Chapter 116 was a very complicated matter

In the face of overwhelming strength, it was very easy to make a decision. Shuishui wouldn't hide it her true capabilities too much. Her outstanding qualities were her advantage. If she didn't make good use of these advantages, how long would she have to wait? Regarding her own interests, Shui Shui had thought about it very clearly. A person couldn't rely on his family for his entire life. Her relationship with her family was complicated. She felt that it was best if she could rely on herself and soon be independent.

They returned to the classroom after the competition.

The afternoon classes were the main ones and were rather boring. After school, Shuishui told Mu Qing she would catch up for dinner at their agreed place because she still had other things to do.

"We'll go ahead then. You can catch up later. Remember to be early to avoid traffic," Mu Zilin told Shuishui. Zilin took out his phone to contact his girlfriend. She wanted to eat with him, even though she would occasionally give him the cold shoulder.

Zilin knew that girls still needed to be doted on when they're in a bad mood. There's really no need to do anything else. Moreover, although she had a good temper, there were times when she would be very angry.

They separated at the school gate. Shuishui walked out and grabbed a taxi.

She went straight to the hospital and claimed the results. She left the hospital without reading it. She hailed a taxi outside, got in, and told the taxi driver her destination. When the taxi drove off, she slowly opened the report. Her gaze flickered slightly as she read the fine print of the report .

She looked down and saw the numbers despite the dimly lit car. The result was 99%. There was a 99% chance that she and Li Xue were not biologically related.

She was slightly dazed. She closed her eyes and opened them again. It was the same result. Li Xue was not her mother. How could it not be a mother-daughter relationship? She was shocked and quickly put away the report. The result was completely unexpected. She fainted and arrived at the destination. After she paid and got off the car, she stood at the side in a daze. There was a bus stop nearby, and people were coming and going. Shuishui stood there for a long time before she walked to the small restaurant across the street.

Lin Wanbai leaned her head against Mu Zilin's shoulder. "Zilin, do you want to eat grilled fish tonight?"

"Yes, Mu Qing said that this restaurant is delicious, so I came to try their dishes," Mu Zilin said with a smile.

Mu Qing looked at the couple. "Is there a need to do this? Isn't this torturing singles? When Shuishui arrives, she will definitely be speechless."

"I have a few single friends to introduce to you. With Shuishui's conditions, they will definitely like her very much." Lin Wanbai suddenly wanted to act as a matchmaker for them. This way, Mu Zilin would have more time to be with her.

Mu Zilin looked at his girlfriend. "With Shuishui's status, there will definitely be many people chasing after her. She had outstanding suitors, but she didn't accept them. She won't like your friends."

Mu Zilin thought of Shuishui's attitude, especially the previous Shuishui. She had high standards. He had seen Lin Wanbai's friends before. They were very ordinary and there was nothing special about them. They had to be high-quality people if they were introduced to Shuishui.

His straightforwardness made Lin Wanbai a little embarrassed, but she didn't say anything because she knew Mu Zilin's personality. If she said anything that would offend or upset Mu Zilin, he would probably dump her. What would she do then?

Mu Qing looked at Mu Zilin with disappointment. "Shuishui is a good catch, but it doesn't mean that I am too. "

"Let Shuishui introduce you to someone. Shuishui knows a lot of good people." Mu Zilin felt that Ah Ning and the other suitors were good matches for Shuishui. The problem was that their relationship with Shuishui was a little complicated.

"How can I have the face to tell Shuishui?" Mu Qing was unhappy. She felt that Mu Zilin really didn't understand women's hearts. She was sure that only Shuishui could understand her.

Lin Wanbai thought about Zilin and Shuishui. These two were actually very compatible. Why weren't they together? It was a pity. However, she thought about Shuishui's cold personality and Mu Zilin's carefree, fun-loving attitude. His personality seemed to be a little conflicted. She shrugged off her worries and her thoughts. Besides, their friendship had nothing to do with her.

Shuishui arrived. She walked over to the others. "Hi. How is it?"

"You're here. It's just nice. We ordered a large grilled fish and a few of your favorite dishes." Mu Zilin waved his hand and moved his butt to the seat next to him. He patted the seat next to him. "Come, sit here. My butt has just warmed up."

Shuishui was speechless. She quietly chose another chair to sit down on.

Lin Wanbai looked at Shuishui and said, "Shuishui, I heard from Mu Qing and the rest that you've passed the mathematics competition. You're so amazing. You're so good at mathematics. In the future, if I don't understand something, I finally know who to ask."

Shuishui just smiled and nodded. "Let's talk about it when there's time."

She had actually rejected Lin Wanbai. She was already rather busy with teaching Mu Zilin. She already had a headache. His foundation was not good. Every time she would introduce a topic, she would have to explain it in great detail so that he would understand. Fortunately, Mu Zilin was smart too, so his foundation could be improved.

Mu Zilin patted his girlfriend's shoulder. "All right. Why are you asking your study committee member? My Shuishui is very busy. At most, you can ask me. If I know how to do it, I will give you an answer. If I don't, you can just look for someone else."

"En, all right." Lin Wanbai lowered her head and was a little unhappy. 'Your Shuishui? What about me? What am I?' She also knew that she could not be jealous of them, because their relationship was very platonic and not as ambiguous as she had imagined. Meanwhile, Mu Qing, in her opinion, was just a passerby who had a better relationship with Qian Shuishui.

Shuishui ordered a cup of sour plum soup but she did not say much. She was thinking about the results report and whether she should tell her father about it.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please do not reprint it!