Chapter 610: Lord Jue, Please Press 2

"Alright, Lord Tang Yuan will let go of you!" Tang Yuan loosened its grip and moved its teeth. As expected, Tang Wan was a very boring worm.

"If you bully me again in the future, I will bite your ear and let you know that Lord Tang Yuan is not someone to be trifled with." Tang Yuan snorted coldly and poked its face. "Did you hear that? Eh, why did you turn crimson?"

Tang Wan turned around and ignored it!

"Eh, don't tell me, crimson is pretty good." Tang Yuan rubbed its fur. "It's really magical. Does it fade?"

"Tang Yuan, stop messing around!" Tang Wan turned its head and stared at it. "Do you know that the emperor Gu's ear can not be easily bitten!"

"I don't know. Tell me, why can't it be casually bitten?"


"Tell me, I only know that you can't casually pull it, but you pulled Lord Tang Yuan's ear, Lord Tang Yuan will naturally take revenge!" Tang Yuan's two little claws were crossed in front of its chest, looking at it with disdain.

Tang Wan held back its anger. Tang Yuan was really an unreasonable insect!

It took a deep breath and calmed itself down.

It was so angry!

"My Lord Jue is back! Hmph, I want to tell her that you pulled my ears and bullied me!"


Tang Wan could not express its bitterness. This bug was really arrogant!

It could not tell its master that this bug had bitten it!

Its master would only despise it.

Why was it that they were both masters and there was such a big difference!

Hmph, forget it. Only female bugs liked to complain. It was a big man like its master. If there was a problem, it would solve it itself. It would never look for its master!

Tang Wan thought hard for a long time. Since Tang Yuan was just a female insect, it did not want to argue with it anymore!

After all, its master and Ling Jue would be separated when they got back. They would not have to endure this insect that only knew how to act cute and bully it anymore!

Tang Yuan hopped around at the door, bored. Big blue eyes looked at the two crying people.

It looked up at Tang Wan curiously. "Tang Wan, you scoundrel. What is a descendant's root?"


As a male, Tang Wan naturally knew what it was, but how was it going to explain it to this female?

"I don't know either."

Tang Yuan looked at it with disdain. "Wow, you are so stupid. As an emperor Gu that has lived for so many years, you actually don't know."

"You..." Tang Wan took a deep breath, a deep breath. 'You can't kill worms. You have to be calm. You have to be calm!'

"I will ask my Lord Jue later. She will definitely know!" Tang Yuan raised its head proudly. "When I ask her, I will tell you what it is."

"..." When it was with Tang Yuan, it was always at a loss for words. It could not answer.

"What should we do?!"

"Why didn't Feng Yulin come back? He can't have run away, right?!"

"He'll come back."

"My son! He's already crippled at such a young age. What are we going to do in the future?!"

"Alright, stop crying."

"Why won't I cry?! When Feng Yulin comes back, I'll definitely rush up and give him a couple of slaps. How can he bully him like that?!"


Peng Linnan's mother was crying loudly while Peng Linnan's father was standing beside her and smoking.

Tang Yuan looked at all of this curiously. Did the handsome young man cripple him?

That must have been thanks to Lord Jue. As expected, they went to play without it. Hmph!

Such a cool thing, they should bring it along!

Tang Wan frowned. As long as it met its master, its memories would be shared with its master. It was wondering if it should share the incident where it was bitten in the ear with its master...