Chapter 405: The Birth of the Child

"Oh, what are your plans? "

"after she gives birth to the child, I hope that she will realize that she is a mother and stop doing things that harm others and herself. "

"is the Cui family still not back? " Du Anran asked.

"Cui Hao has already returned. Naturally, my mother will not come again. Chi Xue is now in such a lonely situation in City A. I still can't bear it, " Xin zimo sighed.

"I understand your feelings, but our child was lost because of her, " Du Anran said lightly.

She thought that her tolerance towards Chi Xue had come to an end.

"I know. I'll wait for the surgery. If everything goes well, I'll be back soon. "

"Okay, call me if you have anything on your mind, " Du Anran said.

"sleep early. "

Not long after Xin Zimo hung up the phone, Cui Hao ran out of the operating theater.

Soon, Chi Xue was sent out. Chi Xue was in a deep sleep. Her face was Pale without any color.

Xin Zimo only took a glance at her, and his heart ached a little. The innocent and carefree little girl from back then had become like this... ...

Her lips were tightly pursed, and her forehead and cheeks were covered in sweat. Her hair was stuck to her face, covering half of her face.

"Xiao Xue, Xiao Xue... " Cui Hao called out to Chi Xue.

Chi Xue was still in a deep sleep. Of course, she could not hear his voice. There was no reaction on her pale face.

Xin zimo stood outside the ward and sighed again in his heart.

When the female doctor who was the chief surgeon came out of the operating theater, Xin Zimo walked up and asked, "doctor, how is she? "

The doctor did not know who Xin Zimo was to the patient. He just adjusted his glasses and said in a somewhat serious tone.

"She is temporarily out of danger. You must send someone to take care of her day and night. If there is any problem, you must inform us immediately. "

"What about her child? " Xin Zimo did not see the child.

"The child's body is very weak. It has been placed in the incubator, but we will do our best. " There was not much expression on the doctor's cold face.

Xin zimo realized that Chi Xue's problem was a little serious, so he said, "the patient's husband is in the ward. I will get him to contact you later. "

The doctor nodded. "Okay. "

Sun Ping, who had not spoken all this while, walked to Xin Zimo's side. "CEO Xin, it's not that there's no one in the Cui family. It's getting late, we should go back. "

Xin Zimo also nodded slightly. "It's time to go back. "

He still understood the severity of the matter. It was useless for him to stay. Besides, he could understand the pain of Du Anran losing her son. It was also the pain in his heart. Therefore, he definitely wouldn't stay in the hospital for too long.

After leaving a few words with Cui Hao, Xin Zimo left the hospital with Sun Ping.

Old Zhan had already come to pick him up. He got into the car and went to Du Anran's place.

Du Anran was quite surprised that Xin zimo would come over. She had originally turned off the lights and planned to sleep, but the myriad of worries in her heart made it difficult for her to fall asleep.

She knew that Chi Xue's child was about to be born. Thinking of this, she felt a wave of pain in her stomach. The pain from that night came back.

She did not know when, but her pillow was wet with tears.

Then, she heard a knock on the door.

"Anran, are you asleep? " Xin zimo stood outside.

From downstairs, he saw that the lights upstairs had been extinguished, and the corridor was still dark. He walked up with heavy steps. He could understand how Du Anran felt today.

Du Anran only reacted after he knocked on the door twice.

She heard Xin Zimo's voice and turned on the table lamp. It was already eleven o'clock at night.

She put on a set of clothes and walked out. When the door opened, she saw Xin Zimo's deep, Dark Eyes. His face was serene and cold. It was not until she opened the door that his expression eased up.

"Anran, are you cold? Go in quickly. "

He saw that she was only wearing pajamas, so he closed the door and hugged her into the room.

Although du Anran was wearing pajamas, her hands could still feel the cold temperature on his clothes. Especially in this weather, it was more like ice.

She reached out and held his cold hands. "It's cold outside, right? "

Xin Zimo did not say anything. It was very cold outside, but if the heart was cold, no amount of heat would be of any use.

"I'm going to take a shower, " Xin Zimo said to her.

Du Anran nodded and helped him hang up his clothes. She also smelled the disinfectant on his clothes. He should have come directly from the hospital.

She turned on the table lamp and lay on the bed. She did not feel sleepy anymore.

The dim light of the table lamp made the room feel dark and deep, as if it was a dream and she could not see reality clearly.

The faint sound of water could be heard. Du Anran closed her eyes, but her mind was still blank... ...

Not long after, a pleasant smell floated past the tip of her nose. She knew it was him, so she wanted to reach out and hug him.

Xin Zimo also wanted to hug her. Using the light from the table lamp, he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Du Anran leaned her head against his chest, curled up like a kitten in his chest. His body was very warm. She leaned against him and felt very safe.

