Chapter 410, her choice

Xin Zimo felt inexplicably frustrated. He hated this feeling very much. He did not like others forcing him.

Du Anran understood Xin Zimo's thoughts. It was not that she did not know about the Chi family's gratitude to the Xin family. Xin Zimo probably did not really want Chi Xue to die.

It was just that right now, the hospital could not find a suitable blood source.

Cui Hao did not lie to them. If she did not save her, Chi Xue would not be able to recover.

"Mr. ... Cui Hao, please sign... " the young nurse nervously handed Cui Hao a pen and paper ...

Cui Hao refused to sign. He had signed so many documents this morning that he couldn't even count how many he had signed.

"President Xin, Du... "

Cui Hao still wanted to speak, but du Anran interrupted him. "You must know the reason why I didn't save Chi Xue. It's not a big deal for me to take some blood, but I just want to say that what she owes me, it's not a pity to pay with her life. "

Du Anran's voice was not loud, but it sounded like a fatal blow to Cui Hao.

He could understand du Anran's feelings. He was still reluctant to part with his child from a father's point of view, not to mention that as a mother, Du Anran had once lost her child so painfully... ...

"Miss Du, I don't know what I can say to make you agree to Chi Xue. It's just that she's my wife. I will continue to plead with you until you agree... " Cui Hao lowered his head.

Du Anran's chest was in pain. The Autumn Sunlight was dazzling to her eyes.

If Xin Zimo had not grabbed her hand, she thought that she would not be able to face this sudden situation.

A choice between morality and conscience, what should she choose... ...

"Mr. Cui, please sign your name... " the young nurse was still urging Cui Hao.

The young nurse did not know what had happened, but her face was still filled with fear. She glanced at Du Anran from time to time, and then at Cui Hao from time to time.

She saw that Du Anran's face was confused, while Xin Zimo's face was livid. As for Cui Hao, he was in endless pain and grief.

The young nurse did not dare to interrupt. However, Cui Hao was not willing to sign, so she could not explain.

"Cui Hao, I can donate blood to Chi Xue, not because of her, but because of you and the child, " Du Anran said softly.

In the end, she compromised. She did not dare to have too much hope for Chi Xue. She also knew that Xin Zimo could not be so ruthless towards Chi Xue, because after all, it was mother Xin's fault.

But, it was only this once.

"Cui Hao, remember what you said. Take Chi Xue and leave. I don't want to see her again, " Du Anran said.

Her voice drifted into Cui Hao's ears. It was as gentle as the wind, but it gave Cui Hao a big shock.

He nodded and agreed, "I will do as I said. "

Du Anran looked up at Xin Zimo and said, "Zimo... "

Xin zimo frowned. Although he could not bear to part with her, he would respect her decision.

She smiled at him. She was not too confused. She was just mesmerized by the maple leaves in the late autumn.

"Mr. Cui... " the young nurse spoke again.

Du anran interrupted her, "no need to rush me. My blood type is suitable. I can donate blood. "

The young nurse was stunned for a moment before she said happily, "that's great. Miss, please follow me up. This is great. Miss Chi is saved! "

Du Anran nodded at Xin Zimo and gestured for him to let go. Xin Zimo refused to let go. "I'll go up with you. "

Du Anran could only follow him. "That's good too. "

Xin Zimo and Du Anran walked into the hospital together. Only then did Cui Hao's Pale face turn red, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.

He sat on the ground paralyzed. When his brothers saw that Xin Zimo had left, they came up to support him and called out, "brother Cui. "

Cui Hao waved his hand. "Do you think I'm worth it? "

"As long as it's something you think is right, there's nothing worth it, " someone said.

Cui Hao wiped the sweat off his face and looked up at the sky. "I hope I'm right. "

Du Anran followed the nurse upstairs. Because they did not take the elevator, and the stairs were quite remote, du Anran could not help but feel a little scared.

She did not like places like the hospital, but the corridor was very dark.

Fortunately, Xin Zimo kept holding her hand, so she did not panic like that.

Last year, she had donated blood to Chi Xue once. This year, it was the second time. Things in the world seemed to be reincarnated, but she did not think that she and Xin Zimo could still be together.

When they arrived at the blood drawing room, the scene there made du Anran's heart tremble slightly. It felt like d��j�� Vu.

How could Xin Zimo not feel her trembling? He grabbed her hand and said softly, "Anran, you can still go back on your word... "

Du Anran smiled slightly. "since you promised someone else, how can you go back on your word? Just like you, you promised that you would walk with me in the future, so you can't go back on your word. "

He secretly held her hand tightly. "Yes, how can I go back on my word... I want to walk with you in this life. "

"Then I'll go over... " Du Anran let go of his hand.

Xin zimo nodded.

Du Anran followed the nurse into the blood drawing room. When the needle pricked her arm, she gritted her teeth.

