Chapter 547: A man can not say no

Those who were in the front were all entangled by the snakes, each of them letting out a heart-wrenching roar.

An Xu quickly climbed onto the tank. Ignoring the safety of his teammates, he released a few cannonballs.

"Retreat!" Seeing that the factory building had collapsed and there was nothing behind it, he could only clench his fists in hatred. In this situation, he would never believe that the Venom was still there.

In the end, out of the dozens of people who came, only three went back.

An Xu glared at the group of people who had been swallowed by the snakes. He thought to himself, 'Venom, I'm not done with you.'

What he did not notice was that there was an even bigger red whistle snake coiled around the window of the tank, waiting for him to come out at any time...


Ling Jue yawned and sat lazily on the tree. The people below were making arrangements for the orientation party.

"Lord Jue, the whole class has to go on stage. Do you want to dance or sing?"

Lu Yilie raised his head to look at her, his face full of excitement.

To be honest, he really wanted to see Lord Jue dance. It would definitely be fun.

Ling Jue drank a mouthful of pure water lazily. "I don't know anything."


Everyone did not believe it. Last time, Ling Jue also said that he did not know anything. Then what happened?

He was simply a god playing basketball. He helped everyone win the military training game, and he still did not know anything?

They were the ones who really 'won' by lying down.

Ouyang Ye also came forward and said with a smile, "Lord Jue, don't spoil the mood. Come up with something that you're good at."

Ling Jue shook her head. "I said I don't know anything, but you guys don't believe me."

Mu Chen stood up and rubbed his chin. He thought for a while and said, "Why don't I bring everyone to play the game? Play LoL Mobile Games, and win together..."

"Go, go, don't mess around." Lu Yilie looked at Mu Chen with disgust. "Do you want to play the piano?"

"Yes, okay." Ling Jue agreed readily.

Lu Yilie pursed his lips. "Don't you know nothing?"

His answer was so straightforward. He must be a piano expert. Hahaha, my aunt is indeed modest.

"I really don't know how to play. I'll go back and learn it later." Ling Jue frowned seriously.

Everyone was speechless. They seemed to believe that he really did not know how to play.

Ling Jue nodded. "Alright, it's decided. You guys dance and sing, and I'll play the piano for you."

Lu Yilie pursed his lips, but Mo Ziyue pulled him to the side and whispered a few words.

After hearing Mo Ziyue's words, Lu Yilie did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Are you girls that fickle?"

"Go ahead and say it." Mo Ziyue smiled awkwardly.

Lu Yilie sighed and walked to Ling Jue's side. "Lord Jue, if it's possible, you should play the zither. They plan to compose a song called Liang Zhu."

"No problem." Ling Jue nodded. As long as it was not singing or dancing, it was fine. After all, she did not know how to play the zither or the piano.

Lu Yilie's mouth twitched. Was Master Jue serious?

Did he really not know how to play? He cleared his throat and leaned forward. "Lord Jue, we still have five days left. Can you... do it?"

"Men can't say no!" Ling Jue chuckled. "I'll teach you guys the rehearsal. I'll be in charge of playing the zither."

Ling Jue sat back down on the tree to hide in the shade. There was nowhere else to hide except for this tree.

There was sand under the tree, so she did not want to sit down.

Lu Yilie looked at his mysterious confidence and sighed. He looked at his classmates and said, "Alright, our class will perform Liang Zhu. Now, let's search the script and assign some people."


Everyone sat on the ground and listened carefully to Lu Yilie's arrangements.