Chapter 375, all gentleness

"I don't hate you. I know you're doing this for the Xin family. This project is dragging the Xin family down. "

Du Anran left Xin Zimo for the same reason. As long as she did not leave him, he would not sell the project. Then, the Xin family's funds would not be able to turn over.

However, she did not expect that she would not be able to buy the project and Hua Yuan would snatch it away.

"You really think so? If you think so, I'm relieved. I almost thought that you would hate me, " Xin Zimo said "I really had no choice but to sell this project, but since this project was your father's last wish and you care so much, it's worth it even if I use the entire Xin family to save this project, right? "

Du Anran glared at him. "If you use the entire Xin family to save this project, then you're stupid! "

"But you left me after that, which made me very sad. I felt that it wasn't worth it at all, so I sold this project again. "

"In the end, you're right. " Du anran still glared at him.

"Of course, because I can turn black into white and white into black, " Xin Zimo said shamelessly.

"You haven't answered my question! " Du Anran said.

"Eat more, I'll tell you slowly, you listen slowly. " Xin zimo picked up some food for her.

Du Anran glanced at him and saw that he had a smile on his face, so she smiled too. He spoke slowly, and she listened slowly.

The song on the CD had been changed. The atmosphere in the hall was very comfortable, and there was a fresh scent of Bergamot everywhere. Although it was autumn, it was cool outside, but the room was very happy.

The heater was on, and Du Anran did not feel cold. The candlelight swayed slightly, and the beautiful dance danced like a cute little Elf.

Under the Faint Glow of the candle, she would occasionally look up and meet Xin Zimo's eyes. His eyes were full of tenderness, a tenderness that she rarely saw.

She was probably glad that all his tenderness was left to her.

"An garden is indeed the Golden Plate Garden Project, but I changed it to an garden. There is a word in it, your name. I also hope that in the future, when we are old, we can also go to an garden to enjoy the rest of our lives. Be At ease, and I promise you a stable life. "

As Du Anran listened, her eyes unconsciously lit up.

She rolled her eyes at him and said, "you're already so old, yet you're still being pretentious. "

"being pretentious is good, so that when you're old in the future, you won't have the mood to be pretentious even if you want to. " Xin zimo smiled. "Do you like this name? "

"I do. " She smiled quietly.

She really liked it. There was her name in it, as well as his promise to her. Being at ease, and a stable life.

"It's good that you like it. I'm really afraid that someone with such a low taste will not like it! "

"..."she was clearly in a loving mood just a moment ago, so why was she asking for a beating all of a sudden. Du Anran facepalmed... ...

"My taste is low, yet you still dare to use my Golden Plate Garden Project proposal? " Du Anran asked in return.

Not only did she use it, Sun Ping also asked her to continue giving advice.

"I can still see the changes, " he continued asking for a beating.

"Tsk, you clearly want to please me, but you clearly like me, right? Right? " Du Anran cupped her cheeks with both hands and looked at him with a smile.

"women have always been the ones who please me... "

"really? Why are you blushing... " Du Anran covered her mouth and snickered.

"I drank too much. " Xin zimo coughed lightly and lowered his head.

Du Anran never thought that the experienced CEO of the Xin Group would still blush. Wasn't that an experience. However, she still liked the current him... ...

Du Anran did not laugh enough. She kept staring at Xin Zimo and sniggered secretly.

Xin Zimo could not hold back his face from her laughter. In a fit of rage, he lifted her little face and kissed her lips.

Du Anran's smile was blocked by this unexpected kiss. Before she could even scream, she had already grabbed the fragrance on his lips.

There was a faint smell of red wine and a taste that belonged exclusively to him. Slowly, she closed her eyes and was immersed in his kiss... ...

His mouth and teeth were entangled, and he was also immersed in it.

When he had kissed enough, he slowly let go of her. He looked at Du Anran, whose face was red, and smiled. "Why are you blushing? "

" ... " Du Anran gritted her teeth and punched him. "You just like to make things difficult for me! "

"How would I dare... " he laughed. Her Lips were red from his kiss, like a cherry. He was filled with joy when he saw it.

"Then continue talking. And between you and Sun Ping, what happened between the two of you? " Du Anran was too lazy to guess.

"It was he who resigned. I was very sad. Then, he saw how sad I was and couldn't bear it, so he came back, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

"It's not that simple. You lied to me. You'd better tell me honestly and tell me everything, " Du Anran threatened.

"When have I not been honest? " Xin zimo smiled mischievously and even hugged her waist.

Du Anran gritted her teeth. When had he ever been honest? !

"Don't change the topic. Tell me why Sun Ping resigned, why he went to Hua Yuan, and why he appeared in the Xin Corporation now. I've long felt that something was wrong. Sun Ping is loyal to the Xin Corporation. How could he leave just like that? "

"You're not stupid enough. " Xin zimo smiled at her lovingly. "Actually, I'm not the mastermind of this matter. Sun Ping is the mastermind, and I'm also the victim. I was deceived by Sun Ping just like you. "

"What? " Du Anran was confused.

