulls in the sky flew into the distance, a row of geese flew over the square.

City a was an international metropolis. It had been many years since they could see geese in the autumn sky. Du Anran looked up and was somewhat happy.

Something something something something something something something something something something, something something something something something something something something.

"The past is in the past. I think, maybe I will start a new life. " Du Anran did not continue to tell her story. She just kept looking up at the geese in the sky.

One moment it was in a zigzag pattern, and the next moment it was in a zigzag pattern.

Du Anran smiled as she looked at it. It was a memory from when she was young.

Feng Jing saw that she probably would not say much, so he did not press her. He just smiled and said, "I feel much better now. I should have brought some wine and let you drink with me. I remember when you first came to Zhongye, you got drunk after a few drinks. Now, you are much better! "

"drinking is bad for your body. In the future, I want to spend less time with you on social engagements, " Du Anran said.

In the past, Xin Zimo did not allow her to drink. Now that she thought about it, Xin Zimo was right. Drinking was indeed very harmful to the body. Moreover, her stomach was not good.

"You're right. You should drink less. " Feng Jing smiled.

The Sea breeze blew on their faces. There was the bleak autumn wind and the calm of the sea.

Du Anran narrowed her eyes and listened to the tide beating against the rocks. She enjoyed the quiet and ethereal surroundings.

That day, Du Anran and Feng Jing Sat by the sea and talked for a long time. They no longer talked about Shen Zhan and love. Instead, they talked a lot.

Feng Jing even apologized to du Anran sincerely. He felt very guilty for scolding her. Of course, Du Anran also understood him. He even smoked so many cigarettes in the office.

However, ever since Du Anran went to the Xin Corporation and quarreled with Xin Zimo, that stingy guy did not give her anything. Du Anran was happy to be free.

However, the free life only lasted for a few days. One day after work, Lao Zhan drove the car to Zhongye's office.

It was the rush hour, and there were people coming and going on the road. Even the private cars were lined up for a long time.

Xin Zimo's car was particularly eye-catching among the cars. Zhong Ye's women had seen old Zhan before. When they saw that he was here again, they took photos of him and treated him as du Anran's financier.

Old Zhan also realized it and immediately got out of the car. He said to the women who took the photos, "delete all the photos! "

"When did we take photos? DON'T SLANDER US! " Of course, the women refused to admit it.

Old Zhan had probably followed Xin Zimo for a long time, so he was quite like Xin Zimo. He took one of the women's phone and opened the photo without saying anything. "Then tell me, what is this? "

The photo was of old Zhan's side profile, and it was very clear. They had no choice, the phone's Pixel was high now.

These women were immediately speechless. They had no choice but to snatch the phone from old Zhan's hands.

Old Zhan was skilled, so how could these women be able to do anything to him. He deleted all the secret photos in the phone, then threw the phone to the woman. "Don't play around with these. If I find out that there are photos spreading around, you'll be waiting to leave Zhongye! "

One of the women obviously didn't think that she had done anything wrong. She mumbled, "so what if you're rich? If your words are exposed, you'll be eaten alive! "

"I repeat, if I find out about these photos and gossip, you will be fired. " Old Zhan was not polite at all. Xin Zimo had told him repeatedly that no one dared to bully du Anran, so there was no need to be polite.

"Old Zhan! " Du Anran walked over from the office building. As soon as she arrived, she heard a quarrel.

"GET LOST! " Old Zhan lowered his voice and said to the women.

The women quickly moved away. They had nowhere to vent their anger, so they could only glare at Du Anran.

Du Anran was baffled by the glare. Could it be that old Zhan had a grudge against them?

"Miss Du, please get in the car. " Old Zhan saw that Du Anran had arrived and respectfully opened the car door.

"were you arguing with them just now? " Du Anran asked.

"No, it's just a small matter. I've already taken care of it, " old Zhan said.

"Oh, oh, did you come to look for me today for something? " Du Anran had no intention of getting in the car.

"Mr. Xin invited you over, " old Zhan said.

"Him? " Du Anran was very disdainful. She had already told him to leave her alone.

Therefore, she thought for two to three minutes and said lightly, "I'm not going. "

"this... " Old Zhan was obviously in a difficult position. "Miss Du, you'd better go. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain myself. "

Old Zhan and Du Anran did not have many interactions, but this was the first time he had seen a woman so decisively and brazenly reject Mr. Xin. One had to know that if there really was someone who did not give face to Mr. Xin, then he would not have a good ending in the future.

However... ... Du Anran was definitely different. How was she different? He did not know ...

He was only the driver who was responsible for the transportation. He would not dare to care about things that Xin Zimo did not want him to care about.

"He won't make things difficult for you, " Du Anran said.

She knew Xin Zimo very well now. If he dared to threaten her with someone she knew again, she would ignore him in the future. Therefore, he did not dare... ...

Du Anran thought that she was relying on him to like her!

However, this feeling was really good. It was like a farmer who had been oppressed by a landlord for a long time could finally turn the tide of the revolution!

Then he would enjoy it more, lest one day, he suddenly stopped loving her.

"Miss Du, it's not easy for me to make the decision on this matter. If I didn't receive you, Mr. Xin would definitely be unhappy. Why don't you call Mr. Xin? Otherwise, I'll really be in a difficult position. " Old Zhan was also full of worry.

Du Anran shook her head. "I'm not going to call him. "

She was still angry. How could she take the initiative to call him. Moreover, he didn't lower his head. In this state, if she took the initiative to call him, wouldn't she be admitting defeat.

Old Zhan's face was covered in sweat. What kind of situation was this... ...

"Then I'll give Mr. Xin a call. " Old Zhan had to do it himself.

Although Xin zimo treated them very well most of the time, he couldn't rule out the possibility of being scolded for doing something bad.

Thus, old Zhan could only call Xin zimo nervously. "Mr. Xin... Miss Du said she's not free tonight... "

"Not Free? What is she busy with? " Xin Zimo said leisurely from the other end.

"I didn't ask about that. It's probably because Miss Du has plans. "

"Just tell her that I have good news to tell her, " Xin Zimo said. "In short, I don't care what method you use to bring her here. "

"I... "

Before old Zhan could explain further, Xin Zimo hung up the phone. Old Zhan's face was full of black lines. Fortunately, Xin Zimo wasn't in a bad mood today. However, he had to be the villain.

"Miss Du, Mr. Xin still insists on letting you go over, " old Zhan said.

Du Anran still shook her head. "His attitude isn't good. I won't go over. "

He didn't even pick her up personally when he invited her over. It was obvious that he didn't want to lower his head. As for her, she was also determined not to comply.

"Miss Du, you know that my child is studying in the United States. Every month, he needs a large sum of money. You also know that my base salary is very low, so... most of it will come from the bonus. "

Old Zhan didn't continue. Du Anran also understood. Although Xin Zimo didn't directly threaten her, she still had to put this debt on Xin Zimo's head.

"Let's go! " Du Anran compromised.

"Hey! " Old Zhan was quite happy. He knew that although it sounded a little despicable, du Anran was still very kind.

It was the first time he saw Mr. Xin care so much about a woman. After spending a few times with Du Anran, he still liked du Anran very much. He also hoped that Mr. Xin and Du Anran could be united forever.