Answers part 2.(edit)

-Know those bizarre moments when you think that nothing else can surprise you, like after reincarnating in an alternate universe of an animation with a 'power' of a main character, which I normally read in my adolescence, really fills the quota of things most unreal that ever happened to me, and of course after that anyone would believe that nothing else could catch us off guard.-

-I should already know not to launch a challenge like that for the universe, because with my luck and likely that he will respond in the worst possible way, nothing against me would really like to meet the blue lion, become his champion along with bid and even maybe find out why I was reborn, more in my time and not like that.-

-Sometimes I believe that someone up there has something to do with these difficulties and likes to throw them on my walk simply for shit and laughter, as Murphy's law says "Everything that can go wrong will do", believe it or not only recently that I started to understand its meaning ...-

"Well, have you finished debating the laws of the universe?" questions the lioness, withdrawing me from my deep contemplation.

-This emotional roller coaster is starting to get very tiring, with a high probability that it is the reason for the sensation that I had a while ago, but that doesn't indicate any reason for her to know everything or what? -

- The list of questions is getting longer and longer, 'sigh' as ​​someone would say problematic - 'Look, I know I'm repeating my words, but how do you know about all of this? I ask.

"How could I not know about my own champion" - she says raising one of her 'eyebrows' and continues "I may not stand out in many areas as my sisters but I am still one of the most observant, besides being the one who has more understanding and compassion for those I care for, and you my dear are one of them and I will do anything to help you. " inform by touching the 'finger' on the human's chest.

-After these words I felt a warmth in my chest, a feeling of affection and pleasure, I felt through the link that connected us that she spoke the truth, I also felt her love and her protection, I wonder if that was how the blue paladins of the canon and original of this dimension, did they feel they were connected with the blue? -

"I know you have a lot of questions and most unfortunately I don't have all the answers, as these do not cover my domain, moreover the time is short so I can only answer the minimum that is within my understanding" says the lioness and continues "answering the previous question you asked, to a big difference between an archivist and a guardian of the archives, although both have an identical meaning their functions have different weights".

And continues "The title in which I called you my dear was guardian of archives not archivist, although its origin was given to an archivist zone, you do not exercise the function of one, in fact you and a guardian, a warrior whose kindness and the will to protect, like so many others, had given him this destiny ".

"Archives Zones?" Diana asks, frowning, when other words were processed by her mind "Wait for others ?! This means that I'm not alone ?!".

"Yes, you already hear other cases of your type, unfortunately there are no others like you in this dimension, as far as I know and it is impossible for more than one guardian to appear on a dimensional plane." Says the lioness with a touch of regret in her voice.

"As for the archivist zone or, more precisely, archivist zones and a zone that has the function of archiving, collecting and saving all the information existing by the multiverses, so that it can be used later, either by the archivist guardians or by higher beings, understand that everything you've ever seen, heard or heard, ten gives the smallest fable until the biggest story happened in some corner of the universe ".

And he continued to say "Although I know very little, I am still aware that the filing zones are one of many other zones, as well as the fact that the guardian of the archives is one of the hierarchical classes within these zones, whose objective is to maintain balance both internally and externally for the defense of the zone of origin, as well as to realize other sub-objectives, the hierarchical order of the archivists and divided into six is, but unfortunately I am only aware of two of these classes that would be the archivists and the isekais. "

"The first class one of the passive or civilians known as the class of the scribes: who have the ability to mentally transcribe the universes since they have a greater sensitivity to the use of cosmic consciousness being able to use it consciously or not, they they are divided into 2 groups: as dream-walkers and the prophets ".

"Another class that is also known would be that of the Isekai: Whose Isekai works revolve around a person being transported, reborn or trapped in a parallel universe, in which he is often already familiar with the parallel world as a published fictional work in the origin universe, but the parallel world may also be unknown to them.

This class is known as one of the classifications of the guardians of the archives, its subgenre can be divided into two types: "transition to another world" (ek 世界 転 移, isekai ten'i) and "reincarnation to another world" (異 世界 転is, isekai tensei).

The first, where the isekai ten'i is transported to another world (for example, traveling to it, being summoned or taking possession of another being). While the latter, where it dies in its original world and is reborn in another world, this is the class you find yourself in, I must point out that.

Unfortunately most Isekai generally become a "chosen hero" by the superior forces that dictate the universe that this is found, in case their warriors are incapable or need support, in cases where the strength that the chosen one does not have enough to face the challenge leading to his death ". The lion ends.

-There is a lot of information to think about, I feel that the more I search for answers the more questions are formed in my mind, questions like 'what would be the other dimensional zones or classifications?', 'Because I was reborn with this power, as the bidding twin or a boy? ', but on top of that the ones that bother me most because of their mysteries would be about' who or what chose me? 'and' why me? '.-

While absorbing the information that had been given to us, our character was silently watching with a pair of golden eyes that conveyed calm, the owner of which was patiently witnessing the actions of one of his chosen ones, after taking a deep breath to calm himself of the internal turmoil, done that Diana she fixes her eyes on the lion, then opens her mouth, preparing to ask the next question when an intense sensation interrupts her.

