Chapter 415, postpartum depression

Xin Zimo's Mother did not care about the displeasure on Xin Zimo's face. She did not want to say anything more. She gathered the shawl on her body, took a step forward, and turned around to leave the Xin Corporation.

Xin Zimo could also see that his mother was unhappy. It seemed that this rare conversation had ended in unhappiness.

Just as Xin zimo pressed the elevator button, Xin Zimo said calmly from behind her, "I think I have to repeat myself. Du Anran is now my wife. I will not let anyone hurt her, including you. "

Xin zimo's mother gave a cold smile, as if she did not care about what Xin Zimo said.

She did not respond until the elevator door slowly closed.

When he returned to the office, Xin Zimo called Sun Ping.

Not long after, Sun Ping walked up. "CEO Xin. "

"Did you find out who was helping my mother? "

"I found a part of them. "

"Yes, give them some money and let them go. Don't force them. " Xin zimo's tone was unquestionable awe-inspiring.

"I know. " Sun Ping nodded. He understood why Xin Zimo was doing this.

The Sky was as clear as ever. Everywhere was filled with a bright and beautiful atmosphere. The people coming and going, the crowded city, everyone's faces were in a hurry.

However, in such good weather, a certain ward in the maternity building of the hospital was pitch black.

The curtains were closed, and only a little sunlight penetrated into the ward. Outside was a busy crowd and noisy sounds, but there was no sound at all here. It was quiet, as if even the sound of a needle dropping on the ground could be heard.

Chi Xue sat silently on the hospital bed. Her eyes were a little dull. She stared at the window, but no one knew what she was looking at.

After giving birth and a few surgeries, she had become very thin, and her big eyes appeared even more abrupt. There was no expression at all, only emptiness and confusion.

Her hands were tightly clutching the blanket, and the back of her hands were covered with densely packed needles. Her dry hair scattered on both sides of her shoulders, almost covering half of her face.

She was the only one in the ward, and she just sat there without moving.

After a long time, the DOORKNOB was slightly turned and Cui Hao walked in.

"You're awake... " Cui Hao said softly.

Chi Xue didn't say anything. She just sat there and didn't even look at Cui Hao.

"Eat something. You haven't eaten anything since this morning. " Cui Hao put down the thermos box in his hand.

Chi Xue still didn't say anything. She probably felt that talking was a very tiring thing.

Cui Hao did his best to open the thermos box and took out the soup. Then, he scooped a bowl of soup for Chi Xue with a spoon.

Today's soup was chicken soup. It was suitable for Chi Xue's body. It was still warm and emitting steam.

"I just made chicken soup. Have a bowl. I'll bring the baby to you after you finish it. " Cui Hao coaxed her.

Chi Xue was still indifferent. Cui Hao had to walk to her.

But it was okay to go there. He was shocked when he went there.

Chi Xue actually cried. Two lines of tears hung on her face and slowly fell on the white blanket. Her tears would fall if she blinked.

Cui Hao was not used to Chi Xue like this. Instead, he felt that it was more normal for her to hit and scold him. The current Chi Xue made him feel completely uncertain. He had no idea what was going on.

"You must be hungry. Drink some soup to replenish your body. " Cui Hao scooped up a spoonful of soup with a spoon and planned to feed it to Chi Xue.

"Take it away... " Chi Xue said lightly.

Her voice was very soft and weak. Her body had not recovered to begin with, and now she spoke weakly.

She originally did not want to speak, but she really found Cui Hao noisy.

"How can you not eat or drink? How can your body endure this? Why don't I ask the housekeeper to come over... "

Cui Hao knew that she did not like him and probably did not want to see him either.

"No one is to come over, leave... " Chi Xue was chasing him again.

Cui Hao had no choice. He knew Chi Xue's temper too well. If he still did not leave, Chi Xue would probably break her bowl later. When that time came, the hospital would be in chaos, and it would probably be ugly again.

He could only put the chicken soup on the coffee table. He sighed in his heart, closed the door, and left.

Coincidentally, the young nurse came to check on the ward, so he pulled the young nurse aside He asked helplessly, "Miss Nurse, what do you think I should do with my wife's temper? She refuses to eat or drink. Every day, she's either throwing a Tantrum or staying silent. Just now, when I went in, she even cried... "

Cui Hao really could not find anyone to talk to, so he could only talk to the young nurse and listen to her opinion. After all, women needed to understand women better.

"She cried? Staying Silent? " The young nurse suddenly woke up, "then we have to be vigilant against postpartum depression. "

Cui Hao saw that the young nurse was panicking, so he was immediately reminded. "Postpartum Depression? Is it very serious? "

"I don't know, we have to watch out for it. " The young nurse shook her head. "You'd better ask the doctor. I don't really understand either. The earlier you discover it, the easier it is to treat it. Otherwise, if postpartum depression becomes serious, it will still be very scary. "

Only then did Cui Hao become vigilant. Chi Xue already had a slight psychological problem. If this was coupled with postpartum depression, what should he do... ...