Xin zimo stood outside the blood drawing room, and the memories of the past surfaced in his mind. What he owed her in the past, he would use his life to slowly make up for it. In this life, she was all he had.

He had been guarding outside the blood drawing room the whole time. His gaze was deep, and the light that penetrated the glass stretched his shadow very, very long... ...

It was not until the door of the blood drawing room opened again and the moment du Anran came out from inside that he rushed over anxiously.

Du Anran was pressing the needle hole with a cotton ball of alcohol, and a young nurse was helping her with her coat behind her.

Xin Zimo took du Anran's coat, put it on for her, and hugged her shoulder.

"Does it hurt? " He asked.

"No, it's just a mosquito bite. " Du Anran pretended to be calm.

In fact, she had been afraid of those needles and instruments since she was young. It would be a lie to say that it didn't hurt. She was quite afraid of pain.

"This is the last time, " Xin Zimo said.

Du Anran also nodded. "In the future, I won't bear to suffer this hardship by myself anymore. "

Xin Zimo held du Anran and planned to go downstairs. When they were walking down the corridor, Cui Hao had already come up.

Seeing that Du Anran had finished donating her blood, he thanked her profusely. "Miss Du, I'm sorry to trouble you. Thank you. "

Du Anran shook her head. "It's good that you remember what you said. "

"Of course, " Cui Hao said.

Du Anran finally saw a trace of relief on Cui Hao's face. His worried heart had finally settled down At this moment, the emotions in Du Anran's heart were a little complicated. She felt that Cui Hao was just a pitiful person.

"Let's go, " Xin Zimo said to Du Anran. He did not want to stay in this place anymore.

Du Anran suddenly wanted to see Chi Xue's child. She hesitated for a moment and said to Cui Hao, "I... Can I see your child? "

Xin Zimo was stunned for a moment, but what followed was a heart-wrenching pain.

Cui Hao was also stunned, but he immediately nodded. "Yes, of course. "

Du anran followed Cui Hao over, and Xin Zimo silently accompanied Du Anran.

When she saw the baby in the incubator smiling sweetly, Du Anran also smiled.

All the unhappiness on this day seemed to have been blown away by the wind, and after the rain, the sky cleared. The baby's smile was so pure and beautiful, like a clear Pearl, shining with a dazzling luster.

Du Anran had not touched a baby for a long time. She had once touched her belly and imagined the appearance of her child in the future, but that child eventually left her... ...

Thinking of this, the corners of Du Anran's curved lips fell again, and her eyes were filled with disappointment.

Xin Zimo was very clear about what du Anran was thinking at this moment. His heart was also in pain, and he did not even know the existence of that child.

He was an unqualified husband, but also an unqualified father.

At this moment, he could only hug du Anran's waist. He wanted to tell her that there would be no more storms from now on.

Du Anran felt the warmth of his big hand. She rested her head on Xin Zimo's shoulder. The baby in the incubator was still smiling. Although his eyes had not opened, he was as small as a kitten.

"His hand is moving! " Du Anran pointed at the Little Guy.

Xin zimo smiled. "He is waving at you! "

The disappointment on Du Anran's face slowly dissipated. Maybe she would have a cute child in the future.

After standing for a while, Du Anran reluctantly left.

When she sat in Xin Zimo's car, she became silent again and didn't know what to say.

"Anran, let's have a baby too... " Xin Zimo said halfway through the car.

Du Anran's gaze was looking into the distance. She bit her lip and silently lowered her head.

"I'm really afraid that I won't be able to fulfill my responsibility as a mother, " she said faintly.

How could she not be wrong about that child. When she was pregnant with that child, she was sent to the hospital because she had failed to take good care of herself several times.

She wasn't considered a qualified mother either. But now, she was afraid. She was afraid that she didn't have the ability to take good care of a child.

"In the past, I wasn't by your side. Now, I won't be by your side. Anran, we want a child of our own. I will love him and use the strength of my life to protect you and your mother. "

"Let fate decide... " Du Anran said faintly and looked out of the window.

After all, it had only been half a year since she lost that child. She still couldn't adapt to the arrival of another child. or rather, she wasn't prepared at all.

Xin zimo would not force her. Since she said to let fate take its course, he would listen to her. If she did not want to have children in her lifetime, he would listen to her.

When Xin Zimo sent Du Anran back to the rented house, Du Anran picked up her phone and realized that her phone was already flooded with calls.

Most of the calls were from Feng Jing. He must be concerned about why she did not come to work.

Du Anran did not return the call. She packed her things and planned to walk to Zhongye. Anyway, the place she lived was not far from Zhongye. It was definitely not convenient for Xin Zimo to send her there.

Xin Zimo let her do whatever she wanted. She did not want to reveal their relationship, so he just waited. They had already received their marriage certificate, so what could he not wait for.

Du Anran hurriedly walked to Zhongye's office building and apologized to Feng Jing.