Chapter 422: Prepare for surgery

After coming out of the ward, Cui Hao went outside to smoke a cigarette.

Before he finished smoking, he saw Sun Ping and his wife.

Liu Wanwan was here for a check-up, and Sun Ping had asked for leave to accompany her.

There was only a gynecology and obstetrics building here, so Sun Ping naturally saw Cui Hao. Sun Ping nodded at Cui Hao. He didn't say anything and went up with his arm around Cui Hao's waist.

Cui Hao looked at their backs with envy. In the past, he never envied couples. He even laughed at his married brothers and laughed at them for being useless. They were still in the grave of marriage.

Now, not only was he in the grave, but he was also in a cold and terrifying grave.

Cui Hao only came back to his senses when Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan's figures disappeared in front of him. He took a deep puff of his cigarette, his eyes filled with helplessness.

Liu Wanwan waited until she went upstairs before asking Sun Ping, "was that person Chi Xue's husband? "

Sun Ping nodded, "yes, you know? "

"I know. Chi Xue's marriage is such a big event, how could I not know! In the past, didn't Chi Xue always shamelessly cling to your boss? Why was she willing to marry her current husband? " Liu Wanwan asked curiously.

Sun Ping knew some inside information, but he could not share it with Liu Wanwan.

He smiled and said, "wasn't your best friend the one who beat you to it? So she had no choice but to remarry someone else. "

"What do you mean by 'the one who beat you to it' ? Your boss shamelessly pursued Anran, okay? " Liu Wanwan pouted and said.

"AHEM. " Sun Ping coughed lightly. "You're right. "

"What do you mean 'right' ? It's clearly very right! " Liu Wanwan refused to let it go.

"Okay, okay, okay, very right. " Sun Ping was helpless. Women were really hard to coax.

Liu Wanwan smiled. "Oh right, you asked for leave today to accompany me here. Did It delay your work? "

"Of course not, " Sun Ping said.

Actually, even if it delayed him, he couldn't say it. Accompanying his wife to the hospital for a checkup was of course the most important thing.

"That's good. You still have to earn money for the baby's milk powder! " Liu Wanwan smiled.

"Mm, I have to raise you two until you're white and fat. "


When they arrived at the doctor's office, Sun Ping was helping them register and queue. Liu Wanwan only needed to sit by the side and wait. She looked at his busy figure and felt very happy.

It was not easy to meet someone who treated her well out of thousands of people in her lifetime.

Sun Ping was afraid that she would be bored from waiting, so he even bought her some snacks that she liked. Liu Wanwan smiled at him. She touched her stomach while eating the snacks.

The child was almost three months old, and there were no obvious signs yet. However, she could feel the fulfillment that this child brought to her.

Sun Ping had treated her better than ever these few months, afraid that she would have any mishaps. Usually, she couldn't sleep at night and wanted to talk to him, but he immediately stopped sleeping and stayed with her until she felt sleepy again.

Of course, because of Liu Wanwan's pregnancy, Sun Ping also asked Xin Zimo for a lot of leave. Fortunately, Xin Zimo was more reasonable than ever and would basically approve it.

In fact, Sun Ping also understood that Xin Zimo had never been with Du Anran for a day when she was pregnant. He felt guilty, so he asked him to treat her better and not leave any regrets.

Of course, Sun Ping would not let Xin Zimo down. He did his best to accompany Wan Wan and would not let her suffer any grievances.

It was late autumn. Sometimes, when Wan Wan wanted to eat cherries, he could get them for her.

During this period of time, Liu Wanwan was also in a good mood. He knew that it was good for a pregnant woman to work hard when she was pregnant.

"Are you done? " Wan Wan was a little bored from waiting.

"ALMOST! " Sun Ping finally received the examination report after finishing a lot of procedures.

Actually, with his connections, he could easily open the back door without waiting in line. But he felt that only by experiencing it once could he truly experience the hardships and happiness of being a father.

Liu Wanwan understood his intentions and was very cooperative. Even though the line was very long, it was enough to have him accompany her.

"How is it? What did the doctor say? " Liu Wanwan went up to him.

"The doctor said that the child is very healthy and he wants you to continue to maintain it. Keep up the nutrition and be in a cheerful mood! " Sun Ping said.

"Of course, I want to raise my baby until he's white and fat. His personality will definitely follow me in the future. I don't want him to be like you. "

"What about me... " Sun Ping was shot even though he was lying down.

"For someone like you, if I didn't take you in out of kindness, wouldn't you be single? " Liu Wanwan said, "I saved you. "

"Oh, then I still have to thank you, " Sun Ping said.

"Forget it, forget it. Remember to be nice to me in the future. Don't learn from your boss! " Liu Wanwan warned him.

"..."Sun Ping was speechless.

If these words were heard by Xin Zimo, his bonus would probably be deducted again. The reason was that his upbringing was not strict.

Liu Wanwan said again, "Oh right, what's going on between your boss and Anran now? The two of them still don't interact? The last time at the wedding, I saw them as if they were passers-by, as if they had never met before. "

Actually, Sun Ping really wanted to say that the two of them were very good now.

