Chapter 121

On Tuesday, Shuishui went to class as usual. Mu Qing and Mu Zilin were talking about the game, and other people had joined in.

"I reached Level 11 yesterday. We can play the simplest dungeon tonight," Mu Qing said.

Mu Zilin nodded. "Okay. By the way, Shuishui, what level are you in?"

"Level 0." Shuishui had ignored the game. For her, there was nothing fun about it.

Mu Zilin patted Shuishui on the shoulder. "How about this—give me your account and I'll play for you."

Shuishui casually gave the password and account to Mu Zilin.

Mu Zilin looked at the number and said, "You're lucky. This registered account has three sixes and three eights."

Shuishui liked her account. "I'm lucky." Shuishui laughed and nodded.

Mu Qing looked at it enviously. Her account had two fours. It was too unlucky.

"Shuishui, why don't you play? It's actually quite fun." Mu Qing felt that the game would be more interesting if they all played together.

Shuishui shook her head. "No. I don't want to waste time. Besides, I don't have much time to play."

"All right."

They continued to talk about their own games. Shuishui read her book and studied hard. She was actually reading the content of the science course at the back. She felt that it wasn't difficult. She took a look at the problem solving processes because her way of thinking was too direct. She still had to solve the problem like a high school student.

She figured out what to do after reading and studying the course for a while.

She listed down and illustrated the key points and then gave a copy to Mu Zilin so that he would be able to keep up. She also explained some of the key points and marked the highlights. She promised herself that she would try her best to help Mu Zilin. If she herself didn't understand something, she would study harder.

Mu Zilin was slowly catching up in science. Shuishui, on the other hand, did her best in the liberal arts. Because of Shuishui, Mu Zilin had a fearless attitude. He was confident that Shuishui would help him understand topics and concepts that he found difficult and confusing. He felt that Shuishui could do anything. She had a very sharp tongue. He remembered that when they were brought to the police station a while back, she answered and argued eloquently that the police officers were stunned.

Being with Shuishui was very reassuring.

"I'll draw the important points for you. When you go home, you can start reading. If you don't understand, just ask me." Shuishui brought the book to Mu Zilin. "Also, during this time, you should study hard. Focus on your studies."

"All right. I got it. I'll work hard. We'll go to university together. You must go to Beijing." Mu Zilin hoped that he could be in the same city as Shuishui, who was his only good friend. He hoped that they would not be too far away.

Their friendship they shared was very pure and rare. Many people had asked whether they were a couple. They had answered the question countless times. They always made it clear that they were only very good friends. They would always have fun together, and Shuishui would always find herself wide-eyed in disbelief over Zilin's antics. Zilin's relationship with his current girlfriend, Lin Wanbai, was a win-win situation. Lin Wanbai had taken a liking to his extravagance, and he had taken a liking to her cleverness. Their relationship was just for fun. He did not know when he would meet the girl he truly liked. He felt that it would be difficult, because several of his former partners changed their hearts very quickly, and this actually scarred him. Zilin felt that he was tagged as a playboy.

The previous Shuishui—she was the one who played games. She would catch the attention of a handful of guys and throw them off when she dislikes a single thing about them. She was rumored to have had several partners, but now, she was not even interested in any men.