003, Gu Fei's devious idea

Gu Fei pretended to be calm and said as if nothing had happened, "sister, your injury isn't too serious. You shouldn't be so unreasonable. If you call the police and spread the news to the school, it won't be good for your reputation. "

After she said that, she held Gu Fei's mother's hand and shook it, "mom, I'm doing this for sister's good. Think about it. Sister's reputation in the school is already bad enough. If she gets involved with the police, I wonder how those classmates will spread the news. "

Halfway through her words, Gu Fei lowered her voice and whispered into Gu Fei's mother's ear, "after all, sister got into a car accident because she stole a man from another girl. It's better for us not to spread such a thing. "

Gu Fei's mother's face turned green and Pale. She had already forgotten about this matter. If Gu Fei had not mentioned it, she really would not have been able to recall it.

She said to Gu Ming Unhappily, "why did you call the police? It's just a mild concussion. Do you still think that this matter isn't big enough? "

Gu Fei frowned. Only then did she remember what Gu Fei had said when she entered the house Sigh, they said that my sister got into a fight with a girl over a hooligan. They argued too much and did not see the passing cars, so she got hit

At that time, her mind was in a mess because of this incident and she didn't pay attention to Gu Fei's words. Now it seemed that Gu Fei had said that on purpose. But now the question was, she couldn't remember the car accident. Was it true or false?

In her previous life, Bai Fei was a liar. She was thick-skinned and could tell the truth even if it was fake. In this life, although Bai Fei changed her surname to Gu, from the short time they had spent together, Bai Fei's personality hadn't changed at all. Therefore, Gu Ming didn't believe Gu Mo's words.

Speaking of which, she thought that she had high standards. Would she like a hooligan?

Wait a minute, Gu Fei seemed to be talking about Gu Ming before she was reborn.

However, she still had a way out of this. She looked at Gu Fei with her injured left eye She said in a puzzled tone, "didn't you say that I like Su Jinyang? Since I like Su Jinyang, why would I like other guys? Why would I compete with other girls for a man? There's something wrong with your words. "

Gu Fei was stumped by her question.

Gu Ming no longer paid attention to Gu Fei. Just like before, she held mother Gu's hand affectionately.

She looked up at mother Gu and said with a bitter face, "mom, Bai... I don't remember anything that Gu Fei said at all. I don't seem to remember what happened in the past. Mom, what's wrong with me? "

Gu Ming had always been very smart. After understanding her own situation, she naturally had to think about what to do in the future.

If she was only reborn and returned to the past, then she wouldn't be worried at all. She would just be reliving her past. However, the current situation was different. She had been reborn and the surrounding environment had not changed. However, this Gu Ming was completely different from herself. In other words, her personality and the way she handled things were completely different. Could it be that she wanted to pretend to be the 'weak Gu Ming' and live on?

Sorry, I can't do that.

Since she had a mild concussion, she might as well use the bad joke of Amnesia.

Mother Gu's eyes were wide open. "You don't remember what happened in the past. Could it be that you have Amnesia? " She quickly said, "No, we have to get a doctor to take a look. "

Gu Ming said, "it's not that you don't remember everything. There are some things that you don't remember. "

Gu Fei was delighted when she heard this. Gu Ming did not remember what happened in the past. Could it be that she had forgotten what happened before the car accident In that case, Gu Ming did not know about her and Duan Tianyi at all... ...

Gu Fei's breathing quickened. She said impatiently, "mom, I'll get a doctor. " As she said that, she opened the door and ran out.

As soon as she went out, she called Duan Tianyi.

Duan Tianyi was the young man who had an unclear relationship with Gu Fei. Duan Tianyi was born well, and there was a trace of evil in his handsomeness. He was one year older than Gu Ming, and he was from the Duan family. His family was rich, so Gu Ming did not want to reject him. To her.. It was a happy thing to be surrounded by outstanding men. This satisfied her vanity.

