Chapter 429, parting through life and death

Du Anran's heart was still unable to be as calm as Xin zimo's. No matter what, after getting to know each other, she did not wish for Chi Xue to lose her life.

"Do you want to go and see her? " Du Anran asked.

Xin zimo looked at her. "If I don't go, it won't make sense. "

"I'll go with you! "

"No, you don't have to go. If Chi Xue sees you, I don't know what she'll think. She'll think you're a joke, " Xin zimo said.

"then go ahead. Call me if you have any news. " Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo was right.

Chi Xue's emotions were definitely unstable right now. What would she think if she woke up and saw that she was here... ...

"Okay, I'll go take a look. Wait for me at home, " Xin Zimo said.

Du Anran nodded. She stood up and brought him a coat, then walked him to the door.

"Go back. It's still raining outside. Wait for me at home, " Xin Zimo said to her.

Du Anran smiled slightly and watched him drive away.

The rain was still falling, and it was very heavy. The river was full of ripples, and the green mountains seemed to be covered with a layer of white gauze. It was blurry and unclear.

Xin Zimo's car soon disappeared in the rain and fog. The Sky was gloomy, and the wind blew du Anran's hair... ...

Xin Zimo drove away by himself. He drove all the way to the hospital entrance.

It was probably because the Cui family had kept the news under wraps. When he arrived at the hospital, he did not see the reporters of all sizes. Instead, it was very quiet. He parked his car in the parking lot and went straight upstairs.

Sun Ping had already arrived. He was the one who had called Xin Zimo just now.

Sun Ping stood outside the corridor of the emergency room He lowered his voice and said to Xin Zimo, "Cui Hao's injury is not serious. After treatment, he is fine. However, Chi Xue's injury is not light. Coincidentally, the knife pierced into her heart. He is already undergoing surgery. Whether it is good or bad, we still have to wait. "

Xin zimo nodded. "I understand. "

He immediately went to the ward, and Sun Ping followed beside him.

Outside Cui Hao's ward, there weren't many people. Only a few young nurses were packing their things.

Xin Zimo didn't know if commander Cui and Madam Cui had returned. He knocked on the door, and a servant opened it.

Cui Hao's arm was injured and wrapped in a thick bandage. He sat on a chair and didn't lie down on the bed.

When Xin Zimo came in, Cui Hao also noticed. He looked up, but when he saw Xin Zimo, he couldn't say anything. There was regret and worry in his eyes. Xin Zimo saw it all.

Of course, Xin Zimo also saw fatigue and tiredness on his face.

"Mr. Xin. " The Butler of the Cui family recognized Xin Zimo. He walked to Xin Zimo and greeted him.

Xin zimo nodded and didn't say anything. He walked directly to Cui Hao.

"How are you? " Xin Zimo asked.

Cui Hao sighed and touched his forehead, "I'm fine... Chi Xue... "

Xin zimo frowned. "Is her condition very serious? "

Cui Hao gritted his teeth and nodded. "Yes... ... Very serious "... I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose "... I didn't expect things to develop to this stage between us. I had a good discussion with her about going abroad yesterday, and she wasn't so agitated at that time "... I didn't expect that today.. "... "..

Cui Hao lowered his head and covered his face with his fingers. Even his tone was a little shaky.

Xin Zimo had never seen Cui Hao like this. From the last time he knelt in front of Du Anran, Xin Zimo felt that Cui Hao was no longer the Cui Hao from before.

Now, Xin Zimo did not see the mischievous temperament from before on him. Instead, he was more mature. However, he was changing, but Chi Xue did not give him a chance.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You are not at fault, " Xin Zimo said lightly.

"No matter what, I blame myself in my heart, " Cui Hao said.

"Don't feel too bad. Let's wait for the results first, " Xin Zimo said.

The surroundings were very quiet. The few servants did not speak either. Xin zimo stood on Cui Hao's side. He did not think that Cui Hao was at fault. On the contrary, he knew that Cui Hao had done a lot for Chi Xue.

If he had to say that he was in the wrong, it was his mother's fault from the start.

Xin Zimo also sighed and quietly stayed by Cui Hao's side.

Not long after, the police arrived and finished collecting evidence. They were here to talk to Cui Hao.

Cui Hao told them the details truthfully. After that, Xin Zimo also went out to talk to the police. Basically, this was a family matter of the Cui family and asked the police not to get involved.

The police knew the weight of the Cui and Xin families. Since Xin Zimo had spoken, they did not say anything. They only said that they would settle it as soon as possible.

During this time, du Anran called Xin Zimo. Du Anran asked about the situation here, and Xin Zimo told her not to worry. Chi Xue was still in surgery.

While waiting, the Butler carried Chi Xue's child over. This child kept crying. He cried so hard that no one could stop him.

Cui Hao had to carry him himself. This child had been close to him since he was born. Sure enough, the child stopped crying once he was carried.

Xin Zimo saw that Cui Hao was already very familiar with carrying the child, and his face was full of fatherly love. He knew that Cui Hao was no longer that stubborn young master of an aristocratic family.

