016 Unknown Detective Agency

Gu Ming did not pay attention to Gu Fei at all. Her attention was now on Gu Ming's mother. Only Gu Fei's hair was not enough. She still needed Gu Ming's mother's hair. Otherwise, it would be useless.

"Mom, why is there a strand of white hair on your head? " Gu Ming said in surprise. "You haven't been too tired recently, " she said as she walked to Gu Ming's mother's side.

Gu Ming's mother saw Gu Fei crying and was about to comfort her. However, when she heard Gu Ming say that there was a strand of white hair on her head, her attention was immediately pulled back. She asked nervously, "where is it? "

"It's on top of your head, mom. Why don't I help you pull it off so that it doesn't grow longer? " Gu Ming asked.

"Okay. " After saying that, Gu Ming's mother lowered her head and let Gu Ming search on her head.

Gu Ming had only said it casually, but she didn't expect that when she looked at it, she was really shocked. There were indeed a few strands of white hair on Gu Ming's mother's head. Gu Ming pulled it off three or four times, and among them, there were a few strands of black hair.

When Gu Ming's mother saw that Gu Ming had pulled it off a few times, she asked uneasily, "how is it? Are there many? "

Gu Fei's anger grew even more when she saw how affectionate their mother was. She also saw that Gu Ming had been standing there the whole time and did not seem to have anything in her hands She said coldly, "sister, you can't be mistaken, right? After all, only one eye can see things now. If you're mistaken, just admit it. Don't let mother stand there and suffer. "

Gu Ming's mother frowned.

Taking advantage of their distraction, Gu Ming stuffed Gu Ming's mother's black hair into her pocket. At the same time, she passed the white hair to Gu Ming's mother. "mother, it's fine. Look. "

Gu Ming's mother was shocked when she saw the white hair on Gu Ming's hand. "Why are there so many? "

Gu Ming looked at the white hair and fell silent. In her previous life, her mother had white hair. That was when Bai Fei had caused a Ruckus in the Gu family. The appearance of the illegitimate daughter had broken the illusion of 'love' . What free love, what white hair till old age, they were all fake Gu Ming even remembered her mother crying in front of her.

Gu Ming curled her white hair into a ball and threw it into the trash can. Then, she said to Gu Ming's mother, "mother, if there's anything unhappy, don't keep it in your heart. It's not good for your health. "

When Gu Ming's mother heard Gu Ming's words, she felt a sense of warmth. She caressed Gu Ming's head and said, "MOM isn't unhappy. Don't think too much about it. "

Gu Ming hugged Gu Ming's mother and placed her head on Gu Ming's shoulder.

Gu Fei pulled Gu Ming's clothes back and pouted. She complained coquettishly, "mom, why do you only have eyes for sister and not me? Do you not like me anymore? "

As she said that, she wiped her eyes.

When Gu Ming's mother saw Gu Fei's pitiful appearance, she pushed Gu Ming away and hugged Gu Fei with a heartache. She coaxed, "mom likes both of us. Alright, alright, why are you crying? Be Good, don't cry. "

Gu Ming was still in a daze when she was pushed away. At this moment, she saw that Gu Ming's mother treated Gu Fei as if she was her own daughter. No, she was even closer to Gu Fei than her own daughter. It would be a lie to say that she did not feel uncomfortable.

Gu Fei was even secretly turning her head and smiling at Gu Ming proudly.

Gu Ming touched the hair in her pocket and thought to herself, "smile, smile as much as you can now. There will be a time for you to cry in a few days! "!

Gu Fei only hugged Gu Ming's mother for a while before letting go of her mother. After all, she was already so old. They could not hug each other.

At this moment, Gu Ming's mother saw Gu Ming. She thought of her actions just now and felt a little guilty She said as if to make up for it, "Ming Ming, since your body is almost recovered, I'm free now. Why don't we go shopping? I can also help you buy a pair of glasses and a few sets of clothes. "

When Gu Fei heard that she was going to the mall, her eyes lit up. "Mom, I want to buy clothes too. "

Gu Ming's mother smiled. "Okay, okay, let's buy them together. "

Gu Fei looked at Gu Ming proudly again. HMPH, isn't it just a lousy card? It's only 5,000 yuan in total. She wouldn't take a fancy to it!

