Chapter 377, have a good time

Xin zimo watched old Zhan's car drive out of the villa on Lake Heart Island. She really left just like that. Her temper and temperament hadn't changed at all compared to before.

He smiled bitterly. Just as Guo Zi had told him before, he would be defeated by Du Anran for the rest of his life. He had never thought that he would have any opponents or nemesis until Du Anran appeared.

He smoked a few cigarettes on the balcony in a fluster and watched the car drive further and further away before it slowly disappeared from his sight.

Only after he smoked a few cigarettes did his mood improve slightly. However, he thought that it was hard work for a man to chase a woman. He had just chased her, how could he be defeated by a little setback.

With this thought, he felt slightly relieved, but the pain in his heart could not be relieved.

He lay back on his bed and stared blankly at the crystal chandelier above his head.

Many things and images appeared in his mind in an instant. They flashed past his eyes like a passing cloud.

He tossed and turned until midnight, but he did not fall asleep. He called Old Zhan. Old Zhan said that he had sent Du Anran safely there, so he put down his phone.

He went back and forth and took a few showers in the bathroom, but he still did not fall asleep.

The state she had been in after leaving him had returned. Xin Zimo was helpless against this state.

At this time, he habitually reached out to take the sleeping pills in the drawer, but only after touching it did he remember that the pills had been taken away by Du Anran last time.

He sighed and slept on the bed again, forcing himself to let go.

It was probably because it was too painful. At two o'clock in the morning, he called his brother in the underworld.

"What fun places have you been recently? " Xin Zimo was extremely frustrated.

The brother on the other end chuckled. "CEO Xin, you have never participated in our activities. "

"nonsense, people don't stay the same. "

"That's good, there are really fun places. I'm just afraid that CEO Xin won't come... "

This group of people usually did not sleep in the middle of the night. Xin zimo would only call them on his own initiative when he was looking for them to do something. But now, he was in a bad mood. Perhaps going out to play could relax him.

When he was tired of playing, he would forget everything.

"COME AND PICK ME UP! " Xin Zimo was straightforward.

"Ah? Now? " The brother on the other end looked at the time. Did the sun rise from the West CEO Xin would never participate in games like this.

"RIGHT! Now! "

The speed of the brothers on this road was not exaggerated. In a short while, a Land Rover parked on the road outside the villa.

At this moment in the night, the insects in the grass had stopped chirping. There was a dead silence everywhere.

Xin Zimo sat in their car and smoked again.

"CEO Xin, is there something on your mind? " The brothers knew Xin Zimo better.

"What could be on my mind? I've been busy with work recently. I'm just under a lot of pressure. I want to go out and relax. "

"In the past, no matter how stressed you were at work, you wouldn't come to us to relax. It seems like this isn't a small matter. "

"Don't act like you know me very well. Drive your car, " Xin Zimo said quietly.

In the past, when he was under a lot of pressure, he would take sleeping pills to solve it. At first, he took one, then he took two. Gradually, he increased the dosage, and it had reached a point where he could no longer control it.

Now that Du Anran had taken away his sleeping pills, he had no choice but to go out and relax.

"CEO Xin, there's really something fun to do recently. A new club has opened in the underground plaza of Henglong in the north. It's absolutely stunning. The wine in it is superb, and the beauties are even more superb. All of them are like celestial immortals, and they have new tricks every day. "

"Oh? Then take me to see it. Why are they like immortals? "

"Hehe, boss Xin, I thought you don't like women? " For a long time, these people had almost thought that Xin Zimo did not love women anymore.

"Didn't I say that people are not set in stone? "

"That's good. Should we celebrate? Boss Xin, are you willing to join our small group? " "since you're willing to come, I promise I won't let you down. ". "The boss of this club is already familiar with me. If he knew that you're here, he would definitely be overjoyed! "

"Is that so? " Xin Zimo asked calmly.

He had never gone to such a place to see so-called beautiful women before. Today, he had a sudden thought. So what if he went to see them!

Perhaps after seeing a better beauty, he would lose interest in du Anran.

"Of course. I guarantee that if you come here once, you'll definitely want to come here a second time or a third time! "

"It looks like you've come here many times. " Xin Zimo took a puff of his cigarette.

"This place is too good. We can't bear to not come. Inside the little girl is really more than a beautiful, do not repeat every day, do not know where the owner of the building from the beautiful woman. Let me let you in on a secret. Some of the women here are very good at their jobs. Would you like to try them later. . "The man behind the wheel smiled slyly.

"Well, let me see how good it is. " Xin zimo sneered.

"I don't know, it's * * * * * * ... "

* * * * When Xin Zimo and Du Anran were together, it was this kind of feeling, and it was very ecstasy. Unfortunately, that woman was willing to do it a few times.

Xin zimo smiled bitterly. Why did he think of her again... ...