Xin Zimo also lowered his head. He looked at the child in Cui Hao's arms, looking very cute. Originally, he was crying until his eyes were red and his nose was sore. At this moment, he had already quietly slept in Cui Hao's arms.

Seeing this child, Xin Zimo also smiled in his heart.

He actually liked children very much... ...

Cui Hao finally coaxed this child to sleep. Only then did he smile apologetically at Xin Zimo. "sorry for making you laugh. "

"What do you plan to do in the future? " Xin Zimo asked.

"No matter what happens in the future, this child is the most innocent. I'll put in more effort. As for the rest, I'll leave it to fate, " Cui Hao said.

Xin Zimo didn't say anything. He understood Cui Hao quite well now.

There was a moment of silence in the ward. Suddenly, a nurse ran over, out of breath.

"Mr. Cui... your wife's condition is not very good. You should go and take a look! " The young nurse was sweating profusely ...

Cui Hao's expression changed. He quickly stood up and threw the child in his hand to the housekeeper.

He rushed out immediately and soon disappeared.

Xin Zimo also followed him out. He saw Cui Hao running in front of him. He also walked towards the operating theater.

For some reason, at this moment, many things in the past appeared in front of his eyes.

When he was young, he matured early because of his family. Chi Xue often followed behind him because she was young and insensible. However, he never thought that the attachment he had when he was young would turn into a love affair later on.

He also never thought that after so many years, Chi Xue would not forget him.

When Xin zimo walked in the empty corridor of the hospital, it was as if there was a string of small footsteps behind him.

The figure of a little girl seemed to appear in front of him. She was petite and young. She wore a beautiful flowery dress and called him "brother Zimo. ".

Xin ZIMO'S FOOTSTEPS SLOWED DOWN A lot. His eyes were wide open.

"Chi Xue... Chi Xue... " Cui Hao's voice came from the operating theater. It was heart-wrenching ...

Xin Zimo immediately stopped in his tracks. When he looked at the entrance of the operating theater, an ancient sense of emptiness swept over him... ...

"Mr. Cui, I'm sorry. We tried our best. " A few doctors in surgical gowns bowed to Cui Hao. Their faces were filled with guilt.

On the hospital bed, the instruments on Chi Xue's body had already been removed. She lay there quietly as if she was asleep.

Her face was still as Pale as before, even more sallow than before. However, her quiet and quiet appearance when she closed her eyes was more charming and beautiful than before.

She walked so quietly that she did not even have the time to say a word... ...

Xin zimo stood at the door, one hand supporting the door frame. He raised his head, and only then did his tears stop flowing.

Sun Ping had been following beside Xin Zimo the whole time, and he lowered his head silently.

The surroundings were silent, and only Cui Hao's wailing and crying could be heard.

Xin Zimo had never felt so indecisive before. He did not dare to raise his head to look at Chi Xue. He was afraid to see her pained face... ...

If life could be set, he would have wanted Chi Xue to live happily and not meet him... ...

He could no longer remember the last thing she said to him.

Cui Hao cried by the bed for a long time, and the rain outside the window grew heavier. In the end, Xin Zimo did not know whether the sound in his ear was the sound of crying or the sound of the rain... ...

"President Xin... the Cui family is back. " After a long time, Sun Ping whispered in Xin Zimo's ear ...

Xin Zimo turned around, and behind him, commander Cui brought his wife to the operating theater.

They all had sorrowful expressions on their faces, but they probably didn't have much feelings for Chi Xue. This kind of sorrow was limited to the expression on their faces.

"President Xin. " Commander Cui nodded to Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo also nodded symbolically.

Xin Zimo had already hidden all his sadness in the bottom of his heart. He could recover very quickly. At least, he felt that under the current situation, it wasn't appropriate for him to be too solemn.

Because of Chi Xue's death, the police had to detain Cui Hao. However, due to the Cui family and Xin Zimo's reputation, they only brought Cui Hao out to ask a few questions.

Xin Zimo secretly asked Sun Ping to settle this matter privately. Chi Xue had no relatives or relatives in city a, and only the Xin family could be considered her family. However, Xin zimo chose to settle this privately, which also meant that the police would not pursue Cui Hao's responsibility.

Xin Zimo hoped that his actions would not make Chi Xue feel uneasy when she left. He was completely out of consideration for that child.

The child was still very young. He could not lose both his mother and father.

The Sky was pitch-black. When the streets were empty and there was no one on the streets, Xin Zimo left the hospital.

His mother rushed over to take a look before leaving. He knew that his mother was feeling guilty, but he did not know if she was regretting it.

When he left, Chi Xue's child was crying very loudly. She was crying so loudly that her heart was filled with sadness. It was as if the thunder of summer night tore through the sky. Xin Zimo felt extremely uncomfortable.

There were no ifs in this world, and there were no assumptions in this life... ...

There was a chapter at the beginning of this chapter, "Love Your Life, " which had been leaked in the morning. Everyone knew that it was the fourth watch today