Chapter 74 turned out to be a burst pipe

Shuishui walked into the study room and placed the computer in the corner. She took out a good piece of rice paper and a bottle of ink. When she was ready, she picked up a brush and one word appeared in her mind: heart. She started to write seriously, stroke by stroke.

Qian An came to the door of the study room. He did not disturb Shuishui and just watched her and her brushstrokes.

Shuishui was very serious and it was rare to see her so engrossed.

It took her almost five minutes to finish her calligraphy work. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment before she finally finished.

She stamped her name on the corner after she finished.

Qian An looked at her work and expressed that he liked it very much. "It's great! Daddy likes it very much."

"It's good that Daddy likes it. In the future, when I've become more proficient in my skills, I'll write for you." Shuishui knew her own shortcomings, and she knew she still had to improve herself through learning and accumulation.

"Can you tell me why you chose to write this?" Qian An looked at the characters and felt that there should be a hidden meaning.

"The heart wants Father to be able to follow his heart. Ming wants Father to be able to be clear about everything." In truth, she couldn't explain it clearly because she decided on it impulsively. She felt that if a person could know his path and follow his heart, he would be very at ease.

However, she had always been unable to do so. She had been unable to see the people around her clearly, which resulted in the property that her parents had given her almost being taken away. Because she was unable to follow her heart, she began her path of revenge. She desperately tried to climb up the ladder and create trouble for her top-notch relatives. At the same time, she couldn't leave any evidence behind.

Qian An smiled as he gazed at his daughter's work. "I'll hang it in the office. Tomorrow, I'll get someone to customize the frame."

It was getting late. Shuishui escorted Qian An on his way out. It wasn't even ten o'clock yet. Shuishui didn't want to rest so early. She took a shower. She then saw that she had received a message on her phone. It was Mu Zilin, who had asked her to go with him to hang out. Naturally, she didn't want to, so she directly replied, "I'm not going."

The message quickly received a reply. "I'm so bored. Why don't I come to your apartment to hang out?"

"It's the middle of the night. Why are you looking for me?" Shuishui did not want to go out and only wanted to be alone.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Shuishui shouted.

Mu Zilin heard her voice and hung up. He tried to call back but could not get through. Mu Zilin could not help but wonder what was going on. Shuishui had called him just a moment ago. Did something happen?

He had called Shuishui again. Was she on the phone?

What was going on? If something happened, it would be troublesome. Shuishui was only a girl. After he thought about it, he decided to go to her apartment.

Mu Zilin took his house keys and his wallet and left.

Shuishui had a terrible headache. The water pipe in her apartment bathroom had burst. She immediately hung up the phone and called the management's office. Management had quickly cut off the water in her unit and got someone to deal with it. As it was nighttime and there were not many people who could attend to it, they waited for about twenty minutes before assistance arrived.

Later, the repair staff came. "There have been three cases of water pipes bursting in this building. I don't know what happened this time. The other staff members are checking and repairing it. It is estimated that the water will be cut off for two to three days."

"Then you guys fix my water pipes." Shuishui felt a headache coming on. The matter really made her feel a little helpless. Fortunately, she had already finished showering.

At that moment, someone rushed in. "Shuishui . . . Shuishui . . . Shuishui?"

The anxious voice stunned Shuishui. "Mu Zilin, why are you here?"

"It's all because of you. There was a sudden 'ah!' and then you got cut off. I tried calling you, but I couldn't get through." Mu Zilin was speechless. He thought that it was something urgent. He saw someone in uniform inside Shuishui's bathroom. "What happened inside?"

"The water pipe burst. Someone came to fix it." The matter was a bit urgent. She ignored Mu Zilin.

"I see." Mu Zilin breathed a sigh of relief. He felt relieved that she was fine.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please don't reprint it!