Chapter 591: Unable to reject such a cute... ...

Tang Wan was stunned for a moment. It sat on the sofa and did not move. From time to time, it would turn its head to look at the dining table behind it.

It saw that small ball actually carrying a very large crab and eating it.

Then, it saw a complete... crab shell...

Then, it was the large lobster on the table. In the time it took for it to turn its head, that lobster was empty...

Tang Wan was stunned. There was actually such an emperor Gu in this world...

Was it really a Gu, not a pig?


Even saying it was a pig meant that it valued pigs, how could a pig be so good at eating!

This was even better than a pig!

"Tang Wan, you scoundrel, are you peeking at me?" Tang Yuan snapped out of its gluttony and turned its head to look at Tang Wan. It laughed mischievously as if it was trying to grab Tang Wan. "Do you want to eat it too? I've already said it, call me Lord Tang Yuan V587 and I'll give you a crab leg."

Tang Wan was shocked for a moment, then turned its head to watch TV.

It did not like to eat this kind of thing.

It just wanted to see how it ate these things.

Tang Wan suddenly suspected the worm. Why did it feel that it was full after eating something? It felt very full.

But Tang Yuan was different. It could finish a table full of things and still remain calm.

Continue eating!

"Tang Wan, little brother."

Suddenly, it heard a gentle voice behind it.

This was something it had never heard before...

The voice was pleasant and gentle, but it could hear that it was definitely not good!

It turned its head stiffly and looked at Tang Yuan with some confusion.

"Can you do me a favor?" Tang Yuan looked at it with a smile.

Tang Wan knew that it was not a good thing, but it did not expect it to be so cute and ask for help.

"Can you?" Tang Yuan chuckled. As expected, the V blog was right.

To deal with a man, one had to be good at using his woman's weakness.

Such an obedient smile and sweet words would definitely be able to get its help.

"What is it?" Tang Wan really could not reject such a cute Tang Yuan.

Of course, it was only the cute Tang Yuan at this moment.

If it was that Tang Yuan who could swallow mountains and rivers, it would not even need its help.

Tang Yuan smiled shyly. "Can you help me move these chocolates onto the sofa?"

"..." Sure enough, nothing good happened.

Tang Wan looked at the big bag of things on the ground and was a little speechless.

However, since it had promised Tang Yuan, it had to accept its fate.

Hence, it slowly moved the things onto the sofa and brought them over one by one.

Tang Yuan continued to eat happily. Hehe, it was good to have someone to help. In a while, it would be able to sit on the sofa and eat.

Tang Wan finished moving the things and laid on the sofa lazily watching TV. It swore that it would not be fooled in the future.

When it saw the cute Tang Yuan, it did not agree to help easily.

Look at it!

There was not a single word of thanks!

Heh, women!

Tang Yuan continued to eat happily. It thought to itself, I should leave some things for Tang Wan, but it seems that it does not like to eat.

Hmm, it must have never tasted something so delicious.

Tang Wan peeled a small piece of fresh shrimp's tender flesh and flew over with it. It handed the thing to Tang Wan. "Here, have one."

There was some anticipation in its eyes. If Tang Wan ate this thing, it would definitely like it.

Tang Wan took two steps back and frowned. "I don't like to eat this thing."

Tang Yuan's big eyes instantly dimmed. "Why don't you like it? Tang Yuan specially brought it to you. Why don't you like it..."