Chapter 69 always had something to worry about

Mu Zilin knew that they were going back to the capital, but he didn't think it would be so soon. 'After finishing high school—how could it be so soon?'

"Grandpa requested that we all go back. Grandpa is also old. I thought you would transfer schools after this semester. Fortunately, your middle school exam results were good, so transferring schools will be easy. You can also transfer to a key high school in the capital." Mu Ziyu didn't want to say it so early. However, there were some things that he still chose to let his younger brother know as soon as possible, because there was no difference whether he found out now or later. Also, if he knew that he was going to leave soon, he would cherish the time he had with his friends.

Mu Zilin's expression slightly changed. He didn't want to transfer schools. He was very reluctant to leave. Most importantly, all his friends were in this place.

The room was quiet. Mu Zilin grabbed the bedsheet and then let go. "Then you guys go back. I'll rent an apartment in school like Shuishui and live on my own."

"Do you think your family will let you do this?" Mu Ziyu asked. Their plans were already set and couldn't be changed. Their grandfather's health had deteriorated. As his grandsons, they definitely had to go back. Their grandfather loved their family the most. Mu Zilin's idea would not be realized.

He was very sad. He could not say anything about not going back. His grandfather had been very good to him, and he also missed his grandfather.

Mu Ziyu chose not to stay in Mu Zilin's room for too long and left.

Mu Zilin looked at his computer. He was no longer in the mood to play games. He picked up his phone, thought for a moment, and put it down. 'Forget it.' He would only leave after the end of the semester. It did not mean that he would leave immediately.

Qian Shuishui was at home. She turned on her computer and started to look up the many universities around the world.

Although it was still too early, it was possible. She wanted to choose a university that she wanted to go to. First of all, she wanted to look at the courses and the different majors. She still liked physics. She focused on the key universities. She needed to find a good university. She looked up the Top 20 key universities. She was very interested in two universities—The Beijing University of Science and Technology and Beijing University. The other universities were also not bad. However, the problem was that these two universities had an exchange program that required students to study in a foreign university for half a year.

In her previous life, as a physicist, she had never been abroad. Physics abroad seemed to be different, so she was full of curiosity.

She looked at the grade requirements for the two universities. Her grades were very high. Nothing was impossible. She wrote down the details in her notebook and set a goal.

From the time she left home, her life had become quiet. No one was noisy, and no one would slap her again. Her life was naturally good. Of course, after she moved out, her father, Qian An, asked her to go home once a week to dine with them. He no longer forced Shuishui to fix her relationship with her mother. After all, it had already changed. His wife did not care about Shuishui, and Shuishui had no feelings for her mother at all. Moreover, Shuishui had a cold attitude. He did not even feel angry anymore. He just did not understand how things turned out that way.

However, Shuishui was becoming more and more like that person—the woman who almost destroyed the family but gave up everything for him. However, she was no longer around.

Shuishui treated Qian An as her father, which was why she was willing to spend time to protect him. She completely ignored the other family members. Her relationship with her younger brother had improved, but there were still some things that he was used to saying. She completely loathed her older sister, who was just like her mother. She did terrible things to the original owner of her body. Her first impression was that her sister was bad. She reminded her of her relatives in her previous life, so she did not get close to her. She treated her like a stranger. There was an old saying that only your relatives could help you, when in fact, most of the people who would stab you in the back were the ones close to you. You still had to rely on yourself.

She turned off the computer and looked out the window. She relied only on herself. She would not betray herself. She moved the computer away and began to practice her calligraphy and fully immersed herself in it.

That night, when it was almost eleven o'clock, Qian An called.

"Shuishui, tomorrow night, Daddy will take you out to eat hot pot." Qian An did not know whether Shuishui had become darker or lost weight after the military training. He was only very pleased that his daughter had become more and more sensible.

"Okay. I am free tomorrow night. It just so happens that I want to talk to Daddy." Shuishui smiled.

Qian An smiled. "Do you have enough money to spend? If not, just tell me and I will transfer money to your account."

"Dad, my monthly allowance is enough for me to live on. There's no need to add more. How's the family recently?" Shuishui didn't know what to say and started to talk about the family.

Actually, Shuishui was just asking casually and didn't mean anything by it.

"The family is all right. If only your sister was half as sensible as you are now. Now that she's going out to play every day, Dad is a little worried that the guys she's dating are bad ones." Qian An was also worried about his elder daughter, Qian Momo. She no longer went home every day. Sometimes, she would say that she was staying in school, but then the school would call and say that she had skipped school for a few days and hadn't returned to the dormitory. His wife said that she would take care of it, so he didn't care too much because he couldn't get close to his eldest daughter. Whenever he spoke, Qian Momo would say that he was biased towards Shuishui. Although it hurt him, she was still his daughter and he loved her.

"Oh, is that so? It's late now, Father. You should rest early. Don't think too much. Actually, this will still depend on you. It's good that you've come to your senses and understood." Shuishui didn't feel anything for Qian Momo. Even if something happened to Qian Momo, she wouldn't feel any heartache or sadness.

Qian An thought, 'Yes, it still depends on me. Shuishui is just like that.' He then continued, "En, then Dad will rest early today. You too. You live alone. Close the doors and windows at home. Don't open the door for strangers. If there's anything, call Dad."

"Okay. Good night then, Dad." Shuishui hung up the phone. It felt good to have someone to worry about every day.

Qian An looked at his phone and sighed deeply. His eyes were filled with worry.

"Hubby, I made some soup for you. I'm coming in." Li Xue carried a bowl of hot soup and entered Qian An's study. When she would see Qian An like this, she would be a little unhappy.


"Ah? Oh, honey, you don't have to prepare my meal tomorrow. I won't be coming home to eat." Qian An looked at the bowl of hot soup and brought it nearer, even though he didn't really want to drink it.

"Do you have any social engagements?" Li Xue asked. 'That wasn't right. Sometimes on weekends, although he would go to the office, he wouldn't have much to do.'

"No. I'm going to take Shuishui out to eat. She just came back from military training. You know what food they serve during military training." The more Qian An thought about it, the more his heart ached. Moreover, Shuishui lived alone. He wondered if she ate on time.

Li Xue felt even more unhappy, but she could not show it. "Husband, the child is already so old. There's no need to always bring her along."

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please do not reprint it!