Chapter 434, the Devil's husband

Du Anran and Han Yuan had already gone far away, so they couldn't hear what they were saying. Han Yuan always had a lot to say, so du Anran just had to listen.

Du Anran was in charge of treating, so she took Han Yuan to a French restaurant.

The grilled fish in the restaurant was very famous. Du Anran liked it, and Han Yuan also liked it. The two of them hit it off.

She didn't dare to order more wine today. If Xin Zimo found out, it would be another lesson.

"cousin, aren't we being too mean? SHOULD WE INVITE COUSIN OUT? " Han Yuan said.

"He's here. What did you say to him? ''DuuAnrann asked.

"although cousin is a little boring, we still have a lot of common topics to talk about! " Han Yuan said.

"Don't you feel like a third wheel? " Du Anran tilted her head and said calmly.

"..."Han Yuan thought carefully and seemed to agree.

Therefore, the plan to invite Xin Zimo out was abandoned. The two of them ate happily. Poor Xin Zimo was still waiting for du Anran at home.

Ever since he married Du Anran, he had fulfilled the standard of a good husband. Unfortunately, after Du Anran married him, she began to live a lavish life.

Was he too indulgent with her Perhaps one day, she would start to stay out all night?

Xin Zimo was bored waiting at home, so he could only call to harass du Anran.

Du Anran was chatting happily with Han Yuan, so why would she pick up Xin zimo's call. She directly replied with a message, "I'm eating. " Then, she turned off her phone.

After getting married, Du Anran was in a much better mood. To a large extent, she could flirt with Xin Zimo as much as she wanted.

Normally, men would not care after they got a woman, but Xin Zimo had always been unconventional. After getting married, he was much more considerate than before he got married.

Therefore, he never got angry when she teased him... ...

Therefore, teasing Xin Zimo became the joy of Du Anran's life.

"could it be cousin's phone call? " Han Yuan teased.

"It's him. Otherwise, who would call so late? " Du Anran muttered.

"cousin-in-law, you're the first one who dares to dislike cousin and not answer his phone calls, " Han Yuan praised.

What his cousin did not dare to do was easily accomplished in Du Anran's hands. He could not help but admire du Anran from head to toe.

However, it was not strange. Thinking back to the time when his cousin came to talk to him with a depressed face, he could see that his cousin would definitely fall into the hands of this woman for the rest of his life.

"Han Yuan, it's not like you didn't see when your cousin bullied me in the past. " Du Anran pouted.

"Well, that's why I support you. At the same time, I'll take revenge for all the things that he bullied me! "

"You've been bullied by him before? "

"Of course, he's the head of the family. Who would dare to provoke him? I would occasionally disobey him once or twice, and he would put on a stern face. "

Therefore, he had to curry favor with Du Anran so that he could take revenge for his past "revenge" .

Du Anran nodded meaningfully. It seemed that Xin Zimo had bullied quite a number of children. He was a tyrant.

Du Anran and Han Yuan had not seen each other for a long time. The two of them lost track of time as soon as they chatted. Du Anran forgot, and Han Yuan also forgot.

When the people in the restaurant had mostly dispersed, Han Yuan patted his head. "Oh no, it's twelve o'clock... "

Du Anran's face was full of black lines. It had only been a short while, and it was already twelve o'clock?

She quickly put on her coat and took her bag. "I have to go back. We'll talk another day. "

"cousin... aren't you not afraid of cousin? "

"Fear and unfear can be mutually transformed... " Du Anran walked out.

How could she not be afraid of Xin Zimo? If he was really angry, she would not be able to live a good life.

Of course, if she was angry, he would not be able to live a good life either.

Therefore, Xin Zimo absolutely could not tolerate not coming home at night. Especially after she hung up on him and turned off her phone... ...

Han Yuan did not have a car, so he could not send her. Du Anran had to take a taxi herself. In the end, it was too late. No car was willing to go to the villa on Lake Heart Island. Du Anran had no choice. After waiting for half an hour, she had no choice but to call Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo had developed a bad habit of not being able to sleep without Du Anran. He turned off the lights and lay on the bed.

When the clock struck twelve, Xin zimo gritted his teeth. He wished he could go out and find du Anran.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with her when she came back, she called him first.

Xin zimo pretended as if nothing had happened and answered the phone. Du Anran's voice was also quite gentle. "Hubby, are you asleep? "

"You still remember to call Me Hubby? " Xin Zimo said unhappily.

"Are you angry? Isn't this the first time Han Yuan came to city a? I had dinner with him. He's your cousin. You won't be jealous, right? " Du Anran said gently.

"Why would I be jealous? I'm already asleep. Why don't you continue to turn off your phone? ''Xinn zimo still said unhappily.

"You're still saying that you're not angry, that you're not jealous. " Du Anran clicked her tongue and said, "from your tone, you're not asleep, right? You're waiting for me, right? Why don't... You come pick me up? "

Xin zimo finally understood. She was unable to go home now, so she remembered to ask him to pick her up.

"I'm very sleepy. You solve the problem of going home by yourself and call old Zhan. "

As soon as Xin zimo finished speaking, he hung up the phone. After getting married, he did not have any temper at all. If the tiger did not show its might, he would treat him as a sick cat.

