Chapter 424. The surgery was over

Xie Chenjin refused to say anything, so she could only wait for the moment when the door to the operating theater opened.

Time passed by little by little. Because the sky had just brightened, even the air was filled with a hazy and difficult atmosphere. Some fog blew in through the open window with the wind, and the entire atmosphere seemed to be even more tense.

Finally, when the door to the operating theater opened, Du Anran turned around. She felt as if a century had passed.

Everyone stood up, and Shen Zhan also woke up.

A few doctors wearing sterile clothes nodded at them. Because of the language, these doctors did not speak. They only used their eyes to communicate with them.

Du Anran saw the calmness in their eyes, and her heart immediately relaxed. Shaonan must be fine... ...

Everything will be fine. The world is still kind, right... ...

The few doctors went out, and Shaonan was quickly pushed out. Du Anran and Xie Chenjin immediately walked up.

Jin Shaonan's face was Pale. There was a pained expression on his face, but probably because of the anesthetic, he only frowned and his eyes were tightly shut.

No one said anything, afraid that they would wake him up.

It was not until someone pushed Jin Shaonan into the ward that they stood where they were and let out a sigh of relief.

The last one to leave was Shen Zhan's boyfriend. Although he was the youngest among the doctors, he had participated in the entire surgery after all. Du Anran had a lot of questions to ask.

Shen Zhan's boyfriend washed his hands with disinfectant. His eyes were a little red, and there was a lot of fatigue on his face.

Du Anran could understand them. It was a long surgery and he was fully immersed in it. He must be very tired.

Shen Zhan walked up to him and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "It's finally over... "

Her boyfriend was a little surprised and could not help but ask, "why are you here? Didn't you go back to sleep? "

Shen Zhan shook his head. "It's a long story. I'll tell you when we get back. "

Du Anran walked up. This was the only doctor who could communicate with them successfully. She still wanted to ask about Shaonan's situation.

"Hello, I want to ask about my friend's situation, " Du Anran said.

Although they had communicated a few times, Du Anran was still very polite. The doctor also nodded and smiled.

Probably because he had not taken off his mask yet, Du Anran only saw his slightly curved brows and eyes. It was like a crescent moon, and it seemed like she had seen him somewhere before.

"The surgery went relatively smoothly, but because of the uniqueness of your friend's pathology, we have tried our best, but to completely cure him, I'm afraid it will take some time. "

Xie Chenjin nodded. "We all know. Can you tell us more about the situation in the future? "

"We'll need to do a checkup once a month for three years. It's best if our team is responsible for it. "If he recovers well after three years, we can change it to a checkup once every six months. "The process is very complicated. It'll be better if we have a family member who will take care of him for a long time, and we can also record his daily condition for a long time. "However, in the next year, he may be greatly affected by his illness. It's best if we can soothe the patient's emotions. "

Even though the doctor's words were very subtle, du Anran still understood what he meant. It meant that Jin Shaonan would be tortured by the illness for at least a year.

She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. How could she bear to... ...

Xie Chenjin, on the other hand, looked relatively calm. He asked again, "then is there any hope of recovery? Or Rather, can you extend your life? ''

Xie Chenjin's question was very straightforward. Du Anran also wanted to hear the answer.

"With treatment, you can guarantee that your life will be extended by ten years, " the doctor said.

Ten years... ... Du Anran was in despair. This world-class team told her that they only had ten years ...

Although she knew that the answers she had heard before were all hopeless, or at most five years, she had already done her best in ten years.

But she was not satisfied. Why was it only ten years... ...

Xie Chenjin's heart moved. He and Du Anran had the same thoughts. Shen Zhan, who was at the side, was also a little moved.

Du Anran could not control her emotions immediately. She held onto the wall to prevent herself from being overly embarrassed.

Xie Chenjin was still very calm on the surface. He said, "then, if we cooperate well with the treatment, have someone take care of us, and have regular checkups, we can only have ten years? "

The doctor was silent for a few seconds before he said, "I can understand your feelings. "

He did not say anything else, but just this sentence made du Anran and Xie Chenjin understand everything.

Xie Chenjin also lowered his head, not knowing what else to ask. It seemed that the other questions had no meaning to exist.

Du Anran's eyes turned red. She prayed that the surgery would be successful, but she forgot to pray that Jin Shaonan would live a long life and have no worries.

At this moment, everything was very quiet. It was as if she could hear the sound of the water flowing down the sewer... ...

It was Shen Zhan who spoke up. "Sometimes, a happy day is worth an unhappy year. "

Shen Zhan's voice was very gentle, like the spring breeze in February, sweeping over du Anran's heart.

Du anran admitted that Shen Zhan was right, but the truth was that it took time to accept a cruel truth.