Duan Tianyi was a little surprised when he received the call. His Thin Lips said coldly, "didn't you say that you were afraid that Su Jinyang would find out and don't contact him for the time being? "

Gu Fei avoided people and came to the stairwell. Her tone was extremely excited. "Gu Ming lost her memory. She doesn't remember anything about us. "

Duan Tianyi was a little surprised when he heard that. "She's not dead? " The person he was looking for was extremely ruthless. Why did he become soft-hearted this time?

Gu Fei was afraid that someone beside her would listen, so she lowered her voice and said, "I told my mother that Gu Ming was fighting with a girl for a man and was accidentally hit by a car. Didn't Gu Ming lose her memory? " Gu Fei smiled sinisterly "Let's make this matter real and find her a hooligan that she 'likes' . " HMPH, when that time came, let's see how Gu Ming would go back on her word!

Duan Tianyi didn't say anything.

Gu Fei was afraid that he wouldn't agree, so she quickly said, "there's no need to waste any effort. Just find someone to mess with her. It doesn't matter if she's a beggar on the street. " No, the beggar was a little old, so when she thought of this.. She changed her words. "It shouldn't be difficult to find a hooligan who hasn't gone to school, right? Tianyi, you'll help me, right? "

"Okay. " Duan Tianyi Hung up the phone.

Gu Fei was relieved when she heard the word "okay. " Duan Tianyi was a man of his word. He would definitely be able to handle this matter well.

After that, Gu Fei went to find a doctor.

She thought proudly in her heart that once the hooligan was found, she would make Gu Ming and the hooligan's 'relationship' a reality. Gu Ming was so dumb that she would not explain even if she was schemed against. Moreover, whether it was her parents or her classmates, they would not believe Gu Ming at all.

After all, in this life, she was the one that everyone talked about as an excellent student, obedient and sensible.

As for Gu Ming, she was ugly and stupid, a poor student who fooled around all day long!

In this way, she wouldn't lie. When that time came, Gu Ming's reputation would be even worse. Gu Fei narrowed her eyes and thought that when this matter was blown up, it would be best to let the whole school know, and it would be best to let Gu Ming drop out of school!

When she mentioned the school, Gu Fei thought of the matter of the Middle School examination. She knew about the examination questions, so she smoothly got into city one, the key high school in Hua city. As for Gu Ming, she was so bad in the middle school examination that she only got into an ordinary high school. But even so.. Father Gu still paid to send Gu Ming to city one high school. Just thinking about it made people angry.

Gu Ming's failure in the middle school examination was partly due to Gu Fei. During the middle school examination, Gu Fei 'added ingredients' into Gu Ming's water. In those two days, Gu Ming frequently went to the bathroom during the examination and even attracted the attention of the invigilator, who thought that Gu Ming cheated.

Gu Ming became more and more inferior from then on. It was also at that time that she became fatter.

In the past few years of high school, Gu Fei tried every means to tarnish Gu Ming's reputation and think of ways to make Gu Ming fatter and fatter. Unfortunately, Gu Ming's foundation was too good, so she would only be slightly fat.

When Gu Fei brought the doctor back, Gu Ming was resting on the hospital bed with her eyes closed. As for mother Gu, she was peeling an apple for Gu Ming. When she heard the sound of the door opening, mother Gu raised her head. When she saw Gu Fei bringing the doctor over, she quickly walked over.

Gu Fei saw the apple in mother Gu's hand, and her eyes flashed. She said, "mom, I'm so thirsty. "

As soon as she finished speaking, mother Gu handed the apple in her hand over. "here, eat the apple. Mom just peeled it. " In front of Gu Fei, she had long forgotten that this apple was meant for Gu Ming.

Gu Fei did not really like ordinary things like apples, but since this thing belonged to Gu Ming, she would definitely want it!

She took the apple and took a bite in front of Gu Ming. As she ate, she said, "this apple is crisp and sweet. It's really delicious. Mother, thank you for giving me the apple. ". Her words were meant to anger Gu Ming.

In the past, Gu Ming would always be hurt.

But now, Gu Ming only had two words for Gu Fei: Childish!