Chapter 385, I know I'm wrong

Xin Zimo continued to drive the car to her side. "beauty, do you want a ride? Can I give you my contact information? "

"438438748! " Du Anran yelled at him.

"..."Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines.

"honey, come back, okay? I know I'm wrong... " Xin zimo pursued relentlessly.

Anyway, his face was getting thicker and thicker under du Anran's training. If he was shameless, then he was shameless. All he had to do was to woo her.

"Comrade, if you follow me again, I'll sue you for harassment! " Du Anran suddenly turned her head.

Xin Zimo was shocked by her fierce tone. "Don't be cold and violent at home... If you have anything to say, we can talk about it when we get back... "

"Talk Your head off! Old Zhan didn't bring you the message, did he? I TOLD YOU TO GET LOST! "

Du Anran was angry at the mention of the incident that day. She had quarreled with him that night because they were of equal status, but the next day, she saw something she shouldn't have.

"The world is round. Won't you come back if you get lost? " Xin zimo smiled shamelessly.

Xin Zimo drove the car and slowly followed Du Anran. Du Anran suddenly took a few steps and stopped. She pointed at Xin Zimo and said to the police officer beside her, "police brother, this hooligan followed me all the way! "

"..."Xin Zimo held his forehead.

Du Anran quickly drove the car. Just as Xin Zimo was about to step on the accelerator, the police officer stopped him. "sorry, please show me the relevant documents. "

"documents, YOU TOMATO! " Xin zimo cursed under his breath.

Therefore, he could only watch helplessly as du Anran got into a taxi and left.

Poor CEO Xin, who could summon the wind and rain in city a, still had to obediently take out his documents.

There were still fiery red roses in his car, but unfortunately, he did not even have the chance to give them away before he ran away... ...

However, since Xin Zimo had already trained to be thick-skinned, he would not be afraid of these setbacks.

He chased relentlessly all the way from the airport to the place where Du Anran lived.

Although he was not sure if du Anran would come back here first, he was sure that she would definitely come back.

Sure enough, after he lingered at the entrance of the community for an afternoon, Du Anran appeared.

She got out of the taxi. Just as she said "thank you" to the driver and closed the door, Xin Zimo drove the car and came to her side.

"beauty, there's no police here... " Xin Zimo said shamelessly.

Du Anran secretly cursed, "Damn it" , and then shouted, "you did something immoral and yet you still have the face to come to me. Xin Zimo, what did you grow up on? "

"I used to eat rice, but in the future, I'll eat you... " Xin Zimo looked innocent and honest.

Du Anran was about to go crazy. "Look for me when you go out to steal food and leave no evidence of your crime! "

"Anran, I was wrong. I really shouldn't have gone to such a place, but I didn't do anything bad. I'm sincere, " Xin zimo confessed. "Didn't I feel bad after arguing with you? I couldn't sleep, and you took the sleeping pills... "

"Are you blaming me? " Du Anran gritted her teeth.

"I don't dare... of course I don't dare... " Xin Zimo said, "get in the car, let's talk slowly... "

"I have nothing to say to you. "

"actually, you should know that you have such a big reaction after seeing the lipstick stain. You care about me a lot, right? "

"Will You die if you don't become narcissistic for a day? "

"This isn't narcissism, this is the truth... " Xin Zimo felt wronged. "I really didn't do anything to let you down. If you still don't believe me, I can only ask a few of my brothers to testify for me... of course, you'll say that I'm lying again... "

"Cut the crap, " Du Anran said fiercely.

"Look at me, I drank so much that my stomach was bleeding. It's Karma, isn't it? Seeing that I was in so much pain to hang the IV drip, your heart aches for me, okay? "

"If my heart aches for you, my name won't be DU ANRAN ANYMORE! "

Du Anran didn't want to waste any more words with him, so she turned around and left.

Xin Zimo didn't stop there. He opened the car door and took a step forward, hugging du Anran in his arms.

"I'll take you to a place... " Xin Zimo whispered into her ear.

"PUT ME DOWN! " Du Anran felt dizzy and the sunlight was blinding.

"I won't... I won't let you go for the rest of my life... " Xin Zimo said willfully ...

"What did you say? You won't interfere with me, you won't force me. have all your words been eaten by dogs? " Du Anran said angrily.

"But I really can't think of any tricks. I've never chased a girl before. If you don't promise me, my yearning will turn into illness... "

"It's not sweet to force things. The gap between us hasn't been closed. What can I use to guarantee my future happiness? "

"I'll know if it's sweet or not after I try it. " Xin Zimo was confident that he could give her happiness.

He carried her to the front passenger seat. Du Anran was like a little white rabbit. She had no power at all. By the time he put her down and she wanted to jump out of the car, he had already fastened her seatbelt and closed the car door.