However, since Liu Wanwan did not know the truth, it was likely that Du Anran was intentionally hiding it. Then it was better for him not to reveal the truth. It was also better for Du Anran to tell the truth to Wanan personally.

Sun Ping was very familiar with Liu Wanwan's personality. If du Anran told Liu Wanwan about something, it would probably be known to the world in less than a day.

"It's not convenient for me to interfere with boss's personal matters, " Sun Ping said.

"What do you mean it's not convenient to interfere? Can this be called your boss's personal matters? This concerns my sister's future happiness! If your boss really doesn't want to pursue Anran, I'm planning to introduce anran to a boyfriend. I have a lot of resources in my hands! "

Liu Wanwan laughed secretly when she said this.

"Let's not get involved in this matter. If you mess with my boss, your husband's job will be gone. "

"What about Enran? "

"everyone has their own happiness. Maybe it's not the right time. Don't worry about it blindly. Take good care of the baby in your stomach. "

"Oh... " Liu Wanwan felt that Sun Ping was right. "Then I won't worry about it. But go back and persuade your boss. I still hope that they can be together. "

"Okay. Let's not talk about this. Tell me what you want to eat tonight! "

Sun Ping quickly stopped talking about this topic. He was afraid that he would spill the beans as he talked.

The two of them chatted as they walked. When they left the hospital, Sun Ping saw that Cui Hao was still standing outside, but he had already finished smoking. At this time, he was looking at the crowd that came and went. No one knew what he was thinking about.

Sun Ping took a roundabout route and did not greet Cui Hao again.

Half a month later, du Anran received a call from London saying that Jin Shaonan was going to have an operation.

Du Anran hurriedly put down the work in hand and ran to ask for leave from Feng Jing.

Feng Jing had nothing more to say to Du Anran. She was probably the only one who knew how many houses she had hired during this period of time.

"Du Anran, you can't do this. You only work a few days a month, " Feng Jing said.

"President Feng... This matter is really important... if you really don't agree, I can agree to resign, " Du Anran said sincerely.

Xin Zimo talked about resignation in her ear every day. Du Anran also heard the calluses. If Feng Jing didn't approve the leave this time, she might as well resign.

Who knew that Feng Jing was just joking. When he heard Du Anran say this, he was a little unhappy. "Are you threatening me? "

"No, I'm really not. This matter is really important. I'm going to London to see a friend. He's going to have a very important surgery. "

Feng Jing saw that she did not seem to be lying. He was silent for a long time before he said, "then you go. I'll find someone to take over the work. We'll talk about it when you come back. "

Du Anran knew that Feng Jing had given her the biggest concession. She was just short of thanking him profusely. "President Feng, you're really the best, most amiable, and most considerate boss I've ever met! "

"Forget it, I'm not buying it. " Feng Jing's face was full of disdain.

"Then I'll go prepare now. I'm afraid I'll have to fly there tonight. "

"Okay, go! "

Du Anran knew that Feng Jing was still reluctant to let her go. After all, she had performed very well before, and she had only been lazy for the past month.

It was all because of Xin Zimo. Du Anran could not help but criticize him in her heart.

But now, she was afraid that she would not have time to say goodbye to Xin Zimo. She had to hurry to the airport.

Xie Chenjin gave her a call and said that he would go with her.

On the way, Xie Chenjin was still accompanying her, so du Anran did not feel too nervous.

"Don't worry. After a month of observation, the surgery will definitely be very successful! " Xie Chenjin saw that Du Anran was tense all the way and could not help but comfort her.

"I also hope that we can be fine. When the surgery is successful, we can drink, chat, and sing as usual... " Du Anran recalled the past and felt a little sad.

Jin Shaonan had also said that he wanted to walk the same path as her when they were in university again.

It would probably be spring after the surgery ended and they rested for a period of time.

The flowers bloomed in spring and Cherry blossoms filled the road. The Red and white flowers and the fluttering petals scattered all over the ground... ...

At that time, she would be able to take Shaonan down the same path and remember the good times.

Therefore, the surgery must be successful this time.

"It will definitely happen. Don't be too nervous. " Xie Chenjin's mellow voice rang in her ears, calming Du Anran's heart a little.

As soon as they got off the plane, Xie Chenjin drove to the hospital with Du Anran.

The Ward was empty. Jin Shaonan was performing surgery in the operating theater.

The hospital was still peaceful and peaceful. White pigeons flew across the sky one after another. The church bells rang in the distance. Time passed very slowly.

A doctor's assistant came over and told them that the surgery would take about twelve hours. He told them not to be anxious.

Du Anran also knew that there was nothing she could do to help. She could only sit outside and wait.

Xie Chenjin went to help uncle Jin with a series of procedures. They all hoped that the operation this time would go smoothly.

Du Anran stood beside the bench on the hospital lawn. She had been praying, praying that God would let Shaonan be safe and sound.