The young nurse went in for ward rounds. There was no one around Cui Hao who could speak or help. He could only think for a while before he went to look for Chi Xue's attending doctor.

In the afternoon, the doctor gave Chi Xue a routine check. Chi Xue was more obedient and obediently cooperated, but her gaze was still lifeless and there was not much expression on her face.

Cui Hao saw that the chicken soup on the coffee table was still untouched. She had only eaten a little rice yesterday and not a drop of water today. How could this continue.

"Doctor, is she okay? "

After the examination, Cui Hao entered a small room with the doctor.

The doctor took off his gloves and shook his head. "Her body is very weak, and her mind is a little dazed. I'm afraid it's postpartum depression. You have to give her more care and care. You can't neglect her. It's best if you can make her happy. "

Cui Hao frowned. "She has never been happy when she's with me... "

The doctor did not know what was going on, so he could only say, "only when the body and mind are recuperated together will she recover. You can talk to her more or tell her some happy things. In addition, I'll prescribe some medicine and take it on time. "

"She is only taking medicine now and is not even willing to eat. What should I do? " Cui Hao had a headache.

"This won't do. She is your wife. You should understand what she needs and prescribe the right medicine to make her feel better. "

Cui Hao knew that what the doctor said was true, but if he knew what to do, he would not have to worry here.

What should he do with Chi Xue... ...

What did Chi Xue want? Didn't Chi Xue just want Xin Zimo?

But not to mention Xin Zimo, even if he let Xin Zimo come and see Chi Xue, it would be impossible.

Moreover, he was going to take her out of City A. HE could not go back on his words.

He left the doctor's office hesitantly. He could not pull himself together.

His parents had not returned since the day Chi Xue gave birth. Chi Xue did not have any family in City A. It was impossible for him to find someone to help him.

Cui Hao could only raise his head and let out a long sigh. What should he do... ...

Chi Xue still refused to eat anything. Cui Hao had to bribe the nurse to persuade her. At first, Chi Xue listened to the nurse and ate a few mouthfuls, but later, she felt that Cui Hao was lying to her. She became paranoid and stopped eating.

Half a month after the child was born, his body finally improved. He was carried out of the incubator by the nurse, but he still needed to rely on a small amount of medicine to maintain his health.

Cui Hao was naturally very happy to see the child's health improving. When he took the child from the nurse's hands, his face was full of smiles.

Although he had never been a father before, he was very formal when he carried the child.

He carried the child and walked around the hospital garden. In fact, he did not know whether he should bring it to Chi Xue.

Chi Xue had not asked about the child ever since she walked out of the operating theater. When he mentioned that the child's health was not very good, Chi Xue remained indifferent.

Now, Cui Hao did not know what to do. Should he let Chi Xue take a look at the child or hand it over to his family.

"Young Master, young master. " The Butler walked in from outside the hospital and happened to see Cui Hao teasing the child.

"Butler, what's wrong? "

"I've made black chicken soup and rice noodles again. Is Young Madam still not willing to eat? " The Butler waved the thermos box in his hand.

"You can try sending it up later. Feed the child until he's full. "

"Young Master, it's not good for the child to always drink milk powder. I'll go and hire a wet nurse! " The housekeeper said.

"That's good too. The child's mother doesn't even care about him. " Cui Hao touched the little guy's face and felt a little helpless.

"Sigh, how can there be a mother in this world who doesn't want a child? " The housekeeper also felt helpless and sighed.

It just so happened that their young madam was such a person. The child was already half a month old and she didn't even take a glance at it. How cruel... ...

"Her mood is very unstable now. You have a lot of experience, please help to take care of her. I will accompany the child more and not provoke her, " Cui Hao said.

Cui Hao knew that Chi Xue was only angry at him a lot, but she was still more polite to others.

"Yes, young master, I will be going to the hospital more often these days, " the Butler said.

Cui Hao nodded, and the Butler carried the thermal box upstairs. Cui Hao still carried the child and played in the garden. He really liked this child, and holding this child instantly made him more fulfilled than he had ever been.

If Chi Xue was willing to live a good life with him, he would give her happiness. When that time came, wouldn't it be good for the three of them to be together?

Why did Chi Xue Still Miss Xin Zimo so much... ...

Forget it. Cui Hao felt bad whenever he thought about these things.

He didn't want to think about it anymore, so he teased the child and didn't want to go back to the ward upstairs.

However, when the housekeeper carried the thermal box upstairs, the corridor was as dark as usual.

This ward was at the end of the corridor. The Sun couldn't shine in, and the doors and windows were closed, making it even darker.