He didn't go home every three to five days, how could that be. He couldn't set a precedent, otherwise, it would be endless in the future.

"Hello, hello, Xin zimo! "

It was useless to Let du Anran shout. Xin Zimo had already hung up the phone. Du Anran gnashed her teeth in hatred. Let's see how she will deal with him when she gets back.

No... ... Let him sleep alone tonight ...

Therefore, Du Anran had no choice but to call old Zhan. Old Zhan was very diligent and soon arrived at the restaurant.

In fact, she didn't want to trouble old Zhan at this time of night, but she had no idea what to do.

Du Anran asked old Zhan to send her to the rented house instead of going back to the villa on Huxin island.

She was also angry with Xin Zimo. She wouldn't come to pick her up even if she couldn't go back, and she had to trouble old Zhan in the middle of the night. She felt bad.

Xin Zimo didn't expect that DU anran wouldn't come back at all. He waited for a long time but didn't see her, so he had to call old Zhan.

Old Zhan finally understood that the two of them were probably at loggerheads.

"Mr. Xin, I've already sent Miss Du back to her place, " old Zhan said.

"Why didn't you send her back to the villa? " Xin Zimo was very angry when he heard that.

"Miss Du insisted on not returning to the villa, " old Zhan had no choice but to tell the truth.

"She's amazing. "

Xin Zimo was no longer sleepy at all. He simply put on his clothes and drove out. Since he couldn't fall asleep lying on the bed anyway, he might as well go find her.

He wanted to see if he was better than her or if she was better than him.

Du Anran took a leisurely bath and was about to climb onto the bed to sleep when there was a knock on the door.

She was so scared that she quickly covered herself with the blanket. It was already so late, how could there still be someone knocking on the door.

Xin zimo quietly and calmly knocked on the door. The sound was very soft, and sometimes it was not.

Du Anran was shocked. Was she hearing things, or was there really someone knocking on the door She could not hear it clearly in the bedroom, so she could only hug the blanket and not dare to make a sound.

However, the knocking never stopped. Xin Zimo was quite patient. If he did not make a sound, he did not believe that Du anran would dare to open the door.

Du Anran shivered. In addition to the recent incident with Chi Xue, she was even more afraid. Although she had never done anything to let Chi Xue down, it was still night, so she was really scared.

"Who is it? " Du Anran finally mustered up the courage to call out.

Xin Zimo did not respond and knocked on the door a few more times.

Du Anran was scared. She was timid to begin with, and she was alone. How could she not be scared.

Du Anran was scared, so she quickly called Xin Zimo. At this moment, the first person she thought of was him.

As she was making the call, Xin Zimo's cell phone rang outside the door.

"Zimo... " she cried out his name.

This scared Xin Zimo. He quickly said, "I'm outside the door. Open the door. "

Du Anran stopped crying. "You're the one who knocked on the door? "

"Yes... It's me. "

Du Anran threw her cell phone out of anger. She immediately opened the bedroom door and pulled open the outermost door.

Sure enough, Xin Zimo was still holding his cell phone in his hand. He smiled at Du Anran. Du Anran pushed him. "Is it fun? "

She was really angry this time. He knew that she was timid, but she still dared to come up with such an idea to scare her.

She used a lot of force this time, and Xin zimo staggered. He was only trying to coax her, but he didn't expect her to be so timid. Moreover, he didn't do anything. He just knocked on the door, and it was a little unnatural.

"You're not welcome here, don't come! Xin Zimo, let me tell you, I'm in a bad mood right now, don't provoke me! "

Du Anran was really angry. As she spoke, she couldn't help but cry. She closed the door with a bang and really locked Xin Zimo out.

"ANRAN, Anran! OPEN THE DOOR! " Xin zimo knocked on the door.

Although he did it on purpose... ... He did not expect her to be so afraid ... Wasn't he trying to scare her so that she would know the importance of him ? At the same time, he wanted her to move out of this place as soon as possible ... He did not expect her to suffer a double loss ...

Du Anran lay on the bed and covered her head with the blanket. Sometimes she was very strong, and sometimes she was like a blade of grass. When the wind blew, she would break herself.

Xin Zimo did not give up. He was just joking, but he did not expect her reaction to be so strong.

"Anran, I was wrong. Open the door and I'll apologize to you. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Don't ignore me... " Xin zimo knocked on the door in frustration.

Du Anran heard his voice, but how could she open the door for him.

She hugged the blanket and did not say a word. She was very dejected.

Xin Zimo called her. When she got angry, she threw her phone on the floor.

Xin Zimo was completely at a loss. He could only stand outside and wait. The price he paid for his naivety was to stand outside in the middle of winter, shivering.

He used his actions to expound the famous saying, "If you don't seek death, you won't die. ".

He promised that he would never dare to scare du Anran again.

That night, he could only stand at the door, but it was really cold in the second half of the night. He had no choice but to hide in the car.

The conclusion would be written in May, so the speed might be slower. Luo Yi wanted to prepare a satisfactory ending, and the new book would also be in the pipeline