Chapter 124

"I'll play too. Take me with you. When we reach Level 35, we'll get married." Lin Wanbai thought of the game and its marriage system. She had heard of the game's bridal mode.

Mu Zilin did not intend to get married in the game, but to Lin Wanbai, he only said, "We'll see when the time comes."

Lin Wanbai nodded sensibly. Even though she was not very satisfied with his answer, she did not say anything. She knew Mu Zilin's impulsive personality. She knew he could easily break up with her. She liked Mu Zilin more and more every day, so she did her best to restrain her temper. She even kept her hair neat and tide, so as not to make Mu Zilin unhappy.

On the other hand, Mu Zilin was very casual about their relationship. If things went smoothly between them, they could be together. If things went sour, they could break up. For him, there was nothing else to say about it. He thought Lin Wanbai had a charming personality, but he was not very emotionally invested in her. He found her a little clingy because she wanted to be with him all day long.

Shuishui listened to their conversation and kept quiet. She wasn't very interested in the game as they were.

Mu Qing pulled Shuishui's arm and said, "Actually, female players can get married in the game. They can marry their compatriots. Once your account reaches Level 35, you'll be able to marry my compatriots."

"Suit yourself, but I don't really want to play." Shuishui was still very indifferent.

Mu Qing also didn't care much, because she rarely played a single game for a long time.

They entered a different cafeteria, one that they hadn't eaten at. When they had passed by this canteen before, there were seats available. That day they planned to eat there, however, there were no vacant seats anywhere. Mu Qing's face fell. "No way. There are so many people here."

"Shuishui, go and find a seat. Mu Zilin and I will go and get some food." Mu Qing told Shuishui to move quickly.

Shuishui shrugged and looked around. "You guys go quickly. I found seats for us."

Qian Shuishui walked over to a table and waited for the person seated to leave before she sat down. The table was for four people and it was just right for them. She waited for Mu Zilin and the others. After more than ten minutes, they slowly arrived at the table with the food. Mu Zilin bought a lot of food. As he put it down, he heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm so tired."

"Eh, you're already tired after carrying only four plates of dishes?" Shuishui asked.

"Eh, I have your sweet and sour pork ribs and braised pork. I ordered more. Mu Qing ordered the rice and Lin Wanbai took two dishes." Mu Zilin laid out the dishes and distributed the disposable chopsticks among them.

Shuishui immediately ate the sweet and sour pork ribs. "This place is not bad. The sweet and sour pork ribs are very tasty."

"As long as you like it." Everyone sat down and started eating. They had also ordered six small stir-fry dishes. The dishes looked much more appetizing than the food served in the two other canteens.

Shuishui ate quickly. She also ate a lot of braised pork, which she felt had a special taste. It was soft and a bit sweet.

Lin Wanbai watched Shuishui eat the meat and could not help but laugh. "The meat is too fatty, don't you think?"

"It should be." Shuishui responded with only a few words.

Lin Wanbai felt a little awkward. Did Qian Shuishui not like her? She felt that Shuishui did not talk much to her. She felt that the way Shuishui responded was also cold and indifferent.

Lin Wanbai thought too much. Shuishui was not very warm towards people she was not familiar with. She was also not a warm person.

Mu Qing was used to Shuishui's personality. She realized that Shuishui would not really respond with a lot of words, but she did listen attentively to what people had to say. Other people would converse with others perfunctorily, but it was obvious that Shuishui was very sincere to others.

She picked up a large piece of rib for Shuishui. "This meat looks good."

"Okay. Thank you." Shuishui buried her head in her food.

Mu Zilin could not help but pat Shuishui on the back as she ate, and he shared it with his brother. He sent Mu Ziyu a mesage: "Brother, Shuishui is very fond of meat. Look, she eats alone and is not afraid of fat at all. If you want to treat Shuishui to a meal, you must go to a place that serves a lot of meat dishes."

Zilin knew that Shuishui was helping his brother, but he did not know how. His brother had said that he wanted to treat Shuishui to a meal, so he needed to learn more about Shuishui's favorite restaurant.

He sent Mu Ziyu a picture of Shuishui. Mu Ziyu replied: "Give me a few more pictures."

Mu Zilin was speechless. He secretly snapped a few more pictures of Shuishui as she ate.

The photos were secretly taken. Mu Ziyu found Shuishui especially cute.

Even though her mouth was full, Shuishui was conscious of how she looked. She ate daintily and kept her mouth closed while she enjoyed the food.

Shuishui felt that she had been secretly photographed. Shuishui blinked and said, "What are you doing?"

Mu Zilin was behaving unnaturally and looked awkward. "Uh, nothing. Continue eating."

Shuishui took out a piece of tissue and wiped her mouth. "Stop taking photos secretly. Your photography skills are terrible. If I were to be seen in such a miserable state, I would lose my appetite."

"What? My photography skills are very good." Mu Zilin was displeased. How could they say that his photography skills were not good?

Mu Qing nodded in agreement. "Shuishui is right. Mu Zilin, your photography skills are bad. Even the beautiful girls become ugly in your photos. You should go and photograph your girlfriend instead of Shuishui."

Mu Zilin felt that the two were taunting him. "You two don't know how to appreciate it."

Lin Wanbai looked at Mu Zilin. "Why did you think of taking a photo of Shuishui?"

"It's not like I wanted to take a photo of her. Don't ask so many questions. It has nothing to do with you." Mu Zilin did not want to expose his brother.

Shuishui heard him but did not ask further.

Mu Zilin looked at Shuishui and saw that Shuishui just shrugged it off. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief. If he was exposed, he would be dead for sure.

Mu Qing was not curious about it. She also knew she would not get an answer even if she asked.

After they ate, they went to the sports field.

"Hey, Shuishui, tomorrow is Wednesday. Let's go for dinner tonight. There's a Western restaurant I want to try," Mu Qing said to Shuishui.

Shuishui remembered she wasn't available. "Maybe not tonight. How about Friday? My treat."

"Okay." Mu Qing nodded with a smile. She was very happy.

Mu Zilin was not interested in Western food, so he did not ask to go.

Lin Wanbai did not join in the conversation between Mu Qing and Shuishui. She felt that Shuishui did not like her. She felt that Mu Qing did not like her as well. She did not know why. She wanted to talk to Mu Qing, but Mu Qing ignored her and even threw her a cold look. Lin Wanbai felt a little wronged, so she asked Zilin in a low voice, "Zilin, do Mu Qing and Shuishui dislike me?"

"Why are you thinking so much? Shuishui doesn't like to talk and even treats me like that. Do you want Shuishui to treat you warmly?" Mu Zilin asked back.

"That's not what I meant. I just feel that they don't like me very much. I thought that I did something wrong." Lin Wanbai didn't think that she was misinterpreting things. She did not know how to respond to what Zilin had just said. She was only Mu Zilin's girlfriend, not Qian Shuishui. She felt that she was being a little too pretentious, but she wanted him to see things from her own point of view. She felt very uncomfortable being ignored.

Mu Zilin stopped. "You're dating me. Why do you care so much about the others? They're not familiar with you, so it's normal if they don't treat you warmly. All right? Don't talk about being wronged. They've never said anything about you."

Zilin thought that girls were troublesome. Girls would often misinterpret the actions of others. To be honest, if Shuishui hated Lin Wanbai, she wouldn't even say a single word. He felt that Lin Wanbai really thought of herself as a little princess. She had assumed that the others hated her simply because they had not treated her very warmly.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please don't reprint it!