The car turned around and Xin Zimo drove away from the community.

"where are you taking me? " Du Anran looked at her angrily.

She had just come back from London. Before she could even drink a mouthful of water, he had been pestering her.

"Don't worry about where you're going, just listen to me for a moment, " Xin Zimo said.

He knew that Du Anran was angry, so he tried his best to be calm and try not to make her angry.

"A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, " Du Anran said unhappily.

"But you have to promise me that you'll only listen to me and never argue with me, okay? "

"Don't waste time, " Du anran still said unhappily.

"first of all... I'll tell you the truth about losing your beauty... "

"Don't tell me the truth, I'm not your person, it has nothing to do with me where you go! " Du Anran interrupted him, and she did not want to listen to a word.

"Didn't we just agree that you would only listen to me... " Xin Zimo's face was full of grievance.

Du Anran rolled her eyes at him and did not say anything. However, her face was full of disdain.

Xin zimo smiled. "That's right. Listen to me. Actually, I went to a place like peerless beauty... ... It was really because after you left that night, I really could not sleep. I had no choice but to call my brothers and ask them to take me out to relax ... In the end, they took me to a place like that ... ..

Du Anran turned her head and looked out of the window, completely ignoring him.

So, Xin Zimo said to himself, "that kind of place, it's nothing more than drinking... cough, chatting with girls... "

"chatting and chatting and then talking to the bed, isn't it... " Du Anran couldn't help but interrupt him, what did he mean by chatting with girls... ...

She admitted that she was narrow-minded, completely unable to accept her own man fooling around with other women.

"OF COURSE NOT! " Xin zimo quickly said "It's said that getting drunk relieves a thousand worries. I thought that if I got drunk, I might forget about you and not miss you. In the end, I accidentally drank too much. Of course, those girls wanted to Pester me, right? It's just that I had strong self-control and was not attracted... ... That's it. I'll be lenient if I confess ... ..

He did not dare to say that he was actually thinking that maybe when he was happy with other women, he would lose interest in du Anran.

The facts proved that he would never lose interest in her in his entire life. She was his addiction. And the longer it took, the greater the addiction.

"Xin Zimo, I hit you, scolded you, and left you. You can't even forget me, can you? " Du Anran said unhappily.

How could there be such a shameless man... ...

"Yes... " Xin Zimo had an innocent look on his face.

"You... " Du Anran was speechless.

"that... I'll continue... " Xin Zimo said "Then, it's about the second matter, the so-called problem of being of equal status. "You've always thought that we're not a good match. First, you think that I'm the CEO of the Xin Corporation and you're just a poor heiress. "regarding this question, I've thought about it for a long time. The answer I gave was that I'm the CEO of the Xin Corporation. If you become the CEO's wife, wouldn't we be a good match? "

Du Anran gritted her teeth. How could this be called solving a problem?

Xin zimo smiled brightly. "Young Madam of the Xin family, what do you think? "

"Xin Zimo, my thinking is not on the same level as yours! " Du Anran said angrily.

"But you have to admit that I solved the problem perfectly, right? "

"This is called trying to cover up the problem! "

"You're obviously extremely smart... " Xin zimo still looked wronged.

"There's no need to discuss the problem with you! "

"Yes, so leave the problem to me to solve. You're responsible for being as beautiful as a flower... " Xin Zimo continued "Let's talk about the second problem. Do you think that the outside world will look at us and cause you to be criticized? Do you think that you used some improper means to get to the top? However, if they knew that I was the one who pursued you, wouldn't they say so? "

Du Anran sneered again. Xin Zimo always felt that no matter what the problem was, it was not a problem. It was unknown whether she was thinking too much or he was thinking too simply.

"Don't worry, I will soon let the entire media of city a know that I was the one who pursued you... or shamelessly pursued you... "

"But I'm telling you, the biggest problem now is that I don't want to marry you! " Du Anran warned him word by word.

"I can marry you if I want to... "

"You know the consequences of taking things by force! " Du Anran gnashed her teeth. She hated this part of him the most.

"No, I will only marry you openly. " Xin zimo looked at her with a smile.

Du Anran had nothing to say. He could make as much trouble as he wanted. She thought that he had really changed over the past four months and changed his past. In the end, he was still the same person.

"Let's talk about our two families one last time, " Xin Zimo said "You don't have to worry about my mother. You don't have to take what she said to heart. In the future, she will live in the Xin family and we will live in the villa on Lake Heart Island. In the future, if she doesn't see her son or grandson, as time passes, her heart will soften. "If she doesn't accept you, I won't give in for even a day. "

"Why aren't you afraid that your mother will use her death to force you? " Du Anran sneered.

She had seen too many such things. In the future, she would lead a chaotic life, but in the end, it would still be a divorce.