The car soon arrived at the "absolute beauty" . It was indeed a good place. From the inside to the outside, there was a luxurious atmosphere. Before entering the door, he could already see a few beautiful girls.

This kind of place knew how to package. At a glance, the girls were not all wearing thick makeup. Some of them actually did not wear makeup. They were fresh and refined.

It was indeed a good place. Not only were there beauties, but there was also good wine.

As soon as he entered the peerless beauty, he smelled the strong aroma of wine.

This club was relatively secluded and quiet, but as soon as he entered, it was filled with lights, wine, and greenery. As far as the eye could see, it was men and women.

The colorful lights shone on the dance floor, and ear-splitting music could be heard.

"CEO Xin, how is it? Not Bad, right? "

"It's not bad. Go book a private room and call a few beautiful women who look like immortals to meet me, " Xin Zimo said.

"okay, I'll go right away. " The brother immediately ran to the front desk.

As soon as he went over, a man who looked like a boss came to invite him. Xin Zimo's other brothers brought him directly to a room.

The private room was very large. There were three sofas inside, and a large coffee table in the middle. The walls were elegant, and there were several oil paintings hanging on them. There were a few vases on the tables in the corner, and there were a few fresh flowers in the vases.

The environment of the entire room was not bad, and the quality was also very high.

Xin Zimo looked around and sat down with his brothers.

As soon as he sat down, someone immediately lit a cigarette for him. He didn't refuse. Soon, the entire private room was filled with smoke.

Soon, the wine was served. Everyone Poured Xin Zimo another glass.

The aroma of the wine permeated the air. Xin Zimo raised his glass. Sure enough, the wine was good. This kind of place had always liked to cheat people with fake wine or mixed wine. It seemed that the owner of this building still had some conscience.

After drinking a few rounds of wine and chatting for a while, Xin zimo really felt much better.

It had been a long time since he had been so impudent. It was probably because he had been repressed for too long. Now that he had completely released himself, he was in a very good mood.

In fact, before he met Du Anran, he would often have this kind of state. He would often go to various places to drink. His alcohol tolerance had increased, and his body was also damaged from drinking.

Later, when he met Du Anran, he would often be stuck by her. He could not go anywhere. It was not until a year ago when he thought that they would break off all relations that he realized that he had long adapted to her existence.

"CEO Xin, what are you thinking about! COME AND DRINK! " Someone toasted him.

Xin zimo realized that he had been distracted again. Why was he still thinking about Du Anran in such a place.

If he was still thinking about her, he probably wouldn't need to sleep for a few days.

"today, boss Lou is giving face. Everyone, look who I've invited! "

The door of the private room suddenly opened, bringing in the smell of rouge perfume.

Xin zimo looked up. The person in the lead was a beautiful girl. She wore a blue one-piece dress with no makeup. Her eyebrows were dark and green, looking like a weak willow. There were also a few women with different personalities behind her. She really had all kinds of women.

Xin Zimo did not refuse. When the few brothers asked the girl in the lead to sit beside him, he did not object.

"Aiya, Miss Wen Wen, how much face do you have to invite you here! " The crowd jeered.

It turned out that this girl was called Wen Wen. Her name was just like a person, gentle and gentle. However, in a place like this, gentle and gentle was not desirable.

"I heard that a big shot came. He is a good-looking person. Of course, I have to come, " Wen Wen said delicately.

She had already guessed that the person sitting next to her was that big shot. Indeed, this man's aura was different from others.

It seemed that he was a big shot. Xin zimo smiled and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Sir, let me pour you a glass of wine. " Wen Wen took the wine bottle in Xin zimo's hand. She did not know whether it was intentional or not, but her hands directly covered the back of Xin Zimo's hands.

Xin zimo lowered his head and glanced at her. She immediately raised her head slightly and met Xin Zimo's eyes. She smiled at Xin Zimo gently and charmingly.

Xin Zimo was also a little drunk. He did not reject her and let her pass out.

"Wen Wen and CEO Xin have a lot of affinity! " The crowd jeered again.

"Of course, Wen Wen is not someone that just anyone can fancy. "

"Wen Wen, this is CEO Xin's first time here. You have to serve him well. As long as you satisfy CEO Xin, your business will flourish in the future. "

Wen Wen smiled charmingly. "You guys are making fun of me again... "

The other women in the private room also joined in the jeering. "Wen Wen, you have to use your ultimate move today... "

"Aiyo, sister Qing, don't laugh at me. I don't know the rules. I hope President Xin can forgive me! " Wen Wen lowered her head.

Xin Zimo did not speak either. He just listened to them and drank his own wine.

He did not know whether it was because the wine in this place was too intoxicating or because the atmosphere here was very intoxicating, but he soon felt a little dizzy.

Music started playing in the private room and it immediately became lively.

A brother walked to Xin Zimo's side, bent down and whispered into his ear, "Director Xin, are you satisfied with this Wen Wen? She is the number one beauty. Boss Lou usually treasures her! "