She hugged him just like that and finally felt safe again.

He did not want to lose her. Wasn't she the same? She was actually afraid of being alone.

She was not as strong and stubborn as she had imagined. In the end, she was just an ordinary woman... ...

She wished to have a place to rest, she wished to have a white head and not leave each other's side.

For example, right now, when she was in pain, he would always be by her side. That was enough.

"Anran, it's late. Go to sleep... " Xin zimo gently stroked her hair.

His movements were very gentle, and his eyes were filled with endless love.

At this moment, he wanted to accompany her. In the future, no matter when or where, as long as she was sad and uncomfortable, he would accompany her until her temples were gray and her face aged.

"Let me hold you, don't go... " Du Anran closed her eyes and said softly.

"I won't go, you can sleep peacefully. "

It was not that Xin Zimo did not see the tear stains on his face. He knew that Chi Xue's birth today must have touched the chord in her heart.

The pain was not only felt by him, but he also felt it... ...

She closed her eyes and touched her hair. She felt his warmth and breath. After turning off the lights, everything was still the same, not the endless darkness and panic.

That night, Du Anran lay in his arms and finally fell asleep peacefully. However, Xin Zimo did not sleep the whole night. He hugged Du Anran. He thought that in the future, he would give her double happiness... ...

Chi Xue finally woke up at four o'clock in the morning. Cui Hao sat by the bed to accompany her the whole night. There was no one else.

When Chi Xue opened her eyes, she only saw darkness and the smell of medicine. She felt nauseous and reached out to grab it.

However, her body was very weak after all. She couldn't grab anything and even broke a teacup.

Cui Hao, who had just fallen asleep, was startled awake. He hurriedly turned on the light.

As soon as he turned on the light, he saw Chi Xue struggling to sit up. He quickly held her down and said, "little aunt, you can't move around. I'll get you what you want! "

"Why are you alone? "

As soon as the light was turned on, Chi Xue finally saw everything clearly. This ward was deserted. Other than Cui Hao, there was no one else.

Other women who were pregnant and had children received meticulous care. But for her, there was no one who came to visit.

She could not help but get angry again. "Aren't you enjoying yourself overseas? Do you still have the time to care about my life? "

Chi Xue was exhausted and her words were not as imposing as usual. But even so, she could not help but vent out the resentment in her heart.

The truth that Xin Zimo had told her yesterday had completely hurt her. She did not expect that mother Xin, who regarded her as her daughter, would do such a thing.

How could it be... ... Auntie was so good to her. Xin Zimo must have lied to her, right ...

Chi Xue suddenly burst into tears. Her face was full of tears.

The silence around them was immediately broken by her crying. Even Cui Hao was at a loss.

"Why are you crying? I'm your husband. Of course I'll come back. My parents and I are only going to look at houses overseas. We plan to settle down overseas. What do you think? " Cui Hao said carefully.

Chi Xue could not hear what he said at all. Her mind was filled with the words Xin Zimo had said.

And later, when she went downstairs, Du Anran bumped into her. Du Anran must have done it on purpose. Otherwise, she would not have left her alone with a stomachache.

Du Anran must have been overjoyed yesterday!

"Xiao Xue... " Cui Hao called out carefully again, "you must not cry. You have just given birth, you can't cry... "

"I don't want you to care, you shameless wretch! " Chi Xue threw the thing in her hand at him.

Her hand was still dripped with an IV, but she forgot that the needle fell off as soon as she struggled. The blood and the medicine mixed together. Before Chi Xue could feel it, Cui Hao shouted first.

"Don't move! I'll call a nurse for you! " Cui Hao quickly pressed the bell at the bedside.

Soon, the young nurse appeared, but Chi Xue had already taken a tissue to stop the bleeding. She glared at the nurse and said, "get out! "

The young nurse was trembling with fear. She didn't know whether she should leave or not.

However, when she saw Chi Xue's red eyes and her hair that was disheveled, she still chose to leave!

"You just finished the surgery. Calm down. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it slowly when your body recovers, " Cui Hao advised.

"Why are you alone? Where is Xin Zimo? " Chi Xue called out Xin zimo's name.

Cui Hao quickly said, "he has always been watching over you. However, when I came back later, he left. "

"tell him to come over! " Chi Xue gritted her teeth.

"It's four in the morning now. How can I let CEO Xin come over at this time! " Cui Hao was in a difficult position.

Xin Zimo was not someone else. Even if it was not early in the morning, Xin Zimo was not someone he could invite with just a phone call.

"I want you to call me! " Chi Xue glared at him.

"okay, okay, okay. " Cui Hao had no choice but to call Xin Zimo's number. He prayed that Xin zimo would not pick up.