Bowing abruptly, she begins to feel nauseous and disoriented, alarmed, she quickly looks at the lioness and realizes both from the image in front of her and from the link that she was not surprised, on the contrary, it seemed that she was waiting for this event, this and highlighted when standing up on all four legs she informs him.

"Go on, our time is up, I know you still have a lot of questions, I will answer the ones I know as soon as possible, but that won't be today".

Right after this speech, she feels a tug on her belly, approximately in her navel and in desperation she says "Wait, when are we meeting again? You still haven't informed me how I and Lance will be able to pilot it ".

Amused by the stubbornness of her paladin, the lioness says "Don't worry, my paladin will soon find us, while the pilot's question I'm sure we will solve this later" said that she turns her back and starts to move towards the stairs when and surprised by the following question.

"So in this case, would you like to know your name?" says the reincarnated soul while feeling the second tug.

"My name?" asks the lioness returning to the place she had been after before the human's arrival while saying "I believe you know what it is." says lying down straight away.

"I believe that blue lion is more of a distinguishing feature than a name, besides that you are a sentient being and have a soul, so I believe that you can have a name, mine and or better was Diana, Kairyū Diana now I am Luan mcclan ". he says hastily fighting the sensation to at least have that answer.

Thrilled by her paladin's response, the lioness says "In all my years of existence, no one has ever asked me this question, know that both I and my sisters have no name and have always been called by our color, but since I insist, I will you are honor ".

"As honored as I am" says slightly breathlessly "I feel that it is not my right to name you, do not misunderstand anymore I believe that you and that you should choose one that represents you and makes you feel comfortable".

Watching her paladin's struggle, the lioness nods and hastily thinks of a name, as she knew from experience how stubborn her paladins were, how far they could go for a member of their pride, thinks of Blaytz and her certainties and in his future and new paladins and recalling what he had learned in the memories of his blue paladins comes to a conclusion.

"lápis" says "Call me lápis-lazúli in honor of my paladins" she says resolutely.

"Nice to meet you Lápis" says our heroines disappearing shortly thereafter.

"The pleasure and my Diana" says with a small smile the now known by pencil to the empty room, falling slowly to sleep.

Meanwhile our little twin returns to his body, he was awakened from his 'nap' by a move that poked him in the cheek, tired and with heavy limbs Luan reluctantly opens his eyes, blinking quickly to remove the smudges from his sight, then he meets with a pair of eyes identical to his that looked at him with concern and curiosity, realizing that the most smiles carelessly.

Realizing that he was fine, the older man asked a question in a low voice "lu .. okay?"

"SÍ" responds with a whisper and looking around he realizes that it has not been long since he started meditating.

Looking closely at the older man, he looks for any sign of pain in his face, realizing that he was just tired decides to leave it for later, taking the little blanket and snuggling up to the youngest trying to protect him from the cold.

Quickly realizing your brother's intentions, doing nothing younger, be quiet. Luan then decides to look quickly at the notification window, which he had placed at the bottom right, realizes that there were several alerts and among them Three stood out.

[Exposure to raw mana created a new skill!]

[Magic Resistance (Passive) Level 1 (10/50)

An ability to withstand hostile magical effects.

Reduces magic damage by 1.75%.

[Secret mission completed

Title: Inner peace

Inner peace or mental peace, something that is much sought after by the masters of the mystical or martial arts, is referred to as the state of being mentally or spiritually at peace, with knowledge and understanding to face future disagreements or stresses, more to know when reaching this state does not mean that you will be totally immune to the problems around you, in fact the biggest problem is not the reach of the previous country but rather maintaining this balance the disagreements that followed.

Goal1: Reach your astral plane

Objective2: Survive the astral plane

Objective 3: return to your body without any problem.


Loss of memory

You go into a coma

Your body is possessed



Greater self-control.

+1 peks meditation

+1 quintessence manipulation

+10 Starting point.


[Secret mission completed

Title: Never had a friend like that!

War has many consequences, whether these are good or bad, in many cases it is strengthening the bonds of friendships between compatriots and their partners, but for this to happen you must first know your partner.

Goal1: Meet your lion

Goal2: Get answers

Goal 3: Impress your future partner.


He had never become a champion

Your questions will never be answered.



1x Skill Mermaid singing.

+1 level in water peks

+1 bazaquan style fighting manual

+1 golden ticket

+ 500EXP]

[Level up]

-.....- this was the thought of our little twin at the time, the emotional tiredness was tremendous, with so many surprises and twists that happened to him during the brief time he had been on the astral plane, there was barely enough energy to keep him awake the more to feel surprised, exhausted he closes notifications mechanically, after that he closes his eyes and gives himself up to sleep.

