Where is she

" open your eyes slowly, let your eyes adjust to brightness, do you feel any pain and discomfort, don't panic just remain calm" these were the words of doctor as he was removing gauge that covered my eyes

" doctor has she arrived, I want to see her first, I know she has classes today but I asked her to take leave today, do you know she cried so pitifully when you said that the donor retracted their donation of eyes, but see her prayers came true" I was excitedly waiting for their response but their silence was making me nervous.

"Doctor I will not open my eyes let her come first I just want her with me" I was getting anxious as instead of replying anything a recorder was placed in my hand.

" Mr Kane we think you should listen to that first this will help you understand many things" sniffles were heard around me and it was causing itchy feeling in my heart, I fumbled for a bit then finally played the recorder.

" Kane do you know when I first met you, no this is wrong when I first heard you I was very desolate as if it was getting difficult to live, my body was aching badly and I just wanted to jump from the edge of platform to the upcoming train but your voice stopped me, it made me feel as if I was not alone" this was said with a hiccup which was common when she cried. I stopped the player.

My hands were trembling what I was feeling was not right I didn't want hear anymore I myself removed the cotton from my eyes and opened them to search for her because her absence was eating me alive because I knew she would not leave me at this crucial point , she must be hiding somewhere to tease me.

It took a while to adjust my eyes for a while as soon as it became clear I swapped my eyes throughout the room and started searching for her " Where is she? where is Kiera?" was the only question I could ask.