Chapter 723: Lord Jue's Live Stream Song 2

[You and I has given you a rocket under the pepper tree!]

"Alright, let's start playing the game. Let's sing a song first. Everyone, choose a song. Whoever I click on will choose the song."

[Sing 'I love you'!]

[I'll Wait for You for Ten Thousand Years!']

[ Xiao Manyao! ]

[Majestic and Magnificent!]

[Am I the only one who wants to listen to the national anthem?]

Ling Jue looked at the fast-moving bullet screen. "Alright, I'll start taking screenshots now."

"987654321!" Ling Jue looked at the person who had clicked on the screenshot. "This [Yin] has chosen on a song called 'Love Story, Part 1'."

She was slightly taken aback. She was more familiar with this song. After all, it was her ringtone.

"Hmm, then I'll sing this song for everyone." Ling Jue turned on the player and played the accompaniment.

[Oh my god! It's Lord Jue's first work! I want to record it!]

[Record, record, record, record!]

[I really wish there was an MP3 version.]

Ling Jue looked at the screen and sang, "The stars sprinkled in the middle of the night. Everyone happily tells their stories, but tonight's story is not easy to tell. I'm hesitating as I look at you, wanting to tell but hesitating again..."

[Good oh my god. I'm exploding! Ah! Lord Jue, I want to marry you!]

[A Cotton Flower gave you a Maserati!]

[Qingyin gave you a Ship!]

[Yin gave you a Treasure Map x 8]

[Is Yin a tycoon?]

[So rich! The eight Treasure Maps has almost exceeded 100,000.]

[Yin gave you a Maserati x 520]




The bullet comments were full of eclipses. What else was there to say?

There was nothing else to say, right?

Where the hell did this tycoon come from? Someone even said that he almost broke 100,000 yuan. Now, 520 Maseratis would be 520,000 yuan, right?!

Everyone was so shocked that they could not control themselves. What else could they say? There was only one sentence that they were convinced of!

"Uncle, why did you give Ling Jue so many gifts?" Beside him, Yin Chenyu saw his uncle's phone and was a little confused.

Yin Lianxi raised an eyebrow. "He sang very well."

Yin Chenyu pouted. "I sang even better. You wouldn't buy me a Pear Eight even if I asked you to."

Yin Lianxi stared at Ling Jue who was singing. His singing was really good. This little guy was really not bad.

Yin Chenyu was a little disgusted with his uncle. He had been watching the live broadcast the whole night. Did he really like Ling Jue that much?

"Uncle, Ling Jue and I are classmates. Do you want me to ask him for an autograph for you?"

"No need." Yin Lianxi's eyes dimmed. Ling Jue was quite close to Feng Yulin now, so he really did not have the chance to get close to him.

"You should talk to Ling Jue more at school. If you have the chance, let him come to my house as a guest."

Yin Chenyu shook his head. "He doesn't talk to me. Other than talking to Lu Yilie, Mu Chen, Ouyang Ye, and Xiao Yezi, he ignores everyone else who talks to him. I think he is quite powerful, but he is a little arrogant. I don't really like him..."

He did not like Ling Jue, Lu Yilie, and Mu Chen because they were the most dazzling existences in the class.

Moreover, their grades were higher than his. Sigh, leather was really annoying.

Yin Lianxi's eyes flashed. "I'll be relieved if you can learn even a little bit from Ling Jue."

Yin Chenyu stood up from the sofa and snorted coldly. "Why should I learn from him? I'm Yin Chenyu, not Ling Jue. Forget it, I'm not going to tell you anymore. I'm going to do my homework. I don't even know why Ling Jue doesn't do his homework. He even has the mood to broadcast live. He really thinks he's a celebrity..."