_________ <3 _________ <3 _________ / (0o0) \ _____ <3 ________ <3___________

[Name: Luan Carlos Mcclan / Formerly Diana Kairyū

Level: 5

EXP: 479/1600

Age: 4 years (39 years)

Title: The Player / Little Draftsman

Human race


HP: 55/55

CP: 35/35

STR: 11

INT: 22

DEX: 13

VIT: 12

CAR: 14

WIS: 20

LUK: 29 (Fixed)

Many people would believe that Luan and his twin were ordinary children from a humble family of farmers in Cuba, and that both would have a bright future, more than they did not know and that it was only his brother, because Luan is actually a reincarnated soul with a system whose future is uncertain.

Available start point: 39


Observe Level 1 (30/50): Allows the player to understand and observe hidden facts of an object or person.

Persuasion Level 1 (23/50) ability to persuade someone to do something to accomplish something for you.

Basic Quintessence Manipulation Level 2 (0/100): with this skill the player can increase his perks momentarily or even perform acts that go beyond comprehension.

Apprentice of Alchemy (Blocked): required is level 5 quintessential manipulations.

Child designer Level 1 (19/50): The player can express the world he sees on paper through drawing

Mermaid singing Level 1 (0/50): The user has a charming voice, which allows him to get the attention of everyone around him and for this reason his singing allows him to express his emotions and even scare off bad omen (5% potency) if used with the persuasion skill or perks aura of angel, little healer, child of the seas or one with water).


Mind game (-on- / off): Allows the player to think clearly and calmly, without suffering emotional stress, keeping the focus on their goals.

Level 1 mental barrier bonus (21/50): protecting from any attack / mind control, Wis + Int / 2.

Meditation Level 2 (30/100): The player has the capacity for meditation that contributes to the best physical / mental / spiritual balance, the user now has greater capacity for manipulation, control, regeneration and sensitivity of Quintessence, the higher the level the better capacity and can even filter it. (capacity of these based on HP + CP + Quit./3 handling)

Quintessence Sensor Bonus (blocked) required until meditation reaches level 5.

Game Body (on / off): It has the ability to grant the player's gamer body, allowing the ability to regenerate HP and CP, whether instantaneous (when sleeping) or slow (in battle).

Bonus resistance to pain Level 1 (12/50): Resistance factor that allows the player to continue to accomplish his goals / objectives, even if he is injured, STR + DEX + VIT / 3.

Blessing of Susanoo- (click here to find out more)

One with water Level 2 (0/100): You have always been with water always in your past life, as a result, it has become a very important part of your being leading to having a natural affinity for water (+ 2x DEX , + 2x STR, + 2x VIT) in contact with water.

Child of the seas Level 2 (0/100): As a former descendant of a clan with affinity for the ocean, you will have a high advantage within the seas, thus developing abilities to be able to breathe and an increase in your regeneration, within any body Water.

Little healer Level 1 (4/50): For your compassion, constant struggle and desire for the health and well-being of the people around you as well as exercising your profession with such zeal in your past life, by divine kindness you receive the ability to heal people around you, whether they are momentarily in battle or slow and steady on a daily basis, and you can eventually evolve it.

Little grasshopper Level 1 (3/50): Due to your constant training in the Martial Arts in your past life, you now have a certain inclination to make them easier to do, and you can evolve and even develop your own style.

Loyalty (Max): Growing up in supportive environments, you learned from a young age the sacred benefits of loyalty as well as the harms, as well as every child of the seas you also have the fatal flaw of loyalty, so as the future player's relationships develop he can give and earn the loyalty of his associates, (benefit bonus: in addition to the membership level, depending on his level, the player can unlock the romance perk, reaching 100% he can unlock a Divine reward.)

Angelic aura (blocked): Needed to reach level 2 in the small healer perk or level 3 in persuasion.

Reputation bar:

Varadero: 8,320 / 25,000-Neutral.

Mcclan Clan: 7450/10000-Friendly

Marcio Macclan (Grandfather): 980 / 1,100-Friendly

Helena Mcclan (Grandmother): 1,010 / 1,100-Honored

Laura Mcclan (breast): 1,080 / 1,100-Honored

Raphael Mcclan (pop pop): 998 / 1,100-Friendly

Luis Mcclan (oldest Hermano): 979 / 1,100-Friendly

Veronica Mcclan (older sister): 927 / 1,100-Friendly

Marco Mcclan (older Hermano): 856 / 1,100-Well-regarded

Rachel Mcclan (older sister): 1,030 / 1,100-Honored

Lance Mcclan (Twin brother): 1,100 / 1,100-Honored

Lapiz-lazuli (Blue Lion) 2,080 / 4,900-Friendly.]