"Don't think that Sun Ping is always so down-to-earth. Once he does something bad, I won't be able to tell, " Xin Zimo said. "He resigned from the Xin Corporation on purpose. I didn't know at first, and I was cheated of my feelings. I even went to say goodbye to him that day. "

"Ah? " Du Anran was a little surprised. After a while, she snickered. "You were deceived too? "

"I'm innocent, " Xin Zimo said. "How could I have expected that Sun Ping would lie to me? "

Du Anran clicked her tongue. "If you're innocent, then all the little white rabbits in the world will perish... "

"Do you still remember that night when I went to your villa to look for you, but you refused to open the door for me, so I threatened you. In the end, you threw the key to me. Later, I forced myself on you, asking you not to leave me... "

"You forced yourself on me many times, like just now, " Du Anran said unhappily.

"Don't be like this... We clearly have mutual affection, we're both willing, okay... " Xin Zimo coaxed her ...

"willing my ass, how many times did you ask my permission? " Du Anran really felt that she needed to settle the score with him.

"Don't be agitated, don't be agitated, just treat it as me taking advantage of you, " Xin Zimo said.

"continue, I remember that night, what's wrong? "

"that night, I was so depressed because Sun Ping resigned with me. He left the Xin Corporation, and you left me. I was instantly surrounded by the feeling of being abandoned by everyone. "

"and then... " Du Anran said.

"At that time, I didn't know. I was completely deceived by Sun Ping. I thought that he was really a good bird choosing a tree to live in and was unwilling to stay in the Xin family. After all, at that time, the Xin family was in a crisis, and the future was bleak. "

"Actually, I always thought that Sun Ping wasn't that kind of person. Who knew that he was actually a best actor. " Du Anran also said angrily.

"honey, you're really right. If he went to act, he would definitely get an Oscar. " Xin Zimo also echoed. It was really like a married couple singing along.

"Stop bullshitting and continue. "

"later, I found out that he left the Xin family to Hua Yuan because he saw the problem with the Golden Plate Garden Project. "Jin Haiguo refused to give up on this project, and I didn't want to deal with Jin Haiguo. "However, director Zhang of Hua Yuan is different. He has everything under control and can settle everything in the political world. "Therefore, Sun Ping used Hua yuan as a springboard to let Hua Yuan Win this project. "

Xin zimo paused He continued, "and as you know, during that period of time, the Xin family was in urgent need of funds. The funds obtained from this project solved the urgent needs of the Xin family. Later on, you also saw that the Xin family used this money to do charity and promotional videos. "

"Oh... so you and Sun Ping only temporarily deposited the Golden Plate Garden project at Hua Yuan's place, but director Zhang isn't stupid. How did he get cheated by Sun Ping and now he's even handing this project over to you? "

"Didn't director Zhang always want to Poach Sun Ping over? " During that period of time, the Xin Corporation was indeed in a slump. He didn't have any doubts at all when Sun Ping jumped over. As for why he later transferred the project back, it was entirely because Hua yuan couldn't afford to waste this project anymore. "coincidentally, director Zhang was caught by Sun Ping, so he had no choice but to transfer the project back to the Xin Corporation at a low price. "

"caught? What caught? " Du Anran asked curiously.

"It's not suitable for children... " Xin Zimo looked at her sneakily and smiled with malicious intentions.

"..."DU anran instantly understood!

"Is this considered a double act between the two of you? " Du Anran asked.

"In the business world, if you don't play some tricks, you won't be able to survive. Although Sun Ping did this without consulting me, I can see that he still has a lot of potential in the business field. "

Du Anran admitted that Xin Zimo was right. Wasn't Shihe destroyed like this back then?

She was a person who couldn't even understand a trap. How could she set it up. Just as her mother had said, she wasn't suitable for business.

"Then when did you know that Sun Ping was lying to you? " Du Anran was also very curious about this question. "when the Golden Plate Garden was being auctioned, or after I left... "

"when the Golden Plate Garden was being auctioned, " Xin Zimo said faintly.

How ruthless... ... Du Anran immediately wanted to scold the two of them ...

At the Golden Plate Garden Auction, it turned out that everyone else was just a foil. The two of them had already been singing along, and she even cried for so long.

In that auction, they even pretended to not know each other.

"Both of you can win an Oscar! " Du Anran gritted her teeth.

"You flatter me, you flatter me... " Xin Zimo approached her again "I know the weather that day wasn't light, but don't blame me. I've already gotten the Golden Plate Garden Project Back for you, and in the future, the an garden will definitely be more perfect than the original golden plate garden... "

"I won't mind this matter... " Du Anran said.