Shen Zhan's boyfriend was very gentlemanly. He walked to Du Anran and Xie Chenjin and bowed slightly. "I'm sorry, this result... we have tried our best. "

How could Du Anran blame him? She knew that if it weren't for them, she wouldn't have been able to guarantee it for ten years.

Du Anran shook her head. She wanted to say something, but she realized that her throat was already choked.

Xie Chenjin was used to seeing the world after all, and he wasn't as emotional as du Anran. He patted the doctor's shoulder. "We understand. "

The doctor nodded and packed his things. "That's good. "

None of them said anything else. There seemed to be fog drifting in from the window, mixed with the smell of the medicine. There seemed to be strange music playing in the air.

Shen Zhan took her boyfriend's arm. She felt bad when she saw that Du Anran and the others were in pain.

The young doctor touched Shen Zhan's long hair and nodded slightly. "Let's go back! "

Du Anran was already leaning against the wall. She only cried when the doctor and Shen Zhan left. Her voice was like wild grass, gradually spreading... ...

Xie Chenjin did not try to persuade her. He knew that Du Anran was in pain, and so was he!

However, just as Shen Zhan said, a happy day was worth an unhappy year. If Shaonan could live happily every day in the future, ten years would be equivalent to a hundred years... ...

Thinking of this, he more or less comforted himself.

Jin Shaonan woke up two hours after the operation. His whole body was in pain, and it took him a lot of effort to move.

Jin Haiguo quickly held him down. "Don't move, don't talk, just lie down. "

Du Anran and Xie Chenjin had been taking care of Jin Shaonan in the ward. Seeing their old friends being tortured like this, no one felt good.

Jin Shaonan didn't move again, but his eyes were full of compassion, probably mourning for himself.

In the end, he slowly closed his eyes and stopped looking at Du Anran and Xie Chenjin. The pain in his heart was a hundred times more intense than the pain in his body.

During those days, Du Anran had been taking care of Jin Shaonan meticulously. Xie Chenjin did not return to the country. He was helping the Jin family to complete all the necessary procedures. He wanted to take them to Italy when Shaonan could get out of bed and walk around.

It would be more convenient for them to check up there in the future.

Du Anran and Feng Jing's vacation was extended for another half a month. Feng Jing did not say anything and acquiesced.

Du Anran was actually very grateful to Feng Jing. If it were any other boss, they would probably fire her. However, Feng Jing had never said anything. When she really encountered difficulties, he would unconditionally support her.

When Shen Zhan came to say goodbye to Du Anran, it was already the tenth day after the surgery was completed. Shen Zhan's boyfriend was the last to leave the team.

Shen Zhan was a little reluctant to part with Du Anran, so he begged her boyfriend to give him a few more days.

Shen Zhan arranged to meet Du Anran and Xie Chenjin in a Western restaurant. She gave Du Anran a small gift, a cute little conch.

She smiled and said, "Anran, it's probably because I can't remember what happened in the past, so I always feel that the sea is the beginning of my happiness. I picked up this conch, and it was also one that I carefully selected. Isn't it very beautiful If you don't mind, then take it."

Of course, du Anran wouldn't mind, not to mention that this conch was really beautiful.

The patterns around it were like auspicious clouds, and when looked at closer, they looked like flowers blooming from the stars.

"Shen Zhan, I don't have anything to give you. I happen to be folding paper cranes these few days, so I'll give you this string. "

Du Anran took out a small box from her bag. In the box, there was a string of folded paper cranes lying quietly.

These days, in order to pray for Jin Shaonan, and of course, to pass the time of her wild imagination, she had folded a lot of paper cranes. Now that Shen Zhan was leaving, it was just a small token of goodwill.

"Anran, thank you! " Shen Zhan accepted it happily. She did not expect Du Anran to like these small things. "You have to come to Italy often in the future! "

Du Anran nodded. "I'll go often. Shaonan will also go. I'll have to trouble you to take care of him when the time comes. "

"Of course. Anran, we're fated. Your friend is also my friend, " Shen Zhan said with a smile.

"sorry, I'm late. "

A gentle voice sounded. Accompanied by a gust of light wind and a faint scent, Shen Zhan's boyfriend walked in.

Du Anran had always hated the smell of disinfectant, but for some reason, the faint smell of disinfectant on Shen Zhan's boyfriend gave her an inexplicable sense of stability.

"If you were any later, I'd have to leave! " Shen Zhan helped him pull out a chair and said with a smile.

The moment du Anran raised her head, Shen Zhan's boyfriend sat in front of her. There was a smile on his face, and the corners of his lips were as warm as the sun.

Du Anran was stunned. For a moment, she suspected that she had gone to the wrong place, or that the time and space were in disorder.

She even felt Xie Chenjin's pause beside her. She stared at Shen Zhan's boyfriend for a while.