At this moment, Gu Ming was thinking about being discharged from the hospital.

She really didn't want to stay in the hospital anymore. There were too many dead people and patients in the hospital. There were more gray gas and black gas than anywhere else. Who knew if there was anything else? She really didn't want to stay here to test her courage.

She really didn't want to stay for another day!

No, she couldn't leave the hospital yet. If she returned to school, it would be inconvenient to do things, such as the DNA report.

Gu Ming said, "wait for me to change my clothes. " She changed into her hospital gown.

After changing, mother Gu said, "let's go now. " Mother Gu drove the car. Gu Fei sat in the passenger seat while Gu Ming sat in the back seat.

In the car, Gu Ming remembered something. "Mom, the hospital said that I gave you my things. Have you seen my ID card? " Actually, she had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but she couldn't see mother Gu and the others. She only spoke a few words on the phone before hanging up.

Gu Fei slowly took out something from her bag and handed it to Gu Ming. "Your ID card. " As for why it was with her, she didn't say a word.

Gu Ming wanted to ask, but when she saw Gu Fei's eyes flashing with an unknown light, she knew that Gu Fei was up to no good again, so she didn't say a word.

She asked about another matter, "mom, have you found the person who hit me with the car? "

Gu Fei was delighted when she saw Gu Ming speak, but she heard that Gu Ming was talking about something completely unrelated to the ID card. She originally didn't want to pay attention to it, but when she heard Gu Ming talking about the car accident, her heart started to worry again.

Mother Gu said, "almost done. There will be news tomorrow. "

Gu Fei was shocked when she heard that. Her heart was beating rapidly. It was impossible to find the person so quickly. What was wrong with Duan Tianyi? He couldn't even solve a small matter!

No, she had to call Duan Tianyi when she went back. She had to get Duan Tianyi to deal with that person as soon as possible so that she wouldn't be on tenterhooks.

Gu Ming saw that Gu Fei's expression didn't look right, and her heart moved. Perhaps she could find a private detective to investigate Gu Fei's whereabouts. There would be news about the driver of the accident tomorrow. If Gu Ming was really involved in this matter, she would definitely be desperate tonight.

As for the money, she had it.

Gu Ming's mother had just transferred 100,000 to her card. 90,000 was saved by Gu Ming in name, but the money that Gu Fei used was 10,000. Gu Ming's living expenses were originally only 5,000, but Gu Ming was sick, so Gu Ming's mother gave a little more. To Gu Ming's mother, she did not lack that bit of money. She was mainly afraid that the child would use it recklessly.

Gu Ming's actions were very fast. She took out her phone and went online. After choosing for a while, she found a 'nameless detective agency' in the city online and directly contacted them via Qq.

Gu Ming: Are you there?

Nameless Detective Agency: Yes, Hello, customer. Do you need anything?

Gu Ming: Help me follow a person.

Nameless Detective Agency: Okay, how many days?

Gu Ming thought for a moment and wrote: Three Days, how much is it?

Nameless Detective Agency: Who is it? Is it difficult to follow?

Gu Ming: student.

Anonymous Detective Agency: GOT IT. How about this, this is the first time we're doing business, I'll give you a 20% discount, 2000, what do you think.

Gu Ming: okay.

Gu Ming then sent the address of the shopping mall. In fact, she usually had to send Gu Fei's photo over. Unfortunately, it was not in her phone. When she reached the shopping mall, she would tell the person what Gu Fei looked like.

Gu Ming asked: Will you be there in 20 minutes?

Anonymous Detective Agency: Is it the Central Department Store on the Pedestrian Street? I'LL BE THERE IN 20 minutes!

Gu Ming: okay, contact me when you arrive.

Anonymous Detective Agency: Pay a deposit first, a total of 2000, a deposit of 500, and 1500 after the matter is settled.

Gu Ming directly transferred the money using alipay.