Chapter 576: Did you ever think that you would like him

"He let you out?" Feng Yulin was slightly surprised. If it was going at its normal speed, it should still have more than a month left.

It came out the moment Ling Jue appeared.

"Yes." Tang Wan nodded. "I stayed with him in school for a few days." Speaking of which, it was much weaker. "Then, I owed him a lot of money because I swallowed his jade ring, which contained a lot of spiritual essence. Master, remember to pay him back..."

"You stayed with him in his dormitory at night?" Feng Yulin only noticed this.


Feng Yulin pinched it and turned around. His tone was a little gloomy. "Did you peek at him bathing?"

"No, no! How could I dare? He's very fierce!" Tang Wan shook its head quickly with a nervous look on its face.

He pinched its little face. "It doesn't matter what you owe him. What he owes is mine."

Tang Wan looked at its master awkwardly. "Master, have you been changed? I feel that you don't look like the Lord Ji Lin from before at all."

Was this space-time poisonous? Master was no longer the same as before.

Feng Yulin let go of Tang Wan. "I remember that we were in the space-time torrent for two hundred years, right?"


"Do you think it's possible that Ling Jue came from our side as well?"

"It's possible, master. I had my suspicions too."


Feng Yulin let go of Tang Wan. "Control Tang Yuan from now on. Don't let it disturb my business."

"Can I not..." Tang Wan did not want to talk to the little female at all. It was really hard to communicate with it. "It's very young. It can make me so angry."

Feng Yulin raised his eyebrows. It was as if he saw himself when he first met Ling Jue. He was also angered to death by that kid. He said that he had tricked him into giving him a set of stones and even went against him in front of Yue Chan.

Now that he thought about it, he was so damn cute.

"It's a female, and you're a male. You have to have a broad mind. Think about it. In this time and space, there are no emperor Gu in the Miaojiang, so you can only reproduce on your own. There's only one of it here. Don't you think about making it your female in the future?"

"Master!" Tang Wan cried out in fear, its face filled with terror. "Are you kidding me? How can I be with other females and reproduce?!"

"Anything is possible."

"Impossible!" Tang Wan said firmly, "If there is such a day, I will just castrate myself!"

It thought that if there was a female who teased it so easily, it would definitely want to beat up the worms!

It could not beat it up. After all, it was Ling Jue's emperor Gu, and Ling Jue was the person its master liked, so it could not bully it.

Therefore, it would be better for it to turn itself into a female as well.

Feng Yulin chuckled. "You still don't understand the ways of the world."

Just like him. Did he ever think that he would like Ling Jue one day?

"I'd rather not understand." It leaned on his shoulder and sighed.

It saw the fish jumping in the river and said softly, "Master, there are fish in the river nearby."

"Yeah, it's time for dinner."


Feng Yulin stood up and sharpened his dagger into a tree branch. He went to catch a few fish to roast.

"Master, I'll go!" Qi An ran over quickly.

"I'll do it myself." Feng Yulin was not a young master who only knew how to enjoy life.

Besides, it was a great achievement to be able to roast a fish for Ling Jue. Haha.

Ling Jue looked at Feng Yulin's back and poked Tang Yuan, who looked sad. "Why aren't you happy?"